CA - 13 victims, ages 2 to 29, shackled in home by parents, Perris, 15 Jan 2018 #4

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This [emoji1369][emoji1369]. This is along the lines of what I was thinking. I don’t know, something is just..... off about the gap between Little One 12 and Little One 13 (in addition to all the other “offs”). I’m afraid we are going to be stunned when all the dust settles and the facts are known.

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I'm not tied to this idea, just throwing it out there. Maybe she was having a harder time getting pregnant. Thought she must be going into menopause. Then boom years later a little miracle baby. She's so excited she can still have babies, she tells her brother she wants another one.
There's something about this case that feels quite unusual to me. Not saying it's the first of its kind, just very unusual. It's particularly hard for me in this case to understand the psyche of the parents.

Most (not all) cases you hear about, the abusive parent(s) or guardian(s) present as being extremely out of control or out of their depth themselves. Living in squalor, substance abuse problems, domestic violence, a prior rap sheet. What is freaky about this case is that the 'parents', however terrible they were in the home, were able to present outwardly quite well. A well paying job, expensive hobbies, 'happy' family photographs. Of course we mostly now agree that the children appear malnourished, but they were clearly conniving enough to realize that their friends, family and acquaintances wouldn't raise an eyebrow.

This one also seems quite different to other high profile religious/cult abuse cases. Whilst there was clearly a religious element, it's not like one I think I've seen before. Obsession with Disney and pop culture, not especially modest fashion choices (the mother's bridal dress(es), heavy make up).

It just strikes me as a case unlike any other, and there is so, so much to unpack to make sure something (especially at this scale) can't happen again.

Religion, he said, did not have a role in the treatment of the children.
There are too many photos that seem MANY years apart where LT is holding a baby/toddler!!!
Then there is the wedding video.
In the blue shirts the older girls look well developed.

Mom looks a little deflated...

Something is WAY OFF HERE!

It seems they have had 13 children for the past 5+ years.

The youngest is only 2!
There are some missing children IMO!

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I am posting this again, because the train of misinformation has left the station....

There is NO family that is adopting all 13 on Monday!!!! It was misreported in print.
There are TWO potential homes lined up, one for Adults survivors, one for minor survivors.
This will be finalized in the next couple weeks.
Source: this video from CBS:
‘He Was Famished': Former College Classmate of Tortured Child Describes Encounter

Angie Parra took a music class with one of the older children of the brood at Mount San Jacinto College. She described the young man as a "sweet, but odd introvert" in an interview with NBC4.
Parra also said he was "famished" and recalled when he scarfed down food at a school potluck.
"He stood by the table and didn’t sit down," Parra said. "He literally ate plate after plate after plate."
With so much age difference between Survivor 12 & 13, I'm wondering if 13 isn't LT's baby and that is what escalated the abuse. Maybe the reason the baby wasn't abused is LT was using her as further torture to the rest of the kids, took her from her birth mom and she was now her "trophy" baby. I will be so interested to one day hear the opinion of LT's doctors see her lab results.
Is the criminal complaint out there for the public to see?

I've thought the same about the brother- victim who was "allowed" to attend community college class (es?)- that he'd have been necessarily exposed to cell phones, watched classmates use them, and paid very close attention. From what I've read, at least one brother helped with the escape plans. Bet it was the this brother who did.

I also agree, after reading the criminal complaint, that sexual abuse most likely played a very large part of why and how the other forms of abuse began, continued, and escalated.
I am posting this again, because the train of misinformation has left the station....

There is NO family that is adopting all 13 on Monday!!!! It was misreported in print.
There are TWO potential homes lined up, one for Adults survivors, one for minor survivors.
This will be finalized in the next couple weeks.
Source: this video from CBS:

thank you ... except I get “content not found.” “The page you requested cannot be displayed right now. It may be temporarily unavailable, the link you clicked on may be broken or expired, or you may not have permission to view this page.”

I am logged in ... anyone know why this happens occasionally?
Sorry - don't know how to multi-quote reply but to Doghairrules' original thoughts about how the master bedroom looked...

I sure noticed that the picture of Louise in her bed with the newest baby had nice clean sheets and a decent looking headboard. So I'm guessing that they kept it relatively clean for themselves.

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There are too many photos that seem MANY years apart where LT is holding a baby/toddler!!!
Then there is the wedding video.
In the blue shirts the older girls look well developed.

Mom looks a little deflated...

Something is WAY OFF HERE!

It seems they have had 13 children for the past 5+ years.

The youngest is only 2!
There are some missing children IMO!

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I think the 13th child is LT’s. In the pregnancy and after birth photos, she has the exact same hair. It looks like she previously had highlights than have grown out considerably.

It’s possible the large gap between baby 12 and 13 was due to her age. I can’t imagine it would be easy to conceive in your late 40’s.
Child and family laws vary from state to state but Federal law requires that parents have 1 year to get their act(s) together from the date of placement into foster care. Those dates can be extended up to 18 months if there are extenuating circumstances (ie: substance abuse, mental health, homelessness, etc.). The parents will have 2 separate court actions ongoing, the criminal court action and the family courts. If the parents are convicted criminally of harm to their children the State may be able to hasten the timeline for termination of parental rights, which will probably be the case IMO. Given the parents are incarcerated and pending charges, thankfully no parent/child visitation will be ordered.
In the Sherin Mathews case, they are already in the process of terminating parental rights, and that just happened in October. I don't expect it to take a year for this to happen in this case, either.

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‘He Was Famished': Former College Classmate of Tortured Child Describes Encounter

Angie Parra took a music class with one of the older children of the brood at Mount San Jacinto College. She described the young man as a "sweet, but odd introvert" in an interview with NBC4.
Parra also said he was "famished" and recalled when he scarfed down food at a school potluck.
"He stood by the table and didn’t sit down," Parra said. "He literally ate plate after plate after plate."

Poor guy, he was probably deathly ill after consuming that much food. I'm on an emotional roller coaster with this situation!
I need think it situations like this the bystander effect has a lot to answer for, people see odd snippets of odd behaviour but everyone thinks everyone else would have reported it, except no one does

I will admit. I AM the one who reports things I feel are not right. I am just THAT person. l live in a relatively small town - although small is subjective. I even know 2 of the 911 operators because their kids go to my kids school. lol They know that if I see something, I absolutely say something!

I do not walk my neighborhood spying on neighbors, but since Im home during day/night, I tend to be more in tune to our neighborhood than others. One summer day many years ago, I heard a young kid (I thought a girl) screaming like she was being tortured. Along side that scream I heard a male voice saying "Im going to kill you"...then the scream. And lots of yelling and noise. It scared me. It was coming from the street behind me. I called 911. A Cop came by asked me some questions then went to check it out. He came back about 10 min later and told me it was 2 kids (boys) playing with water and nerf guns. He got out, chit chatted with them and gave them a police trading cards (really big in my town). WHEW. It was nothing. But I was not going to let what I heard go unchecked.

I also was once in a parking a lot and heard screaming of a child coming from a car parked near me. I saw a woman beating her kid. Not spanking, but hitting her kid. I called 911 immediately and waited for them to show up. I then left. I do not know what happened once I left.

A lot of people feel they dont want to be too intrusive in other people's lives. I do not blame them. I am all about personal freedom and others butting out every corner of our lives - including the government. But when your gut tells you something is odd/off/not right, sometimes you have to go with it, call police and hope it was actually nothing (like my example above). The ol' better safe than sorry applies, IMO. And if a neighbor were to get upset that I made a call out of caution, I just would have to shrug and say, at least you can count on me if there is ever a real problem.
Wow LT looks thin in that FB photo from 2013 and it appears to be in some fast food place to boot. I wonder if the children received 1 meal per day because that would be the only meal that DT was present for as he may have eaten 2 meals per day at work? I think it wasn't used so much as punishment as it was just so routine for the children to not have enough to eat. The bankruptcy papers listed $2500 for food per month yet we know that cannot be true. It is interesting that was the biggest expense for the monthly bills - maybe the parents justified not feeding more than 1 time per day was a way they could afford to have their cars, DVD's, unopened toys, and items of luxury for themselves?
There are too many photos that seem MANY years apart where LT is holding a baby/toddler!!!
Then there is the wedding video.
In the blue shirts the older girls look well developed.

Mom looks a little deflated...

Something is WAY OFF HERE!

It seems they have had 13 children for the past 5+ years.

The youngest is only 2!
There are some missing children IMO!

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The photo of the children in the blue polo shirts was very disturbing to me. When I initially saw it, I noted that two of the female children are clearly developed esp the female on the mother's right!

What year could that photo be - the youngest looks to be an infant?

IMO, there will be other charges added.
This photo (Louise Robinette) makes me think of a dating profile. Makes me wonder if she was going to a sperm bank or trying to find a sperm donor, for the next baby. Gets herself in great shape, all primed to conceive again.... ALL totally IMO and all that.

That pic looks like it was taken at Target. Maybe customer service or registry department behind her.
thank you ... except I get “content not found.” “The page you requested cannot be displayed right now. It may be temporarily unavailable, the link you clicked on may be broken or expired, or you may not have permission to view this page.”

I am logged in ... anyone know why this happens occasionally?

Thanks for the alert! I corrected it. and here is is again:
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