Deceased/Not Found WA - Rachael Anderson, 40, Clarkston, 16 April 2010 - #3 *C. Capone guilty*

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I'd like to apologize to all websleuth members. When I read Hollyblue's post that suggested my posts be taken to court, I freaked out. My automatic response was fear of CC finding out I have shared info with authorities. I was thinking, omg, he's going to find out and come after me.

The fact is, he is just a man. He doesn't have inhuman strength. IMO, he doesn't have very many friends. His family never seemed to embrace him (except sister). Since he's in jail, he cannot show up on my doorstep. And even if he did show up, I know him. I know whats beneath the facade. His game only works if you aren't expecting it.

I apologize for my knee jerk reaction. It's been awhile since I've had to deal with him. Back 'then', when I was trying to get the he** away from him, I realized I was giving him all the power by fearing him. When I stood up and finaly saw him for what he his, I began to have a normal life with my kids, and he began to back off. He doesn't know how to play his game if his game piece isn't afraid of him. I'm embarrassed to say that I fell back into old habits. I'm sorry.

I am overwhelmed by the concern everyone has shown for my safety. I appreciate everyone's advice. Thank you all so much. I am very touched by everyone's concern.

I apologize for over reacting. I appreciate everyone's input.
I'd like to apologize to all websleuth members. When I read Hollyblue's post that suggested my posts be taken to court, I freaked out. My automatic response was fear of CC finding out I have shared info with authorities. I was thinking, omg, he's going to find out and come after me.

The fact is, he is just a man. He doesn't have inhuman strength. IMO, he doesn't have very many friends. His family never seemed to embrace him (except sister). Since he's in jail, he cannot show up on my doorstep. And even if he did show up, I know him. I know whats beneath the facade. His game only works if you aren't expecting it.

I apologize for my knee jerk reaction. It's been awhile since I've had to deal with him. Back 'then', when I was trying to get the he** away from him, I realized I was giving him all the power by fearing him. When I stood up and finaly saw him for what he his, I began to have a normal life with my kids, and he began to back off. He doesn't know how to play his game if his game piece isn't afraid of him. I'm embarrassed to say that I fell back into old habits. I'm sorry.

I am overwhelmed by the concern everyone has shown for my safety. I appreciate everyone's advice. Thank you all so much. I am very touched by everyone's concern.

I apologize for over reacting. I appreciate everyone's input.

I can completely understand. I think you are a very brave woman and I hope that by standing up to him, you can continue to heal.
OK, I was just half paying attention to KXLY 11pm newscast, and anchor said either that CC told one of his "friends" or his "ex's" that he planned to sell his business and move to AZ. Hoping they have that snippet up on their web site later so I can catch whether she said "friends" or "ex's", but sounds to me like either they've been reading WS and caught Fapone's remarks, or he was blabbing to everybody he knew that he planned to ditch and run south.

Whatever she said, it ended in "s" and I didn't catch a source mentioned. Anybody else local watching the new tonight? Bad me multitasking on a caffeineless day. Gurg.

I found it:

You have to scroll down a little and play the video on the left hand side of the page.
I found it:

You have to scroll down a little and play the video on the left hand side of the page.

Thanks! Works better sans distractions and a good set of headphones. So KXLY got the info about CC telling you he planned to move to AZ from the court documents. Proof indeed you are helping LE and they are paying attention to what you have to say.

If it keeps him locked up until Rachael is found with very possibly any harm to her tied to his actions, his days of terrorizing women may come to an end.

Kudos to all ex's who have spoken up, as well as the Moscow doctor. :dance:
and the fb page says that the news misrepresented the story.!/group.php?gid=116680731683607&ref=ts

Hmmmmm, After reading that one wonders what kind of Doctor he or she was. Methinks maybe head doctor? For that matter, could be a friggin' professor at the UI once the media gets their hands on the info and mucks it up. One of media outlets will hopefully clarify that in the next few days, or perhaps Rachael's family if they have copies of the court documents?

If it were an MD under medical care, would that not be privileged information? Or have we lost that right to privacy as well (rhetorical)?
I didn't catch it either. But was told it was "ex-wives". I did report that conversation to the Sheriff's Dept.. IMO, I think they needed to show the court that information, (for the aspect of flight risk), if thats the case they would have had to show the defense the same info. So IMO, I don't think he blabbed it.

If it was in the court docs and they are not sealed by the judge, media has full disclosure. JFYI.
I'd like to apologize to all websleuth members. When I read Hollyblue's post that suggested my posts be taken to court, I freaked out. My automatic response was fear of CC finding out I have shared info with authorities. I was thinking, omg, he's going to find out and come after me.

The fact is, he is just a man. He doesn't have inhuman strength. IMO, he doesn't have very many friends. His family never seemed to embrace him (except sister). Since he's in jail, he cannot show up on my doorstep. And even if he did show up, I know him. I know whats beneath the facade. His game only works if you aren't expecting it.

I apologize for my knee jerk reaction. It's been awhile since I've had to deal with him. Back 'then', when I was trying to get the he** away from him, I realized I was giving him all the power by fearing him. When I stood up and finaly saw him for what he his, I began to have a normal life with my kids, and he began to back off. He doesn't know how to play his game if his game piece isn't afraid of him. I'm embarrassed to say that I fell back into old habits. I'm sorry.

I am overwhelmed by the concern everyone has shown for my safety. I appreciate everyone's advice. Thank you all so much. I am very touched by everyone's concern.

I apologize for over reacting. I appreciate everyone's input.

Fapone, Is his sister living in Idaho? Could you clarify for us where his family is from? I think someone stated NJ way back in the threads. Are his parents still alive? I know you met him while he was in the Navy (CA), but he could have lived we just don't know. TIA
Hmmmmm, After reading that one wonders what kind of Doctor he or she was. Methinks maybe head doctor? For that matter, could be a friggin' professor at the UI once the media gets their hands on the info and mucks it up. One of media outlets will hopefully clarify that in the next few days, or perhaps Rachael's family if they have copies of the court documents?

If it were an MD under medical care, would that not be privileged information? Or have we lost that right to privacy as well (rhetorical)?

I'm not sure. If it were a shrink, I think that is kept confidential unless they are talking about harming someone? I'm really not sure. I think there are certain instances where a dr. can disclose info. The media seems to be doing a good job of messing things up and making them about as clear as mud, imo. I still have not found more than two sources that agree with another, again imo.
I don't know how to carry over from other forums, but has anyone else looked at the astrology report recently? There was a part that suggested CC's story of seeing RA on Friday, was just that, a story.

Here's the link to the most recent forensic astrology post on Rachael's case:
Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Forensic Astrology - CASE BRIEFINGS only

To link to a post in another forum, you can right click the post number in the upper right hand corner of the post, click Copy URL on the pop up, then paste that into a post on this thread.
Hmmmmm, After reading that one wonders what kind of Doctor he or she was. Methinks maybe head doctor? For that matter, could be a friggin' professor at the UI once the media gets their hands on the info and mucks it up. One of media outlets will hopefully clarify that in the next few days, or perhaps Rachael's family if they have copies of the court documents?

If it were an MD under medical care, would that not be privileged information? Or have we lost that right to privacy as well (rhetorical)?

I'm curious too about the DR. Could be just a friend or acquaintance. I do want to know, tho. Who would he be comfortable enough around to make threats like that? Wonder if it was at a bar and he was snonkered?

If it was from a visit to a psyche doc---if threats were made, I think they would have to report it...same as child abuse...mandatory there or face misdemeanor.
More inaccurate reporting, this time from KREM.

"Prosecutors say Anderson was last seen April 16th. The next day Capone alleged his ex-wife was moving to Arizona."

And when is that next hearing before a new judge? Hope it is one every bit as intelligent as Monday's was.

eh? is right. LOL Couldn't scramble that any better! Geeez. How disappointing in all the inaccuracies......

There's also a little different twist to RG's comments about him (CC) looking for RA and the gun.

As far as the next court date and what that entails.....I'd like to know. I would think they announced that in court and part of the docs.
I'd like to apologize to all websleuth members. When I read Hollyblue's post that suggested my posts be taken to court, I freaked out. My automatic response was fear of CC finding out I have shared info with authorities. I was thinking, omg, he's going to find out and come after me.

The fact is, he is just a man. He doesn't have inhuman strength. IMO, he doesn't have very many friends. His family never seemed to embrace him (except sister). Since he's in jail, he cannot show up on my doorstep. And even if he did show up, I know him. I know whats beneath the facade. His game only works if you aren't expecting it.

I apologize for my knee jerk reaction. It's been awhile since I've had to deal with him. Back 'then', when I was trying to get the he** away from him, I realized I was giving him all the power by fearing him. When I stood up and finaly saw him for what he his, I began to have a normal life with my kids, and he began to back off. He doesn't know how to play his game if his game piece isn't afraid of him. I'm embarrassed to say that I fell back into old habits. I'm sorry.

I am overwhelmed by the concern everyone has shown for my safety. I appreciate everyone's advice. Thank you all so much. I am very touched by everyone's concern.

I apologize for over reacting. I appreciate everyone's input.

It's JMOO Fapone, but I would be in fear of him, he seems to be the type to play his games in order to achieve HIS goals...and if it has to be done through the guise of fear...he'd do it...just like with RA. I know it must be a double-edged sword because he is your children's father, but the less contact the better. If YOU don't take care of can't be there for your kids. Just sayin... I hope he's put away for awhile....for everyone's safety. He's had the chance time over time to become a decent respectful person and has chosen otherwise.

I'm glad you a survivor, glad you stepped up and believe you are "taller" for all those reasons.
This is also a comment from the same FB page linked above:

My favorite part was when the judge looked at Charles and said he had a very disturbing past.

~ I say, kudos to the judge for seeing it. I don't think Capone has much chance, I think his gig is up. IMO. Now if he will just start talkng!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
141, Do you know anything about the time of 11:15 - 11:30 being the time it was reported to LE of her missing; and the time of 8:30pm for the last time CC saw her that night? I saw it on the astrology thread and just wondered if this is pretty legit? I ask over there, but no one has replied yet and thought you or Knox might know?
This is also a comment from the same FB page linked above:

My favorite part was when the judge looked at Charles and said he had a very disturbing past.

~ I say, kudos to the judge for seeing it. I don't think Capone has much chance, I think his gig is up. IMO. Now if he will just start talkng!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I hope he talks too. I think they are talking to all his buds and hitting them up for info. Sure would like to know what were the ties between him and RB besides just the
4MR address...close enough ties for him to let him share his house and hide his gun there. Strange combo in my book. JMO
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