OH Pike County: 8 in Rhoden Family Murdered Over Custody Issue 4 Members Wagner Family Arrested#47

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I have wondered this as well. I'm wondering if there was a dynasty trust involved that provided that g grandchildren of FW would hit the jackpot?

It's interesting that G4 had custody of his child, and it's interesting the W's surveillance of the R's began when HR's relationship went south and it heated up after HR became pregnant by another man.

JMO, I think JW did the math and he knew that KR wasn't his child and I think he realized that HR would end up with another man. Not him. I think the W's realized the W money SW would one day inherit would not stay in the W family unless JW could get custody and control of SW. HR and her family were not letting him have his way.

Being that FW's lawyer said his client walked as close to The Cross as possible, there may have been conditions of any trust from either great grandparent that said the parents of any children had to be married? FW sure didn't sound or look convincing when she blurted out that she considered JW and HR married. JMO
Being that FW's lawyer said his client walked as close to The Cross as possible, there may have been conditions of any trust from either great grandparent that said the parents of any children had to be married? FW sure didn't sound or look convincing when she blurted out that she considered JW and HR married. JMO

I've got family younger than FW, who are still not super happy about their children being unmarried, living together, and having a child. They've accepted it, but still would prefer that they'd tie the knot. I think that's why they got the tatted on bands, maybe said a couple vows, As in; We are married in the eyes of God. A faux marriage, in other words, to appease his family/beliefs. I believe the one thing that her parents would not allow her to do, was to marry before age 18, seeing how young DR & CR1 were when they married (16 & 19 respectively). So, they did it their way.

Side note: S. was born just a few days prior, to HMR's FB Status Change to: Married on Nov. 23rd, 2013.
No. You can change the terms of your trust as long as your competent. But it's after you pass away that it would be impossible for someone to change the trust without strong legal rights to do so.

Say Jake had money and leaves a trust to his daughter before he is arrested, then he gets convicted. The victims could NOT go after his daughter's trust.

However, if you get notice your being sued you cannot move, transfere, and hide your money and assets, then it's too late.

Ohio law does not recognize a dynasty trust. Perhaps, you are thinking of a irrevocable trust.
An irrevocable can be changed after the death by certain conditions. The trust protector has
the power to modify a trust.
What if SW was in FW's husband trust?

I am just trying to figure out if they needed SW for money somehow.

........My 2 Cents Only...........

First off, I believe that any trusts that may or may not have been set up when Bob was alive are now under the complete control of Fred. Fred inherited everything is my opinon. I think Fred and Bob owned everything together and now Fred owns it all.

Jake MAY have been getting Social Security benefits for S, but not enough to commit murder for. I do not believe any of what happened on April 22nd 2016 had anything to do with getting S's money and inheritance.

A family member stated that the family did not even know (I would have to find the link but I did read this) if Chris Senior's property would be forfeited as a drug forfiture, or given back to the family.

The 4 Rhoden grandchildren of Dana and Chris are their sole heirs and any and all of Dana's and Chris's real property and assets go to all 4 grandkids, and Tony Rhoden petitioned the court to be the executor. I actually read an article that quoted LM saying that "everything goes to the grandkids." (Yes, again, I can look for link if interested.)

I do NOT think that the possibility of Jake getting Social Security for S and the possibility of S inheriting land/assets from her Rhoden grandparents, had anything what-so-ever to do with the Wagner's wanting the Rhodens out of the picture.

I DO think that the Wagner's did not want Hanna and any future boyfriend/husband/children (including Kylie) she might have, to benefit from S Wagner's inheritence.

The Wagner's did not need the Rhoden estates but they did have reason to NOT want Hanna, her husband or boyfriend, or her other children, or other relatives, etc... to benefit from Fred's extensive lucrative estate. with HR refusing to marry Jake, there is no way on earth that the Wagner's would want the Rhodens to benifit----through Sophia's inheritance---from Fred's large estate.

I hope I am making sense here. It can get complicated. It is often complicated. I know a LITTLE BIT from being the executor of 3 different estates. One had a Living Will, one was with a Traditional Will involving Trusts that are currently set up, and actually right now I am sorting out another family member's estate without any Will at all.

But I am no professional and rely on my attorney!

I am giving my humble opinion only....2 Cents.....:cool:
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Ohio law does not recognize a dynasty trust. Perhaps, you are thinking of a irrevocable trust.
An irrevocable can be changed after the death by certain conditions. The trust protector has
the power to modify a trust.

Thankx for clarifying. I rely on my attorney for all the ins and outs. I probably should just leave legal comments on here up to the verified attorneys. I don't want to mislead. I am giving my opinion only, but again, probably better to leave it to professional lawyers to comment on here about law matters. Thankx again for pointing it out FSC....
........My 2 Cents Only...........

First off, I believe that any trusts that may or may not have been set up when Bob was alive are now under the complete control of Fred. Fred inherited everything is my opinon. I think Fred and Bob owned everything together and now Fred owns it all.

Jake MAY have been getting Social Security benefits for S, but not enough to commit murder for. I do not believe any of what happened on April 22nd 2016 had anything to do with getting S's money and inheritance.

A family member stated that the family did not even know (I would have to find the link but I did read this) if Chris Senior's property would be forfeited as a drug forfiture, or given back to the family.

The 4 Rhoden grandchildren of Dana and Chris are their sole heirs and any and all of Dana's and Chris's real property and assets go to all 4 grandkids, and Tony Rhoden petitioned the court to be the executor. I actually read an article that quoted LM saying that "everything goes to the grandkids." (Yes, again, I can look for link if interested.)

I do NOT think that the possibility of Jake getting Social Security for S and the possibility of S inheriting land/assets from her Rhoden grandparents, had anything what-so-ever to do with the Wagner's wanting the Rhodens out of the picture.

I DO think that the Wagner's did not want Hanna and any future boyfriend/husband/children (including Kylie) she might have, to benefit from S Wagner's inheritence.

The Wagner's did not need the Rhoden estates but they did have reason to NOT want Hanna, her husband or boyfriend, or her other children, or other relatives, etc... to benefit from Fred's extensive lucrative estate. with HR refusing to marry Jake, there is no way on earth that the Wagner's would want the Rhodens to benifit----through Sophia's inheritance---from Fred's large estate.

I hope I am making sense here. It can get complicated. It is often complicated. I know a LITTLE BIT from being the executor of 3 different estates. One had a Living Will, one was with a Traditional Will involving Trusts that are currently set up, and actually right now I am sorting out another family member's estate without any Will at all.

But I am no professional and rely on my attorney!

I am giving my humble opinion only....2 Cents.....:cool:
........My 2 Cents Only...........

First off, I believe that any trusts that may or may not have been set up when Bob was alive are now under the complete control of Fred. Fred inherited everything is my opinon. I think Fred and Bob owned everything together and now Fred owns it all.

Jake MAY have been getting Social Security benefits for S, but not enough to commit murder for. I do not believe any of what happened on April 22nd 2016 had anything to do with getting S's money and inheritance.

A family member stated that the family did not even know (I would have to find the link but I did read this) if Chris Senior's property would be forfeited as a drug forfiture, or given back to the family.

The 4 Rhoden grandchildren of Dana and Chris are their sole heirs and any and all of Dana's and Chris's real property and assets go to all 4 grandkids, and Tony Rhoden petitioned the court to be the executor. I actually read an article that quoted LM saying that "everything goes to the grandkids." (Yes, again, I can look for link if interested.)

I do NOT think that the possibility of Jake getting Social Security for S and the possibility of S inheriting land/assets from her Rhoden grandparents, had anything what-so-ever to do with the Wagner's wanting the Rhodens out of the picture.

I DO think that the Wagner's did not want Hanna and any future boyfriend/husband/children (including Kylie) she might have, to benefit from S Wagner's inheritence.

The Wagner's did not need the Rhoden estates but they did have reason to NOT want Hanna, her husband or boyfriend, or her other children, or other relatives, etc... to benefit from Fred's extensive lucrative estate. with HR refusing to marry Jake, there is no way on earth that the Wagner's would want the Rhodens to benifit----through Sophia's inheritance---from Fred's large estate.

I hope I am making sense here. It can get complicated. It is often complicated. I know a LITTLE BIT from being the executor of 3 different estates. One had a Living Will, one was with a Traditional Will involving Trusts that are currently set up, and actually right now I am sorting out another family member's estate without any Will at all.

But I am no professional and rely on my attorney!

I am giving my humble opinion only....2 Cents.....:cool:

You make perfect sense. Freddy is in total control. Junior was not a book educated
person, as he relied on FW to make the decisions. JMO
You make perfect sense. Freddy is in total control. Junior was not a book educated
person, as he relied on FW to make the decisions. JMO

Thankx FSC.... I was just giving my opinion only. And yes, absolutely Fred is in total control. In my opinion money is one way, the main way, she controls her entire family... It looks like only her oldest son got tired of it, broke away, and started his own farm....Just My 2 Cents.....:eek::rolleyes:o_O
I have wondered this as well. I'm wondering if there was a dynasty trust involved that provided that g grandchildren of FW would hit the jackpot?

It's interesting that G4 had custody of his child, and it's interesting the W's surveillance of the R's began when HR's relationship went south and it heated up after HR became pregnant by another man.

JMO, I think JW did the math and he knew that KR wasn't his child and I think he realized that HR would end up with another man. Not him. I think the W's realized the W money SW would one day inherit would not stay in the W family unless JW could get custody and control of SW. HR and her family were not letting him have his way.


Isn't that true of any child inheriting anything? G4's son might just grow up and piddle his inheritance away. S won't always be a W, in name, if she marries. G4's boy may have the W name, but who knows who he'll marry? there may not even be any estate to divide by the time they're 18.
Note that Jake had SW that night. If he thought K was his he not only would not have left her the way he did, not even putting her in her crib, but he wouldn't have murdered Hanna, not that night anyway....2 Cents.

I think the custody documents were the final straw, once she refused to sign SW over the decision was finalized. IMO if she would have signed her over they may still be alive. Being the biological father he would have gotten custody, however if DR and/or CRSr were left alive in the case something happened to Hanna then he knew the fight would be on. So in their minds there were no other options.
Were you able to read her FB before it was shuttered? She generated some fury at CG, HHG, and FR over K's parentage, just hours after her birth, and stated who her father would be, and it wasn't going to be CG (nor JW).

I don't get the take that HMR was a delicate flower, nor unable to speak her mind, at all. I think that is what intrigued the boys about each of the girls they chose. They were outgoing and edgy, but the guys thought they'd settle into making babies and keeping house after marriage (or tatted on rings/pretend marriage), but a ring doesn't change someone over night, then they had to possibly deal with AW moving in, and it was just a no go for the girls. Who wants to live with their mil? :confused: Three women, one of them the mil, there will be power struggles. I'd have done the same. Live with ya momma, I'm outta here.

I would have loved to have had the opportunity to read her FB before it was taken down
Being that FW's lawyer said his client walked as close to The Cross as possible, there may have been conditions of any trust from either great grandparent that said the parents of any children had to be married? FW sure didn't sound or look convincing when she blurted out that she considered JW and HR married. JMO

I also didn't think FW sounded or looked convincing when she said she considered them to be married.

It could be her religious beliefs, IDK, but the older people that I know who have managed to build large estates tend to get stressed out that someone outside the family might get their hands on some of their money.

I think the custody documents were the final straw, once she refused to sign SW over the decision was finalized. IMO if she would have signed her over they may still be alive. Being the biological father he would have gotten custody, however if DR and/or CRSr were left alive in the case something happened to Hanna then he knew the fight would be on. So in their minds there were no other options.

JW may have had good reason to believe the fight would be on with DR and CR if only HR died. We know that S was conceived when HR was under age and that was a crime. There may be something else they had on him that would have prevented him from being granted custody.

I think the custody documents were the final straw, once she refused to sign SW over the decision was finalized. IMO if she would have signed her over they may still be alive. Being the biological father he would have gotten custody, however if DR and/or CRSr were left alive in the case something happened to Hanna then he knew the fight would be on. So in their minds there were no other options.

Throwing this out here because it "sticks in my craw" and any of y'all who understand Ohio custody law, let us know. Could it be possible that the whole custody situation depended solely on Hanna marrying Jake? Remember in Fred's recent video she said she considered them married. In Ohio a single mother has ALL legal rights, not the father.

What I mean is Jake wanted ( legal) parental rights to Sophia---that's even how a relative worded it--- because according to Ohio law, as a single mom, only Hanna had the legal rights to make the decisions.

But how could Jake and Hanna petition the court together for Jake to have equal legal rights when he had sex with Hanna when she was under age? Could it be this whole thing is wrapped up in not just Jake wanting full custody, but that he was denied any legal decision making rights for his daughter, and going to court could get him arrested? Angela said a lawyer was consulted but no lawyer has ever come forward or been found to confirm this. (And Jake and Angie lied a lot to LE, the media, and their attorney)

In other words, were there only #4 options?

#1.) Petition the court for 50% of full legal rights to make decisions for Sophia and take the chance he would be indicted for having sex with an under aged minor?

#2.) Marry Hanna and all of the problems go away involving full legal rights to his daughter? And no chance of being charged with sex with a minor?

#3.) Have Hanna sign away full custody over to Jake?

#4.) Get rid of Hanna and gain full legal custody because by law he is the father and has been supporting his daughter and seeing her 50% of the time and courts favor biological parents over grandparents and aunts and uncles?

As controversial as this may sound, could it be that this was more than just a custody dispute? Jake already had her 50% of the time since birth. Could it be about Jake wanting legal decision making status but needed Hanna to marry him for him to get it and not be prosecuted for sex with a minor (or maybe even rape if Hanna's parent 's pushed for it)

And when option #1 wouldn't work, then option #2 wouldn't work, then option #3 wouldn't work, they resorted to option #4?

Maybe Chris Sr. threatened Jake with rape charges because Jake and his family were too pushy. That would account for the extreme hate/rage and Chris being the first kilked, and the killers making sure Chris knew what he was being killed for, and who was doing it. Chris was not killed instantly but all the others were.

DeWine said this is the most bizarre case he has ever seen in his law enforcement career, and I think it's not just as simple as Jake wanting full custody and Hanna saying no to that. There is more to it..... 2 Cents .....
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I’ve got another question to ask all fellow Sletruthers does anyone think that the paper bags tied around the victims hands where did by the Killers to throw off LE, because all of them didn’t have bags on their hands, this makes me think they ran out of time. I think they did, this crew of killers had a big bunch of tricks. JMO
I’ve got another question to ask all fellow Sletruthers does anyone think that the paper bags tied around the victims hands where did by the Killers to throw off LE, because all of them didn’t have bags on their hands, this makes me think they ran out of time. I think they did, this crew of killers had a big bunch of tricks. JMO
No. The coroner does that routinely. Another misconception by the media. There were many misconceptions reported in the beginning. And some even now.
Who didn't have bags on their hands? I remember that also, that one did not have bags, if I remember correctly.

....My 2 Cents.....
I’ve got another question to ask all fellow Sletruthers does anyone think that the paper bags tied around the victims hands where did by the Killers to throw off LE, because all of them didn’t have bags on their hands, this makes me think they ran out of time. I think they did, this crew of killers had a big bunch of tricks. JMO
The bags over the hands most likely were placed there by investigators on those whom were thought to have had close contact with their killers. By doing this it saves any evidence that might be under their fingernails.
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