Ron needed to talk to Haleigh on Christmas

Thanks, Whisperer.

Bills: Car payments, insurance, gasoline, food, etc, etc.....
Thanks, Whisperer.

Bills: Car payments, insurance, gasoline, food, etc, etc.....

I believe he hasn't had to worry bout that stuff much. Cars are paid in cash and gifts. He must buy gas and food, I guess. But not rent, and other stuff. I think he wanted to maybe start paying rent last january but look what happened. He moved out and still is not working. His mom helped him, I think.
If you have never lost a child then it is difficult to understand the feelings, thoughts, and emotions that a parent who has lost a child has. There are those of us who have been there and one thing we would never do is make a joke out of a parent feeling the need to spend time with their loved one whether it be just to be alone and feel their spirit close to you, just talk to them in your mind, what ever the parents/parent feel the need to do in order to keep themself together mentally and emotionally on the hardest holiday of the year without your child.


Bobbsangel, I'm so very sorry for your loss and I do understand, as I've been there...not once, but twice and truly don't think I could survive it again. <shudder> I know that you and I don't see eye to eye when we look at this case and that's ok..but I don't think suspicious was making a joke, truly I don't. I have thought the same thing and I don't doubt that Ron is in pain. As a matter of fact I can't even begin to fathom the pain he is in IF he was in any way responsible. (which I truly believe that he was..moo) So in that respect Ron makes it extremely difficult for some, including myself to have empathy for him.. I don't think I've ever read a post where someone doubted his love for HaLeigh or even believed that whatever happened to her was intentional. So in my mind there is no doubt that he's grieving...although I have to admit that imo and from my own experience..that can I put this...can I just say that I have never seen grief take this's unusual to me. That's nothing more than my own personal observation though..
My only question is why would Ronald's mother expose such a vulnerable moment to the public's purview.
If you have never lost a child then it is difficult to understand the feelings, thoughts, and emotions that a parent who has lost a child has. There are those of us who have been there and one thing we would never do is make a joke out of a parent feeling the need to spend time with their loved one whether it be just to be alone and feel their spirit close to you, just talk to them in your mind, what ever the parents/parent feel the need to do in order to keep themself together mentally and emotionally on the hardest holiday of the year without your child.

Bobbi I understand what you are saying whole-heartedly BUT if you are involved with the reason why your child is not here, what is there to talk about...Forgiveness, maybe? That's all I'm saying.

You're right, it's extremely unlikely Whisperer, that is until it's actually Ronald's OWN life that is hanging in the balance. His reckless abandon endangers those around him and most especially his own children who have no alternative but to lay in wait for the next collision. Like the drunk, the RC's of the world escape the wreckage unscathed. They brush themselve's off, step over the fatalities all around them; those who couldn't move fast enough or far enough to get out of harms way, and they never look back. To look back - like sitting alone in a rocking chair - might open his eyes to the fact that the legacy he is leaving is nothing more than a trail of wreckage; broken pieces that can never be put back together again quite the same. If he stopped long enough to take a closer look, he might realize that those pieces scattered all around him represent the pieces of human being's life's, two of which, and the most important, are HaLeigh's & Junior's.

If some feel that I'm being too harsh, I'm truly sorry. I'm not in a good place at the moment - my heart is broken. My son came over unexpectedly yesterday and I didn't think anything of it at first - I thought maybe he just wanted some of his Mama's cooking - that was until he asked me to sit down; he had something to tell me. Of course my first thought was that something happened to my other son who lives in Wisconsin and I refused to sit down. He reassured me that it wasn't my other son, his brother, and than he told me that it was my nephew. He's a lobsterman and he fell of the boat and drown yesterday. Fellow fishermen who were out on their boats pulled him out of the water and performed CPR, the EMT's when they arrived on the scene, and the hospital when he arrived there by ambulance, tried desparately to save him but it just wasn't to be. He was 27 years-old and he has a wife and a 3 year-old son who he just adored. I can still remember the day my nephew came home from the hospital, 27 years ago, like it was just yesterday. He weighed 10 lbs, 2 ounces so we lovingly called him "moose-moose" which, by the time he was two changed and from then on we called him "Cricky" - short for Christopher. My first-born was born two weeks after him so they grew up as best buddies. Him and his wife are flying in for the funeral service and my son, his gf, and myself will be driving. I'm still in shock but there's no denying it with all of the news stations and newspapers here in Maine running the story. I need to try to get a little nap - everytime I closed my eyes last night I saw his beautiful face and the face of Christian, his son, and the tears just flowed, thinking about another child in the world without a Daddy.

Junior needs you Ronald, this life that we're given isn't a game. It's deadly serious.


Sorry for being O/T - please remove if neccesary.

I'm so sorry for your loss, dear one.

I know for everything there is a season, a time to be born, and a time to die, but it is truly horrific when someone dear to us goes before their "time."
He sounds like a wonderful person, and I'm sure you will cherish his memory all your days, and see him again when your "time" comes.
Thank God, this isn't all there is. What a truly sorry thing it would be if it were.
May you find comfort as He envelopes you in your mourning.
If you have never lost a child then it is difficult to understand the feelings, thoughts, and emotions that a parent who has lost a child has. There are those of us who have been there and one thing we would never do is make a joke out of a parent feeling the need to spend time with their loved one whether it be just to be alone and feel their spirit close to you, just talk to them in your mind, what ever the parents/parent feel the need to do in order to keep themself together mentally and emotionally on the hardest holiday of the year without your child.

My husband lost his son several years ago, right after Christmas. He didn't push his other children aside, though. He knew that they were hurting as much as he was and he gave each one special consideration... and still does.
I sincerely hope that Ron knows that Jr. is hurting too and should be given extra attention and the means to express his feelings. It is fine for Ron to want to communicate with his daughter alone... but hopefully he made sure Jr. wasn't left out altogether.
He gets donations. He may get help from his gma and mom if needed. He gets child support, he may get social security for Haleigh. He may still begetting unemployment, he may get welfare. I will not be surprised if he goes on social security for himself soon. bills?

Donations? From whom?
Child support? Crystal hasn't paid him years!

Ron is the type that NEEDS to work.
Why isn't he?

Why kick a non-working Misty to the curb, then?
The presents under the trees are all wrapped to hide what’s inside. Haleigh’s family is hiding something too.
Quote from the article.... I think they've got it figured out... sure wish we knew what they were hiding.... :waitasec:
Donations? From whom?
Child support? Crystal hasn't paid him years!

Ron is the type that NEEDS to work.
Why isn't he?

Why kick a non-working Misty to the curb, then?


I think that it would be hard for Ron to find an employer willing to take on the risk of drama. In time, this will fade and it will be easier for him to find a job.
Bobbi I understand what you are saying whole-heartedly BUT if you are involved with the reason why your child is not here, what is there to talk about...Forgiveness, maybe? That's all I'm saying.
We don't know yet if this person was involved with the reason his child is not here. Some of us have suspicions and some of us don't. The most we can say is that this person relied on someone to protect his child and that person failed. Can we condemn him for this? How many of us have brought someone into our lives, and possibly our childrens' lives, that we thought we could trust and then discovered, too late, that we were wrong about this person?

We beat ourselves up about getting us and our children into such a situation. Should we beat up someone else for doing the same?
Mebbe we shouldn't have early on, Kamky. You're right. But I think from the moment he got down on his knee in Chili's and offered Misty his momma's ring, and married her a few days later, one should be openly suspicious at why a person would marry the person who had a colossal FAIL! on the charts.

But that's just me.

I'd still like to know why Teresa would volunteer this most private of moments of Ronald's to the media. It seems the most intimate of betrayals.
Mebbe we shouldn't have early on, Kamky. You're right. But I think from the moment he got down on his knee in Chili's and offered Misty his momma's ring, and married her a few days later, one should be openly suspicious at why a person would marry the person who had a colossal FAIL! on the charts.

But that's just me.

I'd still like to know why Teresa would volunteer this most private of moments of Ronald's to the media. It seems the most intimate of betrayals.

It's not something that I would have done - that's for sure! However, Ron thinks very differently than I, acts very differently than I, and has an entirely different upbringing than I. In his world, there may be some wierd rationale for staying close to someone who may have the answers one is seeking.

I think that TN volunteered this information because she thought it would put Ron in a sympathetic light. She may have been trying to say that Ron had Christmas with Jr and then needed some time away from celebration because he didn't really feel like celebrating, but she didn't express it very well and it backfired on her.
Mebbe we shouldn't have early on, Kamky. You're right. But I think from the moment he got down on his knee in Chili's and offered Misty his momma's ring, and married her a few days later, one should be openly suspicious at why a person would marry the person who had a colossal FAIL! on the charts.

But that's just me.

I'd still like to know why Teresa would volunteer this most private of moments of Ronald's to the media. It seems the most intimate of betrayals.

To garner sympathy for her son..Mother - son enmeshment..Unclear boundaries..
Little does she know her words indirectly prove she knows Haleigh is no longer physically present on this earth and her son is the one responsible for whatever it is that happened to Haleigh...JMHO..on the subject..
Come on.....Ron needed to talk to Haleigh one year after the fact?!

I "predict" he had a date with someone!
Come on.....Ron needed to talk to Haleigh one year after the fact?!

I "predict" he had a date with someone!

Could be, but she knows that she can't very well say that or he'd be crucified, wouldn't he? It's been almost a year and part of healing is getting back to normal activities. It doesn't mean someone doesn't still grieve for their missing child. IMO, it would be worse for Jr if his father did nothing but sit in the house all day, every day and not resume any normal activities. His father needs to get out, get a job if possible), date (if possible), go to the grocery (if possible), go to church, etc., etc. And avoid media publicity, people who would love to harass him, and brushes with the law.
Could be, but she knows that she can't very well say that or he'd be crucified, wouldn't he? It's been almost a year and part of healing is getting back to normal activities. It doesn't mean someone doesn't still grieve for their missing child. IMO, it would be worse for Jr if his father did nothing but sit in the house all day, every day and not resume any normal activities. His father needs to get out, get a job if possible), date (if possible), go to the grocery (if possible), go to church, etc., etc. And avoid media publicity, people who would love to harass him, and brushes with the law.

I would just like to say that all your posts are very level headed and non-judgemental. And, I think if facts were presented to you that revealed another side of RC you would acknowledge them also. Your comments express exactly how I feel, but I cannot articulate them near as well as you have. You are a fair person who looks at every side of the picture and comes up with the most obvious comments in a fair way and not sarcastically.

It is a pleasure to read what you post because you are not running down someone or trying to add fuel to a fire. Thanks and keep up the good work.
Donations? From whom?
Child support? Crystal hasn't paid him years!

Ron is the type that NEEDS to work.
Why isn't he?

Why kick a non-working Misty to the curb, then?

Crystal's back child support has been paid in full. She remains current in her child support payments to Ron, as far as i know.
~SNIP~ And, I think if facts were presented to you that revealed another side of RC you would acknowledge them also. ~SNIP~
Thank you, Mck16. I would definitely! I haven't made my mind up for sure and still have a list of suspects which do include RC, (altho he is low on my list). If and when we finally get some concrete information from LE that helps us point to who committed this crime, I will certainly be in the line to throw rocks!
Thank you, Mck16. I would definitely! I haven't made my mind up for sure and still have a list of suspects which do include RC, (altho he is low on my list). If and when we finally get some concrete information from LE that helps us point to who committed this crime, I will certainly be in the line to throw rocks!

IF and when the truth is ever revealed, I'll gladly give you my spot in line because by then I will be satisfied knowing the truth has been revealed and doubt I'll have any rocks left to throw...JMO

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