SOUND OFF! Say what's on your mind, but do not RESPOND TO what other posters write.

I am disgusted and disgraced by our government... from the top all the way to the bottom. I am sickened by all of them.

Yay for the media. They showed the world what was going on when the spokespeople were sugarcoating it or/and outright lying. They helped force the government to finally get some kind of action going. They're continuing to documenting what happened and asking the questions we should all be asking. They let the people who suffered and lost everything have a voice. I've just been reading articles and blogs and opinion pieces. Most people, including scientists and professors, know what a failure the response was, and the media is giving them a voice. Yay for the media.
I just got off the phone with my sister. She has been in disaster relief for FEMA and the Red Cross forever.
She has been working at FEMA last week.
She said it was heart wrenching work.
But she also places blame squarely at the city and state level. She said rule of thumb for any city that she has ever been in charge of disaster is to be self sufficient for 72 hours, because it takes that long for federal help to arrive. She said there were 250 school buses that should have been evacuating citizens at the city level imediately before the hurricane struck. But now they just lay under flood waters completely useless.
She said the levy commission was severly lax in doing their jobs.She said she saw many things mishandled at the state and city level that could have made a big difference. FWIW. She said it was the job of the mayor and the governor to get be prepared for this inevitable disaster. but since New Orleans has dodged the bullet so many times, it just wasn't prepared.
I am sick of people blaming people.
I am sick of people who are not showing compassion.
I am sick of the horrible people shooting people and taking advantage of a horrendous tragedy to loot non necessary items, raping people, etc.
I am sick of people saying it is the governments fault.
I am embarrassed by the actions of so many people in New Orleans.(the thugs)
I am so proud of so many people in New Orleans, (and other storm ravaged survivors)their courage and faith.
I am proud of many people in the US who are giving and showing compassion.
I am proud of the people who have put their lives in harms way to help people.
I pray we can rebuild and become stronger.

God bless the USA!
I did not know this...but my husband said (and he's pretty smart and knows a lot more than I do) that the President does not have the authority to just send in help to a state or city. That FLOORED me! I think the Gov. of LA dropped the ball as well as others on down the line and I kept screaming and asking WHY ISN'T THE PRESIDENT DOING SOMETHING?!! Hubby said it has to be asked for from the Mayor to the Gov and then to the Pres. IMO, the Gov didn't have a clue. I mean, even if they didn't try to prevent it....there is no reason why they shouldn't have had help in a safe area (once they found out it was going to be this huge) so that they could move in immediately! Throughout history there are always those who stay during hurricanes (for various reasons) and that shouldn't be a big surprise to anyone. The hurricane must not have been considered that big of a problem if those patients were still in nursing homes and hospitals, IMO. Hopefully, from now on, people will decide to leave when they are recommended to do so. But, don't punish them by letting them die, starve, go without medication, be exposed to dead bodies floating around even 5 1/2 days later, exposure to infectious diseases, murder, rapes, etc., etc.!! JMO
Okay, okay, but I think you're awfully bossy. :razz:
This is just too sad:

Three babies died at the convention center from heat exhaustion, said Mark Kyle, a medical relief provider.
And the guy running the show didn't even know they were there. Even though most of the rest of us did. Well, at least his boss thinks he did a good job, dead babies notwithstanding.
I love this country that I live in

I am so sad to read so many posts that are blaming are President for what is happening. It is just making my blood boil!! People are blaming this President for everything. Its unbelieveable, and I can't believe what I am hearing and reading. I best not say anymore. And leave it at this. :(

On a lighter note....I am so proud of my 24yr old son, who is in the USCG, and is a crew member on the Search and Rescue Helicopters. He is stationed in Houston!! I love you Baby, be safe!! :)
We have over-extended ourselves to too many other countries and need to take care of our own FIRST and then what's it out. In this day and age of technology, this was NOT handled appropriately at all to the bottom! JMO
I am so sad right now. I am upset that in America we have citizens living in such poverty that they can not get out of harms way. I am upset that a small percentage of the citizens are so out of control. I am thankful for all the people who rescued people from roof tops, hospitals, streets. I am thankful for Texas and their big hearts. I am thankful that the sun will come up tomorrow.
I applaud the courage of all those enduring this tremendous suffering and making us all look at ourselves, as individuals, as citizens of a wealthy country, as human beings.

People are behaving heroically. People are behaving poorly. All are worthy of loving concern and response and being saved. Every human life has value.

There is tremendous opportunity in this situation to see the bigger picture, to include others in our concern.

For all the ways I speak unskillfully to others when feeling great anguish I am sincerely sorry and beg for your forbearance.

May great benefit be accomplished without obstacle for all who are affected by this tragedy, those directly involved and the traumatized witnesses.
The things that made me smile or cry from joy was the guy who was pushing a shopping cart (they named him a sort of "Robin Hood") and was getting diapers and formula!! That guy is a hero! The people saving other's lives. The groups of people SHARING food and water and fighting off the thugs (I think they were in a hotel in NO). The people who volunteer and get only a full heart from helping others. The Red Cross. The Salvation Army. The many, many religious relief funds and ministries. Seeing the kids running and playing, even being precocious. Simple things we take for granted...people eating, talking with others and laughing or smiling, sleeping, etc. The outpouring of American citizens and companies's neverending. I'm very grateful for the media for showing us what is going on and the Freedom of Speech to talk about it and try to make changes so we hopefully never see this in American again.
Im so Proud to live in America where people care about one another and are willing to sacrifice for those in need. I went to a Hurricane Fund Raiser Party tonight where I know people scarificed next weeks budget to give everything they could to help those suffering. We are the most opinionated as well as the most giving.
I am appalled by what happened. I was watching the news pre-hurricane, and I know there was plenty of warning time. I am disgusted by the inefficiency and incompetence of our government and "homeland security".

I think the hurricane has brought us messages - poverty is there; it has risen for 5 years now. Usually we don't see them, we forget about them. But now THEY ARE STARING AT US ON TV AND THEY ARE AMERICANS TOO.

We should be ashamed that we don't care more for and educate the poor. We should be ashamed of our priorities - "oh, let's go shopping......"

We should be ashamed that we don't care for the environment and sign on the Kyoto treaty.

We should be ashamed that we don't try to conserve gasoline; even driving slower on the highway helps.

We need to examine our values and our priorities.

So maybe the hurricane was a strange blessing in disguise. We'll see if we can learn.
Linda7NJ said:
I miss Bill Clinton, I'd take him today with all the Monica's he wanted in exchange for the twit we have now!
People in our city are talking about impeachment.They want it !!!!!!!!
I am not responding to a post.I am having difficulty accessing self post with webtv..Thanks.
Are they really talking about it Nore? Yesterday I wrote letters to two Senators asking for it or at least a strong reaction in Congress. I plan to write some more letters when I can.

We must join together an do something.
Nature has given us this chance to work with her, she has been very forgiving. I hope we don't blow it. We must think less, not more, and understand we are short term resident of this planet. We are not the landlord, we are the tenants and caretakers. We have advanced our technology to the point that all things are possible, but if we don't grasp the moment, we will decline as many other civilations have, only more quickly. In the words of Bucky Fuller "There is no energy crisis, the universe is full of energy, we simply have an engineering crisis." Great men and visionaries like Author C. Clark share this view. ..mpi

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