Ron C. # 11

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I'm obviously also much more interested in the conduct and activities of these players near or around or since the time of Haleigh's disappearance likely to be connected with that. Particularly if we can learn nothing further re the events during or immediately preceding or following, I see more value in scrutinizing actions in the present that are indicative of violence, worthy of suspicion and/or otherwise inexplicable. If it's of current interest to LE, it's of interest to me--and thus hardly qualifies as gratuitous "bashing." As contrasts w the muckraking and mudslinging contests I observe here on a daily basis. Any player being arrested or attracting the attention of LE whose behavior is noteworthy deserves our attention. JMO

Here is the latest report:

Haleigh's father is accused of placing rat in in-laws' mailbox

The saga of the search for Haleigh Ann-Marie Cummings, the 5-year-old Putnam County girl who has been missing since February, took another twist Wednesday, when police announced that her father was accused of leaving a decapitated rat in his in-laws' mailbox, days after a fistfight with the same in-laws landed him in jail.

Ronald Cummings' brother-in-law, Hank Croslin Jr., told police Saturday that he found a rat in his mailbox and suspected Cummings of putting it there "as a sign ... he was going to kill him," according to a police report.

Croslin, 23, signed a charge of retaliating on a witness against Cummings and an unnamed juvenile. In March, Cummings, 25, married Misty Croslin, 17, but it was not clear whether she was the listed juvenile.
A little change in the topic. I have a couple of questions that I know some of you will remember or have information available to you. BTW, if you notice a lot of mistakes in my posts lately it may be due to a hand injury I have at the moment. I'm right handed and I have nerve damage and have a semi-hard cast with just my finger tips uncovered. It is extremely difficult to type but stubborn, I am.

Does anyone remember in all the information gathered at the beginning of this case the following:

How old was Haleigh when Ron and Crystal separated?
How long did he live with his mother before moving out?
How long has Ron actually cared for the children alone? Without his mother's, grandmother's or girlfriend's or last girlfriend's help? (cooking, cleaning, laundry, ironing, dressing, bathing, etc.)

Appreciate any information on the above. TIA

Don't have answers off the top but think the last one is pretty much a giveaway. But ITA w stubborn, and a diehard sleuther to boot. Sure hope that heals up soon.

Here is the latest report:

Haleigh's father is accused of placing rat in in-laws' mailbox

The saga of the search for Haleigh Ann-Marie Cummings, the 5-year-old Putnam County girl who has been missing since February, took another twist Wednesday, when police announced that her father was accused of leaving a decapitated rat in his in-laws' mailbox, days after a fistfight with the same in-laws landed him in jail.

Ronald Cummings' brother-in-law, Hank Croslin Jr., told police Saturday that he found a rat in his mailbox and suspected Cummings of putting it there "as a sign ... he was going to kill him," according to a police report.

Croslin, 23, signed a charge of retaliating on a witness against Cummings and an unnamed juvenile. In March, Cummings, 25, married Misty Croslin, 17, but it was not clear whether she was the listed juvenile.

Well, it's unlikely that HC2 pressed charges against Jr...
I am glad to see Hank Jr. signed the charge, now we will see what the SA does with it.
It would be ironic if in trying to evade the very accusations he made of his wife's family, ie using mailbox vs "trespassing," he gets himself charged w a felony (witness tampering) and/or federal (mail tampering) offense. Each could carry serious penalties too, couldn't they?

A little change in the topic. I have a couple of questions that I know some of you will remember or have information available to you. BTW, if you notice a lot of mistakes in my posts lately it may be due to a hand injury I have at the moment. I'm right handed and I have nerve damage and have a semi-hard cast with just my finger tips uncovered. It is extremely difficult to type but stubborn, I am.

Does anyone remember in all the information gathered at the beginning of this case the following:

How old was Haleigh when Ron and Crystal separated?
How long did he live with his mother before moving out?
How long has Ron actually cared for the children alone? Without his mother's, grandmother's or girlfriend's or last girlfriend's help? (cooking, cleaning, laundry, ironing, dressing, bathing, etc.)

Appreciate any information on the above. TIA

IIRC, Haleigh was ~ 2 and Jr was ~ 6 months. You could figure the exact ages from the info in the Custody Hearing Transcript.
I wonder why Ron and Misty don't just leave? They can both work. Doing something. Maybe they have some money from somewhere? Who makes the truck payments and insurance? Gas? They don't appear to be doing anything. Not talking to LE, not working, living with GGM. Just remove themselves from the trouble and drama that seems to surround them. Fresh start? I doubt Ronald will face any consequences from the fight....arrests and charges against him don't seem to ever amount to anything.

Misty would probably love to get away from her meddling family and maybe start a family.
It would be ironic if in trying to evade the very accusations he made of his wife's family, ie using mailbox vs "trespassing," he gets himself charged w a felony (witness tampering) and/or federal (mail tampering) offense. Those carry serious time too, don't they?


This thread keeps getting shorter.

Hank2 did file charges, does claim he feels it was a threat against his life, and there was a juvenile in the truck with Ronald. What I'd like to know is how did LE know which juvenile to interview regarding the charges? We were told LE interviewed both Ronald and someone else. Did the eye witness know who the passenger was, also? And it was a juvenile??????
im in awe... a dead rat...just stopped by to see how things were going & decided to read this thread since it was on top. Wowza... I've been out of the loop for far to long...
I wonder why Ron and Misty don't just leave? They can both work. Doing something. Maybe they have some money from somewhere? Who makes the truck payments and insurance? Gas? They don't appear to be doing anything. Not talking to LE, not working, living with GGM. Just remove themselves from the trouble and drama that seems to surround them. Fresh start? I doubt Ronald will face any consequences from the fight....arrests and charges against him don't seem to ever amount to anything.

Misty would probably love to get away from her meddling family and maybe start a family.

(bbm) Only trouble is, no matter where you are, there you are...

Retaliation against a witness, victim or informant FL 914.23: "For a felony of the third degree (no bodily harm), punishable by a term of imprisonment not exceeding 5 years." (Fl 2009 Statutes)

He is not helping himself here any, seem to be going from the frying pan to the skillet.

(bbm) Only trouble is, no matter where you are, there you are...


Boy aint that the truth.

You know, I have always envied strong, healthy young men who can literally get a job anywhere. Stop at a construction're hired. Cut grass, haul things to the dump for people ($150 a load here) work on cars, just lots of things that an old lady like me with a bad back and asthma can't do. Misty can wait tables. They are young! The whole world is open to them.

If I was them I would pack up and head to the beach or the mountains or out west and just start over. Jr. has a mom who can care for him. They have to be bored by now, and they seem to feel persecuted where they are.

I guess I am just expressing my own desires as I sometimes wish I could run away and start over.
Boy aint that the truth.

You know, I have always envied strong, healthy young men who can literally get a job anywhere. Stop at a construction're hired. Cut grass, haul things to the dump for people ($150 a load here) work on cars, just lots of things that an old lady like me with a bad back and asthma can't do. Misty can wait tables. They are young! The whole world is open to them.

If I was them I would pack up and head to the beach or the mountains or out west and just start over. Jr. has a mom who can care for him. They have to be bored by now, and they seem to feel persecuted where they are.

I guess I am just expressing my own desires as I sometimes wish I could run away and start over.

Yes, unfortunately some don't really appreciate their health until it's taken. And moving sounds good gracenote. But if you have trouble controlling your temper eg inland, or in the flatlands, chances are your temper will follow you to the beach or hills too. Besides, his daughter is still missing, and LE still expressing the need for further talks in order to help find her... just can't imagine leaving under those circumstances could bring either much peace w/out knowing they'd done everything they could to assist investigators. Not to mention w/out their full cooperation I'm afraid they'll likely continue to live under a cloud of suspicion. JMO

Something else I just thought of...Isn't it a felony to torture or disfigure an animal...even if it is a rat? I know it's against the law to use a mailbox in such a manner, also. I believe it may even be a felony b/c our mailboxes are actually considered government owned (even though we buy or pay for them). I sure wish Ron would think before he does these things. It always seems to backfire on him when he doesn't think before he acts. I still think it's b/c of his level of immaturity and hard upbringing. I still don't believe Ron is directly behind Haleigh's disappearance...maybe indirectly though. Good gawd I need to go pray or something. This poor little girl is still out there somewhere! Jeez!
A dead rat in the mailbox? LOL

Is this the redneck 'horse head in the bed' or 'fish dropped on the doorstep'?

Did someone see RC put the decapitated rat in the mailbox?

Oh, the symbolism if only they weren't all so freaking dumb.
For those choosing to dismiss the pesky little "dead rat thing" as simply a harmless hoax or a red herring, feel free to disregard. Others including myself view this in a more serious light. All threats should be taken seriously, and particularly those involving victims and witnesses of a crime--but especially when further involving principle players in any unsolved missing child case. I'm not laughing. All forms of witness and victim harassment, intimidation and retaliation are viewed as serious offenses because these threaten and undermine our entire judicial system. Needless to say w/out witnesses and/or surviving victims willing and able to freely testify, successful prosecutions and convictions of those crimes could never go forward. To mischaracterize this postition as having bias or wearing blinders isn't merely an insult to those here trying to uncover what underlying causes there may be for any threats, who remain gravely concerned about the fate of Haleigh and safety/wellbeing of all involved. It diminishes the importance of that process and does a disservice to victims everywhere.


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