GUILTY NM - Omaree Varela, 9, called 911 before dying of abuse, Albuquerque, 27 Dec 2013

Just listened to the extended 911 call. If you didn't notice this before, give it another listen...most of the tape is Omaree being berated, told by stepdad he's "never hated anyone as much as he hates Omaree"'s really bad. But then, you hear something like the phone being touched, and suddenly they aren't threatening Omaree, but only want the best for him. Mom picked up that phone, or stepdad did, and saw the active 911 call, and knew they were caught.

Poor, innocent child. How can people be so heartless?

Yes, it was SO heartbreaking to listen to, but you are correct. It was an abrupt shift, a 180 if you will. Heck, I posted upthread I heard the step--- pull him into a(n unwanted) hug! :sick:

That is emotional abuse all in itself! On top of what had already happened beforehand - and afterwards. It was neverending for Omaree until they ended his beautiful precious life. Disgusting!


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Ugh, that was gut wrenching.... I had to stop, then start it again. Very difficult to listen to. And yes, you absolutely hear them shift their tone shortly before the call ends. It was sickening. So, they were apparently not surprised when the cops showed up about the call. They had a few minutes to discuss it before they got there. Why hasn't the step been arrested. He clearly makes threats to 'beat' and 'break' the child...smh
I still can't bring myself to listen.

thanks to those who could and provide descriptions of their impressions
The autopsy report said Omaree's death was a result of blunt trauma and deems it a homicide. The report detailed five blunt injuries to the child on his head, chest, abdomen, back and extremities. Omaree also had evidence of a bite mark and burns on his body.

According to the report, Omaree's injuries were at different stages of healing, meaning the injuries didn't occur at the same time.

The report also said that Omaree had nine referrals to the Children, Youth and Families Department and two of them confirmed abuse.

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(My apologies for the long, heartfelt post.....)

NINE REFERRALS TO CYFD! :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:
:banghead: :banghead: :banghead:

Nine! NINE! The mere paperwork involved in each referral is undeniable. The accountability to Omaree can not be minimized. Each referral was a missed opportunity to rescue him from the hell that was his everyday existence, and they failed - MISERABLY!

Even the luckiest feline only has nine lives. I am not making a joke of this whatsoever. I am incensed. What child is expected to survive against those odds? We can't - and he didn't.

Every closed out referral gave SVC & JC mixed messages. They received positive reinforcement (no true consequences - Omaree remained with them - which emboldened them and allowed the cycle of violence to escalate) for negative behaviors. :moo:

That's not how this is supposed to work. The professionals assigned to this case likely had at least a Bachelors, if not a Masters in Social Work. If not the Case Worker, then definitely the Case Manager. This is Psychology 101.

They should NOT have been rewarded for bad behavior. They should have received negative reinforcement (taking something AWAY) for their actions.

This is the ABA Guideline for Positive and Negative Reinforcement

The failure of CYFD to hold the C's tangibly accountable (within the realm of their access, i.e. stricter monitoring, ultimately taking Omaree out of the home permanently), never happened.

They allowed SVC to maintain the power, and custody, each and every time. This is a crucial issue, and one that needs to be overhauled in a major way. The systemic need to reunite children with abusive biological parents, who show no signs of the ability to change, are in the throes of addiction, and are capable of murder, must change.

I experienced this myself in the prosecution of my ex-husband for DV. The City's policy was "any parental involvement, even bad parental involvement, is better than no involvement." I was warned that all he had to do was show up, and we would head to mediation (with the man who hurt me and my children emotionally - and who I - sadly - had allowed to escalate to physical this one time before calling 911). My daughter was in my arms when it happened, and I still haven't forgiven myself for him ever harming a hair on her head, on my watch :tears: )

It was up to the Commissioner. I had given his warrant to the Bailiffs earlier (they thought I was Counsel). As I was escorted out in tears with the other moms, I felt I had failed.

I was notified an hour later that he got into it with the Commissioner in open court, and he was taken into custody. I was granted full physical/legal custody with a no visitation order and the TRO was extended. All of this happened without me being in the courtroom.

He bailed out in under an hour and the DA eventually plea bargained the child abuse charge :banghead; , and he was convicted of SA within days of the divorce being finalized. He never served time, completed the DV Treatment program, paid his fines, and that was it. He had to relinquish his firearm, and if anything, I am happy to know he will never pass the background check to (legally) purchase another one.

The point of my long post (sorry) is that the system is broken when we force children to be exposed to parents who don't deserve to be parents. It can take just one thing to change your path. I have my suspicions as to why the Commissioner went against her normal SOP and I thank God every day she did.

A real parent does what it takes, putting their child(ren) first, no matter the cost! The C's NEVER did that and they were ALLOWED to NINE TIMES! Omaree didn't live to get a 10th chance (and that's just the documented cases). :tantrum:

CYFD owes it to Omaree to implement sweeping changes expeditiously. It's insane to believe there aren't more Omaree's out there - teetering in the brink of survival, begging for someone to hear them before they take their last breath at the hands of their abuser!

Omaree had a loving foster family, so there really was NO valid reason to MAKE him stay with "parents" who hated him! None! :no:

Justice for Omaree must include accountability for those in Social Services who were criminally negligent. He didn't know his life mattered when he was here. The least we can do is show him how much he meant, by fighting for his legacy.


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In a letter from APD Chief Gorden Eden dated April 2, 2014, with the subject line “FINAL DECISION TO DISCIPLINE”, Eden informs Vigil he’s being fired.That letter cites six separate policy violations stemming from the officers’ actions during that call.

This is infuriating:


Bregman says his client did everything he was supposed to do while investigating the call.

“Rather than wait and listen to a 911 tape, he went into the scene and saw what was going on and made a judgment call together with his partner that there wasn’t any child abuse,” Bregman said.

Bregman accuses APD of firing Vigil to distract from the department’s problems.

“For them to do this is just throwing a sacrificial lamb under the bus so that they can look good in the media like they’re trying to do something,” Bregman said.


#1 - even if Vigil (& his partner) hadn't listened to the 911 call AS REQUESTED, they could have, after they left. No excuses. The logs show they were on the call for almost 2 hours but the lapel cam was only about 15 minutes.
Whiskey. Tango. Foxtrot.

#2 - Vigil & partner didn't bother to file a report for said two hour call. This fact prohibited any further departmental follow up, because there's probably only so much the 911 dispatchers could have done. We will see as the investigation continues, but the blame rests squarely on the responding (former) officers. Had a report been filed, a follow up investigation may have given Omaree a real chance at escape, as the investigating officer would have listened to the recording BEFORE going to question the C's.

#3 - News Flash to Counsel Bregman: the only sacrificial lamb in this case is OMAREE VARELA! Your client has Omaree's blood on his hands and nothing will ever change that. He failed in his duty to protect and serve the most innocent in our society: our children!

IMVHO, if all that happens to Vigil & Co. is getting fired, he should count his lucky stars. He was criminally negligent and if I were the DA, I'd be looking to build a case. THAT'S setting a true example that will send ripple effects throughout a broken system.

Entirely my own (and granted biased) opinion.....


My apologies for the CAPS (used for emphasis) - no bold available on Tapatalk. :sigh:

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The autopsy report said Omaree's death was a result of blunt trauma and deems it a homicide. The report detailed five blunt injuries to the child on his head, chest, abdomen, back and extremities. Omaree also had evidence of a bite mark and burns on his body.

According to the report, Omaree's injuries were at different stages of healing, meaning the injuries didn't occur at the same time.

The report also said that Omaree had nine referrals to the Children, Youth and Families Department and two of them confirmed abuse.

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Only two? Then something is wrong. This child had been the victim of abuse for a long long time before it caused his death.
I could not even bring myself to click onto this thread up until now. I am so incredibly sad and ANGRY. :cry: :rose:

Not only should that officer be fired, he should be jailed. :jail: He was so lazy, negligent and inept that he should be charged with involuntary manslaughter. :moo:
Only two? Then something is wrong. This child had been the victim of abuse for a long long time before it caused his death.

It took me a minute to find what you were referring to in the linked article, Cubby. Correct me if I'm wrong.


The report also said that Omaree had nine referrals to the Children, Youth and Families Department and two of them confirmed abuse.

The autopsy ultimately confirmed chronic, long-standing abuse. It sickens me that a system that is supposed to be dedicated to the protection and welfare of children missed abuse in 7 of 9 referrals. :no:

CYFD needs to fix itself now, because Omaree can't be the only case where this is happening (perhaps the worst, but who knows?).

The "professionals" are supposed to be able to spot the signs of abuse, and it is clear their investigative abilities were/are sorely lacking.

A child should NOT have to die for his/her cries to finally be heard!


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Sorry for the confusion. I find it hard to believe only two of the nine reports were determined to be founded.

There is no way the other seven were unfounded. Someonef failed there too.

I can't even begin to imagine the feeling of hopelessness Omaree felt after the police failed to protect him. It's inexcusible.
This poor little guy. I watch my eight year old boy jumping on the trampoline in the backyard - running around like crazy and laughing his butt off - enjoying Chicago's long awaited spring...

And I happen upon this thread and my heart aches. We teach our kids to call 911 when in an emergency - dire straits - but this time, LE failed this little boy.

Cigarette burns on his body. My goodness, that's sickening.

May God have mercy on his mom/dad...because I sure don't. I've seen firsthand what happens to baby killers in county jail and it's...brutal. dunno what the criminal code of ethics says about killing a 9 year old, but I'm hoping it's tantamount to what happens to child killers in prison every day.

Via Kindle, like a true Amazon junkie

Steve Casaus' daughter brought 3-year-old to drug bust
Monique Casaus arrested for drug trafficking, child abuse

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Steve Casaus' Daughter Arrested

Steve Casaus' daughter brought 3-year-old to drug bust
Monique Casaus arrested for drug trafficking, child abuse

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Steve Casaus' Daughter Arrested

Thank you HauntsForHope, for the tireless work you continue to dedicate to Omaree and his thread. Truly appreciated!

Monique Casaus is due in court soon on her charges. The Children, Youth and Families Department said the child is now safe and with a caretaker.
The district attorney said she’ll decide if he (SC) will be charged in connection with Varela’s death.

Steve Casaus’ girlfriend was also at the meth bust, according to a criminal complaint.

So, SC's GIRLFRIEND was present at the bust. Wonder how SVC feels about that detail?
Whiskey. Tango. Foxtrot.

SC should be charged in Omaree's death. I believe the DA can prove he was the pipeline for SVC's addiction, which fueled her rage (and I will never say it excused what she did!). ETA: the video says he was home at the time. There have to be charges coming! IMV, he was, at minimum, complicit in Omaree's death. :moo: The full details haven't been released. However, I am bracing myself to the details of his actions leading up to, during, and after the commission of the brutal acts on that tragic day.

Does NM have the same law in Texas, where if one party commits a crime, but the other knew and didn't do anything to stop it, both are equally culpable? I can't recall the name of the law/statue and I just watched the episode of "After the First 48" where the DA mentioned it. Someone chime in please, otherwise, I'll start researching now.

SC definitely was responsible for injuries leading up to the final brutality that took Omaree from this world. I have hope the DA will file charges soon. Throw the book at him. :moo:

As for SC's "grandchild," at least this 3 year old is no longer with her "mom"! I hope he's not with another family member, FCOL. There needs to be real consequences here. There no way CYFD can (or should) act slowly in protecting the safety of any child related to this case. Let's hope they take this momentum and apply it to the safety of all children on their caseloads.

It's the least they can do, no matter how difficult, in the wake of Omaree's senseless death.


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Video at the link...

Second officer who went to Omaree Varela's home suspended
Scott McMurrough suspended for 56 hours
Three other officers are also being investigated. Sgt. Bruce Werley was on duty when Vigil and McMurrough went to Omaree's home.
Officer Jennifer Jara had responded to Omaree's school in October 2012 after Omaree told a teacher his mother beat him with a phone and a belt.
Jara's supervisor, Natalie Sanchez, is also part of the probe.
Lopez said those three have yet to learn their fates.

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According to the APD report taken on Oct. 20, 2012, Omaree Varela had told a school official that his mother had hit him in the face with a home telephone, causing a large, swollen bruise above his right eye. In addition, the boy showed a large bruise extending from his right hip to his upper thigh, which he said was from his mother striking him with a belt.
"Eight minutes after officers arrive, they focus on the stepfather, Steve Casaus. One officer says he looks familiar.
"Maybe you know his cousin, Adam Casaus," Varela-Casaus said. "That's where you know him from."
"Oh really?" an officer asks.
"Yeah, that's my first cousin," Steve Casaus says.
Later, an officer types back a message to Casaus, saying "the guy is the 34's (officer's) brother that just got let go. Casaus."
Officer Adam Casaus had indeed just been fired by APD. He was charged with vehicular homicide for speeding in his police SUV through a red light, killing 21-year-old Ashley Browder."

According to the APD report taken on Oct. 20, 2012, Omaree Varela had told a school official that his mother had hit him in the face with a home telephone, causing a large, swollen bruise above his right eye. In addition, the boy showed a large bruise extending from his right hip to his upper thigh, which he said was from his mother striking him with a belt.

This is a must-read, no matter how difficult. It contains Officer Jara's actual report. Here's a snip of what she encountered upon arrival to the school:


“I made my way to the office where (the child) was waiting, with his family,” Jara wrote in her report. “I was shocked at this because they were sitting together and talking and this struck me as odd. In my experience with situations of this kind, I have never encountered the parents and CYFD altogether, without an officer first being able to interview each subject separately. I was advised that the mother had already been interviewed and advised of the situation, and clearly had access to the child before I was able to interview him.”


Omaree changes his story. His mother called him a liar, and had threatened that CYFD would take him out of the home. She actually made Omaree believe that being taken away from her was a bad thing! If only he knew the truth! :banghead:

Even worse, CYFD never filed a report! It's not in record anywhere! An arrest was pending their investigation. Officer Jara's report indicates she felt things weren't adding up. This shows another clear example of CYFD dropping the ball! Everyone failed him! Where was the follow up, after the fact? There was none!

SVC obviously made sure Omaree was scared out of his wits before Jara arrived. Good Lord, every time I read another report, I cry at the lost opportunity to listen to this child, who was crying out for help, only to be pulled back into the abyss. :no:

How he must have felt! No one believes me. No one will save me.

And he was right. No one did. And how he's gone. Forever.


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