WI WI - Kelly Nolan, 22, Madison, 23 Jun 2007 #2

I'm not as optimistic about Kelly's case being solved. The police were not quick enough to secure pertinent video surveillance tapes after she disappeared.

That is interesting, because the policeman interviewed on the Already Gone podcast said there was no surveillance in the areas of State street in 2007.
This case left me with more questions than answers. Madison PD is playing their cards close to the vest.

Already Gone Podcast on Kelly Nolan. Includes interview with Joel DeSpain of Madison Police Department.
That is interesting, because the policeman interviewed on the Already Gone podcast said there was no surveillance in the areas of State street in 2007.

DeSpain specifically mentioned that there is no video surveillance and how frustrating it is to investigators.
I just heard of this case for the first time after the podcast. So I did a search on the internet. I thought it was interesting that an employee of the bar walks her home but they run into another friend of hers and the bar employee.leaves her with him. Doing internet searches the media mentions the bar employees first name, but that is all and he called LE 2 days later. But nothing about the mysterious 2nd man - Did LE find him? Has he been ruled out? If they didn't, why isn't there a sketch? It's 10 years later maybe more information is needed to generate some tips.
That is interesting, because the policeman interviewed on the Already Gone podcast said there was no surveillance in the areas of State street in 2007.

As I remember, two of the bars that she visited that night had video surveillance. One of the bartenders claimed that the footage from that night had already been erased by the time the police requested it. Perhaps, I am remembering it incorrectly as it was over 10 years ago.
But nothing about the mysterious 2nd man - Did LE find him? Has he been ruled out? If they didn't, why isn't there a sketch? It's 10 years later maybe more information is needed to generate some tips.

There was a sketch of the second person, but for some reason, the police never made it public. They have been very tight-lipped about what (if anything) they learned about the mystery acquaintance.
There was a sketch of the second person, but for some reason, the police never made it public. They have been very tight-lipped about what (if anything) they learned about the mystery acquaintance.

Some of the posts have suggested that both men were cleared but I haven't ever seen that specifically stated in any articles. The link to the story you posted said DeSpain said persons of interest have previously been investigated and eliminated from the case. Currently, no one has risen to the level of a person of interest or suspect, he said"
but I'm not sure that necessarily means they've really been eliminated.

I thought you brought up a very interesting point that what they are saying about her last known whereabouts is pretty markedly different from what was said in 2007. It has gone to her leaving lava around 2 with the cafe guy going toward her apartment and somewhere along running into mystery guy, to now her being seen on the 500h block of state street with no mention of any walking companion at all. Same in the podcast. You're absolutely right, state street is the opposite direction of her apartment. Could she have been going to get a late night snack somewhere?? Did she really lose/ditch 2 walking companions? Could she have gotten home and gone back out for a bite to eat? This case and how it's been handled and covered by the media is truly captivating.
I also don't buy the peacock brothers theories. They seem too scummy to have been able to talk her into leaving downtown with them. I think whoever did it was a wolf in sheep's clothing- around her age, maybe good looking but maybe just aware of another place fo party. Interestingly that same article specifically said police had looked into people with connections to Schneider drive and UW Whitewater so theoretically they've spoken to that Greg guy who was a UWW student and had just moved into a house on Schneider. Do wonder if maybe he had parties out there though.
DeSpain specifically mentioned that there is no video surveillance and how frustrating it is to investigators.
Interestingly, DeSpain is a former long time newscaster for Madison. Once he took the job of police spokesperson, he seems to have used his experience to lock down any information that could leak to the press. I don't really see what the down side would be to release a few more pieces of information, although with this much time it would be hard to think back that long. In the meantime, someone is wandering around probably killing people. Wakes me up at night sometimes.
I agree. At this point, I really don’t see what they could lose. It’s hard to get much worse than 11+ years unsolved. Why not release a little something to keep it interesting and in peoples’ minds. Do a 48 hours mystery with new info to generate interest and hopefully tips. I sometimes wonder if they don’t know exactly who did it but they’ve just never been able to prove it, and perhaps this person was smart and lawyered up right away. That might explain keeping every detail locked away. I also wonder if this person killed before Kelly, or since.
This case still haunts me too. I hope someday there is justice for Kelly and her loved ones. They must be living in agony wondering if her killer will ever be found.
I agree. At this point, I really don’t see what they could lose. It’s hard to get much worse than 11+ years unsolved. Why not release a little something to keep it interesting and in peoples’ minds. Do a 48 hours mystery with new info to generate interest and hopefully tips. I sometimes wonder if they don’t know exactly who did it but they’ve just never been able to prove it, and perhaps this person was smart and lawyered up right away. That might explain keeping every detail locked away. I also wonder if this person killed before Kelly, or since.

I just think it's weird to have such a lack of info, when they've consistently asked if anyone remembers "anything" about that night. Like what? How do people know if they remembered something if they don't know what is being asked about?
I just think it's weird to have such a lack of info, when they've consistently asked if anyone remembers "anything" about that night. Like what? How do people know if they remembered something if they don't know what is being asked about?
Especially when what they’ve been doing has not been working for 11+ years. You tried to silence thing and it failed. Try something else! It’s so frustrating to watch. Give the info to other people, private detectives or whatever, and let them at least give it a shot. And I completely agree. It’s next to impossible to remember anything about a random night 11 years ago without a little info to trigger something. I hate to say it but this thing isn’t ever going to get solved unless they a) have DNA that we don’t know about and get a match somewhere or b) the perpetrators tells someone and it ultimately gets back to police. But who knows- that could have already happened (perp confession to a third party) but then that person won’t talk to police. I’m telling you I think that explains the stubborn silence.
I feel like this case used to have such a heavy following but so many have forgotten about it now because it’s almost never mentioned in the media now. Would love to hear from her family to regenerate interest/possible tips. Just because the police won’t release a thing doesn’t mean the family can’t.
"In the statement, Nolan’s family described Kelly as a “very special and unique human being,” and implored those who remember any information, “no matter how small or insignificant,” to contact the Madison Police Department.

The Waunakee native, who was a senior at UW-Whitewater studying communications, was living in Madison on Mifflin Street for the summer to work."

The man whose apartment Kelly rented also had ties to UW-Whitewater. His grandfather was a professor there. Was Kelly in any of his classes? Is that how Kelly got the apartment?
Bump for Kelly!!! Come on guys!!! No new news but let’s keep this going! Anyone have ideas of how to possibly generate some ways to get get this back in the news? This is getting a bit absurd as we are in 2021.
Bump for Kelly!!! Come on guys!!! No new news but let’s keep this going! Anyone have ideas of how to possibly generate some ways to get get this back in the news? This is getting a bit absurd as we are in 2021.
It needs to go viral. People love true crime and this is a great case. Maybe we should tip off 48 hours mystery or dateline?
Bump for Kelly!!! Come on guys!!! No new news but let’s keep this going! Anyone have ideas of how to possibly generate some ways to get get this back in the news? This is getting a bit absurd as we are in 2021.

Has there been a podcast? I am old & know just nothing about podcasts.

A colleague listens to True Crime Garage and Crime Junkie.

Maybe a podcast would bring new eyes & ears to Kelly Nolan's case?

jmho ymmv lrr

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