Reports of New Casey Anthony Video Diary Surface on Web #2

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Another new year and nothing changes, it seems that the Vortex still exists that folks get sucked into and get thrashed around taking the focus off those with questionable actions.

The more things change the more they stay the same. Oh what a tangled Web they weave ...
Anyone know if you can listen on a cell phone to the show? Is it a matter of just connecting through phone browser?
Anyone know if you can listen on a cell phone to the show? Is it a matter of just connecting through phone browser?

I don't see anything on the BTR site about a phone app for the program. I think since it's browser-based, you might be able to get it that way on your phone. Hope so!
That would be a very harsh probation for a first offense simple dui. Maybe second or third offense,other major charges at the time of the dui, or on probation for something else already before the dui. IMO

I think all probation is different depending on the charges and sentence? I knew a guy who had a DUI here in Florida and he was not allowed to be in any bars. Consume any alcohol. Had to go to AA meetings. Pay all kinds of fines. And he had a little device on his car that he had to blow into before his car would start?
Another new year and nothing changes, it seems that the Vortex still exists that folks get sucked into and get thrashed around taking the focus off those with questionable actions.

The more things change the more they stay the same. Oh what a tangled Web they weave ...

It truly is a mad world at times. Lady Justice gets lost in the minutia. Victims who die horrifically do not matter. Except to those near and dear and those of us here who choose to care. Court of Law seems to be more about "winning" than Justice for the victims and those left behind :rose: Caylee is a perfect example of such injustice. Even leading up to her death. So many adults failed her. The Jury was the last slap.
No, we do NOT pay our guests to be on Websleuths Radio.

ETA: We don't pay the co-host either. :floorlaugh:

PHEW. I thought I had missed out on gettin' paid. :floorlaugh:
It truly is a mad world at times. Lady Justice gets lost in the minutia. Victims who die horrifically do not matter. Except to those near and dear and those of us here who choose to care. Court of Law seems to be more about "winning" than Justice for the victims and those left behind :rose: Caylee is a perfect example of such injustice. Even leading up to her death. So many adults failed her. The Jury was the last slap.

Remember the hawk?
It truly is a mad world at times. Lady Justice gets lost in the minutia. Victims who die horrifically do not matter. Except to those near and dear and those of us here who choose to care. Court of Law seems to be more about "winning" than Justice for the victims and those left behind :rose: Caylee is a perfect example of such injustice. Even leading up to her death. So many adults failed her. The Jury was the last slap.

I wholeheartedly agree with your post, but I don't even think the jury was the last slap. I think it's the people who continue to dishonor Caylee by attempting to make money off of her senseless death and those who take the focus off of CAYLEE by trying to nab their 15 minutes of fame when it should be about her and keeping her memory alive. These people are a disgrace to humanity IMO.

Caylee's "family" also continues to be a slap in the face by not trying to get to the bottom of what happened to her. Since FCA was acquitted and all, and even CA said on Dr. Phil that she didn't believe her daughter was guilty, then why the heck aren't they trying to get to the bottom of why she ended up DEAD.. triple bagged in a swamp with duct tape over her face??? If Casey is innocent and she was not involved in Caylee's death, then why are the A's not trying to find out who was??

Sorry, I am flaming mad all over again, time to step back for a bit.. :furious:
It truly is a mad world at times. Lady Justice gets lost in the minutia. Victims who die horrifically do not matter. Except to those near and dear and those of us here who choose to care. Court of Law seems to be more about "winning" than Justice for the victims and those left behind :rose: Caylee is a perfect example of such injustice. Even leading up to her death. So many adults failed her. The Jury was the last slap.

BBM - My heart sincerely goes out to you, but rest assured, some of us do work very hard and diligently for the dignity of victims.

I'm so sorry that you had to read the offending post that had to have made your heart bleed tears once again. :blowkiss:
I wholeheartedly agree with your post, but I don't even think the jury was the last slap. I think it's the people who continue to dishonor Caylee by attempting to make money off of her senseless death and those who take the focus off of CAYLEE by trying to nab their 15 minutes of fame when it should be about her and keeping her memory alive. These people are a disgrace to humanity IMO.

Caylee's "family" also continues to be a slap in the face by not trying to get to the bottom of what happened to her. Since FCA was acquitted and all, and even CA said on Dr. Phil that she didn't believe her daughter was guilty, then why the heck aren't they trying to get to the bottom of why she ended up DEAD.. triple bagged in a swamp with duct tape over her face??? If Casey is innocent and she was not involved in Caylee's death, then why are the A's not trying to find out who was??

Sorry, I am flaming mad all over again, time to step back for a bit.. :furious:

I hear you. I was just referring to injustice in Court. Your right it continues outside the Courtroom. I will never understand these people. Never observed such denial. Caylee is in a much better place surrounded by love and all the good things she deserved :rose:
That would be a very harsh probation for a first offense simple dui. Maybe second or third offense,other major charges at the time of the dui, or on probation for something else already before the dui. IMO

It was in Lee County, Florida. 1st offense. I have no idea if him hitting a sign made the charges any different. But non-the-less, I do not think that it was harsh at all.
Could someone refresh me on how to do the Chat please? I haven't done it in a while and can't remember how for the life of me. TIA!

Anyone know if you can listen on a cell phone to the show? Is it a matter of just connecting through phone browser?

Yes you can call as I did one week, the number is (760) 825-0933
@cindyanthony twitter First she says it is coming out in Jan and later says Feb

omg, I forgot about CA's book ... Now WHO in the world would buy HER book of "lies" ? :waitasec: IF and when her book comes out, it will be a total FLOP ...

Have any MORE videos of FCMA been released by her ?

I have seen the "ME MINE ME MINE" video and I have seen the "nose piercing" video ..

Just checking here for an update ... and TIA !

MOO ...
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