AR - Josh Duggar Admits Molesting Girls As A Teenager - #3

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where's the intense counseling?


It looks like it's just another work program that helped him so much the last time :rolleyes: You know ~ work all day and pray, pray, pray

From same article.
Each student will serve as a volunteer in some fashion from 8-10 hours per day, and partial days on Saturdays. All work is considered donated services. Please understand that if you do not work as unto the Lord, you will not remain in the home. Proverbs 14:23 says, “in all labor there is profit” at Reformers Unanimous we believe work is God’s divine design for every man, and woman. Hard work develops character which is vital to making right decisions once you have finished with the program."
Maybe he can learn some sort of useful skill.
Now, blindsided by Josh's second sex scandal this year, Anna's parents are still controlling her choices, says the source. When one of Anna's siblings reached out to their father about the situation, "His response was, 'Well, King David had an affair,' " the source says, adding, "I just wish she could be left alone to figure out her own feelings on this matter."

"She doesn't get mad," a source close to the Duggars tells PEOPLE exclusively in this week's issue. "You are not allowed to get mad. It's not godly for a woman."

People has a lot of articles on anonymous sources so fwiw. Not that there's anything that sounds unbelievable.

*advertiser censored* Rehab Is Not a Thing
Ex-TLC star Josh Duggar is said to be entering "*advertiser censored* addiction rehab"—a bogus treatment for a non-existent condition that, flawlessly, shifts the blame.
In other words, this move is business as usual for Duggar: He gets to appear penitent while implicitly sending the pious message that *advertiser censored* is an evil from which one must be saved. He’s not lobbying for the FRC anymore but that’s a message they can certainly get behind.

Dr. David Ley, a clinical psychologist and author of The Myth of Sex Addiction, told The Daily Beast that sex addiction is, in part, “a way for powerful and wealthy men to avoid responsibility when their sexual misbehaviors become public.” Or, as The Daily Beast’s Kevin Fallon wrote of Duggar’s rehab stint yesterday, “It’s not about controlling vices. It’s about damage control.”
Instead of simply admitting that some of the standards of purity he asked others to follow were unrealistic in the first place, Duggar has now been set on the path to “complete repentance,” which, in Duggarspeak, means right back to his old tricks.*advertiser censored*-rehab-is-not-a-thing.html

As Ley observes in his blog post on the Duggar drama, a 2014 study published in Archives of Sexual Behavior found that “religiosity was robustly predictive of perceived addiction” unrelated to actual levels of use. In other words, if you think *advertiser censored* is bad—and Josh Duggar does or, at least, he has been raised to believe that it is—then you are more likely to believe that you suffer from an addiction.

If Josh refused a traditional 12 step recovery program because it's members are free to chose their own definition of a higher power - then he is allowing his ego to protect his addiction.

Celebrate Recovery appears to have been founded because some who found AA's concept of a higher power too vague. If someone wants a Christian based recovery program tbey are out there for those truly seeking. CR being one I'm sure there are others.

I think that one reason that families like the Duggars trend towards "recovery" programs like the Recovery Unanimous scam (and I do believe it to be a scam) is that they allow ongoing denial. One of the tenets of RU, according to their lit, is that any discussion of "past lifestyles" is "ungodly," and therefore forbidden (talking bad about the food is also forbidden and may require a period of fasting and prayer). Further, program participants are required to rat one another out for rule infractions or else receive the same punishment as the transgressor. There's no chance of anyone digging around in any past issues or finding any family secrets in such a system.

Looking at their literature, they only list two staff persons. Oddly, both are pictured with their wives in joined at the hip pictures, with their years of experience combined (as if a guy with five years experience actually has 10 years), and discussed as if the unrecognized wife is actually doing half of the work. Neither staff person has any credentials expected of a therapist, technician, or even ministry so far as I can tell.

It looks like the bulk of "treatment" comes from working through a serious of workbooks, journaling and memorizing the Bible. Oh, and working. That would be "community service," in the form of "volunteering" for the entity's "business partners." And this would be substantial--7:30 to 4:30 five days a week. And this is why I view this whole thing as a scam (as opposed to well-meaning but misguided folks who earnestly believe in their variation of prayer-therapy). Not quite sure of the size of this operation, but even if its only 10-15 inmates (er, clients), that would be 10-15 FTEs of free labor provided to some "business partners" in exchange for what, exactly? I think that there was a church in Akron that recently got busted for a similar scam--requiring church members "volunteer" to run a for-profit restaurant that kept the church running (and bought a luxury aircraft for the minister).

End of the day, addiction treatment according to commonly accepted practice has a fairly low long-term recovery rate (still, far better than nothing). I don't see anything associated with RU to indicate that anyone has any notion what their success rate is.
I am not that familiar with sex addiction although I am familiar with 12 step and other addiction programs. I also tend to think that his ' past' as a child molester would put him in a different category . I welcome any thoughts or histories you all can share here but I don't believe pedophilia can be cured. SO can consenting adult sex addiction be cured?

I am still not certain that Josh is a pedophile. When he was groping his sisters he was still young and they were available. A pedophile has an actual preference for children, being sexually aroused by them.

I am also pretty wide open to the possibility that he was himself an assault victim at a young age. That would certainly fit.

What we do know is that Josh engaged, multiple times, in inappropriate behaviors that required a very different response than what was given. The family response was deeply mired in denial, coupled with victim-blaming. He received no counseling and was protected from some basic consequences. And on his return, following some months doing building construction, he was supposed to act differently--proclaiming a new and more Godly understanding of himself and life. That's like telling a kid with a broken leg or appendicitis to just get over it.

We know that he had some further bumps in the road--viewing *advertiser censored* on the office computer when he was working on a political campaign. His choice of career--as a spokesperson for sexually repressive and homophobic ideals (under the flag of "family values") looks pretty symptomatic of inner turbulence between his outer demeanor and his inner demons.

In short--there's a lot going on there with our boy Josh. And he really needs to be professionally diagnosed and treated, not sent off to a new prayer farm doling out discipline and good thoughts.
In his admission of cheating, did he just mean the *advertiser censored*? Many Christians (and some non-Christians I suppose) see the viewing of *advertiser censored* as "cheating". I would have expected a woman or two come forward, unless they are being paid very, VERY well.

At least one has come forward to say that he paid her considerably ($1-1.5 thousand) to have rough sex with him a couple times when his wife was pregnant.
Now, blindsided by Josh's second sex scandal this year, Anna's parents are still controlling her choices, says the source. When one of Anna's siblings reached out to their father about the situation, "His response was, 'Well, King David had an affair,' " the source says, adding, "I just wish she could be left alone to figure out her own feelings on this matter."

This actually made me gasp. This was a father's response to a crisis in his daughter's life?!? I'm completely unimpressed with the leadership of the men in this extended family.

I really try to understand these people, I really do, but it's like banging your head against a wall. It's futile.

Well this was the dad who thought marrying his daughter off to a guy who molested his sisters was a good idea.
This actually made me gasp. This was a father's response to a crisis in his daughter's life?!? I'm completely unimpressed with the leadership of the men in this extended family.

I really try to understand these people, I really do, but it's like banging your head against a wall. It's futile.

King David had a harem, it was cool for him to be with as many women as he fancied, his problem was, he had an affair with a married women. The captain of his army.
This actually made me gasp. This was a father's response to a crisis in his daughter's life?!? I'm completely unimpressed with the leadership of the men in this extended family.

I really try to understand these people, I really do, but it's like banging your head against a wall. It's futile.


The Gothard ITBS (I think that's the right acronym) organization and curricula are heavy into the notion that women are the root of original sin. If a woman is sexually assaulted she is encouraged to examine how she may have encouraged the attack through her dress, demeanor, availability and whatever. If she can find no fault in herself she is encouraged to find gratitude that it was only her body and not her Godly spirit that was touched and harmed.

Gothard himself (apparently a friend of the Duggars, not to mention the Hobby Lobby folks) was recently deposed after the load of accusations of his grooming young female interns for harassment became to obvious to ignore. But, he has a much longer and deeper history. He used to run a residential "treatment center" for youth in Indiana referred by the court system. That place was finally shut down following investigation into physical abuse (beatings and such), and I believe also allegations of sexual abuse.

But Quiverfull adherents like the Duggars tend to align with patriarchal interpretations of the Bible (God put men in charge and it's up to the women to do as they say and make 'em all happy!).

I have read a number of accounts from women who earnestly believed that they were committed to "living Biblically" in allowing themselves to be controlled by the will of their male relatives.

Anna was married off young, not educated in how to make a living, and now has four young children to care for. Maybe she has all she can do right now to put one foot in front of the other.
Maybe he can learn some sort of useful skill.

Actually I think he is pretty smart and knows quite a bit about working.

He worked for his dad rehabbing homes and then opened his own car lot that seemed to be doing quite well. He moved from a parking lot to a large facility.

I remember a road trip Josh and Anna took to her sisters home in Illinois. They had a huge RV he was driving. Had some mechanical trouble and he pulled over to the side and fixed it pretty easily.

He drove his family and Anna's sisters family to downtown Chicago and that's a feat in its self.

He was making speeches in Washington, DC in front of large crowds. So he is able to be a public speaker.

Of course this was all on reality tv so who knows what was really happening.

I think he and Anna could have done quite well but then....well you know.
I am still not certain that Josh is a pedophile. When he was groping his sisters he was still young and they were available. A pedophile has an actual preference for children, being sexually aroused by them.

I am also pretty wide open to the possibility that he was himself an assault victim at a young age. That would certainly fit.

What we do know is that Josh engaged, multiple times, in inappropriate behaviors that required a very different response than what was given. The family response was deeply mired in denial, coupled with victim-blaming. He received no counseling and was protected from some basic consequences. And on his return, following some months doing building construction, he was supposed to act differently--proclaiming a new and more Godly understanding of himself and life. That's like telling a kid with a broken leg or appendicitis to just get over it.

We know that he had some further bumps in the road--viewing *advertiser censored* on the office computer when he was working on a political campaign. His choice of career--as a spokesperson for sexually repressive and homophobic ideals (under the flag of "family values") looks pretty symptomatic of inner turbulence between his outer demeanor and his inner demons.

In short--there's a lot going on there with our boy Josh. And he really needs to be professionally diagnosed and treated, not sent off to a new prayer farm doling out discipline and good thoughts.

Very well stated. You covered just about everything. Posting of the day!
I am still not certain that Josh is a pedophile. When he was groping his sisters he was still young and they were available. A pedophile has an actual preference for children, being sexually aroused by them.

I am also pretty wide open to the possibility that he was himself an assault victim at a young age. That would certainly fit.

What we do know is that Josh engaged, multiple times, in inappropriate behaviors that required a very different response than what was given. The family response was deeply mired in denial, coupled with victim-blaming. He received no counseling and was protected from some basic consequences. And on his return, following some months doing building construction, he was supposed to act differently--proclaiming a new and more Godly understanding of himself and life. That's like telling a kid with a broken leg or appendicitis to just get over it.

We know that he had some further bumps in the road--viewing *advertiser censored* on the office computer when he was working on a political campaign. His choice of career--as a spokesperson for sexually repressive and homophobic ideals (under the flag of "family values") looks pretty symptomatic of inner turbulence between his outer demeanor and his inner demons.

In short--there's a lot going on there with our boy Josh. And he really needs to be professionally diagnosed and treated, not sent off to a new prayer farm doling out discipline and good thoughts.

I was content to assume Josh was a NON pedo when the story first broke and I thought they were similarly aged ' peer' victims. When I heard the youngest was 5 or 6, that idea went out the window. But I do not know 100% so I accept and respect all opinions on that .
I may be wrong, but I don't think Josh has a *advertiser censored* or sex addiction.

I believe he's a full blown narcissistic sociopath, who has been trained mentally to say the "right" answers according to his belief system. I think the *advertiser censored* and affairs are just symptoms of the above. He thinks so grandiose of himself and thought he was incapable of getting caught. Now that he is caught, he's really not sorry, but he knows he's supposed to say that he is.

I don't have any way to prove it, but years ago when the show had been on a couple of years, I told my mom that something wasn't right with Josh. He gave me the willies even back then.

The more of your posts I read, the more I like you. [emoji7]

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- If my husband cheats or abusers me or my kids, it is my fault.

- A wife must be ready for sex at any time or her husband will get it elsewhere.

- Anyone who looks at *advertiser censored* once will become an addict and must act out the addiction by sexually assaulting someone.

And don't forget that "anyone can fix him a sandwich," but it will more than likely be YOU and never, ever him fixing the sandwiches.

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