Found Deceased CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *CW GUILTY* #51

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I was wondering the same. I personally hope SW's family goes first so that if CWs family starts really laying it on, they can leave the courtroom. (I know nothing about this practice and what's allowed or not allowed)
I think they do go first. The victims family went first in the Jodi Arias trial. Just assuming though, I'm not sure. The Watts are victims as well but in this situation I would think Shananns family are the primary victims, and their wishes would come first. Jmo
Chris Watts’ Mistress Breaks Silence About Affair with Triple-Murderer: 'He Lied About Everything'

A source close to Watts tells PEOPLE, “It’s very clear that this wasn’t a healthy marriage for many months before Shan’ann and the girls died. He had checked out, and from what he says, she had checked out, too. Nichol Kessinger showed interest, and in his mind he was single, so it happened. He really regrets that Nichol got pulled into this.”

More lies. I seriously doubt Shanann had checked out of the marriage, especially being 4 months pregnant.
I wonder which group of parents/siblings goes first. I wonder what happens if the Watts go last, and sis/Mom/Dad pour it on heavy about how CW was coerced, stonewalled, etc. And that is left hanging in the air as the actual sentencing happens. They could pour it on just to establish, in the future, how counsel failed CW.

This is such a unique case because it hasn't dragged on year after year, when the victims' statements are usually after so much time dealing with the pain. Not here, it's all raw and the fb podcasters are putting themselves into the center of it all for their own benefit, IMO.

It’s highly unlikely the judge will allow the Watt’s to make accusations that their son is a victim of the courts. The Judge won’t allow a circus act in his courtroom.
I want them to go last. They can be told when to leave and when to re-enter the courtroom.
Emotionally, going last would certainly serve them best, as they wouldn’t have to be present for what mommy dearest has to say about her “misunderstood” son.

I couldn’t imagine having to listen to his defender in person, especially in light of what she has said about her daughter.

Going last will also give Shanann’s family the last word, which seems entirely appropriate.
It took me awhile to catch up so forgive me if this has already been discussed and I missed it. Now that the AP's identity has been confirmed does anyone have any thoughts or opinions on what was blacked out in the arrest affidavit? We know it was more than just her name. I am trying to fit the pieces of the puzzle together since she has given us insight into their relationship now .
I find this interesting (there's more in the article, but this is what stood out to me the most):

A narcissistic parent can be defined as someone who lives through, is possessive of, and/or engages in marginalizing competition with the offspring. Typically, the narcissistic parent perceives the independence of a child (including adult children) as a threat, and coerces the offspring to exist in the parent’s shadow, with unreasonable expectations. In a narcissistic parenting relationship, the child is rarely loved just for being herself or himself.

Numerous studies have been conducted on the subject of narcissistic parenting and its impact on offspring. It's important to distinguish certain parent-centric tendencies from chronic narcissistic parenting. Many parents want to show off their children, have high expectations, may be firm at times (such as when a child is behaving destructively), and desire their offspring to make them proud. None of these traits alone constitute pathological narcissism. What distinguishes the narcissistic parent is a pervasive tendency to deny the offspring, even as an adult, a sense of independent self-hood. The offspring exists merely to serve the selfish needs and machinations of the parent(s).


Jealousy & Possessiveness

Since a narcissistic mother or father often hopes that the child will permanently dwell under the parent’s influence, she or he may become extremely jealous at any signs of the child’s growing maturity and independence. Any perceived act of individuation and separation, from choosing one’s own academic and career path, to making friends not approved by the parent, to spending time on one’s own priorities, are interpreted negatively and personally (“Why are you doing this to ME?”).

In particular, the appearance of a romantic partner in the adult offspring’s life may be viewed as a major threat, and frequently responded to with rejection, criticism, and/or competition. In the eyes of some narcissistic parents, no romantic partner is ever good enough for their offspring, and no interloper can ever challenge them for dominance of their child.

“How dare that woman take my son away from me. Who does she think she is?”

― Anonymous
Well now, doesn't that hit the nail on the head!
I’m hopeful if Mommy starts bashing the victims the judge will shut her down. I have fantasies of her being removed from the courtroom mid-speech.
Lol. :p
We join the fight for awareness and legal protections regarding DV and abusive relationships. We help de-normalize controlling relationships and gender-based violence. We make sure we're there for victims/survivors in our own lives. We take NUA's lead and stop "minding our own business" when we suspect something is wrong in the lives of the people around us. We don't make excuses for our fathers, brothers, and friends when they harm women. We hold victim-blamers and shamers accountable. We make each other's fight for safety our own personal mission!
WOW! Love this! Thank you! Everyone should print this out and place on mirror to recite every day!
I know this doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things but....I find it hard to believe all the girls in high school were secretly in love with Chris Watts. JMO.

Cindy letting that skater boy comment fester is madness. Why is that a big deal? SW obviously didn't care, she kept dating him and she married him! She may have even thought it was cute or charming or whatever. I think Mommy was just mad that someone else would be buying Christopher's clothes from then on. I honestly don't think she would have liked ANY girl he married.
I hope you are right, but I was just going off the statute you posted previously which stated (BBM):

Under C.R.S.24-4.1-302.5 (g), a victim has the right to make a written and oral impact statement about the harm that the victim has sustained as a result of the crime. Victims may choose to submit both a written Victim Impact Statement and speak at the sentencing, only speak or only submit a Victim Impact Statement or do neither. The choice is up to a victim. The Victim Impact Statement can be a powerful tool in the recovery process for a victim from the trauma of a crime.
I opened the VIS form in the link and it clearly states to submit the form. Victims have a choice if they want to read the statement during sentencing.
So here is what has been verified....

While SW was in NC with the girls, CW was pretending to be single, and he had his AP over for sleepovers for 5 weeks of honeymoon fun. He pretended his marriage was over, and asked her to help him find an apartment for him and the girls.

I do wonder now, if maybe he planned to dispose of his wife and unborn son, but keep the girls around. He could sell the house, keep all the equity for himself, and get the pity and attention for being a single father with a missing pregnant wife.

It is possible that the girls saw him killing SW and so he felt he had to go all the way in?
This is truly awful if it happened this way because CW would have to coax them back into bed, he'd have to reassure them mummy is okay and once they're in bed, he does the unthinkable! I haven't imagined this scenario but it's always been one of the disturbing aspects of murder that plays on my mind, those moments the victim has with the perpetrator before their life is taken. When it's their loved one, their protector, even a small child can sense danger and then, it's too late. No child should have to prepare themselves for death. I really hope it didn't happen like this. :(
All she needs to know is that he killed her and the kids, which is what he has admitted to. Does she really want him to tell her all the gory details, like how he looked in their eyes as he was strangling them or how they looked blue? How he jammed them in the oil tanks?
My understanding is ... She wants to know the trigger, what happened that night, if he really killed them all, and why, and if he really wanted to sign the plea deal and why. And why he is not talking to her.
@stereopticons, are you available to help us? MOO

I’ve never used the AAI myself, and I’m by no means an expert in attachment theory. That said, it does seem like there is quite a bit of anxious-ambivalent/anxious-preoccupied attachment with CW and his mom. This seems to be true of a lot of family annihilators. Not an FA, and also fictional, but Norman Bates is an extreme example of this maladaptive attachment. The mother’s behavior makes the infant/child overly dependent, and this colors adult relationships.
If they became a party to the case that would entitle them to have an attorney represent them in the matter and appear at hearings.
So was it completely ridiculous that they filed for this? When does anyone get to be a party to the case who isn't accused of the crime? This isn't a civil litigation, so I am confused when someone actually plausibly qualifies to join the case like this - under what circumstances and how out of norm was it for them to try? Thank you in advance!
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I’m hopeful if Mommy starts bashing the victims the judge will shut her down. I have fantasies of her being removed for all to see and hear. I also hope he has a great deal to tellthe courtroom mid-speech.
Glad to see you back and I hope you're doing better. I would LOVE to see the Judge rein in Mrs. Watts for all to see and hear! I also hope that the Judge has a great deal to tell CW, about who and what he (CW) is and has done!
I don’t think they will change their minds unless there is very clear physical evidence he killed the girls.
That's not what Cindy said. She made it quite clear she wants her son to tell her what happened and if he did kill the girls to explain why he told his dad that SW killed the girls. Cindy made it quite clear she would prefer to hear this from her son PRIOR to sentencing. I don't believe her request is unreasonable at all. JMO
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It took me awhile to catch up so forgive me if this has already been discussed and I missed it. Now that the AP's identity has been confirmed does anyone have any thoughts or opinions on what was blacked out in the arrest affidavit? We know it was more than just her name. I am trying to fit the pieces of the puzzle together since she has given us insight into their relationship now .
Maybe her address or where she worked was crossed out? I don't know.
I’ve never used the AAI myself, and I’m by no means an expert in attachment theory. That said, it does seem like there is quite a bit of anxious-ambivalent/anxious-preoccupied attachment with CW and his mom. This seems to be true of a lot of family annihilators. Not an FA, and also fictional, but Norman Bates is an extreme example of this maladaptive attachment. The mother’s behavior makes the infant/child overly dependent, and this colors adult relationships.
Thank you!
@erik28, here is your answer. :)
Article II, Section 16a – Rights of Crime Victims

Any person who is a victim of a criminal act, or such person's designee, legal guardian, or surviving immediate family members if such person is deceased, shall have the right to be heard when relevant, informed, and present at all critical stages of the criminal justice process. All terminology, including the term "critical stages", shall be defined by the General Assembly.
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