Prosecutors New Motion for Private Meeting w/Judge but w/out Defense #2

FWIW, the latest National Enquirer says that this motion is related to a tip
that RK received from a jail house friend who says that someone in the jail overheard CA saying (article does not say to whom) that she pulled her car
in, tripped over some bricks, and buried little Caylee about 80 ft from the road. I wish I could find some other verification of this story, but have not, despite some sleuthing.

Wow...if all these people are to be believed, Casey sure spends a lot of time talking to herself outloud in jail.....

Unless RK "mystery jail employee girlfriend" coincidentally heard yet ANOTHER conversation????

And once again, it is involves RK....I betcha "someone" is leaking a "storyline" to the NE to divert attention BACK to RK....yet again....
Plus this rumor has been around for a long time. Maybe started by defense??? But LE would have known a long time ago who RK's girlfriend is, if she works at the jail and if she actually told him anything. It would not have taken this long. LP was talking about this a year ago. JMO

Or their students! :dance:
Wow...if all these people are to be believed, Casey sure spends a lot of time talking to herself outloud in jail.....

Unless RK "mystery jail employee girlfriend" coincidentally heard yet ANOTHER conversation????

And once again, it is involves RK....I betcha "someone" is leaking a "storyline" to the NE to divert attention BACK to RK....yet again....

But if the conversation was not with her attorney it's not priviledged, correct?
But if the conversation was not with her attorney it's not priviledged, correct?

Exactly, but where would she have had this conversation where she was in proximity to anyone else?

(btw...I don't believe this conversation took place at all, but do think it is possible that someone "planted" the story to the NE....someone who obviously is stuck on keeping RK in focus....
Wow...if all these people are to be believed, Casey sure spends a lot of time talking to herself outloud in jail.....

Unless RK "mystery jail employee girlfriend" coincidentally heard yet ANOTHER conversation????

And once again, it is involves RK....I betcha "someone" is leaking a "storyline" to the NE to divert attention BACK to RK....yet again....

The thing is, if the source was a KC conversation that got to RK via some daisy chain then the risk in that is more admissability of the crime scene, right?

It doesn't have the desired Defense effect of implicating RK since the source of the location of Caylee was KC -- so it implicates KC.

So if the Defense was seeding this rumor then it'd be to try to rule some discovery out rather than position RK as the nanny baby killer.

I would think this was investigated and ruled out long ago, so seems one of those recurring Urban Myths.
FWIW, the latest National Enquirer says that this motion is related to a tip
that RK received from a jail house friend who says that someone in the jail overheard CA saying (article does not say to whom) that she pulled her car
in, tripped over some bricks, and buried little Caylee about 80 ft from the road. I wish I could find some other verification of this story, but have not, despite some sleuthing.

That story is old and was discredited a long time ago. Not that the NE would care.
What if??? Not saying this is what happened, but what if it was determined that someone from the defense team (not saying who) made arrangements for someone (not saying who) to go to the site where Caylee's remains were left, and told/paid that person to remove evidence from the site? And he did. Would that cause the type of reactions that we are seeing from the prosecution?

If KC told her defense team where Caylee was left, the defense has no legal responsibility to report that info to the LE or the court. As long as they took no further action, there is no crime. But if they arranged/paid someone to go to the site and remove evidence, then they would be guilty of a crime, wouldn't they? A crime that would impact KC's trial, a crime that LE/prosecution must investigate and one that they wouldn't want reported to the defense.

I'm not saying this happened, but I am wondering if it could cause the actions we are seeing from the SA.
I wonder if this "information" is a crime discovered not related to Casey A. but some other crime that LE is investigating currently? If the result of some evidence recovered at the site where Caylee was found led the to another separate crime they would not want any information released to tip off the suspect of that crime. The information may be bundled with other results and in order to extract it they would have to black out or change the response from the FBI or some other agency. I sure they would have to get court approval in that case.

Given the timings involved I still think that this has to be something coming directly from the formal under oath deposition of DC. (Which is not public and the defense will not see as JB never added him to the witness list.). Th emore I think on it, the more I kind of suspect it comes down to something along the lines of one statement. "<Insert member of the defense team here> instructed me and promised to pay me to locate and MOVE Caylee's remains from the location they were later found at."

This may also apply to if LE discovered something similar that revolved around the A's themselves. But I don't think that that would cause them to seek to limit the defense team access like this. Whereas a statement from DC against the defense would be enough to trigger an investigation, he certainly is not a credible enough witness for any direct and immediate action to otherwise be taken.

Just my speculation. But it seems to be the only thing that makes sense to me. Whatever LE is seeking to seal has to stem from DC's testimony and records and pictures then seized from him, his office and his associates. The most obvious testimony from him to trigger something like this would be "Why were you in the woods that day? What were you sent there to do? No really?!"
I have often thought that Dom, now scorned may think the only way he is going to get paid is to switch sides and write a tell all book. Maybe he will fancy himself as the Amber Frye of this case. He could never be like her, on his best day, imo.
Given the timings involved I still think that this has to be something coming directly from the formal under oath deposition of DC. (Which is not public and the defense will not see as JB never added him to the witness list.). Th emore I think on it, the more I kind of suspect it comes down to something along the lines of one statement. "<Insert member of the defense team here> instructed me and promised to pay me to locate and MOVE Caylee's remains from the location they were later found at."

This may also apply to if LE discovered something similar that revolved around the A's themselves. But I don't think that that would cause them to seek to limit the defense team access like this. Whereas a statement from DC against the defense would be enough to trigger an investigation, he certainly is not a credible enough witness for any direct and immediate action to otherwise be taken.

Just my speculation. But it seems to be the only thing that makes sense to me. Whatever LE is seeking to seal has to stem from DC's testimony and records and pictures then seized from him, his office and his associates. The most obvious testimony from him to trigger something like this would be "Why were you in the woods that day? What were you sent there to do? No really?!"

This would make sense since it was an Investigative Deposition of DC that LE would now be investigating the information uncovered from the deposition. Timing seems about right. JMO
This would make sense since it was an Investigative Deposition of DC that LE would now be investigating the information uncovered from the deposition. Timing seems about right. JMO

It all stems from that "Baez told me not to call 911 if we found anything" statement. OK they were going to that line, but that line only? Sorry not buying it. We know they were in the exact woods looking for the body (and only looking there). We know they did not want LE involved, and we know JB was specifically an element of the conversation (regardless of any tall tales of psychics etc). So the question becomes what were they really there to do? It just seems to me that this would be the most direct path to the SA making motions similar to this one. I mean I really don't think they would be seeking to talk to the judge if what they were investigating involved Cindy or George. They would simply investigate and then drop the bomb. But looking at opposing council is where it gets sticky.
It is with great hope that in the time that has transpired from their knowledge of this material, to the writing & filing of their motion, to the time in which Judge JS has responded, that they have had the time they needed to investigate. To me, although probably normal, this has been a long period of time since we first heard of the matter. I'm sure it's normal and I do sit here on pins and needles for developments, but just hoping the time they needed has maybe already been given during "the process". I'm sure they continued to investigate the matter/materials while waiting for a response to their motion.

I had the same thought kew17
I posted this in the first thread on this but, I can't help but wonder if maybe the "psychic" has come forward with information on the truth behind the search????
Here is what I posted:
You know my daisy chain project and my hunch that it is no coincidence that soooooooooooo many psychics and people were close to the scene prior to the big discovery by RK.
Part of what haunted me into that chart (still work in progress!) is remembering the lyrics of the song on Casey's page before it was changed. The song was: EVERY DAY IS EXACTLY THE SAME, Artist is Nine Inch Nails.

This lyric snip is what has bothered me: "Well, I’ll hide it behind something
They won’t look behind", my point! I have always wondered if there was a note in that bear. Perhaps Cindy, Lee or someone, knew this was a cryptic message from KC and figured it out and thus included that in the bear sent to "the psychic!"

Now it is ironic that for KC - EVERY DAY *IS* EXACTLY THE SAME NOW. I would say that KC was more psychic than G. Lucas!

But, say there was a note in that bear - could LE want more time to determine who wrote it and who was involved in tampering with a corpse??

Go ahead and toss wet motions at me -- I have a wall! LOL :truce:
I thought I just heard on one of the tapes in the "is Casey indigent" videos that the judge has said no to meeting with the Pros in a closed meeting about keeping discovery from the defense. I thought it said that he told them to write him a paper saying what they wanted to keep away from the defense and he will take it under consideration after he reads what the discovery is. Did anyone else watch that video?

I just checked and the vidio is called "Is Casey Anthoy's defense team short on cash" and it is found on #104. It is right at the end of the video...on the indigent thread. The judge has denied the secret meeting.
He denied the ex parte but told the SA to write it up and send it to him sealed and he would review it and decide whether it should be witheld.
I just want to say that from the very first hearing I have respected this judge. He has elegant manners, but he suffers no fools.

Remember this little gem?

Mr. Ashton: "That is something that is NOT helpful to her case, to have her own attorney going on national television saying she lied to the police!!!!!!!"

The judge agreed to give the prosecution thirty days, with the right to request to extend that if needed to keep the information sealed while they investigate. woo hoo.

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