Australia Australia - William Tyrrell, 3, Kendall, Nsw, 12 Sept 2014 - #42

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I'm just wondering, the BF said he hadn't been notified of his ability to have legal representation, he and BGM haven't been kept up to date and Williams name is Tyrrell, which is not BF name.

We don't know if BM has been kept updated via any MSM articles, and it's possible she has been.

This is all supposition, but is it possible that BF is not named on Williams Birth Certificate and is not 'legally' Williams father (not saying he isn't biologically) but in the legal sense. And would this be a hindrance to some legal means for the BF?

From memory they were pretending to be apart at that time because of FACS warnings etc.

All IMO.
Potentially, yes.

I hope there was a very good reason (like you've suggested) for such vast differences in police communication with BF and BMG. Otherwise, it just seems totally unreasonable and unfair.

William Tyrrell's disappearance remains one of the largest and most baffling investigations in Australian history, and is the subject of The Australian's new podcast, 'Nowhere Child'.

Good on Caroline! An Angel for the bio family members.

It is disgraceful how this bio family have been treated. No compassion, no empathy, no understanding, no support and care for their welfare. So very very sad.
If I only knew that the part Spedding ordered hadn’t arrived before that day and he was at the school.

I asked a question yesterday...When did FGM make her initial contact with Spedding? At inquest there was discussion between Craddock and FFC and something about 2 weeks but I couldn't make out if that was 2 weeks before the 11th or 12th or before the 9th.
Craddock was asking FFC about the discussion FFC had with FGM on the night of arrival...the 11th about the washing machine. I recall FFC said FGM had said something like...that's how things are done in the country because FFC had asked her mum how long the machine had been out of order.

I know it's in thread 39 or 40. I will see if I can find it.
Good on Caroline! An Angel for the bio family members.

It is disgraceful how this bio family have been treated. No compassion, no empathy, no understanding, no support and care for their welfare. So very very sad.
Would be interesting to hear the other side of the story from many people eg FACS, Salvation Army, police, other support groups etc.

Also, if BGM was illiterate as was said in the podcast, perhaps she unwittingly disposed of valuable communication? Or she might have been away on her cruise, or had changed address?
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I asked a question yesterday...When did FGM make her initial contact with Spedding? At inquest there was discussion between Craddock and FFC and something about 2 weeks but I couldn't make out if that was 2 weeks before the 11th or 12th or before the 9th.
Craddock was asking FFC about the discussion FFC had with FGM on the night of arrival...the 11th about the washing machine. I recall FFC said FGM had said something like...that's how things are done in the country because FFC had asked her mum how long the machine had been out of order.

I know it's in thread 39 or 40. I will see if I can find it.
From memory, FGM told FFC that this was the second week she had been waiting for the part. FFC admitted that FGM did not remember well and the first visit might have been earlier the same week, just as BS said. "How things were done in the country", that was about not expecting a phone call prior to a repairer's arrival.
Would be interesting to hear the other side of the story from many people eg FACS, Salvation Army, police, other support groups etc.

Also, if FG’s was illiterate as was said in the podcast, perhaps she unwittingly disposed of valuable communication? Or she might have been away on her cruise, or had changed address?
I haven't got to that yet, I've only listened to episodes 1 & 6. Has FGM always been that way or was this in consequence of an age-related condition?
Would be interesting to hear the other side of the story from many people eg FACS, Salvation Army, police, other support groups etc.

Also, if FG’s was illiterate as was said in the podcast, perhaps she unwittingly disposed of valuable communication? Or she might have been away on her cruise, or had changed address?
Editing post. - should read ‘If BGM was illiterate...... ‘

Apologies for creating any confusion.
Oh, thank you. Something about it was mentioned a few pages back and perhaps I misread. I had observed that BGM had a writing deficiency but I hadn't concluded that she was illiterate.

From the Australian podcast about BGM:

"William’s Nanna doesn’t have a drivers licence, she doesn’t mind us telling you this, but she also can’t read or write” (20:07 in Nowhere Child).
Would be interesting to hear the other side of the story from many people eg FACS, Salvation Army, police, other support groups etc.

Also, if BGM was illiterate as was said in the podcast, perhaps she unwittingly disposed of valuable communication? Or she might have been away on her cruise, or had changed address?
She may have disposed of or missed written communication. Although, IMO I wouldn't dispose of something I couldn't understand without checking it with someone else first.

But regardless, as for phone contact, as the FC had with Jubelin (phone number and access whenever they wanted) - you don't need to be literate for that.
She may have disposed of or missed written communication. Although, IMO I wouldn't dispose of something I couldn't understand without checking it with someone else first.

But regardless, as for phone contact, as the FC had with Jubelin (phone number and access whenever they wanted) - you don't need to be literate for that.
I’m sure Jubes had very good reasons. IMO. But I wouldn’t assume to answer for him so will leave it there.
She may have disposed of or missed written communication. Although, IMO I wouldn't dispose of something I couldn't understand without checking it with someone else first.

But regardless, as for phone contact, as the FC had with Jubelin (phone number and access whenever they wanted) - you don't need to be literate for that.
She's not one of William's parents. The detectives can't be expected to be supportively in touch with every connection William had.
Oh, thank you. Something about it was mentioned a few pages back and perhaps I misread. I had observed that BGM had a writing deficiency but I hadn't concluded that she was illiterate.

Overington says BGM could not read or write drive a vehicle. Life must be so very difficult for her in a 'normal' everyday sense let alone the compounding effect with William's disappearance and his sibling's OOHC and not to be able read media information or battle through the legal system to support her son the bio dad of William and sibling....and not supported by anyone as would normally be the just mindblowing...scandalous... shameful!

It could well be her son's difficulties have a hereditary connection to the life challenges his mother has faced.

Thank goodness people have stepped up to support this family.

And I thoroughly concur with Caroline Overington's opinion on why William's foster status need to be revealed and the outcome that was faced because of the 3 year delay in revealing such.

Overington also detailed in her podcast the heavy handed bureaucratic control by FACS with what has previously been released through media...always sitting on the sideline. And in fact at times media interviews were cancelled by controlling bureaucrats.

A bureaucratic nightmare.

Where are you dearest sweetest William?
Hope he has good reasons too.

And there's always this:

Mum of missing William Tyrrell’s ‘real dad’ says he’s ‘living in outback’

The mother of a man who has told friends he could be William Tyrrell’s real father has revealed she believes the missing toddler is “alive … in an Aboriginal community in the outback”.

Jacob Nichols, who was the boyfriend of K***** T****** in the year before the 2011 birth of the toddler, is helping Ms T****** get over her trauma about missing William.

His mother S** N******, a de facto mother-in-law to K*****, told she believed William was “alive” and “out there somewhere living in an Aboriginal community”.
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She's not one of William's parents. The detectives can't be expected to be supportively in touch with every connection William had.

She is however directly related and this case is so very different from the norm isn't it. You'd hoped that someone would have realized how far out of 'norm' this tragic case was and offered counselling and guidance.

Then to be harranged by the media and social media commentators admonishing her every word or action. Lessons will be learned from this terribly sad case.
She is however directly related and this case is so very different from the norm isn't it. You'd hoped that someone would have realized how far out of 'norm' this tragic case was and offered counselling and guidance.

Then to be harranged by the media and social media commentators admonishing her every word or action. Lessons will be learned from this terribly sad case.
The usual way people get counselling and guidance is by referral after talking to a GP. She'd be up to that?
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