TN - Chris Newsom, 23, & Channon Christian, 21, murdered, Knoxville, 6 Jan 2007 #14

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Watch live here:Or here:

(These are unedited video feeds of the trial, likely to contain graphic testimony, images, and descriptions of a violent crime. Please be advised.)
Full Coverage and Background info:Videos:
Twitter links:
Jamie Satterfield - Knoxville News Sentinel:


Names for reference:
Chris Newsom
Channon Christian

Richard Baumgartner

Attorneys for Prosecution:
Takisha Fitzgerald, AKA "TK"
Leland Price

Defense attorneys:
Thomas Dillard
Stephen Johnson

Hugh and Mary Newsom
Gary and Deena Christian
Wow great job SuziQ
I just realized it is about to start for VC, each one seems harder to watch. Honestly I don't think I could be a juror on this case I know that is wrong, but it just bothers me for weeks watching it online, I can't imagine being in the court room. This is one of them cases you never forget. Plus I could put her to death without going through all this.
Wow great job SuziQ
I just realized it is about to start for VC, each one seems harder to watch. Honestly I don't think I could be a juror on this case I know that is wrong, but it just bothers me for weeks watching it online, I can't imagine being in the court room. This is one of them cases you never forget. Plus I could put her to death without going through all this.

BBM. I was thinking the same thing tonight. I really feel for the jurors. Such a responsibility they have.
Does anyone know what was decided on the "journal?" Is it in or out?
Does anyone know what was decided on the "journal?" Is it in or out?

There was a hearing a few weeks ago in which it was brought up. The judge said that he had read it and there were references to what happened.
I was just thinking how bad I feel for the parents of this young couple, here I am knowing I will be depressed and upset for a few weeks after this trial and yet these poor parents have to sit there time after time, not weeks.........years. I don't know which would be worse to be the parents of Channon or to be the parents of Venessa, I would feel so ashamed. I certainly couldn't look Channon's parents in the face and ask the jurors to spare my daughters life!
WS has been down for the past hour. Pros read the charges and judge is giving the jury instructions.

Chris and Channon's parents are there.

There is a couple in back on the defense side. The woman looks just like Vanessa. Her parents maybe?

Coleman is not charged w/ entire indictment. She is not accused in carjacking that started crime spree #cntrial

State to read indictment, which is waaaay long and judge will give prelim legal instructions b/f opening stmts #cntrial

Defense Lavit - wants jury to know feds treated Coleman as witness only, judge says fine on cross-exam #cntrial

Prosecutor TK wants block intro of fed immunity deal inked 4 Coleman, judge to rule later. #cntrial

State says has handwriting expert on journal, judge warns if mention journal b/f his OK "u do so at own peril" #cntrial

Vanessa has totally new 'do. Gone is the explosion of hair, replaced by flat-ironed, sleek look #cntrial
TK making opening statements.
I am soooo nervous for this one. Thanks Suzi, I was having panic attacks when I couldnt get on WS!! :)
Is it me or does it seem that TK is scattered this morning?
Is it me or does it seem that TK is scattered this morning?

IMO, she doesn't sound like herself your right Suzi...maybe she's sick again...wasn't she sick during the GT trial too?
Is it me or does it seem that TK is scattered this morning?

I thought it was just me; that the two cups of coffee hadn't saturated my brain yet. I was thinking that if I didn't already know so much about this case (like maybe some of the jurors) that I really wouldn't understand what she was talking about or just where she was trying to go with her speech.
IMO, she doesn't sound like herself your right Suzi...maybe she's sick again...wasn't she sick during the GT trial too?

I know it was one of the later trials. She had the flu, cold or something.
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