Trial Discussion Thread #4 - 14.03.10, Day 6

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from twitter just now about oscar in court, apparently he has been throwing up -

curled up in dock during Saayman's testimony, the clinical evidence hitting him hardest. Hands over head trying to keep it out.
TY sweetcaro for your deduction i think you must be right.
If the shot to her groin area injuried her vaginal area then this could indicate that oscar intentionally shot her there - horrible thought & adds weight to the case for premeditated murder imo

Not sure he could have intentionally shot her there if he could not see her even though I do think he intentionally shot her it seems it was through the door UNLESS we hear evidence to the contrary at a later date.
from twitter just now about oscar in court, apparently he has been throwing up -

curled up in dock during Saayman's testimony, the clinical evidence hitting him hardest. Hands over head trying to keep it out.

I understood a filtered vetoed and consented to précis will be given..

I have enough faith,..but only enough to see me thru to the expectation of it, in the judge, and Proff Saayman.. Nel and Roux will fight it out, but they don't have veto.. to wait until the filtered evidence is made public..

well. I think I have..

right now I am Papa'd Oscar and feel like muttering Foxtrot Oscar to the whole shindig..

OP still making regular loud retching noises...

holy mary mother of god, Oscar.. get a grip..
Judge now hears repeated retching by OP and stops evidence to inquire about him
appears to be vomitting as details of post mortem are read out.
'Judge.'.. what are you doing, Mr Pretorious??

;Oscar'... nothing judge.. everythings fine..

( vomit all over his suit, all over the bench in front of him. people have to move back and sideways.. )
appears to be vomitting as details of post mortem are read out.

Pistorius being sick is so much more of a concern to the judge and court than the truth about what happened to Reeva at the hands of this man ever being presented to the people via the media.
All reporters in court now telling about how OP is constantly retching while Saayman gives evidence. Roux says it won't stop but tells court to carry on.
Judge's register has her hand over her mouth. She, like many other people in this court, looks nauseous, Carl Pistorius has left the courtroom, says Crawford.

I don't know about anyone else but I am having trouble stopping laughing at Oscars performance here..
people in the court are now retching, gulping, looking a bit clammy.. people are making sudden runs for the door.
the judges secretary.. her clerk of court?? is wobbling and crying.
yeah....the whole room now may------>vomit
Just coming in....none of the feeds in the first link are working. Can someone please share feed that is working - also, there was a feed for radio only, can someone share that.

If this were Arizona court would be called for the day.:facepalm:

Is he actually throwing up all over the floor because that is kinda nasty? Someone get that man some water and a bucket, for crying out loud...the stench...
the group that was singing songs for Reeva ,the members of the National Freedom Party, hope I have that right, have stopped singing.
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