Video - who owns the tape?

Who owes the video?

  • Hoover

    Votes: 112 67.5%
  • The A's

    Votes: 21 12.7%
  • The public - in the search for justice

    Votes: 17 10.2%
  • Not sure

    Votes: 16 9.6%

  • Total voters
You may want to change the "owes" to "owns" in your thread
I personally think that Hoover owns the tape. It was done on his video, and since he does not work for DC, and was a volunteer for the Anthony's, it belongs to him. That is of course unless someone proves he was actually working for DC, which DC has denied himself.
I agree unless he was paid by the A's or DC which I seriously doubt. But then, doesn't EVERYTHING belong to Cindy? At least in her opinion.
I wondered how long B.C. would be the Anthony's lawyer before he started a 'spin' of his own. I liked him at first and thought he was advising the Anthony's to maintain a low public profile. I was pleased to not have to see or read anything from the Anthony's because I was so sick of seeing and hearing from them.

Now I want to hear exactly WHY B.C. feels the video belongs to the Anthony's. Back it up, B. C., with some facts we can see on paper.
Well, don't forget about the alleged KING'S RANSOM that we heard (was it from Geraldo) that was being asked for the tape. TAPE = MONEY and now we have a fight over ownership claims?

Like anything Geraldo says is based in fact. He is the king of television tabloid, and has the morals and ethics of a gutter dog imo
I may be wrong but I don't recall the A's or their attorney this upset over the remains of Caylee being found. Where was the outrage over that? I didn't see or hear any. However they can throw a hissy fit over a video of DC looking in the very same woods where the poor child was found.

You can also tell in the video that DC looks right at the camera ... did he not see Hoover holding it?? And he's (DC) outraged over this. What an A.

ETA: Hoover owns the tape. Hopefully LE will be able to find out who DC was talking to and file OJ charges against someone.
I agree. Hoover owns the tape, not the Anthonys nor their lawyer.

Ditto. Just days ago DC was claming no tape, Hoover is lying about being involved with a "routine" search, Hoover doesn't really work for him or the A's, etc.

Then, suddenly, Ka-Ching ($$$) and it is a different story--the A family comes racing out of nowhere--possible implication in cover up or LE charges be d*mned! Yes, the A family has elaborated a bit with a vague narrative to support reasons for the PI searches, but much too little and a lot too late for effective damage control.

Hoover's tape.
I agree unless he was paid by the A's or DC which I seriously doubt. But then, doesn't EVERYTHING belong to Cindy? At least in her opinion.

(Boldface added)

Lol, YES.
I agree with SeriouslySearching and Lalaw2000 - OCSO and FBI - they will figure out who owns it LOL
I think Hoover is the legal owner of the tape, if it was not specifically commissioned by the A's.

ETA: Wouldn't it be funny if it turns out that Hoover is an informant for the FBI. He, supposedly, just showed up and volunteered to "help" the A's. Perhaps he had an agenda to find the "real truth" all along! Just my opinion, and my secret hope!!:)
In the interview with the A's attorney BC he actually made the statement "I own the video" ....and how JH had no right to take it or try to sell it.
How can BC make that claim????? Because he represents the A's????
He wouldn't.

On Nov. 12, He says he "vehemently believes the three-year-old is alive."

In the video, he sure didn't look like he "vehemently" believes she's alive, does he?

I want to know why BC and the A's are complaining about JH making money. When the A's and DC asked for funds to look for a live Caylee after the video was made. I wonder how many people want their money back. And this makes the release of the pic of the little girl at the mall more absurd.
I don't think it matters who owns the tape. The OCSO and the FBI have it now. The rest is just squabbling over who gets the money from the tape. Disgusting!!

As someone pointed out, they weren't this upset when Caylee was found. The tape is out there now, it sounds like they are trying to explain it away and keep the money rights.....a little too late, IMO.
I'd have to see what the people knowledgeable of all things legal have to say, but from watching People's Court (LMAO), I believe unless some sort of legal vehicle exists (contract, employment, whatever), with Hoover's full understanding of its meaning and inferences, stating otherwise, then Hoover owns the tape.

Since the property where Caylee's remains were thrown and where DC searched is private property, I don't know if that gives the property owner any sort of claim to the tape.

Right now, it appears that Hoover operated independently, and the tape belongs to him.

All that being said, I don't care who the tape belongs to, I don't care *right now* who's trying to make money off the tape - my *immediate and grave* concern is getting answers to the serious questions the contents of the tape bring up (why was DC there, why was he acting with such appalling disregard for Caylee's remains for which he was searching, how much knowledge and involvement did G/C/L Anthony have in this search for Caylee's body, etc.)

Best Post and your 100% right The way DC was acting was appalling.
I feel since this tape clearly shows he is looking for evidence in a murder case LE should become the rightfull owners of the tape. If 1 Dime is paid for it LE should be entitled to the funds to offset all the money its cost the state of fla.
I agree, sure makes you think about things..
BC says he first seen the video Sunday night.
DC admitted that the Anthony's did not know of his search until the day Caylee was found, and because of where she was found, they were told that he went there looking for a body(the only time he did this)
Anthony's claim a video that they more than likely did not see until last night as well..
BC also says that LE knows (Anthony's told them) who DC was on the phone with.
Its all like a Merry Go Round...he says she says..
Why tell LE who DC was on the phone with, when they haven't seen the video until last night?

And how would the Anthony's know who he was on the phone with unless it was them?

The thought came to me night before last that the gp knew, and the thought made me nauseous. How could this be true? My turn to chime in that they need to be arrested!!!!!

Also, if CA doesn't pop her head back into the media screen soon, it would be out of character for her. jmo
I think Hoover is the legal owner of the tape, if it was not specifically commissioned by the A's.

ETA: Wouldn't it be funny if it turns out that Hoover is an informant for the FBI. He, supposedly, just showed up and volunteered to "help" the A's. Perhaps he had an agenda to find the "real truth" all along! Just my opinion, and my secret hope!!:)

I hope so too!!!

BC; could he proclaim his clients need for immunity more clearly????? jmo
I agree, sure makes you think about things..
BC says he first seen the video Sunday night.
DC admitted that the Anthony's did not know of his search until the day Caylee was found, and because of where she was found, they were told that he went there looking for a body(the only time he did this)
Anthony's claim a video that they more than likely did not see until last night as well..
BC also says that LE knows (Anthony's told them) who DC was on the phone with.
Its all like a Merry Go Round...he says she says..
Why tell LE who DC was on the phone with, when they haven't seen the video until last night?

BC tries to explain it away as a general search of the area based on a hunch. Sorry, but hunches don't include specific info about a three rock configuration.
Well lets look at it in a simple sort of way
1 Dc says on the record that JH has never worked for him. He was a volunteer not paid by the A's or DC

2 He is a private investigator at least he says JH that is

3 By admission of DC again on video JH snuck up on him and did the video he has

4 DC kept saying it is absurd there is no video

5 It was a public area

6 combining all of these factors admitted by Dc seems it would be property of JH

as he was sneaking around videoing DC and never being a paid employee by anyone how could it be any other way?
BC tries to explain it away as a general search of the area based on a hunch. Sorry, but hunches don't include specific info about a three rock configuration.

BC IS FULL OF BS :furious:
TY. I've read many of the posts on the other threads about 'work product' and I understand the concept, as I work under a similar contract that covers 'work for hire'.

Straighten me out on this if you can? :) If you came in and made a tape of me working for my employer who would own the tape? The work I was doing would belong to my employer, but a tape of me working would belong to who?

Your question just answered mine, tater tot! (I think it did anyhow... I could be wrong)

I think, since Hoover was not being paid by the A's (he was volunteering correct??) as their security dude... it could get him out of any lawsuite.

That being said, he was "working" for them and agreed to tape while DC searched.

I also am not sure how PI stuff works (any PI wsers out there?).. If tapes are taken while working do YOU own them or does your client? Esp. since it was not DC shooting the film but a third party... confusing...!

I voted that the A's own the tape but just for those reasons above... not because I want them to. Also, if there were two cameras and DC had the other tapes and taped over them but DC had his own and kept it.... that also begs other questions.

Bottom line... there IS a tape. It IS hinky. And BC has hinky creeping into his middle name as well. Seems like any and everyone who ever works for the A's starts acting like Cynthia.. and it is just so very annoying!

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