What does the jury think happened today?

What does the jury think happened?

  • ICA plans to plead

    Votes: 21 10.6%
  • ICA (or someone) is sick

    Votes: 117 58.8%
  • Judge or Lawyer had a personal emergency

    Votes: 24 12.1%
  • Other

    Votes: 37 18.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Maybe she sharted... or her ovaries tried to run away
If I were on the jury and hadn't been watching ICA for the past 3 years I would hope that ICA might be taking a plea deal.

Coming back into the court tomorrow and seeing that she didn't I would be pretty upset. I'd be thinking that I have to be away from my life and my family because ICA could not tell the truth, what ever that is and for whatever reason, and she chose to waste keep me away from my family that much longer she she could compose herself for something she more than likely was prepped for.
I didn't realize the jury wasn't in the room when court was recessed for the day. I wouldn't know what to think, though I'd probably lean towards some courthouse emergency or court worker problem. I doubt if they think KC is pleading out.....after all, they are already aware that she spent 3 years in protective custody because of an "accident" just so she could stand trial for capital murder instead.
This jury has an awesome responsibility -- to finally stand up to the lies ICA has told everyone, and the horrible acts she committed, whenever and wherever they might have occurred, and to discipline (for lack of a better word) her, to dish out the consequences she should have been facing for 20+ years. Her own parents should have been doing it, and they are sadly facing their own consequences for their failure as her parents. I am not saying they deserve the heartbreak, I am just saying they must bear some responsiblity.

I am truly sorry the jury members are losing time with their families and their lives, and like many I am so heartbroken today to hear how Caylee was thrown out like so much trash, but I believe in the legal system and the greater wisdom of people to sense a faker when one is before them. I believe the jury absolutely knows ICA was somehow the reason that they were dismissed early today and they also know without a doubt that she was primarily acting for their benefit, and poorly. If we are wrong, and she was not acting, it is the smallest penance she will hopefully ever pay, seeing those images forever burnt onto her retina.
She is ACTING - it took several eye pokes and a few minutes to get a couple of tears squeezed out. Before the tears her face showed extreme anger at the ME.
Reality bites !!!!!

She is sick that the focus is on Caylee and not poor mistreated her.
Just watched the "sick" raw video again and WHOA! Did JB actually push (coax) her to sit down with his arm while the jury was exiting? Did anyone else see that? It's around 5:14 on the video. It seems he wanted the Jury to know exactly why they were leaving early.

Good catch! I saw the same thing you did.

I might be alone here, but I actually thought ICA looked unwell when she first came into the courtroom. Her face seemed unusually flushed.
I found myself agreeing with many posts here, some with conflicting viewpoints so I'm not so sure but the extremely subjective notion I get is that she is starting to get scared she's not gonna get out of this and the impression of her character is that she's the sort of person who fakes something to get out of things, even if just for one more day. IMO some of her hand movements were reminders of duct tape. And because her natural response when in trouble is to lie, lie, lie, it's gotta be killing her to be sitting there quietly and not able to respond to the accusation by inventing lies, except through her attorneys. Maybe some real nausea thrown in by the reminders of the body but she was rather unconcerned about all the talk about the decomp smell. (But maybe it's because she never smelled any decomposition, it was just squirrels and garbage in her car.)

I don't believe it was a ploy by the defense team, at least not all of them, because I think the female attorney tasked with patting her back would have attempted to look a little bit more concerned if they were wanting to convince the jury that she was sick.

In the end, after a day when everybody cared only about Caylee, she had to make it about her.
Casey trying to act like a victim of this crime.K.B.tweeted jurors was watching the pictures on the screen not at her.
I believe it was a poorly orchestrated DT ploy that started the moment Casey entered the courtroom. I'll list my reasons why (IMHO):

1. Casey walked in with a big smile. (But she knew what was coming today.)
2. She wore an outfit totally unlike any previously worn.
3. The outfit was white. (Attempting to project innocence? Good luck with that!)
4. DT removed the laptop that has ALWAYS been in front of her, until today, thus making sure the jury had an unobstructed view of ICA.
5. Forensic photo testimony was irrefutable. DT couldn't let the day end with those photos being the last thing on their minds.
6. Casey didn't get sick until AFTER lunch, which gave the team time to consult with their consultants and plan their diversion tactic since the consultants advised them that no one was buying the "tearful Casey act".
Sorry, I don't believe she was in distress (except that SHE wasn't getting extra attention.)

I never ONCE saw the tissue with a wet spot on it. Handkerchiefs hide wet spots..........tissues do NOT!!!

IMO it was an acting job..... and not a good one at that.

And did anyone else notice that before her dramatic act they pushed the small computer that was in front of her out of the way so the jury could get a good look?
She wore that same outfit (white clingy thing over white shirt) during jury selection.
I have no idea if DT were in on this, but I know it was FAKE FAKE FAKE, and it is sooooooo typically ICA. It's another repeat of 'just one more day' IMO.
Deny, delay, and repeat.

Several hours before watching this 'disabling sickness' of ICA's I was at my children's school assembly to watch them receiving their awards.
One little boy was truly sick and vomited before passing out. I helped carry him out of the hall and my heart was breaking watching him drift in out of consciousness.
So seeing ICA try to fake the nausea and light-headedness made me feel so angry.
I'm disappointed that HHJP gave her a 'get out of trial free card' for pulling this pathetic stunt.
I watched Casey throughout the whole procedure of showing the photos. I thought it was interesting that the defence had moved the laptop EITHER so that she couldnt get a good view of the photos OR that the jury could see her crying. This plan to let the jury see her 'upset' has backfired BIG STYLE. For one it seems that the jurors were more interested in the photos and not Caseys reaction

Whilst I know photos of a childs skull are gruesome I can also imagine that they are de-personalised...Its kinda hard to imagine relating a skull to a little girl....I think the photos that will make the biggest impression to the jurors will be Caylees clothing. You will see a teeny pair of dirty striped shorts and THEN realise that a REAL living breathing little girl once wore them.

How I would LOVE the prosecution to play the video clip of Caycee hugging her gt grandpa and singing 'You are my sunshine' and I hope, I pray that the jury will be able to see an innocent, defenceless child who should now be enjoying school, birthday parties and Sponge Bob Squarepants

Caylee will NEVER get justice as justice is defined by 'getting what one deserves'. Caylee like any other soul brought into the world deserved to be nourished, loved and protected.

Now its time for Casey to get justice or 'getting what she deserves'
If ICA isn't back in court this morning the jury will surely figure out the reason for yesterdays early dismissal.

I can only imagine ICA thinking: oh gawd that break wasn't nearly long enough for me. I've mastered lying but I need to polish up my skills on feigning illness.
There was still hair on the skull.... that would personalize it.

And Casey didn't really freak out until they showed the clothes.

Immediately after the shorts were shown, (what was left of the shorts) the recess was called, the sidebar was called and the ended court for the day.

I watched Casey throughout the whole procedure of showing the photos. I thought it was interesting that the defence had moved the laptop EITHER so that she couldnt get a good view of the photos OR that the jury could see her crying. This plan to let the jury see her 'upset' has backfired BIG STYLE. For one it seems that the jurors were more interested in the photos and not Caseys reaction

Whilst I know photos of a childs skull are gruesome I can also imagine that they are de-personalised...Its kinda hard to imagine relating a skull to a little girl....I think the photos that will make the biggest impression to the jurors will be Caylees clothing. You will see a teeny pair of dirty striped shorts and THEN realise that a REAL living breathing little girl once wore them.

How I would LOVE the prosecution to play the video clip of Caycee hugging her gt grandpa and singing 'You are my sunshine' and I hope, I pray that the jury will be able to see an innocent, defenceless child who should now be enjoying school, birthday parties and Sponge Bob Squarepants

Caylee will NEVER get justice as justice is defined by 'getting what one deserves'. Caylee like any other soul brought into the world deserved to be nourished, loved and protected.

Now its time for Casey to get justice or 'getting what she deserves'
Didn't Casey have a history of ovarian cysts??? Or was that imaginary???

If she really is in pain, (and she looks like she could be) I wonder about that... She is acting just like I do with a softball sized cyst. The pain gets worse when you stand up or move... I know the timing would be amazing but I had a cyst burst just before a major test I was dreading... everyone thought I was faking it till I passed out.

I am actually feeling bad for her. OMG.... what is wrong with me. :eek:

I am still VERY concerned that Casey may completely lose it in court. Go into a total rage. They are not keeping anything away from her... she has access to anything she wants right there at the table. There is probably scissors, or a stapler, or something else she could do serious damage with. That makes me REALLY nervous.

If she is going to fake crying at something as major as her daughter's remains... she just needs to watch her mother on the stand. Really... it's not that difficult.

Casey would be far more convincing if people couldn't see her face. Put your face down in your arms on the table and sob like Cindy did. (Well except Casey would be faking it, but it'd be harder to tell since you couldn't see her face.) She did that a little today.

If she still feels "ill" today I suggest the puke bucket (we personally find the very large ice cream buckets work nicely.)

Paper towels.

Some Zofran.

Good to go.

I do not want this trial delayed any longer. Casey can opt to sit out, or sit in another room so she doesn't disrupt court, correct? Because if she is going to keep getting sick, I do not want this to go on forever. I want her in there and facing this, but if we have to not have her there... (Brian David Mitchell) then we can do that too.
It's my thought that ICA wasn't "ill" in the sense of some physical ailment, but I don't think she was faking either. I think what happened was that she was faced with a room full of people who clearly caught her in a bad deed and she was not able to use her usual defenses - talk, lie, talk, tantrum, lie some more, twist things to her benefit, manipulate, lie some more, cry, wheedle, attack, or run away (as she ran from CA, GA, and LA when she couldn't explain Caylee's absence). ICA was sitting in that chair unable to use ANY of her usual methods to deflect, lie, run when confronted with her bad actions.

She wasn't sick because she was listening to the testimony about Caylee's remains; she was sick because she could not control the situation and get herself out of the hotseat. I think this is the first time that has ever happened to her and she simply doesn't have the coping skills to deal with it. She couldn't simply run away and avoid the situation, so she got the judge's permission to run away.

I do believe she reached a point where she just HAD to get off the hotseat, but I'm surprised the judge allowed her to manipulate him like that. He knows her just as well as the rest of us do and he should have anticipated her reaching this point sometime during the trial. IMO he should have made her sit there. At the least, it would have helped her learn a different coping mechanism than lying, screaming, manipulating, and running to get away from her misdeeds.

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