Possible Victim: Shannan Gilbert, 24, missing May 2010, found Oak Beach Dec 2011 #3

The thing is, if she were drunk and high, ran into a wet thicket and died----


If she had just recently called 911, and sounded distressed enough for the operator to note she needs help,

If she had just banged on several doors, causing residents to call 911 concerned for her,

If you are Pak, and you both witnessed her on the phone with 911, and learned from a neighbor that police had been called,

She disappears from sight,

If they are all too selfless and unheroic to chase her to keep her from hurting herself,

If they are all too inept at problem solving that they don't get neighbors to help her, including a Dr. and LE officer living in the community,

If they don't even consider dialing 911 themselves and saying there is a young woman in crisis,

Why can't anybody at least tell the police which way she went, and that it's urgent?

Are the people in Oak Beach that horrible? Is Pak that unconcerned with someone who, if nothing else, is a paycheck for him?

Running off and dying only makes since if people who saw Shannan in crisis are nearly criminally negligent.

My opinion is something more active happened. But if it were just inaction, is that okay? And does it make sense?

It seems like nobody cared what was and did happen to Shannan. To me that is the great shame. That shame is only compounded if today, the people with power and authority do nothing to bring the facts to light.

Maybe we would learn that Shannan was really 'mentally fried', and that Pak, Brewer, Hackett, and the rest of the good people of Oak Beach, did everything reasonable and possible to aid and assist Shannan in trying to prevent harm befalling her.

What say you, the political, judicial and law enforcement leadership of Suffolk County? If you do nothing of significance this type of event will happen again. IMO.
Hi all - Tricia gave me permission to post. I am a news producer and I am looking to speak with someone who has been posting on websleuths about the Gilgo Case since nearly the very beginning. Please direct message me and I will touch base with you. Thank you!
It's extremely annoying to me that people refer to Shannan Gilbert's as being mental health issues as the culprit of that night's events. That is ludicrous after having listened to the 911 call.

What is crazy is this whole situation - and it's really impossible to tell from that 911 call what was actually happening.

The one thing I feel I can safely say is that Shannan tried to hide that she was on the phone with 911 - it's pretty clear that she switches from being groggy-sounding to being coherent and astute. That is not due to mental health problems but rather due to either deception or being drugged by something like heroin (nodding out/drifting in and out of various degrees of consciousness).

Anyhow - one thing that - for me - detracts from John Ray's arguments is his insistence on that Hackett is involved. Hackett has all the hallmarks of a red herring. He seems severely physically handicapped - he couldn't have killed Shannan alone. So what's the point, really? Is it just that he's the easiest target in this bizarre mess of a case?
It's extremely annoying to me that people refer to Shannan Gilbert's as being mental health issues as the culprit of that night's events. That is ludicrous after having listened to the 911 call.

What is crazy is this whole situation - and it's really impossible to tell from that 911 call what was actually happening.

The one thing I feel I can safely say is that Shannan tried to hide that she was on the phone with 911 - it's pretty clear that she switches from being groggy-sounding to being coherent and astute. That is not due to mental health problems but rather due to either deception or being drugged by something like heroin (nodding out/drifting in and out of various degrees of consciousness).

Anyhow - one thing that - for me - detracts from John Ray's arguments is his insistence on that Hackett is involved. Hackett has all the hallmarks of a red herring. He seems severely physically handicapped - he couldn't have killed Shannan alone. So what's the point, really? Is it just that he's the easiest target in this bizarre mess of a case?


ITA with Shannan not sounding mentally ill during the call.

In addition, mental illness would make her more vulnerable to murder, not less.

In addition again, if she were outside of reality, the men in the background would have said so, and restrained her even knowing they were being listened to. Instead, they acted quietly, waiting her out to take whatever their intended actions were after the call was disconnected.

I think Peter Hackett is lying about something. He has been caught in some lies. And the reason for his lying is unclear. That does not mean he is a murderer, but it means to me, at the very least, he is interfering with solving a murder.

Regardless of her mental state, Shannan felt endangered and called 911. At no time did the 911 operators, in anyway diminish the seriousness of this call. Even so-called normal people under stress, can sound and act unstable.

Hackett in my opinion is a key link in the events of that night. He can answer the following questions which would help clarify what really happened.
1) When and where did you first meet Shannan?
2) You admitted treating Shannan at your house, how did she arrive there?
3) When and how did Shannan leave your house?

If for example:
Hackett were to say 'Shannan, left my house with Pak at 5:45 AM, in his vehicle, she was fully clothed and sleeping, it would be safe to assume she did not wander off into the marsh by herself.

ITA with Shannan not sounding mentally ill during the call.

In addition, mental illness would make her more vulnerable to murder, not less.

In addition again, if she were outside of reality, the men in the background would have said so, and restrained her even knowing they were being listened to. Instead, they acted quietly, waiting her out to take whatever their intended actions were after the call was disconnected.

I think Peter Hackett is lying about something. He has been caught in some lies. And the reason for his lying is unclear. That does not mean he is a murderer, but it means to me, at the very least, he is interfering with solving a murder.


Thank you! This - so very true - thanks for pointing out another thing about that call that is so incredibly off.
Regardless of her mental state, Shannan felt endangered and called 911. At no time did the 911 operators, in anyway diminish the seriousness of this call. Even so-called normal people under stress, can sound and act unstable.

Hackett in my opinion is a key link in the events of that night. He can answer the following questions which would help clarify what really happened.
1) When and where did you first meet Shannan?
2) You admitted treating Shannan at your house, how did she arrive there?
3) When and how did Shannan leave your house?

If for example:
Hackett were to say 'Shannan, left my house with Pak at 5:45 AM, in his vehicle, she was fully clothed and sleeping, it would be safe to assume she did not wander off into the marsh by herself.
He may be the link. But I've been wondering if someone else popped in and used his phone to call Mari Gilbert.

The motivation, I suppose, would be to shake things up. As if they weren't messy enough. But *the wayward Hackett call* certainly is a verified fact that really stops you in your tracks when you go through the timeline.

That call takes the attention away from more pertinent facts and taints everything with the stigma of conspiracy.
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Hmm.. I did a quick watch of this video, but someone correct me if I'm wrong:
He's pretty much just stating the same things that we already know, right? AKA- No new evidence.

Either way, I hope that Shannans family can find peace in whatever happened to her.
Whether it was rex, hackett, an accident, etc-
They deserve to have peace and closure for once.

As far as Rex goes... I HOPE that he opens up about EVERYTHING he's done--
Which will, hopefully, give *some sense of* peace to all victims and families hes destroyed.
Hmm.. I did a quick watch of this video, but someone correct me if I'm wrong:
He's pretty much just stating the same things that we already know, right? AKA- No new evidence.

Either way, I hope that Shannans family can find peace in whatever happened to her.
Whether it was rex, hackett, an accident, etc-
They deserve to have peace and closure for once.

As far as Rex goes... I HOPE that he opens up about EVERYTHING he's done--
Which will, hopefully, give *some sense of* peace to all victims and families hes destroyed.

Two new things were clear to me:

1. John Ray sees a connection between Shannan and Rex - but he can't divulge any details and he seems to indicate that he doesn't *know* there is a connection, just that there could be.
2. I'm under the impression that the police is now more amenable to performing explorative investigations - one would hope armed with massive data science resources and expertise.
He may be the link. But I've been wondering if someone else popped in and used his phone to call Mari Gilbert.

The motivation, I suppose, would be to shake things up. As if they weren't messy enough. But *the wayward Hackett call* certainly is a verified fact that really stops you in your tracks when you go through the timeline.

That call takes the attention away from more pertinent facts and taints everything with the stigma of conspiracy.
I believe Hackett did admit making the call himself.
Yes. Exactly. I mean, I can come up with explanations for that but those seem far fetched.

So yeah, he made that weird call and I guess then he must be a very weird man.
The odds are very much in favor of him somehow being involved with her death that night. Even more so considering her clothing and belongings were found not far from his back yard.

It's extremely annoying to me that people refer to Shannan Gilbert's as being mental health issues as the culprit of that night's events. That is ludicrous after having listened to the 911 call.

What is crazy is this whole situation - and it's really impossible to tell from that 911 call what was actually happening.

The one thing I feel I can safely say is that Shannan tried to hide that she was on the phone with 911 - it's pretty clear that she switches from being groggy-sounding to being coherent and astute. That is not due to mental health problems but rather due to either deception or being drugged by something like heroin (nodding out/drifting in and out of various degrees of consciousness).

Anyhow - one thing that - for me - detracts from John Ray's arguments is his insistence on that Hackett is involved. Hackett has all the hallmarks of a red herring. He seems severely physically handicapped - he couldn't have killed Shannan alone. So what's the point, really? Is it just that he's the easiest target in this bizarre mess of a case?
WRT to Hackett, I think he was part of a small group of people involved in Shannan’s death. He may have been involved in a peripheral way that night, and there were probably grains of truth in the story he told Shannan’s family in his disturbing phone calls.
Just saw this on the RH thread.

Seems there is some witness that can link RH with Shannan Gilbert.
Just saw this on the RH thread.

Seems there is some witness that can link RH with Shannan Gilbert.

I don't know if Harrison said an investigation into SG's death will be opened but this is better than nothing.
''One of the witnesses who spoke with Ray said she had a previous encounter with Heuermann at a well-known swinger’s club near Heuermann’s Manhattan office.

The witness told Ray she ended up at Heuermann’s home where another woman, identified as Vergata, was seen running out of the home naked.

It wasn’t until media reports about Heuermann’s arrest that she recognized him and Vergata.

Another woman, who was working as a cab driver at the time, said had a disturbing encounter with Heuermann at a motel she was called to by her dispatcher.

She told Ray she saw Heuermann in the parking and moments later a woman came out of a room crying. The cab driver identified the woman as Gilbert, who she then drove to a local train station.''
I don't feel totally confident in things J Ray has been saying for a few months but he has attempted to keep SG's case in the public eye, and has, of course, kept things moving in court.


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