TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #38

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Another thing that has been on my mind is the reporting of HD missing. Why did BD go to the police station instead of calling 911. She obviously has called many times before. I think she did not want to be recorded, but why. What does she have to hide. If my dd went missing I would not waste time driving to the police station I would want them at my house yesterday.
HD sleeping on the couch or sleeping in her room ..?

On a NG show, HD's grandma was on saying how HD was afraid of SA, cuz he was looking into her bedroom while she was in there? IMO, it was my impression that HD was sleeping in her room at the time?

If that is the case, I can't imagine HD wanting to sleep on the couch? Or would she feel safer on the couch?!

As a victim of child abuse when I was a young child, which happened in my own room late at night, I hated to be in my bedroom. I used to go sleep in my brothers room at night and they couldn't figure out why I did that. My brothers thought I was afraid of burglars because that is what I told them.

I also used to like to sleep on the love seat in the living room. It felt safer to be out there because it was more public. My uncle only lived with us a short while, but even after he left I hated to sleep in my own room.
I find it very hard to believe that dogs will hit on any blood they find, what would be the purpose of even taking them to a landfill?

I wonder if the dogs that got a "hit" were not really pros at their job, so they brought in the real dogs yesterday and those dogs did not hit on anything? They sure left quickly enough.

No kidding. The female products alone would keep them pretty busy, not to mention band- aids, tissues from bloody noses.:waitasec:
I hope/think LE has better things to do than worry about what is being said on NG...
Another thing that has been on my mind is the reporting of HD missing. Why did BD go to the police station instead of calling 911. She obviously has called many times before. I think she did not want to be recorded, but why. What does she have to hide. If my dd went missing I would not waste time driving to the police station I would want them at my house yesterday.

I think she was out looking for her daughter, didn't have a phone, and the logical thing was to go to the police office. In a small town, if you are already out driving, it usually takes only a few minutes to get there. That's how my town is.
Another thing that has been on my mind is the reporting of HD missing. Why did BD go to the police station instead of calling 911. She obviously has called many times before. I think she did not want to be recorded, but why. What does she have to hide. If my dd went missing I would not waste time driving to the police station I would want them at my house yesterday.

Why did she not even talk to Hailey's friends' mother after she knew Hailey was gone..only the friend? Not to say that the friend wasn't/isn't trustworthy..but if my child has disappeared without a trace and I truly believed that she was supposed to have been spending the night at this house..yet she still doesn't even speak to mom to see if she has any idea what's going on...It's beyond me how anyone can think that is normal...:waitasec:..
At first, I was really disturbed about Billie failing the poly. After a lot of research, though, I think she felt guilty about her role in bringing Shawn into the house. If you doubt yourself, LDs pick up on that.

"Did you have any part in the disappearance of Hailey?"
(In her mind): Hailey might have run away because she hated Shawn and I didn't listen to her enough about him
I brought Shawn in the house and he did something to her; it's my fault!

Poly failed.

That's rough.

Also, if you plan to deceive about anything, you can fail any question on the poly. Any drug questions or whereabouts questions that Billie might have been worried about due to addiction could make her fail the whole thing.

Is she still doubts herself or wants to hide anything about anything (but she's innocent), she'll fail again, too.

Billy says the past 6 months were awesome and that although Hailey wanted her parents to get back together, she had to respect Shawn and was able to ask him for 10 bucks if she needed it. In Billie's mind things were hunky dory between her daughter and her boyfriend.

She also doesn't think that SA did anything. She said she thought about it for a second, but doesn't think he has anything to do with Hailey's disappearance.

I don't think she feels guilty for bringing Shawn into the home. MOO
At first, I was really disturbed about Billie failing the poly. After a lot of research, though, I think she felt guilty about her role in bringing Shawn into the house. If you doubt yourself, LDs pick up on that.

"Did you have any part in the disappearance of Hailey?"
(In her mind): Hailey might have run away because she hated Shawn and I didn't listen to her enough about him
I brought Shawn in the house and he did something to her; it's my fault!

Poly failed.

That's rough.

Also, if you plan to deceive about anything, you can fail any question on the poly. Any drug questions or whereabouts questions that Billie might have been worried about due to addiction could make her fail the whole thing.

Is she still doubts herself or wants to hide anything about anything (but she's innocent), she'll fail again, too.

Maybe but that is why you throw everything out on the table, so you have no worries, like someone else said a long ways back, whether i'd be doing drugs or doing the pizza delivery guy, I'd cop to ALL OF IT I'd blubber it all out so fast LE wouldn't know what hit them and I'd say NOW FIND MY DAUGHTER!

You know chunk in the movie The goonies and he's blubbering about everything bad he's done since Kindergarten, to the Fratellies? THAT would be me!!!!
Another thing that has been on my mind is the reporting of HD missing. Why did BD go to the police station instead of calling 911. She obviously has called many times before. I think she did not want to be recorded, but why. What does she have to hide. If my dd went missing I would not waste time driving to the police station I would want them at my house yesterday.

Maybe because they have had so many calls from that house, that BD knew that they would either not take her seriously and/or take their time getting to the house to file the report, so it would be faster for her to go directly to the LE office.

I think she was out looking for her daughter, didn't have a phone, and the logical thing was to go to the police office. In a small town, if you are already out driving, it usually takes only a few minutes to get there. That's how my town is.

Surely she grabbed the phone in case Hailey called...she said she stopped by the house first to make sure she wasn't there...
MK is a firm believer in parents taking them so we shall see if BD listens.

I agree with you....MK could help B...get her involved, share ALL information she knows, clear herself, ...I am glad he is there....He is very experienced...and she needs someone like him...to help find her way...and give her solid advice..

Makes you wonder what S thinks.....seeing MK ...helping B...(wouldn't you think he watches NG....)

all in my own opinion of course...
Why did she not even talk to Hailey's friends' mother after she knew Hailey was gone..only the friend? Not to say that the friend wasn't/isn't trustworthy..but if my child has disappeared without a trace and I truly believed that she was supposed to have been spending the night at this house..yet she still doesn't even speak to mom to see if she has any idea what's going on...It's beyond me how anyone can think that is normal...:waitasec:..

Oh yeah after the kid, i'd be heading straiight for mom and dad!!

Plus BD said she drove/called around looking for hailey before she went to the police station WHY didn't she park herself at MB's house????? I haven't even hard that any contact was made with MB besides the contact from DD where he asks MB if she can send Hailey home.
I agree with you....MK could help B...get her involved, share ALL information she knows, clear herself, ...I am glad he is there....He is very experienced...and she needs someone like him...to help find her way...and give her solid advice..

Makes you wonder what S thinks.....seeing MK ...helping B...(wouldn't you think he watches NG....)

all in my own opinion of course...

O I bet he is watching and also checking sites on the internet. As soon as people on the internet discovered those videos they started disappearing. Someone was reading for sure because media hadnt broke it yet.
Maybe he put him self there as the last person to see Hailey, was because he needed more time for her to be missing.
Gave the story that she said she was going to spend the night with her friend.
If he had not given that story, chances are when Billie got home from work on Mon. she would have wanted to know where Hailey was, LE could have been called that night.

Maybe he tried to write a note in something resembling Hailey's handwriting and couldn't duplicate it well enough so he had to place himself as the last person. Maybe they'll find his attempts in the landfill.

Does anyone know how long Mark, himself, is going to be in Colorado City?
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