trial day 46: the defense continues its case in chief #138

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Whew!!! Never thought I would get in!

...I think Softail locked us out to rack up the thanks..:floorlaugh:

it was getting kind of chilly out there thanks for letting us all in ...
Bringing this post over to reply to prima.facie.

lol. what can a person do to force a person from their life? even restraining orders do NOT work! crazy person is going to do what crazy person wants to do.

and to say he did NOTHING to get her out of his life is disingenuous at best.

first, we have information of private conversations that went on between them face to face. next, he changed his garage code so she didn't have it. next, he told her off which, this sane woman would take as: go away. how the hell did he know she would end up killing him? most of the crap she did, he probably didn't even know about or have tangible evidence he could take to the police!

and please substitute man for woman. your bias against men is showing. how many women stay in abusive relationships and NEVER tell anyone?! MANY. ive done it myself. im an example of one who never got the restraining order and stayed with him too long.


Thank you.

I stayed for many years and took the emotional and physical abuse and I never called police. I never breathed a word to anyone even when they ask me how I got my lip busted or had a shiner or was limping because my hip was badly bruised. I always made up a story about stumbling or falling.

Only when he beat me so badly that I needed ICU care was it out of my hands and that is when everyone became of aware of what I had endured for over a decade.

If you listen to ALVs own seminars she says most who have been victims of a domestic violence abuser and stalker does not report or get ROs.

Why Travis has to be treated differently since he is a victim of domestic violence abuse/stalking/homicide I have no clue. Sounds very much like biases and double standards to me.

Good Morning/Afternoon

Looking forward to more questions. Not sure if we see Juan up there today with Alyce on redirect but I am sure we will see Wilmont. Ugh..Well Monday will just be Juanderful.
I wonder how many of the jurors actually asked any questions?
Morning everyone :)

We ready for another day of juror questions? :great:
I'm reposting this because I feel it's really important. Abuse is NEVER about anger. It is entirely about control. Evidence of anger is not necessarily evidence of abuse.

This is a very outdated DV concept there is an abundant amount of data to refute - and most DV researchers and advocates indeed do.
Myth: Abusers are violent because they can't control their anger or frustration.

Reality: Abusers use anger as an excuse to rationalize their abusive behavior; anger is not a cause of abuse, it is a conscious choice by the abuser. Typically, their violence is targeted to certain people at certain times and places...Abusers tend to choose their tactics strategically according to what is the most effective way to gain power and control.

(This is a brilliant piece that dispels quite a few very common myths.)

Just what I was thinking. And I know I wouldn't fit!

I tried the garage keypad code but it didn't work, tried peering in the windows, but noseprints all over it, couldn't see nothing, the doggy door was going to be my next stop. Thanks nursebemee for opening the front door :)
Good Morning my fine websleuthing friends!!!!!

So happy to have court today...and not have anything to do today like I did yesterday! LOL!!

May it be a prosperous day for Justice for Travis
pulling up my chair
"Molly 333Explain the sex tape to me. And, don't say men will never turn down sex because that shows a bias against men."

That's EASY to explain, have you hear of co-dependency? Fits Travis. Jodi knew exactly how to real him back in...Jodi was probably his first real sexual/love relationship.
:wave: Hi all!

Missed the last two weeks of testabusebaloney and WS posts
– I’ve got a lot of catching up to do!!!

Hope we’re getting close to the states’ rebuttal case!

A big resounding YES to every question you asked. The power of denial is so incredibly strong, and for men in these situations who are not accustomed to thinking of men as victims of abuse or as women as abusers -- the denial is even stronger.

Most of these men do not even realize they are victims of abuse until they have been out of the relationship a while and gain some perspective. They do not believe they are in danger, and it is extremely rare for a man to call the police to report abuse or to get a restraining order because they think they can handle it, because they are ashamed, because they have mixed feelings of love and fear, because they have been beat down and have bought into the messages delivered constantly by their partners -- that they're bad, selfish, abusive, worthless, etc.. Men also don't call the police because their abusive partners threaten to make false reports of rape and DV and child abuse against them and they fear they will be arrested - a legitimate fear, by the way.


Bringing this over from last thread because I feel so strongly about this and really want people to understand that a man often behaves exactly like Travis when they are in a relationship with a female like Jodi.
When ALV was answering the question about men in her life, did she mention a husband?
I wonder how many of the jurors actually asked any questions?

I don't know why, but I don't think questions are coming from that many. Could be wrong, but a lot of the wording from multiple questions sounds very similar.

If I were on the jury, I wouldn't have asked a thing after Dr. Horn's testimony. Minute I saw the stab wounds to the back, it would have been over. Close up my notebook and dream of sipping mai tais in Cabo.
Wow seal is up already! Perhaps this morning will kick off on time.
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