The luggage

I just copied it and pasted it....there's probably a better way, but I don't know how LOL

Thanks, I tried that with just the link, not the whole post. It wouldnt let me do it. But whatever works LOL.
Why were you donating it? Why was it left outdoors?
Is it part of a SET? Where are the other pieces?
Why do you think someone would steal a cast- off suitcase in plain sight?

I would make them squirm because this is just squirrely.

Suit case is a weird thing. First off, I can't imagine Perp killing little girl and then stealing someone's suitcase to dispose of her in.

I also can't imagine Perp stealing the suitcase before hand in planning to kill this girl. This crime seems disorganized so whoever killed the girl already had the suitcase. That is why is was easy to use to dispose of her.

With that being said either someone in the Pastor's house killed her, providings this is their suitcase and they are covering by saying it was stolen. Or the suitcase was already given to someone/sold and that person is the killer.
Personally, I find F. Williams very suspicious! He's the first to mention the suitcase stolen, defending the Pastor, and has access to the church. Was he at the Pastor's home that day? But then I get confused on this because why would they take the Pastor's daughters SUV...
I don't know anymore.

Sorry but who is F. Williams?
Btw~ I noted in the article with Williams' mention of the suitcase being stolen and reported...he didn't say to whom it was reported. There was no mention of LE at all. Was it reported to the pastor? Was it only reported to Williams since he was aware of it? Who did the woman tell about the suitcase supposedly being taken right out from under her nose?

As far as them not opening the suitcase, LE knew they were looking for Sandra and this find was out of the norm. They would treat the scene as if they knew a body could be found so not to lose valuable evidence.

Have you guys looked at the site we can't link here about this? *blinking my eyes* :crazy: It's interesting.
I just don't see someone stealing luggage in the morning time planning on murdering a little girl in the afternoon. This doesn't make sense. To me, it seems more reasonable to think the murder happened and then someone stole the luggage or better yet used there own and then freaked out realizing it could be tied back to them so they said it was stolen.
Have you guys looked at the site we can't link here about this? *blinking my eyes* :crazy: It's interesting.

Sure did, and interesting it is! I'd LOVE to know what his criminal background consists of. I did look at that address they have for him (don't know for sure if its correct) but it's defenitly a nice home and neighborhood.
Sure did, and interesting it is! I'd LOVE to know what his criminal background consists of. I did look at that address they have for him (don't know for sure if its correct) but it's defenitly a nice home and neighborhood.

Now look at the video here Doesn't F. Williams sound like the guy he is describing? Not saying it's him, but everything needs to be looked at.
I keep thinking about this suitcase.......

how did they know she was in it BEFORE they opened it.... every news report I have read says they DID NOT OPEN IT untill it was taken to the forensic unit....... then HOW the ehell did they KNOW she was in there?

was there something on the OUTSIDE of the suitcase that made them think she was in it?

I wondered that as well. I even commented to my husband that I thought it was odd....I could see a lot of people thinking there might be something valuable in there and opening it. Unless.........they could "tell" what was in there from the feel of it?
Snipped by save space, I'm sorry :0)

"Who would steal/walk away with a huge black suitcase in a matter of minutes on a friday and NO one in the TP see's them?"

AND what are the odds that someone who has a body to dispose of just happens to come upon convenient, right? NO...i smell carp!

You know, the easiest thing to steal (they say) is a canoe, because no one would even think to question someone walking around with it. Maybe it was the same thinking with walking off with the suitcase...
Sure did, and interesting it is! I'd LOVE to know what his criminal background consists of. I did look at that address they have for him (don't know for sure if its correct) but it's defenitly a nice home and neighborhood.

Are you speaking of the Lodi address (nice neighborhood)? I don't find a Tracy address for him.
Are you speaking of the Lodi address (nice neighborhood)? I don't find a Tracy address for him.

um, no. I don't know if I can put it on here?? Someone let me know. If not, go to the other site, (blinking my eyes for ya) and there is a screen shot of it w/ a map too.
Someone has put it on the FLW thread, not sure if it is allowed.
There is talk on the Williams thread of a rummage sale they were involved with, but not the church...interesting!

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