The Case of JonBenet Ramsey-CBS Sept. 18

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Interesting. That pretty much falls in line with what the family gardener had to say. Does anyone recall who it was (a woman IIRC) that said Burke was known to have terrible emotional 'tantrums' or 'outbursts'?

Wasn't that PR's friend who was on last night, who got dropped like q hot potato because she spoke with police and the press? I can't think of her name at the moment.

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Burke will not sue CBS. He would have to prove actual malice and that the conclusion had no basis in fact in order to prevail. Perhaps more important, he will be required to be deposed under oath. After the Dr. Phil interview, I can't imagine JR and Lin Wood would think that would be a good idea, particularly given the fact that he's not likely to prevail in a lawsuit anyway.

Kolar had to be careful because he didn't have the sorts of funds needed to defend such a lawsuit. Also, Burke had not yet made himself a voluntary public figure by appearing on national TV. CBS has the money and Burke has just made the bar to any lawsuit success very high for himself.

Hasn't Lin Wood already stated he would sue anyone who accused any of the Ramseys as being the murderer of JonBenet? Didn't he sue the National Enquirer and they have loads of money too. I would be very surprised in LW doesn't sue if the CBS show specifically names someone by their name. LW doesn't strike me as the type of lawyer that would be afraid of anyone no matter how much money they may have.

If this is concrete evidence of guilt on Burke's part why doesn't the current DA come out and state they have the irrefutable evidence the killer was Burke Ramsey and the case will be closed due to his age at the time of JonBenet's murder? Why keep stating the case remains open but remains unsolved?

Why keep the case open? Why keep the male DNA profile in CODIS if the DA has evidence this unknown male had nothing to do with JonBenet's murder?

I know everyone now seems convinced they are going to say it was Burke. They have two options opening imo. 1) Patsy Ramsey who is now deceased and cant be prosecuted from the grave or 2) they can pick Burke since he was 9 at the time and cant be prosecuted because of his age at the time.

It will be interesting what the current DA does with this show for surely they have shared the findings with the DA.

If they have evidence of who the killer really is then the DA needs to end this by saying who the suspect is and that they cant be prosecuted due to yada, yada, yada.. There is no reason under the sun to keep this case open if they have evidence proving who the killer was.

He did shed some light on why the doc was cut from 6 hours to 4. He said that he threatened CBS that if Kolar even insinuated that Burke did it, he was suing.

I said "because we can't have the police chief saying what he thinks can we?". Thats when I was blocked.
Where was JR attempting to go when he tried to get a plane? where was he for the 1.5 hours he "disappeared" the morning the body was found?
I know this is a little off the topic of the CBS show, but another thing I was wondering about was the sexual abuse at the time of the murder. I just don't remember hearing anyone bring this up, but when I was reading over the search warrants and it mentiond about how Dt. Arndt was present during the autopsy, "In the presence of Det. Arndt, Det. Tom Trujillo of the Boulder Police Department, used a black florescent light to view the body including the pubic area of the victim in an attempt to observe the possible presence of semen or seminal fluid. Det. Arndt stated that she observed florescent areas of the upper inner and outer left thigh, as well as the upper and inner right thigh. Det. Arndt stated that her observations of the result of the black florescent light observation is consistent with the presence of semen or seminal fluid." And of course we know she was wiped down so we will never know who the culprit was - thoughts?

If I could, can I also ask the contents of the "practice RNs" and where they were found in the house? Were they full practice notes? I had not heard about these before. I had heard of one practice note that read "Dear Mr. and Mrs. "

The findings you referenced from the autopsy were ruled out as semen or other bodily fluids. I forget the exact name of how it was described after testing/analysis of the sample. I don't think the origin was ever conclusively determined, but it is possibly residue from a wipe used to clean JBR.

As for the practice RNs, I know there were pages missing from the writing pad and that a page starting "Dear Mr. and Mrs. I" was found in the pad. Below is a link to A Candy Rose website (excellent resource, btw), that details what was found on the writing pad.
Well, I may be alone, but I think Spitz did an incredible job in explaining how the head injury and the force/velocity of the blow would send shock waves throughout the brain and JBR would have been brain dead from the blow. Also, I am glad that both he and Lee made it clear that not a tremendous amount of force was needed to make that injury - a child could have done it and in fact we saw a child deliver a very similar blow to a model of a child's skull which we learned is not nearly as hard as that of an adult.

So all the nonsense about how this injury had to have been done by an adult was debunked.

It was also very interesting that Spitz opined that the cording was completely unnecessary. The wrist cords were loose and obviously placed after the child was struck on the head otherwise she could have taken them off easily. The strangulation was unnecessary as the child was already brain dead and her shallow breathing and faint heart beat could have been stopped with hands. No 'garotte' was required, it was staging to make the entire death look like something it wasn't.

'We're not talking to you."
"What did you do? Help me, Jesus."
"What did you find?"
"We've called the police, now what?"

At last, the R's lies are being publicly exposed. It has been a long time coming. We have always known everything that this series has revealed thus far but it is nice to hear some experts affirm what we have always believed.

It was very telling that Judith Phillips and Kim Archuleta were reduced to tears while talking about JBR but the 2 remaining family members who were there at the crime scene were smiling and nonchalant about their memories.

If LW wants to sue anyone, he should sue BR for telling everyone that he went downstairs after everyone was asleep because this was truly the only 'new' info we got and it came from DP's show which LW approved. I understand that LW was in a tweeting frenzy last night during the show. I must say that I find that behavior to be so unprofessional and done is such poor judgment that it should raise concerns for anyone who is his client.

1. One possible theory is that she was dying and they thought she was suffering and wanted to stop it. They couldn't bring themselves to use their hands, thus the garrote, and from behind so as not to see. (This is so sickening to write.)

2. I saw Lin Woods' tweets and agree with you. He really seems almost unstable. He reminds me of someone, but I can't quite place it. That said, he has been highly effective at keeping the R's from being held responsible and at getting them compensated via lawsuits.
Both children wet the bed. BR was highly disturbed (smearing feces, etc...). Jonbenet was most likely being sexually abused.

So it is obvious that their motivation was not only protecting their other child, but trying to hide from the public their family dysfunction.

So yes, there is plenty reason for them to continue with a cover-up.

Exactly right. In the interview clip with JR on DP that the mirror has posted JR says something to the effect that it is 'laughable' (Jimminy Christmas- really?) to think that a child could have caused the head blow injury- I think he even followed it up with the phraseology that it is 'ridiculous' (again-wth?). What I find unbelievable is you don't ever hear him saying what a 'sweet kid' Burke was, or how he couldn't harm anything, how much he loved his little sister... how protective he was of her blah, blah, blah.

Jim Clementine is absolutely right- it is not only what JR/PR DO say but equally important is what they don't say.

How come the medical records are sealed? I say #releaseBRmedicalrecordsLinWood- PROVE What a mentally healthy child BR was at the time!

Why don't we EVER hear what a gentle, loving soul BR was... by teachers, coaches, neighbors or friends. Why? Why don't we hear a gaggle of people who KNOW BR- either then or now defending him? Just his father? Hmmm.

Why don't his step siblings come forward to tell what a nice kid he was- loving, sweet, helpful- ANYTHING that paints that child in a positive light.

Nothing- no one. Im pretty certain most of us can guess why.

I know many older brothers that have little sitters and they are VERY protective of them.

I want people besides JR or L Lin Wood to defend Burke yet NO ONE does.
Hasn't Lin Wood already stated he would sue anyone who accused any of the Ramseys as being the murderer of JonBenet? Didn't he sue the National Enquirer and they have loads of money too. I would be very surprised in LW doesn't sue if the CBS show specifically names someone by their name. LW doesn't strike me as the type of lawyer that would be afraid of anyone no matter how much money they may have.

If this is concrete evidence of guilt on Burke's part why doesn't the current DA come out and state they have the irrefutable evidence the killer was Burke Ramsey and the case will be closed due to his age at the time of JonBenet's murder? Why keep stating the case remains open but remains unsolved?

Why keep the case open? Why keep the male DNA profile in CODIS if the DA has evidence this unknown male had nothing to do with JonBenet's murder?

I know everyone now seems convinced they are going to say it was Burke. They have two options opening imo. 1) Patsy Ramsey who is now deceased and cant be prosecuted from the grave or 2) they can pick Burke since he was 9 at the time and cant be prosecuted because of his age at the time.

It will be interesting what the current DA does with this show for surely they have shared the findings with the DA.

If they have evidence of who the killer really is then the DA needs to end this by saying who the suspect is and that they cant be prosecuted due to yada, yada, yada.. There is no reason under the sun to keep this case open if they have evidence proving who the killer was.

Wood has said, the Ramseys have been cleared, thus he will sue anyone who even insinuates any of the Ramseys is responsible. Thanks Mary Lacy!
Wood has said, the Ramseys have been cleared, thus he will sue anyone who even insinuates any of the Ramseys is responsible. Thanks Mary Lacy!

I'd love to see that happen. Bring on the depositions! We will solve this case once and for all.
They said last night that they were basically told to treat the family with "kid gloves;" unfortunately, this led to a lot of lost time and contaminated evidence.

And then some! Steve Thomas's book exhaustively details how the BPD were railroaded, which is not to say that they didn't make some mistakes upfront themselves. In addition to "kid gloves," which really was the terminology used, BPD was also advised about doing things that would damage the BDA's relationship with the Ramseys. And then we get Mary Lacy, having private meetings with JR in her office and inexplicably exonerating people that a Grand Jury wanted to indict based on a tiny piece of suspect tDNA in a sea of evidence, forensic, biological, and otherwise.

Money talks!!!!
He did shed some light on why the doc was cut from 6 hours to 4. He said that he threatened CBS that if Kolar even insinuated that Burke did it, he was suing.

I said "because we can't have the police chief saying what he thinks can we?". Thats when I was blocked.

So he has already put CBS on notice? Why would they shorten the show if they have proof Burke killed JonBenet? Why would they care or shorten it because of what Lin Wood said or didn't say? Wouldn't they tell him........sue if you want but all three episodes are going to be aired like planned all along? If they have the proof needed to prove this case then CBS wouldn't cutback on any of the show no matter who was in it. Why would they do that to Kolar if he is right all along?
Something that really bothers me is these neighbors and why they either won't speak or have changed their stories. Do you think they were paid off (seems to be illegal/obstruction of justice) or that they were told that they could not speak out pending a jury trial (which obviously is never going to happen). I just don't get it. And what is the "gag order" that the 911 operator refers to? If so, why is she finally talking now? It kind of takes away her credibility.

I think too much has been made of the reluctance of neighbors and friends to talk to the media. If you think about it, what would they have to say if they did? They weren't witnesses. They aren't the Ramseys' confessors, and they have no sectet evidence in their possession. Anything they could add would be pure speculation (be in in favor of or against the Ramseys). If your neighbor's child turned up dead would you be running to the media with speculation and accusation? I think the vast majority of us would want to stay in the background and let the justice system do its job.
(Well, as coincidence has it, it appears Kolar is my boyfriend's neighbor. I see him regularly, had no idea that was him. He told us he was in law enforcement...he mostly keeps to himself. Almost fell out of my seat when I saw him sitting on the panel last night. Small world...)

How neat! Didn't he do a Reddit AMA? Maybe he'd be willing to do a WS interview, too!
It's a shame that the family don't put all this effort into finding the "real killer" , instead of threatening shows that are trying to shed light on the case.

Anybody would think the family had something to hide :)
Where was JR attempting to go when he tried to get a plane? where was he for the 1.5 hours he "disappeared" the morning the body was found?

Did he go to get the ransom money the kidnapper had asked for in the note? Surely the police would be able to verify where he was during that time especially if he told them and gave them places and times he was during that 1.5 hour timespan.

Weren't they going to fly out that day to Atlanta. They never lived another night in their home after she was found murdered there, did they?
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