TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #12

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but were talking about 2 different LDT dates.. Rememeber she said they went in on friday after Hailey went missing to take test and they couldnt because they had taken ativan?

Then this past wed almost a week later she was taking meds for a toothache she was only told not to take anxiety meds. ( which I am not sure I believe( but still

But she used the Ativan excuse for the reason she failed the poly she did take. IIRC, she said she took it the night before she took the poly. Now it's pain pills and antibiotics.
Anti anxiety meds, certainly. Ativan PLUS pain killers raises my suspicion.

I can't wait for the transcripts, something was said about not only pot use, but possibly a problem with prescriptions - hello pain pills.
Jean C. said that SA said he last saw H at 3:15PM but the two girls saw H between 1-3pm. But witnesses are not sure which day they saw H.

Billie was off on Sunday, says H was not out Sunday as far as she knew. She thinks it was Monday and that H came back and told SA she was leaving.

CD said Hailey stayed with him on Christmas Day and left to go to her mother's the following day without saying what time she left and where she was going.

Have any of the locals confirmed Byerley's allegation that Hailey was staying with her dad for about a month before she vanished?

When did CD move into the house across the field from BO?

Did BO and SA go to SA's relatives over Christmas?

Why is BO & CD's divorce taking so long?



&#8220;The last few weeks, perhaps month, she was living with her Dad because she doesn&#8217;t like the boyfriend,&#8221; Byerley said, referring to Adkins.

She can't remember if she saw Hailey on Monday or not.

Why doesn't anyone know if they saw her on that Monday? Esp kids they usually know what friends they hang with when on school vacation,my kids did and so did I.
Thank you CZ, I for one am a fan of Billie's. Please give her hugs from us and let her know that we are praying for her family and Hailey.

Can you ask her if she is familiar with an of the registered offenders in her neighborhood? Or know of anyone who may have been? A lot of times you can have a "Friendly" neighbor and have no clue he is a creep.
But she used the Ativan excuse for the reason she failed the poly she did take. IIRC, she said she took it the night before she took the poly. Now it's pain pills and antibiotics.

no she said they had went in on friday to takem them and couldnt because they had taken ativan the night before.

Gonna post this and go find the transcript
If I recall, the issue over the nursing license is old news and has been given a valid explanation in prior threads and all was well. Though, I could have missed something new in between, if so, I do apologize. Not sure where it was posted or I would being it up front.

czgtz explained the license thing..can't remember which thread tho.
For almost 2 years I was taking 6/ 7.5mg per day to try to be able to get through my workday,Bad accident messed up 3disc neck.4disc in back and wreck my knee I need a replacement.Doctor put me on 10 mg 6 tablets a day,after a month I told him felt the same pain was still there 24/7,I told him I was giing up the pain meds because I still was in so much pain they really did not help pain. I stopped cold turkey even though he wanted to ween me off. I still have the same horrible pains but not killing myself with a med that really did nothing to help my pain.Why druggies take it I have no idea,never once had a high feeling.

I am so sorry you have been through this. I have had my share of pain meds due to shoulder replacements, etc., and I agree with you 100%, pain meds are awful and I cannot imagine anyone enjoying taking them. Good for you to get yourself off. That is not easy, I'm sure.
Yep, along with all the other times she's changed her story. About SA living with her. About him not having a job. About the meds and poly.

IMO, it's absolutely true when LE states this family is inconsistent.

:eek:hoh: It seemed to me that tonight, BD spent most of her interview time with her eyes looking to her RIGHT-hand side.

Junk science, perhaps, but in my 26 years of teaching, I find it's almost always the case that - when you are asked a question, you look to your LEFT to retrieve an HONEST answer.

Often, looking to your RIGHT indicates that you are CONSTRUCTING/FABRICATING an answer.

I don't recall BD looking AWAY from the camera so much in her previous interviews on NG. I could be wrong.

just my opinion on this
Well-Billie said she was off Sunday and thinks Hailey was home all day...

CD said she was at his house Sunday and DD stayed the night with a friend,so maybe Hailey wasn't all day at his house,because he never said how long she was there.
Not as of this afternoon when I looked it up on the TXBON website.

Also, I know that we have been told that it was just a misunderstanding about an NSF check in payment, but there is typically a huge difference between a lapsed license and a revoked one.

AND...if anyone has a professional license issued by any state -- teaching, nursing, any other medical profession, lawyer, or any other profession that requires a license -- we all know that if our licensure has lapsed, that we receive a notice from the state in the mail telling us to cease and desist until it is corrected. Looking at the details in the documents on the TX BON website, it appears that BD opted to continue working for almost a year after her license was inactive. That is far more likely the reason why it was revoked -- not because of an NSF check.

It would be one thing if she had moved in that time period, but according to another poster's notes about the ownership of the house, it appears that they have had this address for a long time.

Yet another inconsistency...just moo, of course.

I'm bumping up this post for those who missed the info on the nursing license.
am I hearing BO right when she says "I shoulda called that little girl"??? meaning she never even talked to Hailey the night before she disappeared? Does BO even know the last time she saw Hailey? ummmmm who does not keep in constant touch with their 13 year old daughter and keep track of their wherabouts? .....i dont get it
LE would easily be able to determine which iphone(s) Hailey used to update her Facebook Status, IMO.
Thank you CZ, I for one am a fan of Billie's. Please give her hugs from us and let her know that we are praying for her family and Hailey.

Can you ask her if she is familiar with an of the registered offenders in her neighborhood? Or know of anyone who may have been? A lot of times you can have a "Friendly" neighbor and have no clue he is a creep.

Am not CZ but do remember that there was a RSO that was interviewed and he said that he knew Clint and that he would be helping in the searches .... please don't insist on me finding that MSM link right now. Reason I remember was:
1. RSO saying he knew Clint
2. RSO saying he was going to help search
3. RSO's offense was against a 14yo girl IIRC

The two meds were taken on different occasions. The Ativan was the reason the first scheduled LDT was postponed.

THEN she was asked if she had taken any medication the day she actually DID take the LDT, and the answer was that on THAT occasion she had taken pain medication and an antibiotic for a bad tooth.
Yesssss....but she's just now mentioning the pain medication and antibiotic...she did not mention this when she was first talking about having been told she "failed" the poly.
am I hearing BO right when she says "I shoulda called that little girl"??? meaning she never even talked to Hailey the night before she disappeared? Does BO even know the last time she saw Hailey? ummmmm who does not keep in constant touch with their 13 year old daughter and keep track of their wherabouts? .....i dont get it

She was talking about MB
OK, just a few thoughts, and then I am off to Billie's as soon as the media clears out.

I asked Billie if Hailey had 'an ipod'. Billie said she lost it a few days before Christmas, and she remembers Hailey looking for it. My calling it an 'ipod' and Billie not correcting me is that same as me asking for 'a coke' and her bringing me a shurfine orange soda because that is all that was in the fridge. Please don't dwell of little stuff like that. Now that I am thinking of NG dismissing it as 'broken'..... well, I hope I didn't mess up mentioning it. Maybe this is one of LE's 'leads'.

Billie got a script for ativan from her doctor after Hailey went missing. Le told her that an anti-anxiety would skewer the test results. She told them that she was on pain meds and abts for her tooth.... and they told her that didn't matter.

Billie did call one of the Rangers last night to ask about reports of family changing their stories. I was there. I was the one who read her the story from the link one of you had posted. I now totally feel like **** for reading anything to her.... because I pointed out why in the world would LE make public that they thought Hailey was alive and hiding if they didn't have some idea of that? Crap, it truely did give us a sense of optimism.

LE did tell her she was 'deceptive' on her polygraph. WTH would she lie about that. She put a lot of faith in the poly's, which is why she told SA to leave after LE told her that he failed his.

LE has not given Billie ANY info on who Hailey had been talking to, or anything else they discovered from either her or SA's phone.

As I said before: yes, Billie did have her nursing license temporarily revoked. Not for violating the nurse practice act, but because she renewed with at check, got confirmation that her license was in fact valid (as did her employer), and forgot about it. The check was returned NSF, and by the time she and her employer got notice, she had in fact worked as a nurse on an unrenewed license. Her employer has tried to assist her in getting her license back this whole time, never put her on leave (they gave her a job as a ward clerk until she can get her license back), and have nothing bad to say about her. She has worked at the hospital for around 7 years. The board has agreed to reinstate her nursing license - she was supposed to go to Austin this month. Now, with Hailey missing, I am pretty sure that is the farthest thing from her mind. However, her supervisors have been in contact with the board to explain the circumstances of why she cannot go at this time, and are trying (although the board probably wont allow it) to go in her stead.

Anyone who is or has ever been a nurse knows that you have to hold yourself to a higher standard than you would otherwise. Nurses are one of the most trusted professions..... and employers expect you to be an upstanding citizen whether you are at work or not.

Well, media is gone. Goingto BIllie's. I am sure I am gonna miss a lot of discussion. Would really appreciated if someone could keep up with pertinent or send me a pm for anything else that needs clearing up.

I know that I hold a higher opinion of Billie than some of y'all do.... I am her friend and have known her for years after all. She is not lying about anything. Or covering up for anyone. Or being deceptive in ANY way. I would bet my life on it.

CZGTZ---Again, thank you for clearing things up. Please give Billie a big ((((HUG)))) from us! There are plenty of us here that believe in Billie and believe she is telling the truth! Your posting here helps so much in confirming Billie is an honest mother who is terrified for her missing little girl. We are on your team--Team Hailey!

We will keep you updated! You can count on it!

Light & Love,

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