The Talent show

Will wonders never cease.

Funny how that works

Maybe the other child's story was proven false, by LE?
The school supposedly puts out a calendar of events for the school year. Hopefully ALL parents know what is going on in their children's lives from month to month at school. TS,SF,Spelling Bee, Snow days...whatever it maybe...however, there seems to be some who did not know this info for whatever reason! They either didn't have the calendar or paid no attention to it!
I haven't had any children at home for years, so I don't know the answer to that one.

I think sometimes the parents are the ones that make a huge deal out of something.

I was never able to go to my children's programs at school because I had to do my classroom's program. I was never a big fan of the Christmas programs where the child was one of many on the stage. I always had children do things in smaller groups, so at least they would stand out from the herd.

It would helpful to know if he was one of many, or if he was in a smaller group that would be more interesting to him.

Well in that interview with Kaine and Desiree they said that Kyron would go on and on about all his school activities and events. Like the science fair. From the big things to even the little things like riding the bus.

There's no way to keep a child like that from telling daddy about the talent show he was going to be in.
I was a teacher too. If we had something special planned, and a kid was going to miss it, I might bring it to the parent's attention. "Oh what a shame! He'll miss the Valentine's Day party! We'll have to save his party favors for Monday." or whatever. Give them the chance to change the appt.

And if I had a kid who was part of an act in a talent show, and he was absent, I would sure do a little more checking than "I thought he was at an appointment." I'd see if he was signed out and if Mom mentioned to anyone whether or not he was going to return. Might even email or call to remind her about it so the other kids in the act wouldn't be disappointed.

That's why I think it was a large group thing. If he were going to let other kids down by not being there, I think the teacher would have followed up or been more concerned at 10 when he wasn't there.

I could never count on children being all present when we did programs, so I would have my little groups be able to function in the program no matter who was present.

If a child had left with a parent for the day, I just would not wonder what they were up to. I may be different in my approach, but I just feel if a parent is a very responsible type, they have a good reason for whatever they are doing that doesn't involve me.

So Kyron's teacher could be a teacher like me.

I am so glad I don't have a classroom anymore and a different job, as I would be having a breakdown even if a parent left with a child.

I had a sign-in and sign-out sheet in my room, but at the end of the day, ( all my children were picked up by authorized people or the after school care people), I saw that many days people had not signed out, even though I knew for sure who had taken the child.

There was no way I could talk to parents, look for missing items, watch the sign-out sheet, answer the phone, etc etc etc . all at the same time.

Thank goodness I am out of the classroom.
Although maybe she didn't worry about the afternoon, as it was all supposed to be the school's fault anyway.

Trying to think this through. If th did plan this, then she established her alibi by dropping him off at school, and as best she could for the rest of the day by doing this and that errand, going to the gym, posting science fair pics on fb --except for the 90 minutes "driving around."

If it was a plan, she might have em'd the teacher at around the time of the talent show to see if anyone was wondering why kyron wasn't there, and also to affirm to the school that she was at home waiting for Kyron. She might have an excuse for not going to the talent show (fussy or napping baby), but why did dy and kh not seem to even know about about the talent show at all? I mean when Kaine left that morning, he and kyron talked about the science fair. No mention of the talent show. And when he and DY were asked in an interview, what about the talent show? they both said something like yeah, there was mention of that. We're not really sure (paraphrasing).

If she is totally innocent, why do the parents seem to have had no knowledge of the talent show? Imo, that is not something you wouldn't mention. Especially if you have a shy kid who's about to get on stage to perform. If either one of my kids were shy (ha!, as if) my heart would be in my throat for them having to perform before a crowd. I was super shy as a kid and knowing that I had to get on a stage for ANY reason made me want to crawl in a hole and not come out till it was over. I had to do the pledge of allegiance and narrate Peter Rabbit in my kindie play, and I STILL remember how terrified I was that day. I was so traumatized I even remember what I was wearing, and I'm not a young woman! just my pure speculation

A 9yo wouldn't be in Kyron's grade, but maybe the 2nd - 4th graders were going to sing together or something. Concerts are frequently done like that in my DD's smallish school.

A 9 year old could be in Kyron's grade if they were held back or started school late and recently had turned 9- I'm not sure when Kyron's birthday is but 3rd graders are usually (or about to be) 8...

but I'm not sure why he would be believed over the other child who said he had seen Kyron...Of course, testifying is just providing information and maybe the other child is to testify, too(?)


I also thought maybe the talent show was just for the kids (with the adult show being at a later time) as many schools do and other posters have mentioned but then why would it have been posted on a sign outside?
Wow, this is confusing!

Kyron is a shy kid... wouldn't someone have known if he was dreading the performance, or if he was uncharacteristically excited or even just blase about it? I mean Kyron didn't know he was about to go missing, so he would have thought he was still attending the TS...

Huh, you know I just get the feeling that if Terri is guilty, she expected the school to notice his absence and contact her during the day. Maybe she didn't think she'd need an entire day of alibi, but just the trips to the grocery store, during which time she'd receive "the call" from Skyline and spring into concerned parent mode.

Maybe she never considered the entire day passing with no one noticing his absence, the talent show, etc.

This is really confusing.

I think totally opposite. I think she knew they would not suspect his absence as being anything sinister. I also believe that she knew they wouldn't contact her., Which give her more time to plan her next course of action.
The school supposedly puts out a calendar of events for the school year. Hopefully ALL parents know what is going on in their children's lives from month to month at school. TS,SF,Spelling Bee, Snow days...whatever it maybe...however, there seems to be some who did not know this info for whatever reason!

But apparently neither Kaine nor Desiree ever looked at that calendar of Kyron's events?
Good post!

But I'm amazed--when a school friend said that he had seen Kyron *after* TH said she left him, that report was blown off, as near as I can tell, by LE. And I've seen so many saying that well, he's just a kid, he probably got confused. From the get-go, his story has been discounted.

Now suddenly, supposedly, some child said something that's leading to assumptions that it proves TH's guilt, and all of a sudden a young child's testimony is both believable *and* important. Same school, same group of kids, same age group, but this one is reliable evidence. Vs. the other one.

Will wonders never cease. :waitasec:

I'm sure LE is going off their interview with the other little little kid, and not what we saw in the videos, we saw through news media, which were just snippets of the interview. That might be why LE requested to see all videos from media, to see the entire thing. Another good reason why LE didn't want interviews given to the media, makes for a lot of speculation. MIO This other child obviously, did not give an interview in the beginning.
Respectfully snipped

I was super shy as a kid and knowing that I had to get on a stage for ANY reason made me want to crawl in a hole and not come out till it was over. I had to do the pledge of allegiance and narrate Peter Rabbit in my kindie play, and I STILL remember how terrified I was that day. I was so traumatized I even remember what I was wearing, and I'm not a young woman! just my pure speculation


Brought back memories. When my daughter was in 1st grade, I forgot to dress her for the Christmas concert that day. We had bought a new dress for her and for some reason, that morning I forgot the concert was that day. The teacher called me at work because my daughter was crying because she didn't have her new dress on. I went to school and took her home and got her in her new dress. She's 35 and I still feel guilty about that.
Good post!

But I'm amazed--when a school friend said that he had seen Kyron *after* TH said she left him, that report was blown off, as near as I can tell, by LE. And I've seen so many saying that well, he's just a kid, he probably got confused. From the get-go, his story has been discounted.

Now suddenly, supposedly, some child said something that's leading to assumptions that it proves TH's guilt, and all of a sudden a young child's testimony is both believable *and* important. Same school, same group of kids, same age group, but this one is reliable evidence. Vs. the other one.

Will wonders never cease. :waitasec:

Well, all kids are not equally credible. I'm willing to give the benefit of the doubt that LE asked many, many more questions than the one to each child whose answers we've read in the news, and they used a much bigger picture than we have to judge the credibility of each story.
Did we ever hear confirmation as to whether or not this Talent Show was just for the students or if the families were invited?

Yes, I'm just not convinced that this was something parents were supposed to attend, especially after the science fair, which appears to also have been an event that parents could attend (at least in the a.m. before school, not sure about the part with the presentations the day before).

I know things have changed but many eons ago (1970s) when I was in elementary school, I don't recall very many daytime events, if any, that parents were encouraged to attend. After school, yes. My memory may be skewed because my mother couldn't/wouldn't have attended anyway, but I digress...

Parents with kids in Portland schools, how many events are you invited to/expected to attend during school hours in an average month?

It is odd to me that Kyron wouldn't have mentioned either being excited or dreading the show. I'm wondering if his friend enlisted Kyron at the last minute for moral support. Kyron might not have felt that he had much of a role in the show, but that it was just another school activity, not worth mentioning. I'm thinking assistant in a magic trick or somesuch. Forgive me if it's been mentioned what the friend's act was. JMHO, YMMV.
I'm not so certain he did testify to that info.. seems as if mom/media report made it appear mom knew GJ testimony was secret, and what she told media was not r/t what her son actually testified about.
I need to watch that clip again to get a better feel, it was quite brief.

Yes, nurse, I agree as to the story not being totally clear about what was GJ and what mom was reported as saying about the talent show. When I watched it back (DVR) it was said that mom did not ask child about his GJ testimony.

Wow, that's so ethical, if true, and so difficult, IMO.
Funny how that works :)

And, in one interview, at least one, KH said that when he said goodbye to Kyron that morning he wished him good luck with the science fair. That has always left a question with me--was it competitive? Ribbons handed out?

And yet, Kyron was going to be in a talent show--something I don't see as a high priority for him as he's been described--and KH doesn't know that? Doesn't wish him good luck?

Something's hinky with this sudden "oh yea, Kyron was going to be in the talent show." Let alone with the opposite reaction to one kid who's said something early on, and as far as we know, has stuck with it.

I hate to say this, but I honestly believe that anything that doesn't fit in the round hole that LE has been digging specifically for TH from the get-go is deemed a square peg. And if they can't hammer it into round, they throw it away.

JMO. I'm very irritated with how LE has handled this case. Very. :furious: If someone else out there grabbed Kyron, well, they've gotten a free pass right from June 4.
But apparently neither Kaine nor Desiree ever looked at that calendar of Kyron's events?

Desiree possibly would not be able to get off of work for a whole day. Not all businesses are family friendly and if one takes too much time off from work for family things, the other employees and the bosses get upset. I know nothing of her business where she works so i am not casting aspersions; just presenting an idea.

And if Kaine is like my hubby, school events were my domain. I was in charge of those things.

He's in charge of fixing the plumbing, roofing the house, that kind of thing where I am only the very unskilled tool holder and hander to . Yes, I am a teacher making up words and ending a sentence with a preposition.
I think totally opposite. I think she knew they would not suspect his absence as being anything sinister. I also believe that she knew they wouldn't contact her., Which give her more time to plan her next course of action.

Interesting. That could be true, too. A few times in the unfolding of events something told me that Terri was prepared to be called in the early afternoon, but at this point as things get revealed I realize every day anew that we don't have some of the critical puzzle pieces necessary to see the picture.
A 9 year old could be in Kyron's grade if they were held back or started school late and recently had turned 9- I'm not sure when Kyron's birthday is but 3rd graders are usually (or about to be) 8...

but I'm not sure why he would be believed over the other child who said he had seen Kyron...Of course, testifying is just providing information and maybe the other child is to testify, too(?)


I also thought maybe the talent show was just for the kids (with the adult show being at a later time) as many schools do and other posters have mentioned but then why would it have been posted on a sign outside?

Wasn't Kyron's class a split? Was it a second and third grade split? An 8 year old could have just had a birthday and turned 9.
Desiree possibly would not be able to get off of work for a whole day. Not all businesses are family friendly and if one takes too much time off from work for family things, the other employees and the bosses get upset. I know nothing of her business where she works so i am not casting aspersions; just presenting an idea.

And if Kaine is like my hubby, school events were my domain. I was in charge of those things.

He's in charge of fixing the plumbing, roofing the house, that kind of thing where I am only the very unskilled tool holder and hander to . Yes, I am a teacher making up words and ending a sentence with a preposition.

agreed with everything you said- and this could have been quite frustrating for TH who may have preferred to staying home w/ baby K and going on FB (as one with a computer addiction I'm ot casting aspersions there!)...and IMO teachers have poetic license for making up words and ending sentences with prepositions, lol!

so maybe she figured going to the school for one event was enough and didn't mention it to kh or dy and told kyron he would not be there b/c of an appt so kyron didn't bring it up either...(i think it very odd that there would be 2 separate events in a school at 2 completely different times in one day so that makes me think it was for kids only but i still don't understand why it would be on the sign outside then)...
I just found this oregonian article that states that Kyron was supposed to be part of the talent show:
8 a.m. Skyline Elementary, 11536 N.W. Skyline Blvd., opens early so students and parents can tour the science fair. A billboard outside reads: "June 4, I.B. Inquiry Expo, 8-10, Talent show, 1-2:45." Kyron was to take part in both the expo/science fair and the talent show./I]

Not directed at you Matou at all! :blowkiss:

Just this is another example of hearsay, comments under articles & questions we have been wondering about. Where the world is watching this case, dontcha think the paper wants to get it right??? I am pretty well trusting sources for this very reason. Gosh...if you want to wait for LE to spell something out in black & may want to save yourself time/misery & wait for the trial. It is fine if you do, however...many or most times they don't have the smoking gun along with the person on video and they count on the jury to have common sense JMO.
If I'm not mistaken people who testify in a grand jury are not sworn to secrecy, I believe the jurors are.

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