Skyla Whitaker, 11, & Taylor Placker 13 - Found Murdered - #4

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Thanks, Ocean and Snow. :)

I still think that the witness could have been driving past on the east-west road and did not go around him.

I wish they would show the witness several trucks and let him pick out the one he saw so they can put a photo out of it.
we talked about this last night. Jessica Brown from OSBI stated that the witness stated that the truck was,"actually kind of blocking the way there." Then she goes on to say the witness said he was standing outside his truck doing something and they couldn't tell what he was doing so they kept on driving because it looked suspicious.

Good memory, Snow.

And he couldn't have been blocking the road very much or the witness wouldn't have been able to drive on by him.

I don't think the witness did drive around him. See above. :)

LOL OK, I will admit I am tired. It says the witness kept driving so if he was blocking the road he would have to swing out around him to keep driving. I think the reason he was able to keep driving was no one was coming in the other lane or the other side of the road.

Or...he kept driving east or west on the other road without turning down the County Line road at all.
Good memory, Snow.

And he couldn't have been blocking the road very much or the witness wouldn't have been able to drive on by him.

Yea, I think from what the OSBI spokesperson said that this witness said..the truck was kind of blocking the road..meaning not blocking it in a way where someone could not drive by it...
I think it was just sticking out in the road a little bit but because of the way it was parked, it raised suspicions and to see a person doing something and you can't really tell what he keep on driving. But as I said last that type of scenario, I would have looked really hard at the fellow and the truck and made note of the time, etc...because if something does happen, such as a crtime, then you will have valuable info for the police. And obviously this witness that kept on driving got a good look at this guy so you know the whole event raised his or hers eyebrows and suspicions.
Yea, I think from what the OSBI spokesperson said that this witness said..the truck was kind of blocking the road..meaning not blocking it in a way where someone could not drive by it...
I think it was just sticking out in the road a little bit but because of the way it was parked, it raised suspicions and to see a person doing something and you can't really tell what he keep on driving. But as I said last that type of scenario, I would have looked really hard at the fellow and the truck and made note of the time, etc...because if something does happen, such as a crime, then you will have valuable info for the police. And obviously this witness that kept on driving got a good look at this guy so you know the whole event raised his or hers eyebrows and suspicions.

Yes and I sure am glad they noticed him in detail. They will be valuable if there is a trial.

I also wonder what "within minutes" means when it comes to the witness who saw the girls alive shortly before the crime?

In this link Brown states....

"He was stopped on the road actually kind of blocking the way there, standing outside his pickup truck, doing something," she said. "And they couldn't really tell what he was doing, so they kept driving because it looked a little suspicious."

If he was doing 'something' and had his head turned towards the truck, the so called witness didn't see his eyes.
OR was he on the other side of the truck, facing the witnesses car while doing 'something' and the witnesses got a good look at him?

If you will go look at this photo...since the sign is sitting right there...I would have to assume there is a road going east-west on this side of that sign. If the witness was driving about where that photographer was standing...he could clearly see the man and the truck without going down that road.

I see what you are saying but I was under the impression that was where they just blocked off this same dirt road in that particular area. That the sign is not at an intersection but just a barrier put up to prevent anyone from going down into the crime scene area.

Is there a map showing it intersects with another road right there?

Maybe I need to think on it some I think this man was on the main road and the witness was too.

I understand what people are saying about Taylor's parentage but I think the lying should stop at the grave.

When you lie about stuff like this you do it because you are ashamed of the situation. Which translates to being ashamed of the kid. Taylor deserved an honest obituary. It should have been the least the adults in the family could have done for her. Obituaries can be a very imporant historical record.

The name I post under, Albert, comes from my great uncle who died during the influenza pandemic in 1918. He was 18 years old when he died. I feel a great connection to him and earlier this year I traveled to visit his grave. I know almost nothing about him and have only two small pictures of him. Back in the 1970's my grandmother, his sister, wrote a short family history and didn't even mention his name.

So how do we know there won't be somebody in 50 or 100 years who wonders if they are connected to Taylor. Someone who is born long after most or all of us are dead. That person shouldn't have to overcome a bunch of roadblocks because adults of the day couldn't face the truth.
If he was doing 'something' and had his head turned towards the truck, the so called witness didn't see his eyes.
OR was he on the other side of the truck, facing the witnesses car while doing 'something' and the witnesses got a good look at him?

Well if he was on the other side of his truck at 6 feet he sure could be seen. I am sure when they passed by they did slowly but kept moving.

The comments are so vague they really aren't in depth for us to know his exact position. One article I thought said he was standing beside his truck. He may have had his door open some and they couldn't see what he was doing but they could see his face easily when they passed him and his long ponytail too.

Seems like the witness would have had to pass the man in order to see brown eyes and get such a description. To keep on driving means that they didn't stop and ask the man if he needed help IMO.
Well if he was on the other side of his truck at 6 feet he sure could be seen. I am sure when they passed by they did slowly but kept moving.

The comments are so vague they really aren't in depth for us to know his exact position. One article I thought said he was standing beside his truck. He may have had his door open and they couldn't see what he was doing but they could see his face easily when they passed him and his long ponytail too.

I'm basically thinking out loud.
Ocean, you get what I'm saying right? :waitasec:lol
If the POI was facing the woods, the witnesses couldn't have seen his face.
argg I wish there was more confirmed facts.
I keep trying to look on Google to see if there is a road, but I can't tell. It looks like it tho.

Yes, I guess you are right. He would have had to be closer to see his eyes etc. Unless they are guessing at the eyes because of his obviously being NA. It was just a thought anyway. :)
I'm basically thinking out loud.
Ocean, you get what I'm saying right? :waitasec:lol
If the POI was facing the woods, the witnesses couldn't have seen his face.
argg I wish there was more confirmed facts.

Me too, any you make a good point.

I've wondered too if this POI description isn't wrong, if the person isn't actually hispanic.
The witness also must have gotten a good side view of him, too, since they have that on the sketch.
I would think they would know the difference between the two easily as we have a huge Hispanic population here, too.
(Pictured removed by me.A)

What if someone in the home was abusing the girls?
I'm not talking about the day they were murdered but previous to that day? What if the girls told the person they were going to 'tell'?
I bring up this scenario because the girls were shot so many times.
I recently read that strangers usually shoot a victim once and run.
Someone known to the victim usually shoots them many times.

90% of children murdered are killed by someone they know.

NOTE: I do not want to bring either family undue harm.
But in this type of murder, unpopular scenarios have to be considered.
(Think the Jon Benet Ramsey case.)
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