GUILTY TX - Ethan Couch 'Affluenza Teen' DUI driver who killed four gets probation, 2013 #1

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I think the difference is one is planned and the other isn't. The "Knockout Game" is a planned assault. Someone who drinks, a lot, and then gets into a car there goal is to get to their destination and not to kill or hurt anyone. One is a deliberate attack on a person, the other is just a reckless disregard for the safety of others. End result is the same but the intent is different. But that is just how I see it. jmo

I have to tell you though that kids today think the "Knockout Game" is a joke and have no idea they can kill someone by their actions, much less that it is assault. Same kids thinking underage drinking is okay, too. Where do they get these ideas from?????
The family let the boy drive at age 13 and let him go unpunished when, two years later, police found him in a parked pickup truck with a 14-year-old girl who was passed out and unclothed, Miller said.
He described Couch as "emotionally flat," but told the court he could be rescued with at least two years of therapy and no contact with his parents.

There is a bizarre case out of Texas where Ethan Couch, 16, was facing 20 years for killing four people in a drunk driving incident. [modsnip] reportedly said “I’m Outta here” and walked away.

"Judge who let off 'spoiled' rich teen who killed four in DUI previously put boy aged fourteen in prison for TEN YEARS"

"The judge in the controversial Ethan Couch case hasn’t always been so lenient and last year sentenced a 14-year-old African American boy to 10 years in prison after he punched someone and they died."

"Judge Jean Boyd is facing calls to be removed from her position after she handed out the remarkably lenient sentence - 10 years probation - to 16-year-old Couch who killed four people and injured seven while on a drunken joyride."
"Judge who let off 'spoiled' rich teen who killed four in DUI previously put boy aged fourteen in prison for TEN YEARS"

"The judge in the controversial Ethan Couch case hasn’t always been so lenient and last year sentenced a 14-year-old African American boy to 10 years in prison after he punched someone and they died."

"Judge Jean Boyd is facing calls to be removed from her position after she handed out the remarkably lenient sentence - 10 years probation - to 16-year-old Couch who killed four people and injured seven while on a drunken joyride."

She was trying to get that one into some treatment program as well. But nobody would take him.

"Defense attorneys asked that he be sent to a small, private home in California which offers intensive one-on-one therapy. They said Couch's father would pay the entire $450,000 price tag."

The judge ordered 2 years of therapy. That's $450,000 x 2.

Just how wealthy is daddy? Now that there are at least 5 civil lawsuits filed against him by the victims, one of which is suing for $20 million, what happens to the spoiled little rich kid if the lawsuits bankrupt daddy and he can no longer afford the therapy?
The family let the boy drive at age 13 and let him go unpunished when, two years later, police found him in a parked pickup truck with a 14-year-old girl who was passed out and unclothed, Miller said.
He described Couch as "emotionally flat," but told the court he could be rescued with at least two years of therapy and no contact with his parents.

There is a bizarre case out of Texas where Ethan Couch, 16, was facing 20 years for killing four people in a drunk driving incident. [modsnip] reportedly said “I’m Outta here” and walked away.

Two years? Hardly!
Technically if he walked away and resisted arrest the police officers could have shot at him.
Sounds like "knock out" game, even though articles don't call it that.
And that same judge had no problem with 10 year jail sentence for a juvenile offender.
So, what gives?
Does she really think that someone from a privileged background deserves treatment instead of jail becaue they are a victim of "affluenza?"

A lot of the "news articles & shows" are leaving out some details. This judge has a history of being too lenient of juvenile offenders.

The Texas county judge who sentenced 16-year-old "affluenza" sufferer Ethan Couch to one year of rehabilitation and 10 years of probation after he killed four people in a drunk-driving accident apparently has a tendency to hand down lenient sentences.
According to News8, last year Tarrant County Judge Jean Boyd pushed for rehab in the case of a 14-year-old black boy who killed someone with a punch. The teenager—whose name was never released because he was a juvenile—admitted to hitting Mark Gregory, whose head struck the pavement; he died two days after the attack.

Despite the judge's attempts to get the 14-year-old into rehab, no program would take him, so he was sentenced to jail instead. The victim's mother was thankful for that much.

"She wanted to send him to one of these special places in Arizona, but no one would take him," Anita Lauterbach, Mark's mother, told the news site. "We were horrified. We just couldn't believe it. The district attorney and I were just sitting on pins and needles. But when nobody would take him, [it was] a sigh of relief."

"She's too easy on. them," Lauterbach added. "I don't think she needs to be sitting on that bench."
A lot of the "news articles & shows" are leaving out some details. This judge has a history of being too lenient of juvenile offenders.


If she is looking for programs to take the offenders, very few would be able to afford $450,000 per year tag, which is what the threatment facility for victim of affluenza is going to cost. So the rich ones will go off to treatments, while poor ones will be stuck in jail.
This judge had NOTHING to lose. She isn't seeking re-election. There needs to be a full investigation into this judge and the possibility that she was bought. Unfortunately, she still has a year left in her term. She should be immediately removed!

So you take a kid, excuse his criminal behavior because he's never had consequences for his actions, and give him yet more of the "no consequences" when he kills 4 people and sets off a series of car crashes? Yeah, that will work. The judge did the exact same thing that the parents have been accused of.

Not only did he kill 4 people he also caused permanent injuries to two of his friends that were in his truck. One is in a vegetative state and can only communicate through blinking his eyes. He might as well have killed 5 people.

I hope these parents truly are very wealthy because they are being sued out the rear in civil court by everyone involved. Not only will this hopefully ruin the parents, but it may very well end the dad's business. The business is being included in the civil suits because the truck the boy was driving was owned by the business.

This boy didn't even have a full driver's license. He had a probationary license that he could only drive with a licensed adult age 21 or older. Nope, no one in that truck 21.

This boy got up and tried to leave the scene. He was found a quarter of a mile from the accident drunk and belligerent. He even bragged, loudly, that his dad would buy him and his friends out of this situation too. Looks like daddy didn't fail him there.

It wasn't his first offense with alcohol or the law. He had previous charges due to being found in a vehicle drunk with a drunk, passed out, naked 14 year old a few months prior as well as possession and consumption of alcohol underage.

Just the smirk on his face after the judge handed down her "sentence" was enough to make any sane person want to strangle the little punk!!!

Not only have the parents of Ethan Couch failed him, so has this judge. All she did was deepen his delusion that there are no consequences for his actions. This $450,000 oceanfront "treatment center" will not help this kid. You can't help someone who won't help themselves. He will continue on this destructive path and probably commit many, many more crimes until someone actually makes him face some consequences.

Hopefully, after all of the victims are through in Civil Court this boy and his family will no longer know what wealth is. Not that that will bring back any of the people he killed, nor will it repair the damage done to other victims injured that night.

The state Attorney General's office is now looking into this case. I certainly hope they can find a way to go after this kid and the judge. Had he been forced to do some actual jail time maybe that could have saved his life and possibly many other innocent people's lives that he will inevitably affect in the future.

"I'm Ethan Couch, I'll get you out of this," the inebriated teen told one of his passengers at the scene, according to trial notes belonging to the attorney for Eric Boyles, who lost his wife and daughter in the terrible crash.
This case sets a very dangerous legal precedent.

Ethan Couch killed 4 and injured 10.

Ethan's BAC was 3x the legal limit 3 HOURS AFTER the crash!!

Ethan also had Valium in his system at the time of the crash in addition to alcohol.

Ethan had only traveled 2 blocks from his home before crashing ... and still had reached the speed of 70mph (in a 40 zone) in only 2 blocks.

Parties serving alcohol to minors were frequently held at the Couch home. That's where that night started. Then, Couch and 7 of his friends piled into the 2012 Ford F300 owned and registered to Fred Couch's Company, Cleburne Metal Works LLC, and attempted to unsuccessfully steal beer from a convenient store before heading to Walmart where they stole several cases of beer.

In one of the civil suits filed by the parents of one of the teens that was riding in the back of the truck, Sergio Molina, alleges Couch was not paying attention to the road and may have been texting or talking on his cell phone at the time of the crash. Molina has already exceeded $600,000 in medical care. The family is suing for $20 million. Molina remains in a vegetative state.

In February of this year, in the town Lakeside, northwest of Fort Worth, police found Couch with a 12-ounce can of beer and a 1.75-liter bottle of vodka in the early hours and gave him two citations - one for being a minor in possession of alcohol, the other for consuming alcohol as a minor.

Dr. Gary Miller, a psychologist testifying for Couch, said the teen suffered from "affluenza," and cited an incident when the boy, then 14, was found by police in a parked pickup truck with a naked girl. He was ticketed but went unpunished.

A psychologist testified that the teen's parents had a volatile, unhealthy relationship and argued frequently in front of their son. The psychologist said Couch's parents used their son to hurt each other after a contentious divorce and never taught him basic lessons for interacting with others.
His father "does not have relationships, he takes hostages," Miller said, and he described the teen's mother as a desperate, manipulative woman.

At Ethan Couch's sentence hearing held in Fort Worth on December 10, 2013, Tarrant County Assistant District Attorney Richard Alpert proposed that the defendant be incarcerated for twenty years. In addressing Judge Boyd, Alpert said, "If the boy, who is from an affluent family, is cushioned by the family's wealth, there can be no doubt that he will be in another courthouse one day blaming the leniency he received here." The prosecutor pointed out that inmates in Texas who needed it received drug and alcohol treatment.


Teen witnesses account of the scene that night

Just before they ended up on the same road, Ethan Couch and Amanda Parr chose two separate paths.

Couch — full of everclear, vodka and Miller Lite — left one party June 15 and hopped in the driver's seat of his pickup. A group of teenagers jumped in, too.

Parr, then 18, and her friend Deandra Sullivan got in a car and left a graduation reception where they said they chose not to drink.

Following a caravan of a few friends, Parr turned on Burleson-Retta Road. Parr said they saw bright headlights, and "a bunch of chaos."

Couch had wrecked and killed four pedestrians – three good Samaritans and a disabled motorist. Tarrant County Sheriff Dee Anderson, a former accident investigator, said the area became "like a war zone." The details in the investigative report are gruesome.

In all the wreckage, bodies, vehicles and debris, Parr found Sergio Molina, then 15, lying in the road near a vehicle.

"He wasn't moving," Parr said. "His eyes were open, kind of, and then they were shut."

Sullivan said they tried to talk to Molina, who had been thrown from the bed of the pickup.

"He couldn't make any words," Sullivan said. "He was breathing — he just couldn't do anything other than that."

Parr held Molina's head and prayed for him. At some point, another teen came up to her and said the boy was his friend Sergio. He then began mumbling about sunglasses and wandering around.

She heard screaming, crying and saw all the wrecked vehicles. She said she stayed with Molina until the ambulance arrived.

"It felt like forever," she said.

Parr and Sullivan said they have had to learn to cope with what they saw. They said Thursday that they were both shocked by the 10-year probation sentence that Couch got from a juvenile judge. Especially after all the carnage they saw that night.

"Witnessing the accident was worse on me than his punishment was on him," Sullivan said.

Parr said she still prays for the victims, and that God will judge Couch. But the crash scene still haunts her.

"The people who are speaking up for Ethan Couch and saying he's just a kid — they didn't see the events and how it took a toll," Parr said.


The Accident

The sheriff said that from witness statements, reconstructions of the accident and information from data recorders on the vehicles, his investigators have determined that the pickup truck driven by Couch was westbound on Burleson-Retta Road, moving at 68 to 70 mph, when the truck clipped the rear end of Mitchell's SUV, which was in the culvert to the right of the westbound lane.

Couch "had to be working hard, really laying it on the accelerator, to get that pickup moving that fast that quickly," Anderson said, noting again that the teens had been at a residence "just a few hundred yards" east of the accident site.

Couch's truck then struck the four pedestrians standing together in front of the SUV, killing them instantly, Anderson said.

Couch's pickup then struck the rear of Jennings' white Chevrolet Silverado, which was parked on the right shoulder of the westbound lane, just west of Mitchell's SUV. The impact propelled the Silverado — in which two boys, 12 and 13, were sitting — westward and across both the westbound and eastbound lanes of Burleson-Retta Road. The Silverado then clipped a red Volkswagen Beetle headed east on the same road.

The Silverado came to rest off to the side of the eastbound lane. The Volkswagen veered off the road on the eastbound lane side, before moving back into the eastbound lane where it stopped.

The two boys in Jennings' Silverado were taken to Cook Children's Medical Center in Fort Worth but were not seriously injured. Ashlyn Danielle Evans, 18, of Burleson, the driver of the Volkswagen, and her passenger, 15-year-old Peyton Alan of Burleson, were not injured.

Anderson said that Couch's truck, after hitting Jennings' truck, "went airborne" before flipping upside down and hitting a tree on the shoulder of the westbound lane.

Anderson said the Ford truck was mangled "almost beyond being recognizable as a vehicle."

The accident report Anderson released indicates that Couch and 19-year-old Rich Cornell Avery were in the front seat of Couch's truck, and that Garrett Lee Ballard, 16, Starr Teague, 15, Jacob Adam Goodsell, 15, and Christian Victoria, 15, were all in the back seat of the truck's cab.

Solomon Mohmand and Sergio Molina, both 15, were in the bed of the truck and thrown out when the accident occurred. Anderson said one of the two riding in the cab is the one who remains hospitalized with serious injuries.

Anderson called the scene of the accident one of the most horrific he has seen during his career and that "the only real surprise" in the investigation was that there weren't more fatalities.

"This was a tragedy that was completely preventable," Anderson said. "Because this group of people in that pickup truck made some very, very bad decisions, four totally innocent people lost their lives."

- See more at: http://www.cleburnetimesrev...XN6N2.dpuf

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Read more here:
Agree with Day Dreamer on all counts.
Agree with Day Dreamer on all counts.

To be honest, this case terrifies me for so many reasons.

Setting a legal precedence like that opens the door for future drunk drivers to basically skate on their charges. :facepalm:

I also truly believe this kid will re-offend. I pray I am wrong; but, he has at least 2 charges relating to underage alcohol before the crash that he suffered no consequences for. Now he's killed 4 people and ruined many lives with this accident also without suffering any consequences. I do not believe he has learned a thing; and, is therefore most likely to re-offend because he has been shown that his daddy's money WILL get him out of anything. Again, I seriously hope and pray I am wrong! :facepalm:

My heart breaks for all of victims and their families.
This may be the future of 16 year old Ethan Couch. Frightening isn't it?

This drunken Texas teen killed a 15 year old girl and got 10 years probation. Later he killed a single mother of 3 and didn't even get a ticket nor a sobriety test. Then went on to later be arrested for possession of heroin and cocaine with a shotgun found in his trunk.

That 10 years of probation certainly helped rehabilitate that young man didn't it. <---- SARCASM :banghead:

Judge Jean Boyd, who sentenced 16-year-old Ethan Couch to probation after he killed four people while driving drunk might have done us all a favor by researching a similar history that I've written about previously on this blog. It's the case of Chris Clary, another son of a well-to-do, influential North Texas father who got him off with probation after he killed a teenage girl riding in his car. Clary also was a drunk teenage driver.
In December 1998, Clary killed Stefani Robertson, a 15-year-old DeSoto High School student. Clary was drunk at the time, and Robertson was his passenger. As is often the case with rich kids, dad got a good lawyer. Clary, just like Couch, received 10 years of probation.

Amazingly, just like Couch, this wasn't Clary's first offense. About a year earlier, he had been cited for drunk driving but clearly hadn't learned his lesson. Affluenza apparently has been sweeping the area for decades.

Did probation allow Clary to rehabilitate himself in the way that the judge envisions in Couch's case? Hardly.

In 2009, he was ticketed for driving 90 mph in a 50 mph zone.

Zip ahead to 2011. The "rehabilitated" Clary, driving a Porsche, was driving down the on-ramp of Central Expressway at Yale. I don't know where he was looking at the time, but it wasn't at the road ahead. I don't know the state of his sobriety, nor did police. But he clearly hadn't been paying attention. Had he been, he might have noticed Latonya Lyons, a single mother of three, whose car had broken down beside the on-ramp. She was in her Ford Taurus, emergency lights flashing. Clary's Porsche plowed into her car, hitting it so much force, the Taurus flipped on its top and landed 60 feet away. Lyons was killed.
I don't know if Dad intervened again, but amazingly, police let Clary leave without even writing him a ticket. Perhaps they were feeling the fever and chills and achiness of affluenza. They did not conduct a sobriety test on a two-time killer with an established history of drunk driving.

Zip ahead to 2013. August 10, to be exact. That's the day Chris Clary was arrested for possession of heroin and cocaine. Police found a shotgun in the trunk. Stories have circulated for years about Clary and drugs. They continue to circulate.

Wow, that 10 years of probation certainly turned Clary's life around. I don't doubt Ethan Couch will grow up with an equal level of utter disregard for the sanctity of human life.
"Judge who let off 'spoiled' rich teen who killed four in DUI previously put boy aged fourteen in prison for TEN YEARS"

"The judge in the controversial Ethan Couch case hasn’t always been so lenient and last year sentenced a 14-year-old African American boy to 10 years in prison after he punched someone and they died."

"Judge Jean Boyd is facing calls to be removed from her position after she handed out the remarkably lenient sentence - 10 years probation - to 16-year-old Couch who killed four people and injured seven while on a drunken joyride."

Just a general comment on my feelings about the black teen sentenced to ten years. IMO, that is way too low of a sentence. at least twenty, maybe thirty years. There was a guy in Rochester who sucker punched a guy after a softball game while the teams were walking by each other slapping hands. He killed the guy. He got out in two years with probation. I thought he should have been put away for life because he had prior convictions for acts of violence.

I think they should have locked up affluenza kid up for at least fifty years. JMO

She was trying to get that one into some treatment program as well. But nobody would take him.

That right there is really all you need to know. If no rehab facility, other than a half million a year one, wants him. He should be going to jail because they obviously think he is beyond rehabilitation.

To be honest, this case terrifies me for so many reasons.

Setting a legal precedence like that opens the door for future drunk drivers to basically skate on their charges. :facepalm:

I also truly believe this kid will re-offend. I pray I am wrong; but, he has at least 2 charges relating to underage alcohol before the crash that he suffered no consequences for. Now he's killed 4 people and ruined many lives with this accident also without suffering any consequences. I do not believe he has learned a thing; and, is therefore most likely to re-offend because he has been shown that his daddy's money WILL get him out of anything. Again, I seriously hope and pray I am wrong! :facepalm:

My heart breaks for all of victims and their families.


With all of the national attention this is getting I think it will keep it from ever becoming a precedent. Affluenza is not a recognized psychological disorder.

To nobody in particular. I was hoping that the lawsuits would bankrupt daddy. One family is suing for 20 million. However, when I thought about it, all five victims could get 20 million and it would be tip money to this guy. This guy is probably, or very close to, a billionaire. (I don't know for sure.) If all five victims got 20 million that would be 100,000,000 dollars. If he's a billionaire that's 10% of his worth. Think of it as a guy who's worth $40,000 being fined $4,000. I doubt it will affect him financially much at all.

Hopefully a lot of customers will cancel orders and/or disconnect from the company. I'm not gonna hold my breath. He probably deals with corporations who make decisions by price alone.
Judge isn't running for re-election, but MR Abbott (TX Attorney General) sure is. SO AG office is looking into the case. However is seems not likely anything can be done in this case, but maybe something can be done in future cases.

"Roper said, now that the judge has ruled, the state of Texas will likely have to live with her ruling. The widespread outrage, though, could change the outcome of future cases. McDonald said the DA’s office could be interested in talking to lawmakers."
Judge isn't running for re-election, but MR Abbott (TX Attorney General) sure is. SO AG office is looking into the case. However is seems not likely anything can be done in this case, but maybe something can be done in future cases.

"Roper said, now that the judge has ruled, the state of Texas will likely have to live with her ruling. The widespread outrage, though, could change the outcome of future cases. McDonald said the DA’s office could be interested in talking to lawmakers."

I hate mandatory sentences because a lot of people get screwed on technicalities, but that might have to happen.
To be honest, this case terrifies me for so many reasons.

Setting a legal precedence like that opens the door for future drunk drivers to basically skate on their charges. :facepalm:

I also truly believe this kid will re-offend. I pray I am wrong; but, he has at least 2 charges relating to underage alcohol before the crash that he suffered no consequences for. Now he's killed 4 people and ruined many lives with this accident also without suffering any consequences. I do not believe he has learned a thing; and, is therefore most likely to re-offend because he has been shown that his daddy's money WILL get him out of anything. Again, I seriously hope and pray I am wrong! :facepalm:

My heart breaks for all of victims and their families.

No doubt it is a precedence, a dangerous one. From what I have read about Ethan Couch, he sounds like another Joran van der Sloot. :eek:
Just a general comment on my feelings about the black teen sentenced to ten years. IMO, that is way too low of a sentence. at least twenty, maybe thirty years. There was a guy in Rochester who sucker punched a guy after a softball game while the teams were walking by each other slapping hands. He killed the guy. He got out in two years with probation. I thought he should have been put away for life because he had prior convictions for acts of violence.

I think they should have locked up affluenza kid up for at least fifty years. JMO

That right there is really all you need to know. If no rehab facility, other than a half million a year one, wants him. He should be going to jail because they obviously think he is beyond rehabilitation.


With all of the national attention this is getting I think it will keep it from ever becoming a precedent. Affluenza is not a recognized psychological disorder.

To nobody in particular. I was hoping that the lawsuits would bankrupt daddy. One family is suing for 20 million. However, when I thought about it, all five victims could get 20 million and it would be tip money to this guy. This guy is probably, or very close to, a billionaire. (I don't know for sure.) If all five victims got 20 million that would be 100,000,000 dollars. If he's a billionaire that's 10% of his worth. Think of it as a guy who's worth $40,000 being fined $4,000. I doubt it will affect him financially much at all.

Hopefully a lot of customers will cancel orders and/or disconnect from the company. I'm not gonna hold my breath. He probably deals with corporations who make decisions by price alone.

I do not think the Couch family are billionaires. Their business website is down and it is getting nasty reviews.
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