WA WA - Sky Metalwala, 2, Bellevue, 6 Nov 2011 - #17

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Happy St. Patrick's Day, Sky! I wish you were going with your daddy and sister to a parade or party today. I wish we knew where you were....Here's a little green for good luck. Hopefully, it will help bring you home.

Up you go little Man . . . Bumpity Bump
Sky baby, where are you?

Prayers that you are found soon! Your daddy and sister miss you and want you home with them!!! We all love you, little one!


Julia :banghead: You should be :jail: where you belong! No Mama would turn her back on her children like you have done with Sky (and M). You may be Sky's mother, but a Mama you are not!!
*sigh* ...maybe today will bring some news about our little man.
We're all lookin for ya Sky!!
I have been busy in my own life this week. My mom had surgery on Thursday, and it was the end of term for my boys in school this week. My oldest is in 7th grade, and he is struggling to keep up, so we were working on getting him to pass on of his classes! He would rather be outside playing - he is not an indoor child!

I think about Sky so often. I have 3 boys, and they are so precious to me. I look into Sky's face, and I see what a beautiful soul he has. I can imagine the girls chasing him and wanting him to look their way. I can imagine Sky protecting M as he got older and the boys give her a hard time. I am so terribly sad that I imagine that he will never fulfill these future dreams. I honestly believe - as hard as it is to say - that little Sky is no longer with us. It absolutely breaks my heart.

Please find Sky! Please bring him home for Solomon. He deserves to know where his precious son is. Please end this terrible mystery!!

:heartbeat: Sky Crew :heartbeat:
I hope your mother is healing quickly, cocomod. I'm sending well wishes her way!

I keep hoping that one day I will log onto this site and all of sudden there will be a rash of posts because Julia has finally been arrested. My heart sinks each day when I log on and that is not the case.

Sky, we will NOT give up on you!
Wishing your mother the speediest of recoveries Cocomod.

Sky - we definitely haven't forgotten about you nor will we ever. I've been wrapped up in the Trayvon Martin case for the last 1-1/2 days but Sky is definitely always in the forefront of my thoughts. Like you Rouge, I pray for the day that I log on and find that Julia has been arrested.
Bumping for our little man

:heartbeat: Sky Crew :heartbeat:
Here's to hoping for a breakthrough very soon. Thinking of Sky and those who love him.
I just saw that Shakara Dickens has been arrested and charged with first degree murder (and other charges) in regards to her daughter, Lauryn, who went missing about 6 months ago. Like Sky, Lauryn has never been found. There were cadaver dog hits in the apartment as well as Shakara's car. We don't know if that's evidence LE might have in Sky's case (there are rumors of hits in JB's apartment but they're unsubstantiated right now and I also point to the statement by LE that they believe Sky is deceased -- surely they have some reason to believe this and I hope it's some kind of forensic evidence). Like JB, Shakara told many lies about where Lauryn was and what happened to her and none of her stories added up.

I am bouyed by the recent news that two parents (Shakara Dickens and DeAndre Lane -- father to Bianca Jones) have been arrested and charged in the deaths of their children and that neither of those children have ever been found. I pray that Sky will receive the same chance at justice.

ETA: Adrienne, I am also wrapped up in the Trayvon Martin case and spreading his petition around to everyone I know. There is just way too much injustice in this world. Hopefully, we can beat this injustice one wronged person at a time. Sky, you're top of my list.
I think that is not enough evidence to accuse JB, other way LE will arrest her and charge. They're waiting for some move of J to do it. [My opinion ]
That makes my hope that he is still alive.

Sky let us find you soon!
Dear Cocomod my best to your mother, you and yours.
My best to "Sky Crew",
can we find him today!
Respectfully BBM . . . I love that you have named us "Sky Crew"!

I think the "case" has become stale . . . and no one is taking a look until there is more evidence. It makes me so sad. Give us something to work from - we want to help.

Does anyone know if Solomon would be open to working with a verified Psychic - who has worked with LE before? At this point . . . I would do anything to help bring Sky home. There are some legitimate ones who have helped solve cases in the past.

Wenwe, I think this is a great idea. It couldn't hurt, and it may just be the avenue we need to bring Sky home!
I have been busy in my own life this week. My mom had surgery on Thursday, and it was the end of term for my boys in school this week. My oldest is in 7th grade, and he is struggling to keep up, so we were working on getting him to pass on of his classes! He would rather be outside playing - he is not an indoor child!

I think about Sky so often. I have 3 boys, and they are so precious to me. I look into Sky's face, and I see what a beautiful soul he has. I can imagine the girls chasing him and wanting him to look their way. I can imagine Sky protecting M as he got older and the boys give her a hard time. I am so terribly sad that I imagine that he will never fulfill these future dreams. I honestly believe - as hard as it is to say - that little Sky is no longer with us. It absolutely breaks my heart.

Please find Sky! Please bring him home for Solomon. He deserves to know where his precious son is. Please end this terrible mystery!!

:heartbeat: Sky Crew :heartbeat:

Sky Crew! what a great term!
I hope your mother is healing with your TLC, Cocomod!
Bumping up for our handsome boy, Sky!
I just saw that Shakara Dickens has been arrested and charged with first degree murder (and other charges) in regards to her daughter, Lauryn, who went missing about 6 months ago. Like Sky, Lauryn has never been found. There were cadaver dog hits in the apartment as well as Shakara's car. We don't know if that's evidence LE might have in Sky's case (there are rumors of hits in JB's apartment but they're unsubstantiated right now and I also point to the statement by LE that they believe Sky is deceased -- surely they have some reason to believe this and I hope it's some kind of forensic evidence). Like JB, Shakara told many lies about where Lauryn was and what happened to her and none of her stories added up.

I am bouyed by the recent news that two parents (Shakara Dickens and DeAndre Lane -- father to Bianca Jones) have been arrested and charged in the deaths of their children and that neither of those children have ever been found. I pray that Sky will receive the same chance at justice.

ETA: Adrienne, I am also wrapped up in the Trayvon Martin case and spreading his petition around to everyone I know. There is just way too much injustice in this world. Hopefully, we can beat this injustice one wronged person at a time. Sky, you're top of my list.

Maybe Sky's day is coming sooner than we think Rouge.

Yes, the Trayvon Martin case is unbelievable. Can't wait until Zimmerman is locked up as well. Boy, my state sure sucks when it comes to these cases. I'm almost not proud to be a Floridian any more.
We (Sky Crew) need some fresh information! Sky - we want you home and no longer all by yourself. Please help us to find you little Man.

Just who's best interest does Julia have in mind by not providing the needed info?

There needs to be a break in this case - SOON!

I missed that this case was brought up on NG on 3/15 after JB missed the court date. Article says next court date is 3/30/12. scroll down a few stories to see this.

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