TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #36

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Good Grief! Is there anything that people won't use to put this woman down? If she had said , "Hailey, I love You!", someone would be saying "See, she knows Hailey is watching TV, she must know where she is! " or, "Why didn't she tell Hailey to call 911, doesn't she want Hailey to be found?"

Does anyone really think that Hailey is out there watching NG, waiting for her mom to tell her it's time to come home? It doesn't matter what Billie says, she is puttiing herself out there and taking all of the petty hits because she wants to find her child!

no disrespect intended, honest :)..but we just don't know that to be true. I don't believe that's why she puts herself out there..I believe that she wants very badly for "us" and LE to believe just as you (and others) do. That is truly what I believe at this point..Some of us look and listen to Billie and see one thing..and some of us see somebody totally opposite...Only time will tell who we are really seeing imho..

and in the meantime Hailey is still missing :(...
Re: the landfill search...sounds like maybe someone found some of the household trash (maybe names or addresses==something pertaining to the case, but not a body) and they brought back cadaver dogs to search around the area and found nothing (which may be why they weren't there for long).
Good Grief! Is there anything that people won't use to put this woman down? If she had said , "Hailey, I love You!", someone would be saying "See, she knows Hailey is watching TV, she must know where she is! " or, "Why didn't she tell Hailey to call 911, doesn't she want Hailey to be found?"

Does anyone really think that Hailey is out there watching NG, waiting for her mom to tell her it's time to come home? It doesn't matter what Billie says, she is puttiing herself out there and taking all of the petty hits because she wants to find her child!

BBM: Took the thoughts out of my head.

I honestly can't say how I would act in this situation. No one plans ahead for their kid to be missing.
Doesn' t that seem a bit disingenuous? Does she really believe that Hailey wouldnt know to call 911 if she could get to a phone?
And is that really the MOST important thing she can think or feel to tell her?

IIRC, after Billie said she wanted to get the message to Hailey to call 911, NG said something like, "So that's your message to Hailey...... to call 911...". And Billie confirmed it, without adding anything else.

I think Nancy had an 'ah-ha' moment there, or at least seemed speechless.

ETA: I think she even asked Billie if there was anything she wanted to add to that.
I believe SA did something. Im not sure about BD. I cant figure out of she is involved, covering for SA or just so blinded by SA that she cant see what he really is.
I do feel bad for her tho. If it comes out she is involved that will change.
And SA already knows she does not have her phone.

I believe I remember BD saying on Nancy that he was texting her. How would she know if she doesn't have a phone? Maybe I missed something..
If she got a new phone (and SA texts her on it) HAILEY DOES NOT KNOW THE NUMBER! The number she would call to reach her mom is in custody of LE. If Hailey can get free, she wants her to do the quickest thing that will bring help, and calling mom's phone, which is in an evidence locker, won't help a bit.

I understand that BD has not had her original phone with her original phone number since HD went missing, but this is also not the first time that BD has been in front of a news camera, it just happens to be the first time she has given her daughter a message of any kind, No I Love You, I Miss You, I won't rest until you are found......Nope just call 911....But BD made it perfectly clear in this interview as well as others that she is still getting messages from SA,, yep that SA the #1 Suspect in her daughters disapearance....Yea I have it figured out.
I am wondering why BD and CD are not divorced. Also wonder why he has chosen to apparently have a child by a woman he is not married to. Does CD have a job? Why is he given a pass for having dope in his home and being arrested?

I think BD has definetly made mistakes but she isn't the only one and I don't think she should be the only one judged for this. I know there probably won't be anyone that agrees with me, but enough of the cruelity. This isn't sleuthing. What happened to innocent until proven guilty?jmo

According to BD's friend that posted here, she said something about money being a reason for them not being divorced. Sometimes you don't always chose to have children with people you aren't married to. Stuff happens I had an IUD in when I conceived my second child. Sometimes the choice isn't up to you! I haven't seen anyone giving CD a pass for the weed. I have seen people, including myself, give him props for his passion in finding his daughter.
I'm not totally convinced right now that SA is guilty, but I do feel that somehow the parents' lifestyles will come into play, with whoever it was that took Hailey. Either through drugs or feuds, or something. I do not see this as a stranger abduction, partly because of the number of window-watchers in the town, someone should have seen something, but also I do not believe that the situation in the home is coincidental to what happened to Hailey...
Snipped from CarmenU

FWIW: When my daddy found out I was being molested as a young child, he said almost the exact same words. He became VERY vigilant though, watching how I acted and then sat me down and heard it all from me first hand. He just couldn't face the fact that someone had hurt his little girl.
MOO- I agree he should have followed up about it - but I'm not going to condemn him to hell for it.

I am so sorry you had to go through any of that...

I have to wonder too if he didn't mean when his mother told him AFTER Hailey disappeared and he didn't want to hear it..either way, he will have to live with that knowledge..and if Hailey doesn't come home alive, I can't imagine a worse punishment..
SA: Klonopin...it's like an anxiety pill that I take

911 Call


Yes, SA made sure to tell the 911 dispatch that BD may have taken some of HIS prescription Klonopin. He was sticking another legality into his call that could get her in trouble, and certainly make her look unstable as a person. Devious ploy on his part.
STOP the bashing and name calling or you will be on a TO.

Clint may be discussed so far as what he has said, his actions and his past record. Only as far as it is reported in MSM.

First and foremost unless he is named a POI he is a Victim. And calling him names or tearing into him is going to be a big issue. So knock it off!

You may state your reasons based on MSM why you disagree with his actions. YOU may not under any circumstances talk about his his relationship which we know nothing about, his children or blame him for Hailey's disappearance.

Billie Dunn is also a VICTIM although LE has said her statements have not been consistent. She still is not going to be bashed.

State why you feel her actions, her statements, her continued support of SA make you upset or what that raised questions for you. Elevate your posts to the standard required to discuss the parents or they will continue to be removed.

This is no joke. This is the last warning.

As far as the alerts. Alerting because you disagree with a poster doesn't cut it. If a poster is expressing their opinion of the action of either parent or their statements it is not a TOS violation.. As long as it is done respectfully.

Alert when someone is violating TOS. Tearing into the parents is not going to cut it. Calling the parents names, making fun of them, pointing the finger of blame, making snarky comments about their parenting, or snarky comments in general, that is bashing and will not be tolerated.

And do not talk about other posters!

Does a true cadaver dog really hit on all of those things the "expert" said? A sock with blood, a band-aid, etc.? Where is Sarx?? :)
Cantr figure out what they are looking for that Hailey might have jotted something on. Maybe she kept a journal?
I believe I remember BD saying on Nancy that he was texting her. How would she know if she doesn't have a phone? Maybe I missed something..

Her friend CZ said she has a replacement phone.
Every time I post something besides news links I delete it because I am afraid it's going to get alerted on.

BD had the perfect time to tell Hailey anything she wanted and all she said was call 911.
I am so upset!
No plea........No I love and miss you, honey........cold as ice to me. JMOO
I am wondering why BD and CD are not divorced. Also wonder why he has chosen to apparently have a child by a woman he is not married to. Does CD have a job? Why is he given a pass for having dope in his home and being arrested?

I think BD has definetly made mistakes but she isn't the only one and I don't think she should be the only one judged for this. I know there probably won't be anyone that agrees with me, but enough of the cruelity. This isn't sleuthing. What happened to innocent until proven guilty?jmo

Excellent post mck16, deserving of a repeat! You are correct, what Billie says on a tv show as a message to her little girl will have no effect one way or the other on finding Hailey.

It would be pretty far-fetched to believe that Hailey is sitting in front of the tv watching NG, and will decide not to call for help because her mom said "call 911" and not "I love you".
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