What do you think ICA is thinking/feeling tonight?

And...that bean dip she is consuming in the wee hours of the morn will get gut-ranking revenge when she arrives at the silent courtroom, waiting to be seated.

::fireworks: ::gasp::

Well, then... I hope whoever is delivering ICA's clothes brings her some Depends or several changes of underwear. I guess "static" won't be the only thing CM will be hearing, tomorrow.
Leila -- wow, I didn't know that! Thanks for the info and the link. :)

Nothing to worry about. By the time, It's Casey's turn( 10-15 years from now), they will have come up with a new drug or new technology to use on people. IMO
Dont worry KC is going to get her shot .......
Thanks, everyone.. I hope ICA does get her shot, eventually.

This is interesting... from the article Leila linked:

"Sodium thiopental is just one drug in a three-drug mix used to execute prisoners. It is used as the first drug in the process to induce general anesthesia. The subsequent drugs paralyze and then kill the inmate."

Seems there would be some sort of "general anesthesia" type drug that could replace sodium thiopental in this cocktail? I dunno.

Edit: Sincere apologies for going off-topic.
I can't imagine what it must feel like to be a defendant in a death penalty case the eve before jury selection. What do you think ICA is thinking or feeling tonight?

She's probably thinking....the end didn't justify the means....JMHO

Justice for Caylee
Agreed, but I don't think she's actually going to really feel anything until she feels the lethal injection needle poking her in the arm. Yes, I'm hoping she gets the DP.

That's the only thing fitting, If the jury does not sentence her to death, I Hope HJP does.
Thanks, everyone.. I hope ICA does get her shot, eventually.

This is interesting... from the article Leila linked:

"Sodium thiopental is just one drug in a three-drug mix used to execute prisoners. It is used as the first drug in the process to induce general anesthesia. The subsequent drugs paralyze and then kill the inmate."

Seems there would be some sort of "general anesthesia" type drug that could replace sodium thiopental in this cocktail? I dunno.

Edit: Sincere apologies for going off-topic.

Yes, it was replaced by Propofol (aka Diprivan) years ago in clinical use,and there is no shortage of that... not sure why they would still want to use Sodium Pentothal. The effect is the same, it quickly renders a person unconscious.
I think ICA is reciting her Diary of Days:

“On the worst of worst days, remember the words spoken
Trust no one, only yourself.
With great power, comes great consequence.
What is given can be taken away.
Everyone Lies.
Everyone Dies.”
I knew ICA was thinking her hair was a mess, you could see her complaining about it to the attys when she is pointing to her pony tail rubber band. I knew she would come back with a spiffy hair do after lunch. As always its all about me!
I knew ICA was thinking her hair was a mess, you could see her complaining about it to the attys when she is pointing to her pony tail rubber band. I knew she would come back with a spiffy hair do after lunch. As always its all about me!

She should be thinking...WHY oh WHY did I kill my baby? The only way I can begin to atone and show my remorse is to confess, and accept my punishment.

Realistically I agree with gmt. She is thinking about her hair, outfits for court, is this bs from the DT going to fly?, and that once again she's a celebrity. And how unfair the judges rules are
I'd say she's very worried, now that the reality of a trial has torn a hole in her fantasy bubble.
I also imagine that she's constantly going over the 31 days and wishing oh so hard that CA had never called 911. And then comes the anger at her parents as she would never take responsibility for the summer events of 2008. I doubt if she's getting much sleep these days and doing a lot of pacing back and forth on that concrete floor.
"Purging cramps"!! I've never heard that expression before. Very descriptive! Is that for a downward purge or an upward purge? Or both?

I think it was evident by today's courtroom behaviors by Casey that she's beginning to see the reality of things - mainly, as someone mentioned, that her "goose is cooked".

And here's the thing, even for as much as Judge Perry keeps saying "I don't want to have to do this again", the fact of the matter is that if for any reason whatsoever there would come to be a need for a mistrial - the State would try this one again. Come on. They would.

Not that I would want to see that happen. Nor would I want to see a postponement or anything else along those lines. But all the talk about Jose telling Casey there will be a mistrial? Even a mistrial doesn't make things go away. They just re-try you.
That one juror who was so outspoken and said he already had made up his mind that the verdict to him is Guilty in his eyes. WOW! just barely caught the recap on HLN. Sure glad the other potentials were not in the room! That'll be something for ica to think about-a unknown person said what his feelings are.
Least what's been going on so far, it seems the potential jurors are being very honest and not trying to just jockey for position to be on this trial.
Having read the title of this thread only.... Who cares?
Well then you are a much better person than me. I really don't care what she is feeling.

Did she care what Caylee was feeling? NO!~

Sure she did. She put a heart sticker on her, didn't she? What more do you want?
I love that's she's miserable. I was playing Keno last night while she was being booked and id'd. On Mother's Day to boot.

I am loving her frame of mind right now.
Sure she did. She put a heart sticker on her, didn't she? What more do you want?

Zactly! I put a heart sticker on her..wouldn't do that for any other body. Just because Chloro..I mean Xani didn't work that time, how is that MY problem?

Could someone send a chat link? Lost it, and feel the need to vent. ♥

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