State v Bradley Cooper 4-26-11

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Good morning all!
SH eyes, under his eyes, look bad this morning. I bet he slept very little last night. I feel for him as this is a most difficult position to be in.
Oh dear, here's Boz. Sure hope he is going to be respectful and gentle.
Any running commentary for those of us who can't watch is much appreciated!
Not sure if you may be referring to what I posted last night while I was quite exhausted...but here it is for anyone who may want to read...

This kind of thing is where I have an issue. If BC is guilty, he's brilliant. He somehow:

1) Killed NC without any evidence left in the home (and not to be graphic, but death is messy)
2) For a guy who did not care about a clean house, he became the world's best clean-up guy.
3) He somehow managed to make a call from the home to himself, but left no trace whatsoever of how he routed this call.
4) He went to the grocery store twice seeming completely cool and collected.
5) In spite of a neighborhood where everyone seemed nosy, and it being a weekend where people were up late/at a party, no one noticed him putting a body in the trunk and leaving young children in the middle of the night.
6) No one noticed him driving down a major road.
7) He removed the license plate so not to be traced...yet no one noticed a car without a license plate.
8) Again, no one saw BC furiously cleaning out the garage, removing and reattaching license plates
9) Now he was planting stuff on NC's mobile...even though he had no training or experience in mobile technology.
10) He was able to hand over the mobile immediately to LE, and magically predicted a detective would continually (10X!) put in the wrong code and wipe the phone.

It just doesn't pass the sniff test....

A very good list, but it leaves me at least still sniffing, for reasons as follows:

1) sometimes strangling isn't too messy. One I worked on personally a guy strangled a girl (in High Point), put her in the trunk of her car, and went back to the bar where he had picked her up. No one noticed a thing about him, where he had killed her, or even the car. I think sometimes, it just doesn't generate much evidence. That by itself does not mean of course BC did it. Strangers strangle, and did in the very same case I'm referencing.
2) here I would say b/c he was in fact suddenly motivated.
3) a good point.
4) granted but killers often maintain cool - see 1). plus, he was out very early, twice, the morning of the dumping.
5) good point. but, he did in fact leave twice to go to the store and was undetected with that apparently so I think that does not cut either way.
6) same as 5)
7) if the state says he did that, then lame. he'd be more noticable w/o a plate, I agree with you.
8) i wouldn't be surprised if the neighbors didn't notice someone inside a garage.
9) i don't believe he did that. and i don't believe he deleted it either. i put that on CPD.
10) agree that is silly. which is why i don't believe he messed with the phone. if anything, the defense probably hoped it showed evidence of other relationships, which might be helpful to their case. very bad screw up by CPD.
There seems to be people that are sure BC did it and even if there is no evidence they are determined, then some that think he did it but feel the state has not proven their case, and then there are some, me included, that think there is a possibility that he may have done it since often the spouse is the one, but we weren't there and to date there has been no evidence he did it, and the so called circumstantial evidence seems like normal things people do that is getting blown way way out of porportion as if it was unique. Also normal things that happen during a divorce seem to be being blown out of porportion too, and the budget issue, to most people is sounding pretty silly considering how much she was getting per week and both of their spending habits and their debt. I would also like to know more about this supposed message she left the realtor, but her not at the same time calling AS about her urgent need to move. Just that she had not contacted AS in months has me baffled if we are to listen to her friends and take all they have said as fact.

Since there was no real investigation into anyone other than BC we really don't know who did this, the State has not proven anything at this point except that the CPD messed up quite a few things, including not following their own protocols regarding handling of evidence, have been evasive, refuse to admit to things that are evident, want to be able to provide secret evidence that cannot be examined by the Defense under the guise of National Secutiry, and that they appear to have just listened to her friends and family as if they were Oracle's and looked no further.

I am not saying BC is not a liar, that he didn't cheat, but I am also pretty sure, unless he really has a secret secret life, that he is not an experienced murder and the fact that there is no crime scene, despite the CPDs guesses, along with no forensic evidence doesn't make me confident that he did it - that is not to say that he didn't, but I need some evidence - something, the alleged google map search did not do it for me - too many questions surrounding that. I also do not want to see our justice system perverted which seems to be happening in this case, that bothers me more than anything else, with the perceived bias of the Judge and what appears to be major egos of the Prosecution who appear more to want to win a case then find justice. The arrogance alone of BZ and attacking each Defense withness as if they are hostile or trying to purposely confuse them bothers me too, and attacking their personal lives that should not be happening. I would like to see him actually rebut some of the evidence instead of attacking the messenger on a personal level.

Please don't come back telling me the Defense attorney's have ego's too, we already know that, but the Defense in this case is doing its job which is defending their client.
So far, this witness SH has not said anything that we don't already know about Brad and Nancy's relationship. Not sleeping together, etc. He stated that Brad never aired their dirty laundry, never talked negatively about Nancy, etc.
He's now asking about SH's work, ie routers. Nothing from that testimony.
Please remind me, where in the house was the necklace found?

It was found in a drawer with several other pieces of jewelry that was Nancys. This is the room that BCs mom was staying in and was the room BC was staying in when NC was still alive.
Please remind me, where in the house was the necklace found?

In a drawer in the guest room where his mother was staying with other jewelry. I am not sure if that means anything at this point since it would not be likely to have been just left out on a dresser after she was found murdered. For example, I leave jewelry in my bathroom in a dish, and on my dresser, but if I came up missing, I would expect my family to gather it all in one place so nothing came up missing.
Not sure if you may be referring to what I posted last night while I was quite exhausted...but here it is for anyone who may want to read...

This kind of thing is where I have an issue. If BC is guilty, he's brilliant. He somehow:

1) Killed NC without any evidence left in the home (and not to be graphic, but death is messy)
2) For a guy who did not care about a clean house, he became the world's best clean-up guy.
3) He somehow managed to make a call from the home to himself, but left no trace whatsoever of how he routed this call.
4) He went to the grocery store twice seeming completely cool and collected.
5) In spite of a neighborhood where everyone seemed nosy, and it being a weekend where people were up late/at a party, no one noticed him putting a body in the trunk and leaving young children in the middle of the night.
6) No one noticed him driving down a major road.
7) He removed the license plate so not to be traced...yet no one noticed a car without a license plate.
8) Again, no one saw BC furiously cleaning out the garage, removing and reattaching license plates
9) Now he was planting stuff on NC's mobile...even though he had no training or experience in mobile technology.
10) He was able to hand over the mobile immediately to LE, and magically predicted a detective would continually (10X!) put in the wrong code and wipe the phone.

It just doesn't pass the sniff test....

Lots to fall into place, but don't think some of these items are all that hard to pull off...

1. if it was in the hall, we could have urine and MAYBE feces. Onto hardwoods. laundry pretty much solves this.
2. he's smart - he knows HOW to clean, just doesn't. He likely saw how Nancy did it
3. This is likely the easiest for him - he gets paid to figure this stuff out.
4. After killing - many folks experience a calm if this was my catathymic event theory. Calm and collected would be "normal"
5. if all this went on in the garage - who would notice? Besides - all sleeping in after the big party the night before.
6. A BMW in Cary? Might as well be camouflage
7. Look around - there are MANY cars without plates. At 4 AMish - (am-like, not Amish like the religion) it would not have been glaring.
8. In garage - simply not a biggie.
9. don't think that happened.
10. I think the phone is a nonstarter. but I do think that he messed with it. It would have been too much of a temptation for someone like him who was reading all her email, etc.
One thing that SH stated is that he was aware that Nancy slept in the master bedroom with both girls while Brad slept in the guestroom.
The map is interesting in light of the fact that the witness tried to infer that there were no cell towers in Cary. The map does give a disclaimer that not all towers have to be registered so not all towers are shown on the map. Even with that, you don't know which of those are towers used by AT&T subscribers.

He never said or infered that there were abosolutely no towers in Cary.
I missed the first part of SH's testimony this morning. Was he asked if BC used his computer while he was staying with him?
For some reason I expected testimony to be more substantial from this witness.
How creepy. Everything about this witness is just odd.
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