Discussions on Formal Sentencing Hearing - Jodi Arias #9

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I can't believe how many attorneys JA has had. I knew of Victoria Washington only.
This is a very interesting read by a poster named "observer" in the forum
"Calls for Justice." It is the second one down.

04/23/2013 at 9:10 am
History of Jodi Arias changing attorneys and motions by attorneys


Thanks for the link. Read a significant portion and became informed of much that I didn't know re JA trying to get pedophile letters admitted into evidence, representing herself as defense council, attempt to disallow court to refer to TA as a 'victim' before the jury as it would be contrary to her defense of self defense. WOW!
I think these still have the sidebars... I kinda gave up on playing them, my family hasn't been very cooperative and I hate trying to hear them over two tv's that are already competing between the family and living room. :/

Nope, no sidebars. Well, I won't be watching them. I really wanted to hear the secret sidebars more than anything else. Bummer. Thanks for the link.
I can't believe how many attorneys JA has had. I knew of Victoria Washington only.
This is a very interesting read by a poster named "observer" in the forum
"Calls for Justice." It is the second one down.

04/23/2013 at 9:10 am
History of Jodi Arias changing attorneys and motions by attorneys


Thanks for posting this. I'm still curious as to what happened to callsforjustice & donchais. Does anyone know? I really enjoyed reading that blog.
Interesting and cause for concern? According to j17: "She asked to send a note to the judge. The others refused, so she texted the judge's bailiff, asking him to bring a jury question form to her."

We, the pubic, should certainly be able to know what was in that text, yes?

ETA: And, of course, we'd love to know what else and when she may have texted which bailiff and what were the responses. Just curious.

When I sat on juries I NEVER got the bailiff's phone number - do they do that in AZ?? As a matter of fact the judge took our phones till we rendered a verdict (thank goodness they were both decided the day we got the case!)
What a completely one-sided Op-Ed, hidden within a MSM piece :moo:

Absolutely NO mention of the release of the other jurors' names on JAII... :banghead:

Just an all out attack on JM, and an attempt to spray paint a halo above j17's head.

True journalists have all allegiance to all of the facts, not just self-serving ones. It is impossible for this reader to give any credence to the picture he is attempting to paint about what supposedly occurred regarding JM and j17, when he couldn't be bothered to write one single word about the other Jurors and Alternates (as if their safety does not matter as much or at all in comparison to j17).


I am disgusted that the Arizona Republic continues to allow MK this platform to smear the County Attorney's Office. It is disheartening, disappointing, and leaves me relieved I am no longer a tax paying resident of Maricopa County.

I can't imagine what this does to the Alexander Family, but my heart goes out to them. I am certain Mr. Martinez is used to this sort of noise from MK by now. I am not.

For absolute shame. Truly.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Oh, no...just wait!! I think this is good!! They might have just woken a sleeping giant!!

The state was trying to down play the whole juror 17 thing b/c they didn't want it to worry future potential jurors, it certainly wasn't b/c they did anything wrong!!

But now!!! Just wait... The state will not allow this, "Tom Ryan" attorney guy to get away with his accusations... Tom Ryan has no idea that it was the DT that leaked the jurors names!! Furthermore, JM tried from the beginning of the juror selection to get rid of Juror 17, during deliberations was NOT the first time like this article tries to imply.

These days, I know journalists have no problem mouthing off w/o verifying the facts, but an attorney??!! How dare him!!

I can't wait to see what happens... Things might start to get SUPER interesting very soon!!
I wonder if it would help if we wrote the news agency in mass and told them how bias some of their reporters are.

YES!! It would help, let's do it!! This article is not only biased, it is false!
I am 5'6" and ~122 lbs with a small bone structure and have never considered myself petite. I certainly can't wear petite clothes sizes - too short and sleeves too short.

I'm about that size too and not only are arms and lengths too short but sometimes also...waists too high, and shoulders too small...
Interesting and cause for concern? According to j17: "She asked to send a note to the judge. The others refused, so she texted the judge's bailiff, asking him to bring a jury question form to her."

We, the pubic, should certainly be able to know what was in that text, yes?

ETA: And, of course, we'd love to know what else and when she may have texted which bailiff and what were the responses. Just curious.

You go girl!! Yes!! Let's take care of biz-ness!! ....also, this bailiff is most suspect to me!! He seems to be the link between a lot of confusion and information getting out, eh?? Let's take this bad boy DOWN!!
When I sat on juries I NEVER got the bailiff's phone number - do they do that in AZ?? As a matter of fact the judge took our phones till we rendered a verdict (thank goodness they were both decided the day we got the case!)

See!! Again... This Bailiff is cause for concern!! ...I wonder if ALL the jurors got his number?? ...or did he just give it to the female jurors? Or was J17 the only one who got it? ....could have J17 been the one to release jurors names?

Maybe j17's plan all along was to sue on the basis of PRIVACY and we've totally missed that!! We should investigate a possible connection between J17 and the Bailiff!!
Provided things move along as scheduled, three weeks from tomorrow, Arias will be sentenced to natural life in prison by JSS. I cannot believe that the judge will give Arias anything less than the maximum allowed and I hope that the sentencing hearing is one in which the Alexander family speaks out on all they have endured since the death of their brother and that JSS does not mince words and speaks freely and harshly to Arias.

This will be a long post, in which I try to give a history of Arias' support and communications.

On top of the crime itself, what makes Arias stand out is her narcissism, along with her need for power, control and her voice to be heard. She is an attorney's worst nightmare, first freely speaking to LE, then writing a letter, a manifesto and interviewing with the media all in the first few months after her arrest. She has never stopped using people or speaking out. When she was first jailed in Maricopa County, she did have some friends visit her, but these gradually dwindled down until trial began and the JAII site was born. Before that, Donavan was released from jail in March 2009 and started posting on a number of social media websites under the name karma4ever. The PR campaign was thus launched to besmirch Travis' character, alluding to his dark side. Arias also was able to manipulate Matt McCartney and Ann Campbell, with Ann carrying out coded magazines with a message for Matt.

I've been absent from this forum for a while because I have been gathering information to better understand Arias and her supporter, and how information flows. I'll share some of what I know with you.

As best I can tell, Arias most likely had a number of very lonely years at Estrella, until the trial began. Dr. Samuels testified that Arias and her mother would argue during jail calls; everything I have heard says that the relationship with family is estranged. Even Aunt Sue, who is an apparent supporter on SM, was upset when Arias tweeted in November 2013 about the family filing for bankruptcy and communication between Arias and the family lessened even more. Once trial began with jury selection in 2012, the website JAII was formed and over time, a cult following has developed. From what I can tell, very new people wrote to her during the early months of trial, but towards the end of the trial and post verdict, quite a number of people did start to write to her.

Donavan was tweeting for Arias starting in February 2013. What people may not realize is that this same twitter account was being used in 2009 for a very brief period of time (source MyDeathSpace). In early 2013, media reported on Arias selling her art via EBay and again, MyDeathSpace has a first reference to her art sales on EBay in August 2012. Once the art sales got national attention, EBay shut the account down. It is believed that Arias' brother, Carl, was responsible for establishing the financial accounts associated with the sales. Fortunately, or unfortunately, the person handling the physical sketches scammed Arias around August 2013 by keeping her drawings, forcing Arias to regroup.

Summer of 2013 was when Arias' communication system and network really started to crystalize and grow. A supporter from Florida, Heinz Frick, designed a website for Arias to showcase her art and to promote the bookclub that she had promised in her allocution. In addition to JAII, there were a number of pro Arias support groups on FB which were still public. Her family was working to start an appeal fund for her that was protected from any damages awarded in a civil suit and Arias expressed frustration to a supporter about the length of time this was taking. Finally, in October 2013, the appeal fund was launched via the FB account the aunt had been running. As soon as the fund was announced, the FB account kept getting shut down. With that, a new page on her website was devoted to the appeal fund.

Arias continued to tweet during this time, but Donavan was no longer the tweeter. Arias had also added a blog page to her website and had vented on her blog over the release of Jane Velez Mitchell's book. In other words, Arias was both very vocal and very visible on SM, just as things were heating up for her retrial. November 2013 included hearing addressing media coverage in which David Bodney cited Arias' use of the media. During this same time, Arias submitted a hand written motion to dismiss Nurmi as counsel and this motion was leaked to Michael Kiefer who posted the document online.

With a scheduled trial date of February 2014, hearings were being held more frequently and things kept getting leaked to the media. Because things are still under seal, an exact date cannot be pinpointed, but it seems that in December 2013 JSS placed a gag order on all trial participants. Despite this gag order, Arias kept tweeting for almost two full months. Late December 2013 included a series of three very angry tweets from her about a XMas message attributed to her which she neither authored nor approved. She singled out Edd as being the responsible party and banished him for almost a year.

Somewhere along the line, her web developer added a mailroom feature to her website. With this, a supporter could type in a message for Arias, up to a certain number of words. The message would be assigned a control number and it was promised Arias would respond back. I can only imagine the file system for this! This seemed to work well for a while, but then ran into a period of time where mail from this source was not being delivered to Arias as per her unofficial twitter account.

The extent to which MDLR has been involved and facilitated communications for Arias is not fully known, yet she has played a role. In February 2014, she was banned from jail visits for smuggling out a pinwheel drawing. I do not know if she played any role in delivering the website mailroom messages to Arias, but I suspect that she did. I do know of several individuals who received letters from Arias which were handwritten during court, then passed to MDLR who emailed scanned copies of the letters to recipients. This happened during the first trial and the retrial.

What is very clear is that Arias does know how to figure ways to get around rules, either breaking them or bending them. While she was acting pro per this summer, she made personal calls under the guise of legal calls and thus these calls were not recorded. During video visits, she would get relay information by writing messages on her skin and wash them off after the calls. She currently has had jail privileges revoked and has found a way around that as well. Once of her supporters is a licensed California attorney and she is in regular contact with this individual under protected legal visits, so these video visits and phone calls cannot be monitored.

Like it or not, when Arias goes to prison, she will still have right and privileges. It is my hope that AZ DOC can limit her influence with supporters so that she fades into nothingness.
Here is a list of Bailiff responsibities during deliberations;


When the case is given to the jury, the bailiff ushers the jurors into the jury room. The jury instructions, the verdict form(s), and admitted exhibits are taken to the jury room by the bailiff. Exhibits that were not admitted, depositions, and attorneys’ notes do not go to the jury room. Many judges will ask the attorneys to check the exhibits before the bailiff takes them to the jury room, to be sure that the jury does not receive any material that it should not have.

Jurors who have taken notes during trial are allowed to have those notes in jury room during deliberations. After the verdict is formally announced, all juror notes must be collected and destroyed.

The bailiff should not enter the jury room at any time while the jury is deliberating. The bailiff should not answer any questions and should ask the presiding juror (foreman) to put any requests or questions in writing. Any communication between the bailiff and the presiding juror (foreman) should be at the open door of the jury room.

The bailiff makes any telephone calls requested by jurors, after obtaining the judge’s permission. It is important that families know when a juror is to be delayed. Attorneys may want access to telephone messages. Do not destroy them until after the trial is completed.

The bailiff does not deliver any communication to a juror without permission from the judge.
When a written question is received from the jury, the bailiff should note the time received and the contents for the clerk’s minutes and contact the judge immediately. If an answer is delivered to the jury, the clerk will note the time and contents for the clerk’s minutes. The bailiff should instruct the jury that the note must be saved because it is part of the official court record. Some courts have a typed instruction that is stapled to the note, stating that the note must be saved. Other courts attach the note to a cardboard holder, stating that the note must be saved.

The bailiff should not provide the jury with any tools (ruler, magnifying glass, calculator, etc.) or equipment (tape recorder, shadow box, projector, etc.) without permission from the judge.

If the jury has not reached a verdict and it is nearing lunch or the dinner hour, ask the judge if you should inquire whether the jury wants to eat. Often during deliberation it is easier for courts to order a lunch for jurors to eat in the deliberation room.

Ask all jurors to step into the courtroom, and lock the jury room door. Remind jurors that they are not to discuss the case outside the jury room. Check hallways to see that they are cleared of parties, spectators, and witnesses.

While at lunch with a deliberating jury, be very guarded about questions you are asked. A slip of the tongue could cause a mistrial. Jurors often ask how long they will deliberate or whether they will be allowed to go home at a certain time. Your answer may influence their deliberation.

Jurors should not be allowed to pay more than the amount allowed for meals. Jurors cannot order alcoholic beverages.

If the jury is allowed to separate (leave the courthouse) during deliberation, the judge will have the jury come to the box and will instruct them regarding the separation. In a criminal case, the bailiff should check with the judge about whether the defendant should be present.

If a jury is sequestered during a trial, carefully go over all security precautions with the judge and any other bailiffs.

In felony cases, the defendant must be present for the verdict, and most judges require defense counsel to be present or have presence waived on the record. The bailiff should ask attorneys to leave a telephone number where they can be reached with the clerk. The attorneys are supposed to stay within 10 minutes calling from the courthouse.


When the jurors indicate they have reached a verdict:

a. Inform judge.

b. When counsel and the parties have assembled, the judge will direct you to have jurors return to box. They take their usual seats in the box, with the presiding juror (foreman) carrying only the form of verdict(s). The judge asks the presiding juror (foreman) if a verdict has been reached and directs the presiding juror (foreman) to give the form to bailiff. The bailiff delivers it, unread, to the judge.

c. As the verdict is read, or immediately thereafter, go to the jury room, gather and count the exhibits and instructions, and return them to the clerk as soon as possible. Destroy any notes the jurors have made.

d. After court adjourns, return any jurors’ possessions that you previously removed from the jury room.

e. Sometimes there will be dangerous items of evidence—firearms, drugs, knives, etc. The nature of these items requires extra care to assure that necessary safety precautions are taken.

f. Sealed verdict procedure. When the jury indicates they have reached a verdict in a criminal case but defendant or attorney cannot be located, the bailiff gives the presiding juror (foreman) a large envelope in which to place the verdict. The bailiff instructs the presiding juror (foreman) to seal and place signature across the sealed envelope. The bailiff then brings jury into open court where the judge questions the presiding juror (foreman) as to the condition of the envelope. Bailiff gives envelope to the clerk, who has care and control until proper parties are together in court at a later time.

The court excuses the jury for the evening with instructions to return at a specified time. At that time, the envelope is returned to the presiding juror (foreman) in open court and the judge questions the presiding juror (foreman) as to the condition of the envelope. The judge will then have the presiding juror (foreman) remove the verdict from the envelope and hand it to bailiff.

Here is a link to where I found this info, http://www.courts.wa.gov/training/global_printversion/Bailiff_PrintVersion.htm
Ok, did not realize that they could bring up stuff from hearings. But, after listening how this penalty went down, the disrespect shown Juan by the defense and the tone of voice by JSS, is just too much.

And Ms F said it was Juan that went down slime alley...just can't listen to this and stay sane.

I feel the same way. I got so angry watching these videos and can't believe how hard Juan had to fight to just get an answer. JSS should have put her foot down and forced dr. f. to answer his questions. It was a battle all the way through the trial for Juan just to get treated fairly.
What a completely one-sided Op-Ed, hidden within a MSM piece :moo:

Absolutely NO mention of the release of the other jurors' names on JAII... :banghead:

Just an all out attack on JM, and an attempt to spray paint a halo above j17's head.

True journalists have all allegiance to all of the facts, not just self-serving ones. It is impossible for this reader to give any credence to the picture he is attempting to paint about what supposedly occurred regarding JM and j17, when he couldn't be bothered to write one single word about the other Jurors and Alternates (as if their safety does not matter as much or at all in comparison to j17).


I am disgusted that the Arizona Republic continues to allow MK this platform to smear the County Attorney's Office. It is disheartening, disappointing, and leaves me relieved I am no longer a tax paying resident of Maricopa County.

I can't imagine what this does to the Alexander Family, but my heart goes out to them. I am certain Mr. Martinez is used to this sort of noise from MK by now. I am not.

For absolute shame. Truly.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I couldn't agree more. I could stomach about two paragraphs of this Opinion piece disguised as reporting AGAIN which is nothing more than another attempt to smear Martinez, cry foul for Arias and whatever pathological issues Kiefer has going on.

Let me review some Kieferisms:

1. He called Travis Alexander a "douche bag" and "scum bag" to me to my face (and in writing).

2. He was rabid in the courtroom to anyone who he sat next to spewing about how he thought this should have been pled to 2nd degree, excuses for the gas cans, how this was a crime of passion etc etc. (more than one, actually three other well known journalists complained to me about getting stuck sitting next to him having to listen to his nonstop nonsense).

3. He said this to me and I quote "I can't wait til the second degree conviction comes in so I can walk up to Martinez and tell him to stick it up his *advertiser censored**". <modcorrect>

4. He knew the first jury was hung before they announced it.

5. He knew and REPORTED the juror number of the foreperson WHILE THEY WERE DELIBERATING, then redacted it from his article which was online only.

6. He got an "exclusive" with Daryl Brewer allowing him a one sided "testimonial" glowing about the killer Arias online just within an hour or two after Brewer "refused to testify". His name was not on this piece but his voice was in the background bulleting questions at Brewer--all aimed at cuing him to aggrandize Arias while painting her as the victim.

7. He "reported" that Martinez spent his days on the courthouse steps mugging for the cameras and influencing jurors in the vicinity (which allowed the defense, who I believe he acted as the unofficial "media arm" to , to request a mistrial over this). In REALITY that happened exactly ONE day, long after court was over for about 10 minutes. In the same article, he "reported" the defense team had to daily walk out a side door with security guards. I walked out the same door as the defense team most days I was in court, observed them walking to their cars right past the media trucks and smiling for courtwatchers with cameras. Not once with a security guard. Kirk Nurmi held the courthouse door open for me once.

8. He reported Alyce LaViolette "stalked" when in reality she was sitting in a PeiWei speaking out loud about the case, DURING the middle of her televised testimony and a fellow diner snapped her photo and tweeted it. This was reported as "stalking" and "harassment" by Michael Kiefer.

And all of that, ALL of it is beyond his completely biased articles.

Shaking my head he can have a job at the Republic other than his biased controversy is worth more than them than true reporting. It's disgusting.
Provided things move along as scheduled, three weeks from tomorrow, Arias will be sentenced to natural life in prison by JSS. I cannot believe that the judge will give Arias anything less than the maximum allowed and I hope that the sentencing hearing is one in which the Alexander family speaks out on all they have endured since the death of their brother and that JSS does not mince words and speaks freely and harshly to Arias.

This will be a long post, in which I try to give a history of Arias' support and communications.

On top of the crime itself, what makes Arias stand out is her narcissism, along with her need for power, control and her voice to be heard. She is an attorney's worst nightmare, first freely speaking to LE, then writing a letter, a manifesto and interviewing with the media all in the first few months after her arrest. She has never stopped using people or speaking out. When she was first jailed in Maricopa County, she did have some friends visit her, but these gradually dwindled down until trial began and the JAII site was born. Before that, Donavan was released from jail in March 2009 and started posting on a number of social media websites under the name karma4ever. The PR campaign was thus launched to besmirch Travis' character, alluding to his dark side. Arias also was able to manipulate Matt McCartney and Ann Campbell, with Ann carrying out coded magazines with a message for Matt.

I've been absent from this forum for a while because I have been gathering information to better understand Arias and her supporter, and how information flows. I'll share some of what I know with you.

As best I can tell, Arias most likely had a number of very lonely years at Estrella, until the trial began. Dr. Samuels testified that Arias and her mother would argue during jail calls; everything I have heard says that the relationship with family is estranged. Even Aunt Sue, who is an apparent supporter on SM, was upset when Arias tweeted in November 2013 about the family filing for bankruptcy and communication between Arias and the family lessened even more. Once trial began with jury selection in 2012, the website JAII was formed and over time, a cult following has developed. From what I can tell, very new people wrote to her during the early months of trial, but towards the end of the trial and post verdict, quite a number of people did start to write to her.

Donavan was tweeting for Arias starting in February 2013. What people may not realize is that this same twitter account was being used in 2009 for a very brief period of time (source MyDeathSpace). In early 2013, media reported on Arias selling her art via EBay and again, MyDeathSpace has a first reference to her art sales on EBay in August 2012. Once the art sales got national attention, EBay shut the account down. It is believed that Arias' brother, Carl, was responsible for establishing the financial accounts associated with the sales. Fortunately, or unfortunately, the person handling the physical sketches scammed Arias around August 2013 by keeping her drawings, forcing Arias to regroup.

Summer of 2013 was when Arias' communication system and network really started to crystalize and grow. A supporter from Florida, Heinz Frick, designed a website for Arias to showcase her art and to promote the bookclub that she had promised in her allocution. In addition to JAII, there were a number of pro Arias support groups on FB which were still public. Her family was working to start an appeal fund for her that was protected from any damages awarded in a civil suit and Arias expressed frustration to a supporter about the length of time this was taking. Finally, in October 2013, the appeal fund was launched via the FB account the aunt had been running. As soon as the fund was announced, the FB account kept getting shut down. With that, a new page on her website was devoted to the appeal fund.

Arias continued to tweet during this time, but Donavan was no longer the tweeter. Arias had also added a blog page to her website and had vented on her blog over the release of Jane Velez Mitchell's book. In other words, Arias was both very vocal and very visible on SM, just as things were heating up for her retrial. November 2013 included hearing addressing media coverage in which David Bodney cited Arias' use of the media. During this same time, Arias submitted a hand written motion to dismiss Nurmi as counsel and this motion was leaked to Michael Kiefer who posted the document online.

With a scheduled trial date of February 2014, hearings were being held more frequently and things kept getting leaked to the media. Because things are still under seal, an exact date cannot be pinpointed, but it seems that in December 2013 JSS placed a gag order on all trial participants. Despite this gag order, Arias kept tweeting for almost two full months. Late December 2013 included a series of three very angry tweets from her about a XMas message attributed to her which she neither authored nor approved. She singled out Edd as being the responsible party and banished him for almost a year.

Somewhere along the line, her web developer added a mailroom feature to her website. With this, a supporter could type in a message for Arias, up to a certain number of words. The message would be assigned a control number and it was promised Arias would respond back. I can only imagine the file system for this! This seemed to work well for a while, but then ran into a period of time where mail from this source was not being delivered to Arias as per her unofficial twitter account.

The extent to which MDLR has been involved and facilitated communications for Arias is not fully known, yet she has played a role. In February 2014, she was banned from jail visits for smuggling out a pinwheel drawing. I do not know if she played any role in delivering the website mailroom messages to Arias, but I suspect that she did. I do know of several individuals who received letters from Arias which were handwritten during court, then passed to MDLR who emailed scanned copies of the letters to recipients. This happened during the first trial and the retrial.

What is very clear is that Arias does know how to figure ways to get around rules, either breaking them or bending them. While she was acting pro per this summer, she made personal calls under the guise of legal calls and thus these calls were not recorded. During video visits, she would get relay information by writing messages on her skin and wash them off after the calls. She currently has had jail privileges revoked and has found a way around that as well. Once of her supporters is a licensed California attorney and she is in regular contact with this individual under protected legal visits, so these video visits and phone calls cannot be monitored.

Like it or not, when Arias goes to prison, she will still have right and privileges. It is my hope that AZ DOC can limit her influence with supporters so that she fades into nothingness.

Thank you SO much!! This is *AWESOME*!!!

Now, what do you know about the judicial assistant and the bailiff? There seems to be a lot of accusations being thrown around about these two... Do you know anything?
All of this strictly my opinion;

The last time his email was accessed at 4:19 pm. I believe she accessed it. Travis possibly went to the bathroom, she hauled butt downstairs, accessed his email. Whatever she saw on that computer, email or otherwise set her off. She made her way back upstairs, and once he was in the shower, after the regular pictures, she pulled the gun. There's a picture of him with his mouth open and face obviously surprised, a little scared it looks like. She held him at gun point and made him sit for the "intense look" picture. He looked terrified. I think the shot came first. She took that picture of him, stood up, hence the accidental bottom of Travis body's picture. She shot him, Travis screamed, her ears were ringing because of the shower enclosure. In the "ninja" story,she said she blacked out once hit in the head. I think she was stunned for a minute due to the blast of the gun. Travis got to his feet, meanwhile she pulled the trigger again and it jammed.

The "linebacker" tackle was travis lunging at her, trying to get the gun. He was able to knock her down toward the toilet area, that's the ceiling picture. She wanted to contain the attack and shooting to the tile so it could be cleaned easily, so she moved further into the bathroom, making the end up near the toilet area.

In the "ninja story," JA says she was resting her head on his back, asking if he was ok. Once Travis was on the ground after lunging at her, he was on all fours. She kneeled, rested on his back, reached around and plunged the knife into his chest. The rush of adrenaline allowed him to stand again, with a roar he threw her off of him, the "body slam." This is the point he most likely mumbled, "kill you b****."

There was a struggle as he moved toward the sink, him trying to get the knife from her.

He made it to the sink to survey the damage, coughing up blood from the bullet that penetrated his sinuses. JA attacked him from behind, clustering knife wounds on his back. I think there was a struggle again as he attempted to take the knife, failing and getting stabbed in the head as he gave up and wanted to just get away.

She probably waited to see if he would just collapse. He made it to the carpet, probably gathering his strength to scream. She slit his throat to silence him and to end his life for sure, since he had fought all the other attacks and was surviving. The camera was kicked around in the struggle. She began to drag him, realized it was difficult.

She stripped the bed, tossing pillows off, possibly tearing the tassels as she flung them off the bed. She used the duvet or sheet to put his body, or part of it, to drag him easier. The palm print happened as she held on to the wall, dragging and pulling. Eventually, she was able to get him in the shower, clean herself over him after rinsing the blood from his body. Her hands were bleeding, but I don't think she noticed much until she gathered the laundry. A roommate said the banister felt slick. She either touched it with bloody hands, or the laundry soaked in blood was rubbing on it as she made her way to the laundry room. I think Napolean (sic) was gated downstairs so he wouldn't interfere in her plans.
Thank you SO much!! This is *AWESOME*!!!

Now, what do you know about the judicial assistant and the bailiff? There seems to be a lot of accusations being thrown around about these two... Do you know anything?

I know nothing about this. If I did know something about it, I would be reporting it to the proper authorities before saying anything on social media.
I've been trying to catch up on this thread--still pages to go--and a hearty "cheers" to those of you who had the stomach to revisit Fonseca's testibaloney. I certainly couldn't. Of all the so-called experts used by the DT, she angered me the most.
BBM - I didn't revisit Fonseca's testibaloney but watched penalty retrial day 12, Juan crosses LaViolette:
She is beyond all bearing, cheeky, insolent, trying to manipulate end treating the jury members like complete idiots.
I also agree with the [taser]... sorry I mean a stun gun, as a real possibility, but JA was only 3 inches shorter than TA, granted there was a bigger weight difference(though he allegedly had been working hard at losing much of the excess before Cancun) but don't negate the element of surprise she had. Plus I'm pretty sure TA being naked, wet, and probably blinded by the camera flash all gave her a huge advantage, with or without a taser. My oldest son is TA's size(I'm 5'5-6") and I know I could easily take him by surprise and inflict a lot of damage before his mind even registered wtf was going on and I wouldn't even have to corner him in the shower to do it.:thinking:

This is why I believe shot was first. IMO, she shot first, bullet went through cheekbone, he miraculously got up, she took another shot, gun jammed, run downstairs and got a knife. I also personally don't care how big or small she is. The sheer brute force of adrenaline is enough.
No stun gun.
I am 5'6" and ~122 lbs with a small bone structure and have never considered myself petite. I certainly can't wear petite clothes sizes - too short and sleeves too short.

5' 6" is not petite in apparel sizing. Jodi is not petite: petite clothes would be highwaters on her, she has a regular torso, and her arms might be long-ish. JW might qualify as petite, but consider how much taller JA is than JW in the hand photo.
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