trial day 33: the defense continues its case in chief #96

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I'm hoping the jury is just like us and unable to tell if anything is a lie so you assume everything is a lie.

How sad is it that we have to debate whether she was wearing a sweater or shirt because even something that mundane and insignificant could be a lie? She lies about things that don't even matter!

Ok, one before :eek:fftobed:

I'd really like to see those greeting cards. What kind were they? Why do I get the feeling a Valentine's day card may have been one? JMO
DOES ANYTHING DR DO LITTLE SAYS EVEN MATTERFor one thing all of Samuels notes were taken when Jodi was still going with the ninja did it story.
She had a long time to read and talk to other inmates about how to go about claiming different scenarios that would best work for her in court.
The grandfather’s gun (same caliber that was used to shoot Travis) was stolen.
Renting a car 90 miles away from where she was living.
Asking for a light colored car so it wouldn’t be quite so noticeable.
Taking 3 gas cans with her.
Possibly dying her hair while on the road.
License plate turned upside down and front plate removed.
Cell phone turned off the whole time she was in Arizona
Not parking in the driveway at Travis’s house.
Entering Travis’s house (said she watched him at his computer until the dog noticed her) without being invited in.
Stabbed and shot Travis and cut his throat.
Took evidence from crime scene—tried to clean up crime scene-destroyed evidence.
Mysteriously found cell phone charger after leaving Arizona. Left messages on Travis’s phone and acted as if nothing was wrong knowing she had killed him hrs before.
Had bandaged fingers at Ryan burns house.
Had a grind on Ryan Burns an acted as if nothing was wrong.
Still had gas cans returning home from Utah.
Phoned detective Flores the day after the police found Travis’s body and was pumping him for information as to how Travis died.
Attended Travis’s memorial knowing that she herself was the one that murdered him.
Sent flowers and 8 page letter to Travis’s grand mother.
Told detective Flores she was not anywhere near Arizona at the time Travis was killed.
Changed her story and said it was people dressed as ninjas that killed Travis.
Told detective Flores her ring finger was cut from fighting with the ninjas.
She was eager to see pictures of Travis dead-Asked a few times to see the death pictures,
Was arrested and put in jail.
Lied to Samuels and her own lawyers until they couldn’t believe her story then changed her plea to quilty but the killing was in self defense.
Has a very vivid memory with extreme detail of everything but from the time stabbing started (brain fog conveniently).
Story not plausible as to shooting Travis then stabbing him.
How would she know how to load a gun—put the safety into a firing position all in a slit second?
Said there was a holster then no holster.
Said Travis told her the gun was not loaded so why point an unloaded gun at the person that told you it was not loaded?
Stabs in Travis’s back prove he was no threat from that point on even if he was attacking her.
Cutting his throat when he could not possibly have been a threat to her.
Travis was shot with the same caliber gun that was stolen a week earlier from her grand parents home.
There was not enough time going by the time stamps of the crime pictures for her to do the things she did according to her story.
She had the clear memory to lock the bedroom door and put up the dog gate when leaving.
Lied to everyone until the evidence showed she was the killer.
Showed no remorse at any time.
Was totally combative when answering prosecution questions.

These are all the things that come to mind and I’m sure I have missed some to.
Weather or not Jodi had PDST or not is irrelevant and the fact weather she shot him first or stabbed him first to me makes no difference about premeditation as either way Travis would not have been a threat no matter which came first and she could have fled.
No matter how you look at the murder there was no reason even in self defense to cut someone’s throat after he has received all those wounds pre throat cutting any threat was by this time long gone.
I think what some paid shrink has to say about her state at the time of the murder is null and void and should not make any difference to the outcome as to premeditation.
Guilty of first degree murder and the heinous of the crime –Death Penalty
See, I am not sure that she did get back in his good graces. I am not 100% on board with the fact that he even knew she was there until 1 pm that day. He took a call iirc around noon with one of the PPL people. She says they didn't wake up till after 1. So, there are some inconsistencies still that make me think her arrival was not something he knew was going to happen. And when it did, like another posted, he went with it to avoid the scene and just get her out of there. But she came back when she realized it didn't work, he still was going to Cancun without her. He was still moving on. So, what else was there to do for her but to use violence to fix it.


Sorry, I was speaking in general not about how she gained entry on June 4th.
I agree that on June 4th once she was at his house he was probably too nice to send her on her way at that time.
ITA. I'm not a professional, but I would classify many of her actions as not only assertive, but aggressive. Even in her own testimony, almost every time there was a visit, it was JA going to Travis, NOT the other way around.

It seems obvious to me that this poor pitiful me act is just that - an act. Even watching her interviews before and after she was arrested, she never once comes off as not assertive, ever! She definintely projects confidence and sometimes downright arrogance and aggressiveness.

Even when JM confronted her on the stand, she had no problem calling him out when she believed that he was treating her in a way she had an issue with. And I'm sure she was the same way with Travis. I have no doubt she was always the aggressor in their relationship.

I believe you are correct. I also believe she was the same with her parents thus causing the frequent use of the spoon. And if I remember correctly her altercation with her father was because he was asking a question and she kept answering 'I don't know'. Her abusive mean behaviour did not start with TA. jmo
She probably apologized and whined and then stroked his ego about how wonderful he was and how much she missed him and the good times together and then went on to give examples such as when they <insert any sexual situation here> which got his juices flowing and he was hooked once again.

Jumping off your post here. I think JA was a source of internal conflict. He was trying to follow the principles of his faith, yet was drawn in by a very "human instinct". It was not in his character structure to be mean or cruel from what we have heard. JA knew this and played into that big time. She knew he would not turn her away. She knew, that although he might have been dismissive in his texts to her in the end, that he would always be kind. She had a habit of taking advantage of kindness and in this case, she took it away forever. JMO
ITA. I'm not a professional, but I would classify many of her actions as not only assertive, but aggressive. Even in her own testimony, almost every time there was a visit, it was JA going to Travis, NOT the other way around.

It seems obvious to me that this poor pitiful me act is just that - an act. Even watching her interviews before and after she was arrested, she never once comes off as not assertive, ever! She definintely projects confidence and sometimes downright arrogance and aggressiveness.

Even when JM confronted her on the stand, she had no problem calling him out when she believed that he was treating her in a way she had an issue with. And I'm sure she was the same way with Travis. I have no doubt she was always the aggressor in their relationship.

I got the impression the DT was trying to say that she can be assertive now, but back then she was unable to because she was weeping mess. However, I agree that she was just as assertive then as now. She went on 48 hours and had no issue with talking and talking and talking about TA and the fact no one would convict her. Then you have the Samuels guy saying she indicated she was suicidal after Nurmi was trying to quit only to keep it to himself. He was ethically bound to get her help IF she was truly suicidal. So IMHO, the witness clearly showed that in his professional opinion she was just yakking about it. Not really suicidal.

As for the assertive thing, you are so right that she was the one running back and forth from AZ and meeting him in places to go on trips. Even in the tape she is inviting herself on the DC trip. She was assertive even then and there is proof of that IMHO

I love how he complains about his wife constantly calling him. Well Gus, do you think it might have something to do with you owing her a lot of money and you weren't giving her any? I thought you were a millionaire. :rolleyes: JMO

LOL no kidding. I thought his ex-wife and daughter must love that he boasted about how much money he makes whether he gets out of bed or not.
The way I, as a layperson, understand PTSD is because the sufferer constantly relives the trauma. So if Jodi has amnesia, how can she have PTSD? Either she's lying about the amnesia or the PTSD.

No way to ever know, because Jodi constantly lies about everything.

IMO, Jodi remembers every single gory detail but will never tell because it's a mechanism of control. She knows exactly what no one else does and gets a thrill out of the speculation.
ITA. I'm not a professional, but I would classify many of her actions as not only assertive, but aggressive. Even in her own testimony, almost every time there was a visit, it was JA going to Travis, NOT the other way around.

It seems obvious to me that this poor pitiful me act is just that - an act. Even watching her interviews before and after she was arrested, she never once comes off as not assertive, ever! She definintely projects confidence and sometimes downright arrogance and aggressiveness.

Even when JM confronted her on the stand, she had no problem calling him out when she believed that he was treating her in a way she had an issue with. And I'm sure she was the same way with Travis. I have no doubt she was always the aggressor in their relationship.

Yes I agree! I was responding to event of driving to ex-boyfriend's new g/f if that was assertive or aggressive.

It is assertive bordering on aggressive depending on her emotional state.

Assertive (Healthy) would have talked to her boyfriend (ex?) explaining she felt discounted and disrespected he had not ended their relationship before going on to another relationship.

Of course, she is assertive, aggressive (she admitted she had lost her temper "1000 times") and, most likely, has a PhD in passive-aggressive.

Finally, the ultimate aggression is her brutal torturous murder of Travis.
Jumping off your post here. I think JA was a source of internal conflict. He was trying to follow the principles of his faith, yet was drawn in by a very "human instinct". It was not in his character structure to be mean or cruel from what we have heard. JA knew this and played into that big time. She knew he would not turn her away. She knew, that although he might have been dismissive in his texts to her in the end, that he would always be kind. She had a habit of taking advantage of kindness and in this case, she took it away forever. JMO

And probably played on his feelings of guilt as well. Kind people feel 'guilty' when they have to hurt someone. Its the guilt that actually is being taken advantage of.

Ok, I know I am way too obsessed with this case. But, I had logged out to get ready to go to the store. We have a glass door shower, kind of like Travis'. I was in my bathroom, getting ready,and got the strangest feeling of someone watching me. No one was (I don't think, anyway :)). But I imagined Travis in his shower, when JA says something to him, letting him know she was there (yes, I think she snuck back in). He asks her, exasperated, what she was doing there. She tells him she just wanted to get a few more pictures of him, since she would not be seeing him for quite a while - or not any more. He tells her to leave and she says no and shows him the weapon, insisting he sit.

I just had to come back and post this. Probably means nothing, but I kind of think that's how some of it happened. See you all later at court time!!
Earlier Beth was on In Session, and she said that court WILL convene tomorrow. I guess they will finish up everything with Dr. Samuels if they don't get through today.
Totally agree with you. The other thing that bothered me was he said he took bits and pieces of each conversation he had with her and assimilated (ok not his word, he had some other kooky way of saying it) all the information together to create his "notes". What the heck? Was she his only patient during this whole time? How in the world could he be confident that his recollections were of Jodi's experiences and not some other patient? He's proven over and over during his testimony that he, too, suffers from some type of disrupted-hippocampus memory-fog-nesia something or other. :what:

Samuels has not acted as an impartial 3rd party evaluator. It would appear that he was called in as part of the defense team. Overtime the experts, JA, and attorneys constructed the outline of the JA defense story. They needed Post Traumatic Stress in order to account for the memory loss. The memory loss is needed to eliminate the “cruel” aspect of the crime.

The battered woman’s syndrome binds together these individual psychological preconditions. As previously noted JA flawed memory reflects all the elements needed to confirm PTS and battered woman and omits the elements that would count as 1st degree murder. The team then developed a “made to order” list for its experts. It appears that Samuels and team coordinated and crafted the PTS and memory loss “testimony”. Samuels delivered exactly what Wilmott wanted him to say. The “official report” had to be fine-tuned and certain “errors” eradicated which in turn led to Samuel’s 12/2012 Addendum Report.

Samuels was exposed as somewhat of a “fraud” and did NOT act with a high degree of independence and professionalism. Rather he functions just as another cog in the JA “Theater of the Absurd”.
Jumping off your post here. I think JA was a source of internal conflict. He was trying to follow the principles of his faith, yet was drawn in by a very "human instinct". It was not in his character structure to be mean or cruel from what we have heard. JA knew this and played into that big time. She knew he would not turn her away. She knew, that although he might have been dismissive in his texts to her in the end, that he would always be kind. She had a habit of taking advantage of kindness and in this case, she took it away forever. JMO

When this trial began, I felt it was so vile that TA talked the defendant into having oral and anal sex b/c it 'wasn't really sex.'

I can't believe I fell for her BS.

I now believe completely that she convinced him that these variations of sex did not "count" and offered these services to him. Thus, TA's "you are the worst thing that ever happened to me" statement. She f'd him over, literally and figuratively.
I think I missed the info about Gus Searcy. I can't figure out his relationship to Jodi. How did she know him? What did he do for her? Was he from Mesa, Yreka, or some other place?
Out of the loop a bit so hate to ask but what time does Court start today? TIA
3. The roommates were clueless, just listen to the 911 call again. I've lived with men, they only know something is "off" but usually just don't care.

It's not that we men -- monolithic group that we are -- don't care, it's just that we know enough to leave being nosey to the experts, such as members of the Micromanaging Girl Mafia.

Union rules and all that.
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