Receipts Deep Dive

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Hi all, haven't been here in a while.

CA didn't care about KC stealing AH's money. She didn't even know AH. (Think like an Anthony for a minute here) If CA was going to use that money to compensate someone, it should have been SP or herself, who had just spent hundreds getting the car out of impound while KC was running around with hundreds in her purse. CA wanted her money back just like AH. Can ya blame her? I doubt at that very minute it was really registering to CA thought her grandbaby was really, truly "missing" or dead. I think she was sincere when she called 911 but I think KC's lie comforted her a little once she heard Caylee was with someone she knew.

She was probably thinking more about KC being a thief, a financial liability and an irresponsible mother.

As far as keeping the receipts...if they were just in her purse, I don't think much of it. I have a Ross addiction like she has one for Target, but if they were in order, including car wash and movie receipts, I think she intentionally kept them AS EVIDENCE to show that she couldn't have killed Caylee at those times, after all, she was shopping on this day and at the movies on that day. Better to face charges for stealing checks than murder.

She probably thought she could talk her way through an interogation to account for the other time.
I don't believe KC had any intentions on splitting from Orlando. MH was convenient for email/phone sex judging from the records. She had a few guys on the side on AL she was lining up to "take care" of her.

KC would have dished out to MH the same or similar lies she gave to AH as to why she couldn't go to Jacksonville or PR with them. Betcha MH is glad he is on the other coast; far, far away from the mess KC created.

The money was in KC's bag that LA brought back from AL's apt early morning on 7.16.08.

I think that KC was biding her time, hoping that TonE would "fall helplessly in love" with her, but MH in California may have been just in case TonE returned to NY and didn't take KC with him. MH was her insurance policy as the "next guy" if TonE didn't work out. Too bad, so sad that CA found KC before she had a chance to see if TonE was "the one".
Hi all, haven't been here in a while.

CA didn't care about KC stealing AH's money. She didn't even know AH. (Think like an Anthony for a minute here) If CA was going to use that money to compensate someone, it should have been SP or herself, who had just spent hundreds getting the car out of impound while KC was running around with hundreds in her purse. CA wanted her money back just like AH. Can ya blame her? I doubt at that very minute it was really registering to CA thought her grandbaby was really, truly "missing" or dead. I think she was sincere when she called 911 but I think KC's lie comforted her a little once she heard Caylee was with someone she knew.

She was probably thinking more about KC being a thief, a financial liability and an irresponsible mother.

As far as keeping the receipts...if they were just in her purse, I don't think much of it. I have a Ross addiction like she has one for Target, but if they were in order, including car wash and movie receipts, I think she intentionally kept them AS EVIDENCE to show that she couldn't have killed Caylee at those times, after all, she was shopping on this day and at the movies on that day. Better to face charges for stealing checks than murder.

She probably thought she could talk her way through an interogation to account for the other time.

Well, welcome back! And, what a great idea to come back with! You may very well be right! That makes so much since as to why KC would have kept all of those receipts in order like that. She was attempting to account for her time, if she had to. Great thought!
Another possibility for KC to keep the receipts and suddenly so well organized, according to LA, maybe TL liked to keep receipts and was well organized. It's been said by at least JG that KC seemed to adopt behaviors like those she was around, or something like that. I think JG said she became much more religious and interested in the bible while she was dating him. Maybe she was just simply trying to impress TL with how organized she was because it was important to him. I always thought it was a little bit odd that LA would make a point of telling LE how organized her bag was and he didn't think that was like her at all. Maybe she was just trying to be the little Bella Mia for TL.
What if Casey kept the receipts as trophies? She probably bought most of that stuff with stolen money. Maybe a big handful of receipts gave her a thrill thinking about her crimes. The receipts were proof of how smart and bold she was and how she had gotten away with it all. I can see Casey being compulsive about her trophies and that could be why they were (possibly) put in order by her. Serial criminals love their trophies and take care of them as if they were precious objects. Maybe that's what Casey was doing.
I honestly think she just stuffed each receipt in her purse after the purchase and didn't think about it again.
She and
Tony are on video there and he says she bought shoes.

PattyG adding link for reference re: shoes. Tony.090808.pdf (page 12)

Dang it! I got so excited when I saw this post. Then I read AL's testimony. He says he thinks KC bought high heels for Fusion. I was so hoping it was a pair of tennis shoes. I cannot get the BB video of KC & AL out of my head. Thats the 16th, the day we all believe Caylee died and KC looks to have white tennis shoes on in that video. Of all the pics LE took of evidence of her shoes, there are no white tennis shoes! What happened to those shoes she's wearing in that video??? Driving me nuts. JMO
I honestly think she just stuffed each receipt in her purse after the purchase and didn't think about it again.

I think this is what happened. I don't think she kept them as trophies... IMO, KC is not that "deep". I do the same thing... mostly in my purse, but sometimes in my wallet. I empty them out every once in awhile and always say... Why the heck did I keep a receipt for an iced coffee??? Its a habit. I think KC was the same way with that.
Dang it! I got so excited when I saw this post. Then I read AL's testimony. He says he thinks KC bought high heels for Fusion. I was so hoping it was a pair of tennis shoes. I cannot get the BB video of KC & AL out of my head. Thats the 16th, the day we all believe Caylee died and KC looks to have white tennis shoes on in that video. Of all the pics LE took of evidence of her shoes, there are no white tennis shoes! What happened to those shoes she's wearing in that video??? Driving me nuts. JMO

Arg, now that's going to drive me nuts... but great thought nonetheless!

P.S, Did LE ever ask Tony if he was the one who organized her bag? After lee made a huge stink about it, I could totally see TL getting her stuff together cause he didn't want any of her crap left there.

Poor guy.. even though he got sucked into this mess, he still dodged a bullet IMO. He could've knocked her up or something really horrible.
Arg, now that's going to drive me nuts... but great thought nonetheless!

P.S, Did LE ever ask Tony if he was the one who organized her bag? After lee made a huge stink about it, I could totally see TL getting her stuff together cause he didn't want any of her crap left there.

Poor guy.. even though he got sucked into this mess, he still dodged a bullet IMO. He could've knocked her up or something really horrible.
:eek:you got that right!
With regard to keeping receipts, I think it's quite likely that she did it for the same reasons that many have stated, because tossing them into her purse was a natural habit. I figured I'd throw out one other possibility for the increased organization that LA said he thought was unlike her:

I think frequently when people are starting to feel very out of control in certain areas of their life it can cause them to become hyper-organized in other areas, as a way of easing that out-of-control feeling. It's possible that maintaining order in this small way was just an overcompensation symptom of her greater unravelling. Perhaps this could explain any additional organization above and beyond a random stash into the purse. Just an idea. :wave:
CA took the money out of the wallet because she had just spent about $400 getting KC's car out of the tow yard, knew KC had NO WAY to earn any cash and decided to pay herself back some of her losses. And, it wasn't a crime scene as an earlier poster stated.

KC kept receipts out of habit, not for evidence of her whereabouts. She doesn't think that far ahead as we all know.

CA offered the receipts to LE that night, they didn't take the receipts. About 4 days later, CA was on tv saying that she had the receipts and if LE didn't collect them, she was giving them to someone else. CA also took back her Sears card which has never been mentioned again.
Arg, now that's going to drive me nuts... but great thought nonetheless!

P.S, Did LE ever ask Tony if he was the one who organized her bag? After lee made a huge stink about it, I could totally see TL getting her stuff together cause he didn't want any of her crap left there.

Poor guy.. even though he got sucked into this mess, he still dodged a bullet IMO. He could've knocked her up or something really horrible.

Wouldn't you think the shoes she is wearing on the day they (LE) believe she killed Caylee would be extremely important to locate? Where are these shoes!?
CA took the money out of the wallet because she had just spent about $400 getting KC's car out of the tow yard, knew KC had NO WAY to earn any cash and decided to pay herself back some of her losses. And, it wasn't a crime scene as an earlier poster stated.

KC kept receipts out of habit, not for evidence of her whereabouts. She doesn't think that far ahead as we all know.

CA offered the receipts to LE that night, they didn't take the receipts. About 4 days later, CA was on tv saying that she had the receipts and if LE didn't collect them, she was giving them to someone else. CA also took back her Sears card which has never been mentioned again.
Other than CA telling this tale, is there documentation from LE stating they did or didn't want those receipts? I remember CA's interview with LE/FBI where she was repeatedly ask for the JCPenny stuff and she brushed that aslde.

I thought from reading LA's interview that HE was the one with the receipts in hand and put together the list given to LE.

There are just too many twists and turns and page after page to remember :crazy: Thanks DotsEyes.
OK, the info about the missing receipt was in Lee's interview, I had missed it before...he is talking about there possibly being missing receipts after Jose took possession of them.


EE, "So there could have been more receipts?"

Lee, "That's exactly what I'm getting at. And it just seems odd that if she was saving these receipts and I have from the 20th to the 15th, and if there was indeed another J.C. Penny transaction on the 27th why isn't that receipt in there? Did that one get lost? Was that one never saved? It just, if you're saving the receipts why not save them all? It seems uh, out of the order."

This is interesting... I always figured that KC kept the receipts in the car until the 27th, and that's why Lee's handwritten list of the receipts he found in her belongings (purse? I can't remember) starts on the 28th. See the first post in this thread for the handwritten list:
[ame=""]Lee's Handwritten List of Receipts from Casey's Purse - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]

But if the receipts up until the 27th were left in the car, wouldn't LE have them? They don't appear in any list of what was found in the car, as far as I recall. But Lee says he has receipts starting on the 20th--and specifically is making the point that the 27th is included in the set of dates of receipts that he has.

So I wonder if Lee made this list of receipts from June 28-July 15, then was given (by Cindy probably) another set of receipts from June 20-27 that Cindy "confiscated" from the car--and that's how Lee knows that the supposed JC Penney June 27 receipt was not saved? I'm sure Cindy wouldn't feel too obligated to tell LE about that other set of receipts.... ;)
This is interesting... I always figured that KC kept the receipts in the car until the 27th, and that's why Lee's handwritten list of the receipts he found in her belongings (purse? I can't remember) starts on the 28th. See the first post in this thread for the handwritten list:
Lee's Handwritten List of Receipts from Casey's Purse - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

But if the receipts up until the 27th were left in the car, wouldn't LE have them? They don't appear in any list of what was found in the car, as far as I recall. But Lee says he has receipts starting on the 20th--and specifically is making the point that the 27th is included in the set of dates of receipts that he has.

So I wonder if Lee made this list of receipts from June 28-July 15, then was given (by Cindy probably) another set of receipts from June 20-27 that Cindy "confiscated" from the car--and that's how Lee knows that the supposed JC Penney June 27 receipt was not saved? I'm sure Cindy wouldn't feel too obligated to tell LE about that other set of receipts.... ;)

Could the receipts from June 20-27 have come from the purse that was supposedly abandoned with the car? I don't remember what happened with that purse, but I assume Cindy would have taken it out of the car with the pants, etc.
Could the receipts from June 20-27 have come from the purse that was supposedly abandoned with the car? I don't remember what happened with that purse, but I assume Cindy would have taken it out of the car with the pants, etc.

There was no purse in the car, just a "work" bag--for, you know, when KC had to "work". :rolleyes: But the receipts could definitely have been in there.
There was no purse in the car, just a "work" bag--for, you know, when KC had to "work". :rolleyes: But the receipts could definitely have been in there.

Ok, thanks! I remember GA described it as a purse but I don't know that I saw a more official (i.e. reliable :crazy:) description of it. If the receipts in her real purse only started on the 28th it does seem like she did a change of purse coincidentally at the same time she ran out of gas. Do we know if the purse that she was using on July 15th was the same one she was using on Target surveillance?
This is interesting... I always figured that KC kept the receipts in the car until the 27th, and that's why Lee's handwritten list of the receipts he found in her belongings (purse? I can't remember) starts on the 28th. See the first post in this thread for the handwritten list:
Lee's Handwritten List of Receipts from Casey's Purse - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

But if the receipts up until the 27th were left in the car, wouldn't LE have them? They don't appear in any list of what was found in the car, as far as I recall. But Lee says he has receipts starting on the 20th--and specifically is making the point that the 27th is included in the set of dates of receipts that he has.

So I wonder if Lee made this list of receipts from June 28-July 15, then was given (by Cindy probably) another set of receipts from June 20-27 that Cindy "confiscated" from the car--and that's how Lee knows that the supposed JC Penney June 27 receipt was not saved? I'm sure Cindy wouldn't feel too obligated to tell LE about that other set of receipts.... ;)

I believe the receipts were with KC's belongings that Lee picked up at TonE's house July 15-16 (during the night). In at least one of Cindy's LE interviews she claims they offered the receipts to LE 'several times' and was always declined. Eventually the receipts were given to Jose. Shortly there after, LE saw the error of their ways in not taking the receipts to help put the time line together. Going back they asked Cindy for any CC statements, she said she would comply but never came thru. Yuri even called her out on it, in a taped interview, and she admitted not turning them over, but tried to turn it around as their fault for not taking the receipts when offered.

It is very plausible that Cindy may have come across more receipts somewhere else too. Any receipts in the car should be dated no later than AM June 27th, because that was the last time KC had possecession of her car. So if there are other receipts out there, newer than 6-27 they must have been stashed somewhere else.

Lee could have knowledge of JCPenney purchases from seeing Cindy's CC statement. (Why pay cash when she can use mommy's CC?) I suppose they could have pulled these purchases up on line before the statements were even mailed.

In one of the TV interviews C & G & BC did recently, (LKL?) KC's "diary" came up. Cindy made sure to mention LE doesn't have the diary, only pictures of it. The actual diary is in BC's safe, which Cindy says they will be glad to hand it over anytime the defense requests it. Just another little dig at LE from Citizen Cindy.

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