Found Deceased TX - Maleah Davis, 4, Houston, 5 May 2019 #5 *STEPDAD ARRESTED*

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Most of those home video cameras you set the time yourselves and ppl forget to turn them at daylight savings. The evidence on them are going to be conflicting if they didn’t have the right time on them.
It depends on the brand. However, if that's the case here, LE would not be able to use this as evidence because of the inaccuracy.
Investigators also said that Vence, who went missing after reporting Maleah’s disappearance, can be seen on surveillance footage leaving his apartment with a laundry basket that had “a large black trash bag inside.”

Investigators “observed from the video that the basket appears heavy due to the stance (Vence) uses when walking,” court records show.

Vence returned to his apartment roughly three minutes later without the basket, investigators said. He then walked out of the apartment with cleaning supplies, including bleach, investigators said.

Blood linked to missing 4-year-old Maleah Davis found in stepfather’s apartment, police say
I've got a horrible question that hopefully some of you with more forensic experience or knowledge will be able to answer.

All speculation: let's say it was Tuesday when DV killed Maleah. Maybe it was before BB left, maybe after. Either way, if she was dead in the apartment from Tuesday - Friday, would that apartment have been tolerable for 3 people (DV and both little boys) to stay in? Or would have it have become impossible to tolerate the smell at some point before Friday? What if DV kept the boys out of the bedroom with the door shut or something like that?

Wondering if this could gives us any insight into the timeline of whatever happened in the apartment during the week, mostly because I am horrified to think of Maleah suffering through so many days alone with him, and also horrified to think of what her brothers went through last week.
I don't have forensic experience but being around people who have passed, death smells. You can smell it before it happens. To put it a different way, if you bought chicken and left the wrapping in the trash, it would stink up the whole house in less than 24 hours.
He said they found tissue in the drain. I don't think that necessarily means they dismembered her, but, I can see where one would go there, in thinking that. With that said, I don't trust Q as far as I could throw him.
Desperately trying to catch up but yes, ITA.

For one thing, how does Q know about what the forensics unit found? I mean, it's not like LE is keeping BB or him in the loop about the investigation, right? Is he implying that he has some sort of inside track with LE? I can't see how he's getting all this information.

I've been thinking about the gas can. Initially I thought he may have burned Maleah's body but today another option popped into my mind.

JMOO but I wonder if he didn't have a plan to set the car on fire with Maleah's body inside but had to scrap the plan. IOW maybe he couldn't find a "safe" spot to do so without being seen or without the fire being noticeable. I dunno, just a thought. DV doesn't strike me as very bright or a good planner. I still think he may have dumped poor Maleah's body somewhere remote but not far off a road. MOO.
One thing, CPS did not determine the injury resulted from a fall. The medical professionals determined it could NOT have resulted from a fall but no one could definitively prove actual abuse.

I doubt CPS is qualified to make such a call. A caseworker would have no idea how any injury occurrred unless seeing it live or on video, imo.
It does seem odd med pros determined it was not from a fall but CPS apparently didn’t think abuse to be the cause. WTH did they think? Or did they think at all?
I've got a horrible question that hopefully some of you with more forensic experience or knowledge will be able to answer.

All speculation: let's say it was Tuesday when DV killed Maleah. Maybe it was before BB left, maybe after. Either way, if she was dead in the apartment from Tuesday - Friday, would that apartment have been tolerable for 3 people (DV and both little boys) to stay in? Or would have it have become impossible to tolerate the smell at some point before Friday? What if DV kept the boys out of the bedroom with the door shut or something like that?

Wondering if this could gives us any insight into the timeline of whatever happened in the apartment during the week, mostly because I am horrified to think of Maleah suffering through so many days alone with him, and also horrified to think of what her brothers went through last week.
Good question. Many possibilities. Put her in the freezer. We don’t know if he took any other, ahem, laundry, out earlier in the week. Or just regular trash or gym bag. How well does that camera record at night? Is there another exit/window not in cameras sight line, especially bc it’s a ground floor apartment? I’d like to know how many suitcases BB left with vs how many she checked at the airport.
It depends on the brand. However, if that's the case here, LE would not be able to use this as evidence because of the inaccuracy.

I don’t think that’s true, not to worry. They just check the time on the camera against the real time and
factor that in. Before they present their evidence in court, they’ll detail those steps they’ve taken to ensure times presented are accurate. I’ve had officers tell me they were checking time stamps vs real time for this very reason.
I don’t think that’s true, not to worry. They just check the time on the camera against the real time and
factor that in. Before they present their evidence in court, they’ll detail those steps. I’ve had officers tell me they were checking time stamps vs real time for this very reason.

They would just have to say it’s an hour off real time or whatever before documenting. People forget about that time-change on those cameras. But, if they presented it without the time being an hour off, it could damper everything if there was proof of something else happening at that time noted.
For one thing, how does Q know about what the forensics unit found? I mean, it's not like LE is keeping BB or him in the loop about the investigation, right? Is he implying that he has some sort of inside track with LE? I can't see how he's getting all this information.

LE may very well be updating BB, imo. It appears to not be a whodunnit as much as a ‘where the heck is she’ situation. I think they point blank told BB MD is deceased & have filled her in hoping to extract any info they can from her that might help pinpoint where DV disposed of MD. There’s really no point in LE not being frank with her, imo. Plus LE not disputing Q’s comments Is telling, imo.
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