Small Details that are interesting in the Cooper Harris case, #1

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Personally, I'd love to hear from the one that RH made that comment about. The girlfriend and her parents who thougth RH wouldn't amount to anything.

Is it possible Ross had no long term gf, other than Leanna?
When he mentioned a gf's parents making unkind remarks about him
(he'll never make a good husband or father. Wasn't that the gist of it?),
is it poss he was referring to Leanna's parents and now by golly, Ross was showing them?

Or could have bn an earlier gf & her parents.

Is it possible Ross had no long term gf, other than Leanna?
When he mentioned a gf's parents making unkind remarks about him
(he'll never make a good husband or father. Wasn't that the gist of it?),
is it poss he was referring to Leanna's parents and now by golly, Ross was showing them?

Or could have bn an earlier gf & her parents.


He was referring to an old girlfriend who had dumped because her parents didn't like him, if I remember correctly.
He was surprised by that because "(Harris) seemed like the type of guy who was scared of commitment." He dated "a lot of girls," McRea remembers.
They really hit it off from the start," he said. Shortly afterward, McRea remembers, in the driveway of Harris' house, "He looked at me and said, ‘Ben, I'm going to marry that girl.'"
"They were polar opposites."
"It didn't seem like he ever took anything seriously"
"She controlled their finances until very recently, and would be upset with Ross if he spent money without telling her first. Ross was more laid back and seemingly always late."
His friend doesn't make it sound like he was ever in a mutual relationship before. RH decides shortly after meeting her he's gonna marry her.
He says several times they were "best friends".
Based on other things he said about RH staying out late and hanging out with underclassmen...
IMO its a parent child relationship.
Small detail -- Prophetic "happy dream" about a dead happy baby in heaven, a happy guitar playing Ross, and a happy LH playing with babies at nurseries, a dream shared with FAMILY MEMBERS.

Where did this detail come from? I haven't seen it anywhere except websleuths. Did I miss that? I know he said it I just am trying to figure out when he said that.
I've had a pretty awful thought for the last few days seeing as how RH liked watching snuff. I had the thought that maybe he had rigged something up to watch Cooper ....I know that is awful but it wouldn't surprise me.
LE would have found it by now though if he had. IMO

For me or you, it is a pretty awful thought to consider that he may have watched his son suffer via videocam. For the self-seeking, self-satisfying sneaky sociopath, it is a devious means to a pleasurable end. After the "tip of the iceberg" PCH, not much from the witness stand in this case can be more gruesome than what we already know. Or can it?

"Ross Harris' father also spoke to the crowd sharing a story about how his son Ross had a dream Cooper was sitting on Jesus’ lap looking down at them, before the boy's death.

He said he was playing a guitar in the dream and Leanna was working in a nursery with other children."

I see how I overlooked it now after reading his wifes insane comments I almost forgot anything he had to say... is almost like he was prepping others with the dream, as if he forsaw the "accident". is almost like he was prepping others with the dream, as if he forsaw the "accident".
Yeah, imagine that!

JULY 17, 2013
Just like Katie Long from Home wood Alabama. She told her mother "something was gonna happen" too.
All her charges were dropped in May 2014.
3weeks later, on the hottest day of 2014 (at that point)
Copper was forgotten in his dad's SUV too.
"the young couple tried for years to conceive"
"I had an uneasy feeling,'' she said. "I told my mom I felt like something was going to happen."
"Our story is all about God," Luong said."

All posts are MOO.
Is it possible Ross had no long term gf, other than Leanna?
When he mentioned a gf's parents making unkind remarks about him
(he'll never make a good husband or father. Wasn't that the gist of it?),
is it poss he was referring to Leanna's parents and now by golly, Ross was showing them?

Or could have bn an earlier gf & her parents.


I'm thinking ... no, back then he had a lot of "online girlfriends":

"He was socially awkward," says college friend Brett Wagner. "He was deep into chatting online, even back in college. He wasn't great around women in person, but he was pretty witty online."

Adds another college pal: "He always had a ton of computers, hard drives, all that, in his bedroom. He played online games and chatted with people all the time. That was his thing. But he was single when I knew him best. Single guys always use the web to find girls."
A news reporter traced the route from Harris' job to the shopping center where he stopped. Along the way, she spotted several cameras. They may be the same cameras a detective testified showed Harris driving with his windows up that day.

Harris' attorney didn't reference his client's sense of smell, but did tell a judge Harris is deaf in one ear.

A doctor's visit is necessary along with anything that would explain how he missed the odor.

“If he has a documented medical history of it, I think that would really play in his favor,” said criminal defense attorney Esther Panitch.
I just thought of some details I am anxiously awaiting. I want to know if he read any specific articles about individual cases of children being left in hot cars.

Incredibly, while at the jailhouse processing center, Harris was so relaxed he took a 15-minute nap! Although Harris quickly became chummy with Mark, who’d been given a one-day sentence for DUI, he never revealed his alleged crime.

Eager to chat, Harris asked anyone within earshot, “So what are you in here for?” and demanded, “How long is this going to take?” When a film was interrupted for a jailhouse announcement, Harris muttered, “Now we can’t watch TV, I guess.”

At some point on the stand, Stoddard mentioned that he heard that Ross claimed to be a jailer and a police dispatcher. Obviously one is a lie. I think that is why Stoddard mentioned that on the stand. To show that Ross lies about things. Anyway, because of his prior police work history, I think this would be a problem for him in jail. He was playing "dumb" but nice to other jailed people. If it came out that he was ex law enforcement, he could get beaten up while in jail just for that, not considering what he did to Cooper. JMO.
the dream. I do not think it was prepping. I think the dream was constructed after Cooper's death and RH relayed it to his father via phone call from jail to be used at the funeral. His son is dead, through his own actions (or inaction) so he tells this fairy tale to his own daddy in order to reassure daddy that grandson is indeed in a better place and to make it all about himself. I had a dream . . . indeed.

I had to replay the video showing the mother looking like she was chewing gum and looking nonchalant when hearing the police officer say the word "sexting". I would have at least looked astonished or angry or something but she kept chewing her gum and looking straight ahead. I find her lack of emotion so very strange...
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