Bruce Jenner Becoming a Woman and more...#2

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Twitter bot corrects you every time you misgender Caitlyn Jenner

A Twitter bot named @she_not_he has been activated to correct users who misgender Caitlyn Jenner. Whenever users refer to Jenner in their tweets using the pronoun "he," the bot will tweet a response reminding them to use Jenner's now-preferred female pronouns.

The former athlete and television personality Caitlyn Jenner, formerly known as Bruce Jenner, began her final gender transition in early 2015, undergoing breast augmentation and facial reconstruction surgery. She made the decision to officially introduce herself as Caitlyn and go by female pronouns on June 1, when a Vanity Fair published a profile about her experience.

I think Bryce Jenner would have been a nice name!
I hold no ill will towards Caitlyn, but my first reaction to the cover photo was "Ughh. How tacky!"

Sorry, but that was my take on it. I think the same "revelation" of this "new" 65 year old woman could have been done in a much more dignified manner.
I've always been a Bruce Jenner fan, even as a kid. Now I'm a Caitlyn Jenner fan! She looks beautiful and I wish her all the happiness in the world!
I am in awe of how good she looks. I get airbrushing etc. Caitlyn has a story to tell and I believe an important message within. There are so many suicides with Teens struggling with this. He/she (at the time of the Interview) was right. He/she really was the one with the story on the show. I wish him well on his journey and his Children. This took a lot of guts and I admire him for it.
I think this is absolutely beautiful and kudos to Caitlyn for being so honest! I think this goes to show that it matters not what is on the outside. We don't care what she looks like. We are all in awe of her courage. Ok, I can't speak for everyone but that is how I feel.

ETA: On a side note, I think Caitlyn is now on my list of celebrities I would like to meet and have a drink with. Definitely someone to be admired and learn from.
We once met a couple a few years ago. Just to work up to how this all transpired I'll share. Hubby and I were preparing to attend an outdoor social event we felt would be an obligatory appearance as we both had a busy week. I got a call just as we were leaving with a Client in Crisis so had to head to Hospital. Told Hubby go ahead I will meet you there. Finally I arrive to a sea of people with a very loud band at this outdoor event. Gave up after 10 minutes trying to find my hubby. So I found a chair to sit and look as people were milling about. Out of nowhere plops this younger cute mop topped person who sat beside me. We engaged in polite convo and finally Hubby spotted me. Our 1 hr. planned obligatory appearance turned into staying until 3 a.m. I did spot some feminine qualities in Tim but he presented male upon our first convo with just the two of us. I was exhausted at this point and the band was loud. For some reason I asked do you have an accent? He replied no I am just enunciating over the music. I concluded ok he is gay. Not judging I have a few gay friends I love dearly. Long story short Tim was a Transgender. We met his Partner Edward. Both from Toronto, Professionals who loved to travel the world. Tim was all male by appearance but kept his female lower "bits". They shared their journey and Hubby and I still speak of them to this day. It was one of the most heartfelt, enlightening conversations we have shared. Parts of their story were truly heartbreaking as to their journey. They are 2 of the best people I know. I have profound respect for folks not only living their truth but willing to share it. IMO I look forward to Caitlyn's.
I hold no ill will towards Caitlyn, but my first reaction to the cover photo was "Ughh. How tacky!"

Sorry, but that was my take on it. I think the same "revelation" of this "new" 65 year old woman could have been done in a much more dignified manner.


Caitlyn Jenner did not want the world to see a demure version of herself ... she chose a sexy photo because once the shock wears off, people will be more accepting.

Sources closely associated with Caitlyn tell TMZ, she gave a lot of thought to her first public image. She felt if she posed in something modest, like a dress, people would not be satisfied and the mystery would prevent her from leading any kind of a normal life.

We're told Caitlyn chose an extremely sexy, revealing outfit because now that the public's curiosity is satisfied, it will not be a shock when she goes out in normal streetwear.
I DIDN'T SPELL IT WITH A 'K' For Good Reason

Caitlyn Jenner did not spell her first name with a "K" because she wants a clean break from the Kardashian moniker ... TMZ has learned.

Sources closely associated with Bruce tell us Caitlyn wants to make it clear to her family and the world ... she is her own person. That sounds obvious, but we're told it was an extremely meaningful choice for her ... she has never been her own person before, and becoming part of the Kardashian brood would undermine her goal

Caitlyn Jenner did not want the world to see a demure version of herself ... she chose a sexy photo because once the shock wears off, people will be more accepting.

Sources closely associated with Caitlyn tell TMZ, she gave a lot of thought to her first public image. She felt if she posed in something modest, like a dress, people would not be satisfied and the mystery would prevent her from leading any kind of a normal life.

We're told Caitlyn chose an extremely sexy, revealing outfit because now that the public's curiosity is satisfied, it will not be a shock when she goes out in normal streetwear.

This didn't make me more accepting at all, I feel as the earlier post says, this is just tacky and an exercise in narcissism.

Now that she's done "shocking" people, perhaps she can quietly go about the rest of her life. I'm also still confused because we're calling her "she" because "she" now says we should, but "she" still has male genitalia. This kind of limits her partners, because a lesbian or a straight man certainly wouldn't be able to ignore that, and a straight woman or gay man likely isn't interested in someone who appears as a woman.

What I'm afraid will happen is she will end up with someone who fetishizes her, which I find sad.
One thing that bothers me is how fantastic she looks as does many other cross dressers!
Born a female, am an attractive lady, yet looking at pictures like this it makes me wish for a professional make up and hair session. Just once to learn the secrets/tricks of the trade. Wonder if she will always have a make up artist on hand?
One thing that bothers me is how fantastic she looks as does many other cross dressers!
Born a female, am an attractive lady, yet looking at pictures like this it makes me wish for a professional make up and hair session. Just once to learn the secrets/tricks of the trade. Wonder if she will always have a make up artist on hand?

She obviously had numerous plastic surgeries to feminize the face. I presume the hair is a wig or hair extension (who grows hair that fast). So I am afraid just make up and hair session isn't going to cut it.
My family is accepting. We don't judge. We don't hate. We live and let live.

This happened today:
My youngest son (11) walks in from school and sees my mother and I ooohing and ahhhing over how beautiful Caitlyn Jenner is. He stands staring at the photos for a few moments and then says ... "Well, that is just great. If men can be made to look THAT will I know if a woman I meet and fall in love with is REALLY a man".

I'm still thinking of a reply.
This didn't make me more accepting at all, I feel as the earlier post says, this is just tacky and an exercise in narcissism.

Now that she's done "shocking" people, perhaps she can quietly go about the rest of her life. I'm also still confused because we're calling her "she" because "she" now says we should, but "she" still has male genitalia. This kind of limits her partners, because a lesbian or a straight man certainly wouldn't be able to ignore that, and a straight woman or gay man likely isn't interested in someone who appears as a woman.

What I'm afraid will happen is she will end up with someone who fetishizes her, which I find sad.

I feel that if/when Caitlyn decides to find a significant other, she will have a problem finding someone who loves her for her, not just as a fetish.

Here are a few youtubers who are transgender and are married or in a relationship.
Aydian and Dade met their spouses pre T., Gigi met her boyfriend post HRT
I have enclosed links to their youtube channels as well as a few other videos, their significant others are in videos as well.

Aydian FTM, married to Jenilee
Aydian is in the running for the cover of Men's Health magazine (currently in 1st place), 32:21 Interview on Ellen show from last week
5 Years on T Through My Wife's Eyes

Dade FTM, married to Tiffany, they have a toddler, Dade had lower surgery last year
Tiff's Update - a few rambles

Gigi MTF, dating Cory

Cory has some youtube videos with his brother Justin, who was on RuPaul's Drag Race
Bro'Laska with Alaska Thunderf%^k & Cory Binney - Dating
In watching the two Kardashian episodes "About Bruce" he made it very clear that he wasn't interested in dating once he had transitioned to female. All the questions from the kids about his sexual orientation and attractions post-transition were clearly not as important to Bruce as they were to the kids. It must be confusing all the way around.

As far as still having the male genitalia, who cares if he does or doesn't? If Caitlyn Jenner wants to be seen and treated and live life as a woman, then IMO it's nobody's business what's left and what isn't. It's not all that rare for babies to be born with indeterminate genitalia, or some vestiges of both male and female genitalia. In those cases many doctors (even as recently as in the mid 20th century) would arbitrarily "assign" a gender for the birth certificate. I think this also would calm some new parents, if an authority figure like a doctor was making the determination. But that assignment at birth doesn't necessarily mean that's what that child will grow up to feel about themselves inside. I'm not saying this is the case with Bruce when he was born, just using it as an example of the fluidity of these issues as we become a more enlightened society.
One thing that bothers me is how fantastic she looks as does many other cross dressers!
Born a female, am an attractive lady, yet looking at pictures like this it makes me wish for a professional make up and hair session. Just once to learn the secrets/tricks of the trade. Wonder if she will always have a make up artist on hand?

I'm pretty sure that was for the photo shoot. Some of the questions the Kardashian girls had were around makeup and clothes etc. Apparently Bruce had been going out as a woman on occasion and seemed to think he was doing pretty well passing as female. In fact he related one story where s/he was at a party and some of the Kardashian girls were there and didn't realize it was their dad.

(Sorry for the jumping around with pronouns. I refer to Bruce and he from the two Kardashian episodes as he was still referring to himself that way.)
I was shocked ! Not by the skimpy outfits but how beautiful she is . I hope she lives a long happy life.
This didn't make me more accepting at all, I feel as the earlier post says, this is just tacky and an exercise in narcissism.

Now that she's done "shocking" people, perhaps she can quietly go about the rest of her life. I'm also still confused because we're calling her "she" because "she" now says we should, but "she" still has male genitalia. This kind of limits her partners, because a lesbian or a straight man certainly wouldn't be able to ignore that, and a straight woman or gay man likely isn't interested in someone who appears as a woman.

What I'm afraid will happen is she will end up with someone who fetishizes her, which I find sad.

I have a trans friend who hasn't had genital reconstruction surgery. FTM. Married. Happy as can be. More and more trans persons aren't getting genital surgery. Comedian Amy Schumer interviewed a very feminine MTF who said had she not transitioned, BTW, she would've had to take testosterone to develop as a man. But in any event, the world has changed. There are plenty of prospective partners for these people who aren't into fetish. Just love.

In any event, our genitals may determine our sex but not our gender. A penis does not make the man.
This didn't make me more accepting at all, I feel as the earlier post says, this is just tacky and an exercise in narcissism.

Now that she's done "shocking" people, perhaps she can quietly go about the rest of her life. I'm also still confused because we're calling her "she" because "she" now says we should, but "she" still has male genitalia. This kind of limits her partners, because a lesbian or a straight man certainly wouldn't be able to ignore that, and a straight woman or gay man likely isn't interested in someone who appears as a woman.

What I'm afraid will happen is she will end up with someone who fetishizes her, which I find sad.

With all due respect, michmi, I don't believe this is your area of expertise.

In the first place, if genitalia define gender, what do you do with those who lose their genitalia? Does a woman become a man when she has a hysterectomy or mastectomy, or is she just some sort of eunuch? (The obvious answer is "Neither. The question is ridiculous", but there was a time when women themselves worried about such things.) Men have lost testicles and scrota and penises to accidents and cancer; did that make them women? Again, obviously not.

Gender is far more psychological than genital, or we would have no transsexuals at all except for hermaphrodites (those with both male and female genitalia).

Secondly, you'd be amazed how many men want someone who otherwise looks and acts like a woman but retains male genitalia "down there". There's an entire sub-specialty of pre-op transsexual prostitutes. Yes, Freud probably would have called that a fetish, but knowledge of sex has come a long way since Freud. And what's so awful about being the object of a fetish if one's own sexual needs are also met? I'm 6'3". I assume my husband prefers tall men. Is that sad?

Thirdly, why is the glamor shot any tackier for Caitlyn than for, say, Meryl Streep or Jane Fonda? Did you want Jenner to make her first appearance dressed as Barbara Bush? I mean no disrespect to the former First Lady: she dresses as grandmothers of her generation always have. But such grandmothers don't make the cover of VF, and Jenner is a baby boomer; his cover is typical for members of his age group in that context.
Caitlyn Jenner Breaks Record, Reaches 1 Million Twitter Followers Faster than Obama

According to Twitter spokesperson, yesterday there was more than 1.5 million tweets about Caitlyn Jenner and her name currently sits at the top of Twitter’s national trending topics list.

Another Jenner world record, and at 65? Who'da thought! Humbled & honored to have reached 1M followers in 4 hrs. Thank you for your support.
— Caitlyn Jenner (@Caitlyn_Jenner) June 1, 2015

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