VA - Couple & two teens found murdered, Farmville, 15 Sept 2009 #1

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first, mel was 18.

This is all speculation from what I know about the family and from what I know from the media...

in response to the order of death posts...

Em's dad was probably the last one killed as his body was the only one ided so far...thus likely the least decomposed.

Those who think Em killed her mom...I doubt this was the case. Dr. Kelley adored Em and Em loved her mom. I remember lectures interrupted by students asking what em was up to. Despite their differences and the stuff they were all going through I don't think Em could have done that. I do buy into the theory that Sam started showing too much attention to Mel and maybe Mel and Sam killed them. I think Em was going through a phase. I think she was upset and angry that her parents were separating and other stuff and she was struggling to find out who she was. I think mel and sam were deeply embedded into this culture. I don't think it was irresponsible of her dad to drive her to the concert. What was the alternative let her ride off to another state with the guy and stay at the hotel with all the other kids? I know what some of you are thinking because I too thought it. Dr. Kelley come on you were my crim professor you taught my senior sem class! Did you not see big red flags all over this kid? But then everyone knows the more you push your child away from something the more they want to run to it!
I'm not sure I'm ready to hear the details of this crime scene. The video of the chief of police nearly in tears over it, is enough to say its going to be horrible.
The speculation that sam has killed before...i don't think he has...i think he has fantasized about it but never been able to follow through before this. I do wonder what that comment on his myspace blog was about. Like this was premeditated months in advance.
I would venture to guess he stabbed them. I don't think I want to know the rest.

I should probably say that I'm a graduate from longwood. Dr. Kelley was one of my professors. I had her for three courses, one as recently as last semester. She believed in the goodness in people. She did not support the death penalty and she fully believed in rehabilitation. Maybe those belief's led her to allow that young man into her home. And these people were good people and did not deserve this...even if they allowed him to come stay.

The alternative would be to have her placed where she could get help..sounds like she had too much freedom and could do as she pleased. She was not even in school. I wonder why?
As an aside, the whole satanist thing is laughable, since there is no proof of the existence of such a creature, and even if there was, he is still part of the Christian canon, therefore, when a Satanist mocks Christians/Jews/Muslims, he is really mocking himself, too! The whole goth movement is laughable and seriously followed only by the weak-minded/uneducated.

Atlantica - While appreciate your opinion - I couldn't disagree more with the above quote, it is highly insular IMO. I DO NOT believe we should consider this a GOTH group - your typical Goth would not listen to the crap these kids listened to. I would put them in the realm of "devil worshippers". Knowing plenty of "Goth" folk and having close friends of that "stereotype" - I can assure you they come from all walks of life and are usually quite highly intelligent and have an incredible creativity.

Incidentally - there are plenty of "Christians/Jews/Muslims that murder as well - does that make their religious belief laughable too?
first, mel was 18.

This is all speculation from what I know about the family and from what I know from the media...

in response to the order of death posts...

Em's dad was probably the last one killed as his body was the only one ided so far...thus likely the least decomposed.

Those who think Em killed her mom...I doubt this was the case. Dr. Kelley adored Em and Em loved her mom. I remember lectures interrupted by students asking what em was up to. Despite their differences and the stuff they were all going through I don't think Em could have done that. I do buy into the theory that Sam started showing too much attention to Mel and maybe Mel and Sam killed them. I think Em was going through a phase. I think she was upset and angry that her parents were separating and other stuff and she was struggling to find out who she was. I think mel and sam were deeply embedded into this culture. I don't think it was irresponsible of her dad to drive her to the concert. What was the alternative let her ride off to another state with the guy and stay at the hotel with all the other kids? I know what some of you are thinking because I too thought it. Dr. Kelley come on you were my crim professor you taught my senior sem class! Did you not see big red flags all over this kid? But then everyone knows the more you push your child away from something the more they want to run to it!
I'm not sure I'm ready to hear the details of this crime scene. The video of the chief of police nearly in tears over it, is enough to say its going to be horrible.
The speculation that sam has killed before...i don't think he has...i think he has fantasized about it but never been able to follow through before this. I do wonder what that comment on his myspace blog was about. Like this was premeditated months in advance.
I would venture to guess he stabbed them. I don't think I want to know the rest.

I should probably say that I'm a graduate from longwood. Dr. Kelley was one of my professors. I had her for three courses, one as recently as last semester. She believed in the goodness in people. She did not support the death penalty and she fully believed in rehabilitation. Maybe those belief's led her to allow that young man into her home. And these people were good people and did not deserve this...even if they allowed him to come stay.

Welcome to Websleuths and thank you for your insights into the case!

All I can add to your post about Dr. Kelley's beliefs is that there really is evil in the world, and some people get taken in by the dark side. I believe all people are potentially redeemable, but in a spiritual way, not necessarily through prison and/or psychiatric rehabilitation. Some individuals just need to be locked away permanently, for the protection of society. There are some whose homicidal tendencies cannot be cured except by a miracle, and that's not a job for the justice system.
The alternative would be to have her placed where she could get help..sounds like she had too much freedom and could do as she pleased. She was not even in school. I wonder why?

Yes. Longwood Grad, your post is excellent and very informative, but her father could have NOT driven them to the concert together and NOT let her go off with him alone. SHE WAS 16. It is his JOB as a parent to do exactly that.
you know what I did read that but how do we know that was a fact?? I also was reading at other places that they went alone and one place said the mother went with the father?? so which one is it? I guess only Sam knows now?

Native Girl:
I now believe that Mark, Emma's father, drove the three (Sam, Mel and Emma) to Michigan. Why? As I posted above, a girl named Twitty has stated this.

I have reason to believe that Twitty and Emma were very, very close friends, perhaps best friends. Twitty said that Emma's father drove them to a similar concert last December. She said she would have gone with them again this time, except she did not have the money.

I do believe Twitty on this subject.
Calif. police raid home of quadruple murder suspect

Published: September 21, 2009

FARMVILLE— Police in Castro Valley, Calif., this morning raided the home of a man held in connection with the slayings of four people whose bodies were found in a house here.

Hi Native Girl:

You are new here, so you might want to have a look at this post about copyright on Websleuths:

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In brief, you are only supposed to post a few lines and a link to the rest of the story. You might want to go back and edit your post.
Native Girl:
I now believe that Mark, Emma's father, drove the three (Sam, Mel and Emma) to Michigan. Why? As I posted above, a girl named Twitty has stated this.

I have reason to believe that Twitty and Emma were very, very close friends, perhaps best friends. Twitty said that Emma's father drove them to a similar concert last December. She said she would have gone with them again this time, except she did not have the money.

I do believe Twitty on this subject.

maybe she lied to Twitty to cover up or throw her off? I just cannot see that preacher driving all the way to MI taking his 16 year old to a devil show. If that was the case why didn't they stop to pick Mel up in WV? How did Mel get to there house?? She went out of her way, WV is closer to MI. Same with Sam why didn't he just catch a plane from Cali to MI and meet her then?? something seems sneaky and planned to me.
Am I allowed to mention another forum here? On that forum, there is a member who spent the weekend of the concert with Emma and Mel. Also, many of her posts can be seen on the my space accounts.
maybe she lied to Twitty to cover up or throw her off? I just cannot see that preacher driving all the way to MI taking his 16 year old to a devil show. If that was the case why didn't they stop to pick Mel up in WV? How did Mel get to there house?? She went out of her way, WV is closer to MI. Same with Sam why didn't he just catch a plane from Cali to MI and meet her then?? something seems sneaky and planned to me.

I have no idea how Mel got to the house or why she went there, or why they did not pick Mel up along the way. All I can say is that several people who attended the concert said that it happened that way.

For example:

As far as everyone knows, Emma and Mel and Sam [LilDemonDog], gathered at Emma's house to go to Serial Killin' Records, Strictly for the Wicked Festival in Detroit, Michigan.

I think that this is a very small point and I do not understand why you would think that everyone would like about it?
Thank you for sharing you own experiences, and it's a blessing that your son came through those years with his mind and soul intact. So many others do not, sadly. You seem like a loving and caring parent.

Please take this respectfully, but it's a tad naive to so cavalierly discount the possible Satanic connections in this case. Whether the devil really exists is outside the purview of this forum, but it is certainly well-documented that many people believe he does, and not a few have sought contact with him and even wish to serve him. This is a very well-established fact, with centuries' worth of evidence.

As for the goth movement being "laughable", I would beg to differ. It is far from that! I've been close to some people who have been in the goth scene, and their experiences were hardly laughable.

Well, I can say with a fair bit of authority that the figure Christians/Satanists/etc believe exists is supported by zilch empirical evidence. That sort of thing matters to a great many people, though granted, they are the more educated sort, typically speaking. Now, perhaps what you are saying that since a great many people (unfortunately) believe a satan figure exists, what matters is that they think he/it is real, which leads to various types of behavior, i.e.: Christians, et al try hard to not involve themselves in what is termed 'satanic' behaviors, and in *some* cases instill irrational fear in children -- while the so-called satanists embrace what they define as satanic qualities. So, if that is the case then I do agree with you -- scary scary stuff.

And laughable was a poor choice of words -- I should say that to rational minds, either the fear or the embracing of a fictional character is pathetic and sad, not laughable.

However, perhaps you are really speaking of things far more abstract -- satan, whatever name you want to call *evil* as a force in the universe. Perhaps! I tend to subscribe to the theory that in this world there are good, bad and everything inbetween. The bad ones do the most damage, make the most noise, and once identified should be removed from the population. I don't think that any supernatural force caused any person to be good/bad/fill in the blank -- perhaps more a case of healthy minds versus those that are not so much.
I have no idea how Mel got to the house or why she went there, or why they did not pick Mel up along the way. All I can say is that several people who attended the concert said that it happened that way.

For example:

As far as everyone knows, Emma and Mel and Sam [LilDemonDog], gathered at Emma's house to go to Serial Killin' Records, Strictly for the Wicked Festival in Detroit, Michigan.

I think that this is a very small point and I do not understand why you would think that everyone would like about it?

Mark drove a van of six people from VA to MI. Himself, his estranged wife, his daughter, her friend, Sam, I do not know who the sixth person was. I also know that Emma and her parents picked Sam up at the Richmond airport.
No her Parents could of still helped her, if you seen her youtube videos she's doing drugs and cursing God. They should of put this teen girl in rehab and took away her computer.

Do you speak from the voice of experience? No? i didn't think so. As stated above, opinions of those other than the parents/caregivers of a troubled youth are completely worthless.
Do you speak from the voice of experience? No? i didn't think so. As stated above, opinions of those other than the parents/caregivers of a troubled youth are completely worthless.

So... you're saying that you shouldn't look into rehab, restrict the computer? In what sense then are you parenting?
An interesting interview with the sister.

Some particular points:

* He met Emma Niederbrock at a concert (some months ago) in Southern California, she said.

* "They were really, really lovey-dovey," said Sarah McCroskey, who said her brother had saved money for months to pay for the trip. "I've never seen him that excited."

* Last Tuesday and Thursday, she said, her brother left her messages saying he was calling to check in. "He said, 'I love you,' " she said. "In this family we swear and burp - that was just really weird that he said that."

* she saw an interview after her brother's arrest in which he told a television reporter, "Jesus told me to do it." But she said it wasn't a sign of a psychotic break. "He's just a complete sarcastic a-," she said. "That's just his sense of humor."

Read more:
Hmmm....I work closely with troubled youth. I absolutely believe in rehab/therapy whatever you want to call it and if restricting computer time is necessary so be it. Many teenage girls get into trouble from guys they meet on the internet. Because of my "caregiver" role professionally I would not consider this opinion worthless. A friend of mine's daughter (15) got kidnapped last July by someone she met on the internet. She was missing for over a month before she was finally found hours away. So basically my opinion comes from professional and personal experience.
So... you're saying that you shouldn't look into rehab, restrict the computer? In what sense then are you parenting?

I said nothing of the sort. But if you haven't been there, or ok, if you are not a licensed family therapist perhaps, then you cannot possibly know what it is like to be in such a situation and wisely remain silent.
Hmmm....I work closely with troubled youth. I absolutely believe in rehab/therapy whatever you want to call it and if restricting computer time is necessary so be it. Many teenage girls get into trouble from guys they meet on the internet. Because of my "caregiver" role professionally I would not consider this opinion worthless. A friend of mine's daughter (15) got kidnapped last July by someone she met on the internet. She was missing for over a month before she was finally found hours away. So basically my opinion comes from professional and personal experience.

Some parents could (and do!) do worse than to seek help and advice from professionals such as yourself and others who may just know something more than they do. It doesn't hurt to ask about alternatives and treatments.
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