Terri: Waved Goodbye at 8:45/Left School at 9:00 -- Significance

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No, that does ring a bell but I don't know if that was a news report or speculation on the board.

I recall that early on, as well. I thought it was a quote from a reporter quoting Kaine. Like someone had asked him if the school had taken role and his reply was "twice"......

or was it that sheriff guy? .... someone said that.
How would a mysterous kidnapper know when the coast was clear to take Kyron at that exact moment and place. What if he was hanging with his buddies, or the teacher wanted him to stay at his poster ...to many variable for the kidnapper ...he wasnt in control, whereas, Teri was in control and knew the perfect time to get him to the truck.

respectfully snipped and BBM

Here's the thing, maybe it was just that Kyron presented the opportunity to a "mysterious kidnapper", maybe if it wasn't Kyron another child could have been grabbed. I don't think Kyron was specifically the target that day until the opportunity arose. Has every students Grandpa Chester or Uncle Lester been checked out? Probably not. Why, because THERE WAS NO SIGN IN PROCEDURE! JMO
5 to 7 minutes is actually much longer than people think. I am sure I could get out of a school that size and across the parking lot to my car in about 20 seconds. It doesn't seem to be that far. I could buckle (and have) a kid into her car seat in 30 seconds or even less. You just plop them in, adjust the straps, snap the lock and give them binky or bottle from the bag. That does not take 5 minutes unless the kid is really thrashing around. It depends how much traffic there was but it was probably under a minute just to get onto the main road. That's about 2 minutes right there.

You could be right- I'm just thinking of my kids school on a crowded day- I have to walk up or down stairs from wherever their performance is (usually takes time to do that with a crowd of people) then getting to the car- which I can never park that close on one of these days, and even though we don't have a parking lot, it takes time just to get off the block with everyone leaving at the same time...But if this school was single level, she was parked not too far and didn't have to wait to get out of parking lot, she could shave a couple minutes...I don't think she'd be hurrying too much as that might draw attention...
I wish this would of happened, I really do. I wish that they had the Buddy System in place that day.
Maybe they did set up a buddy system, but Kyron was already gone.

And MAYBE, to the serious questions being asked about failure to take attendance until 10:00am, quite possibly we don't have the entire story.

There hasn't been an outcry (that I have read about) from Skyline Elementary parents about that day. I'm wondering if a letter or recorded phone message was sent to parents long before this event; either letting them know that school would not officially begin until 10:00am that day OR that there was going to an initial roll-call (as usual) after that 8:45am bell. Then kids were put in groups with adults, later having attendance taken again at 10:00am.

As I was writing the above, it occurred to me that, because of the students who take the bus or who would be there without parents, the school's policy that day must have been for staff to take attendance at the regular time, and then again at 10:00am ,when the kids were back in their own classrooms after the tour.

Kyron wasn't missed, he was marked absent with no questions asked, because Terri left the teacher (and others) with the impression that she was taking Kyron to the doctor that morning.

Later, she used her "skills" and blamed the teacher for being confused.(oh yeah, and also blamed the teacher's misunderstanding on the fact that the teacher is hard of hearing!)

My thoughts on this.

I have wondered about this time discrepancy for a while.

My recent theory is that she told him she needed to get to the car but when he was finished with the exhibits then to go out at 8:45 (when the bell rang) and meet her at the truck.

I was following a truck yesterday, a Silverado, VERY similar to Kaine's but not a Ford ... I could not SEE into the truck to tell if ANYONE was in there, including a driver ... let alone a small, small framed little boy sitting in the back seat.

On the police flyer the truck is positioned in TWO places in the school ... this makes me think that he left the school and met up with TH that morning.

If they left school at 8:45 then it would have given her plenty of time to get that 9:12? stamped reciept.

I think she had him with her at FM and that is why she parked at the back of the parking lot. Maybe DDS or someone was in the truck with Kyron?
Then she was sure to talk to Kyron to make sure he didn't tell anyone he was leaving school ... he snuck out ... (they are skipping school for fun ?)

Just my humble opinion... but it is one way a perfect parent abduction could take place ...
respectfully snipped and BBM

Here's the thing, maybe it was just that Kyron presented the opportunity to a "mysterious kidnapper", maybe if it wasn't Kyron another child could have been grabbed. I don't think Kyron was specifically the target that day until the opportunity arose. Has every students Grandpa Chester or Uncle Lester been checked out? Probably not. Why, because THERE WAS NO SIGN IN PROCEDURE! JMO

jmo...but I'm guessing child abducting pedophiles usually don't sign in. At least not under their real names.:angel:
jmo...but I'm guessing child abducting pedophiles usually don't sign in. At least not under their real names.:angel:

The sign in isn't (according to PPS) just a sign in. Visitors were to be given badges to wear. Staff were also supposed to be wearing badges.

A random person without a badge would stand out. Because child abducting pedophiles usually don't sign in and get that badge.
The sign in isn't (according to PPS) just a sign in. Visitors were to be given badges to wear. Staff were also supposed to be wearing badges.

A random person without a badge would stand out. Because child abducting pedophiles usually don't sign in and get that badge.

Well, just for the sake of argument, if Chester Molester signed in as Joe Smith, he'd still get a "badge." And if the "badges" are like the ones at my kids' school, they are a sticker that says Visitor. When I sign in, no one forces me to put my sticker on. And half the time, they tell me not to bother. I guarantee I wouldn't pay the slightest bit of attention to whether someone is wearing a visitor sticker. If someone isn't wearing one and I happen to notice because I wonder if they're a parent or a teacher (just curious), I assume they are a school employee or a parent volunteer who is well known enough not to bother, or a parent like me, who didn't bother to take a sticker or put it on if I did. I don't report it to the office and I can guaranty I wouldn't be able to describe the stickerless individual unless he or she looked like a *pedophile* -- whatever that means.
Well, just for the sake of argument, if Chester Molester signed in as Joe Smith, he'd still get a "badge." And if the "badges" are like the ones at my kids' school, they are a sticker that says Visitor. When I sign in, no one forces me to put my sticker on. And half the time, they tell me not to bother. I guarantee I wouldn't pay the slightest bit of attention to whether someone is wearing a visitor sticker. If someone isn't wearing one and I happen to notice because I wonder if they're a parent or a teacher (just curious), I assume they are a school employee or a parent volunteer who is well known enough not to bother, or a parent like me, who didn't bother to take a sticker or put it on if I did. I don't report it to the office and I can guaranty I wouldn't be able to describe the stickerless individual unless he or she looked like a *pedophile* -- whatever that means.

Or how about someone just buys a sticker that says "Visitor" and puts it on without signing in?
I never carry cash. I always use my debit card. Consequently, I save all my receipts. Also, we know Kaine controlled the money, per his own words, and so if Terri spent anything she may have had to give an account to him, and so it makes sense why she would have the receipt and why she would be hyper-aware of having a receipt.

Kaine said Terri spent money like water. Hardly sounds like he was in control of the money.
No, that does ring a bell but I don't know if that was a news report or speculation on the board.

Gitana you could very well be correct.. I know I read it and I could swear in MSM.. I'll search in a moment when I got a few mins..
It must be impossible. 7 miles to drive, go in a store to look for medicine, purchase something and get a receipt all in 13 minutes? It would take her 7 minutes just to get there - and she would have to be driving 60 miles an hour the whole way.

Thank you, my thoughts exactly. 15 minutes to get out of the school, a milisecond to get to the store. Mind you, she would have to unbuckle baby K, get the stroller out (or carry her) into the store, put her in the basket, pick up the meds (or whatever she bought), then go back to the car, buckle in baby K, then leave.

whew -- just typing that took me more time than it took TH to get to the market.


I couldn't agree more, when TH said 9:00 she could have been rounding up. I do that all the time. At that point, June 5, she hadn't taken a LDT and hadn't had any reason to narrow her time down yet. If she indeed has a receipt from FM for 9:12 "checkout" then, she probably left somewhere in between 8:45 and 9:00. I really think the question remains, dead or alive, who was with her? But the other part of her email, about someone seeing Kyron with an unidentified male and two girls. Now THAT is a very big question. I still say she either was telling the truth, that is, she is the one who saw Kyron with an unidentified male, and it just sorta slipped out OR she made that up to try to steer people away from ....a direction I would guess she never thought people would be heading....hers.

BBM - actually she said she was on her 5th interview with them and specified that they were asking repeatedly about the timeline. She said 7 miles, 9:12am, 11:20 (not 11:30, not "before noon", but 11:20).

“I have a receipt showing I was checking out at Fred Meyer 7 miles away at 9:12am. I went to another FM looking for meds for Kitty they didn't have at the first FM. Then I was trying to get Kitty to sleep in the truck for a few minutes, but no go, so off to the gym at 11:20. Out at 12:20. Home at 12:45. Kaine home at 2. Bus at 3:30. That was my day - they keep asking me. Now on my 5th interview with them..."

Well, just for the sake of argument, if Chester Molester signed in as Joe Smith, he'd still get a "badge." And if the "badges" are like the ones at my kids' school, they are a sticker that says Visitor. When I sign in, no one forces me to put my sticker on. And half the time, they tell me not to bother. I guarantee I wouldn't pay the slightest bit of attention to whether someone is wearing a visitor sticker. If someone isn't wearing one and I happen to notice because I wonder if they're a parent or a teacher (just curious), I assume they are a school employee or a parent volunteer who is well known enough not to bother, or a parent like me, who didn't bother to take a sticker or put it on if I did. I don't report it to the office and I can guaranty I wouldn't be able to describe the stickerless individual unless he or she looked like a *pedophile* -- whatever that means.

Exactly. In my daughter's school you are supposed to sign in, sure, and I could sign in as Terri Horman if I wanted - who would know? I would just write some name down, write the fake name again on a badge and instantly I would be "official" because I was wearing a badge with a name on it.
Thank you, my thoughts exactly. 15 minutes to get out of the school, a milisecond to get to the store. Mind you, she would have to unbuckle baby K, get the stroller out (or carry her) into the store, put her in the basket, pick up the meds (or whatever she bought), then go back to the car, buckle in baby K, then leave.

whew -- just typing that took me more time than it took TH to get to the market.


If she left at 9:00 as she states in her email. Then according to google(look upthread it's laid out in detail by froginTtown) takes 12 mins to GET to THE FIRST Fred Meyers. That puts her at 9:12 ARRIVING there and even if she has a lead foot still not adding up .. Just not :shakes head:

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I have wondered about this time discrepancy for a while.

My recent theory is that she told him she needed to get to the car but when he was finished with the exhibits then to go out at 8:45 (when the bell rang) and meet her at the truck.

I was following a truck yesterday, a Silverado, VERY similar to Kaine's but not a Ford ... I could not SEE into the truck to tell if ANYONE was in there, including a driver ... let alone a small, small framed little boy sitting in the back seat.

On the police flyer the truck is positioned in TWO places in the school ... this makes me think that he left the school and met up with TH that morning.

If they left school at 8:45 then it would have given her plenty of time to get that 9:12? stamped reciept.

I think she had him with her at FM and that is why she parked at the back of the parking lot. Maybe DDS or someone was in the truck with Kyron?
Then she was sure to talk to Kyron to make sure he didn't tell anyone he was leaving school ... he snuck out ... (they are skipping school for fun ?)

Just my humble opinion... but it is one way a perfect parent abduction could take place ...
I bet he was in the truck alone at both FM. Heck he wasn't allowed to get out of bed in the morning. Teri probably told him to "sit in the truck and don't get out of the seatbeat or else!!!!"
respectfully snipped and BBM

Here's the thing, maybe it was just that Kyron presented the opportunity to a "mysterious kidnapper", maybe if it wasn't Kyron another child could have been grabbed. I don't think Kyron was specifically the target that day until the opportunity arose. Has every students Grandpa Chester or Uncle Lester been checked out? Probably not. Why, because THERE WAS NO SIGN IN PROCEDURE! JMO
Just happens to kidnapp a kid who's stepmon recentley tried to bump off the dad and has time she can't account for. How unlucky can Teri get .... MFH plot uncovered by a kidnapping.
Well, just for the sake of argument, if Chester Molester signed in as Joe Smith, he'd still get a "badge." And if the "badges" are like the ones at my kids' school, they are a sticker that says Visitor. When I sign in, no one forces me to put my sticker on. And half the time, they tell me not to bother. I guarantee I wouldn't pay the slightest bit of attention to whether someone is wearing a visitor sticker. If someone isn't wearing one and I happen to notice because I wonder if they're a parent or a teacher (just curious), I assume they are a school employee or a parent volunteer who is well known enough not to bother, or a parent like me, who didn't bother to take a sticker or put it on if I did. I don't report it to the office and I can guaranty I wouldn't be able to describe the stickerless individual unless he or she looked like a *pedophile* -- whatever that means.

:waitasec: But you said Chesters don't usually sign in.

Oh I see. "just for the sake of argument".
Just happens to kidnapp a kid who's stepmon recentley tried to bump off the dad and has time she can't account for. How unlucky can Teri get .... MFH plot uncovered by a kidnapping.

Have we gotten proof of a MFH plot?
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