Found Deceased IN - Abigail (Abby) Williams, 13, & Liberty (Libby) German, 14, The Delphi Murders 13 Feb 2017 #117

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I'm new here. I used to browse and read here a lot but I've never posted because the volume of posts has always overwhelmed me.

I've been following this case closely because ... I follow all cases closely, like most of us I guess.

So, I'm sorry if this is not where to post this or if it has already been posted a zillion times. I did try to look around and see but I also wanted to hurry and post before I lost the nerve. Anxiety, man. Geeze.

Ok, so, I'm face-blind (prosopagnosia). I can't recognize facial features, so I've always relied a lot on other things. I'm great with voices, body language, backgrounds, etc. I never know what actors are on a show but I can always comment a lot on the lampshades, hairstyles, and misplaced props. I can recognize voices better than most people I know.

Anyhow, while watching the BG videos again last night with my husband, we argued about what he was wearing and what we saw.

Husband thinks it's a camo ball cap with a flag design exactly where a design would be. I thought I saw a blip of a design on the corner of the bill. Like the file I've attached.

Is it known that he says something when walking on the bridge? I don't mean the audio we have. I mean the small clip of him taking a step. He turns his head and talks. It's so blurry but it looks like he says at least two syllables. "Over" or "Open" something with that type of mouth movement. Since he turns his head the way he does, it seems he would have to be talking to someone slightly in behind him or next to him, though that would put them fairly close to the edge. They could be in front of him, but close enough to hear what is obviously a message not meant to be shouted aloud. Or, he's talking into a phone or speaker or something attached to his jacket. Does everyone know this already? I'm guessing probably. Sorry if that's old news.

As far as the audio clip, I believe he would only be saying that phrase in that way if one of a few scenarios was going on:

1 - The girls are talking and he has to interrupt them to remind them where he told them to go.

2 - There's someone else on the trail with him and the girls. You wouldn't say "Guys" in the way that he does to two people who are already paying attention to only you.

I'm so sorry if this is out of place. I'll learn as I go hopefully.


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Woah, I’ve heard about this “twist”
before in another comment (will have to pull that one), but I don’t think I saw this one?

Phone interview with Sheriff Tobe Leazenby

“This one’s just – it’s got a whole new, it’s got a whole twist to it that even I as a 30-year veteran have never seen”.

I originally thought it was the fact that they have video and audio of a suspect. However, TL would have known when he did this interview that the evidence was from an iPhone which obviously wasn’t around 30 years ago. Ideas anyone?

@ 9:00


I'm new here. I used to browse and read here a lot but I've never posted because the volume of posts has always overwhelmed me.

I've been following this case closely because ... I follow all cases closely, like most of us I guess.

So, I'm sorry if this is not where to post this or if it has already been posted a zillion times. I did try to look around and see but I also wanted to hurry and post before I lost the nerve. Anxiety, man. Geeze.

Ok, so, I'm face-blind (prosopagnosia). I can't recognize facial features, so I've always relied a lot on other things. I'm great with voices, body language, backgrounds, etc. I never know what actors are on a show but I can always comment a lot on the lampshades, hairstyles, and misplaced props. I can recognize voices better than most people I know.

Anyhow, while watching the BG videos again last night with my husband, we argued about what he was wearing and what we saw.

Husband thinks it's a camo ball cap with a flag design exactly where a design would be. I thought I saw a blip of a design on the corner of the bill. Like the file I've attached.

Is it known that he says something when walking on the bridge? I don't mean the audio we have. I mean the small clip of him taking a step. He turns his head and talks. It's so blurry but it looks like he says at least two syllables. "Over" or "Open" something with that type of mouth movement. Since he turns his head the way he does, it seems he would have to be talking to someone slightly in behind him or next to him, though that would put them fairly close to the edge. They could be in front of him, but close enough to hear what is obviously a message not meant to be shouted aloud. Or, he's talking into a phone or speaker or something attached to his jacket. Does everyone know this already? I'm guessing probably. Sorry if that's old news.

As far as the audio clip, I believe he would only be saying that phrase in that way if one of a few scenarios was going on:

1 - The girls are talking and he has to interrupt them to remind them where he told them to go.

2 - There's someone else on the trail with him and the girls. You wouldn't say "Guys" in the way that he does to two people who are already paying attention to only you.

I'm so sorry if this is out of place. I'll learn as I go hopefully.

Welcome Millshre :)

Interesting you brought up “guys” and “paying attention”..I had the same thought here other day, that there might not have been some initial cooperation, something like that...

The two males I asked said in their opinions the hat is an Elmer Fudd.
Last edited:
I'm new here. I used to browse and read here a lot but I've never posted because the volume of posts has always overwhelmed me.

I've been following this case closely because ... I follow all cases closely, like most of us I guess.

So, I'm sorry if this is not where to post this or if it has already been posted a zillion times. I did try to look around and see but I also wanted to hurry and post before I lost the nerve. Anxiety, man. Geeze.

Ok, so, I'm face-blind (prosopagnosia). I can't recognize facial features, so I've always relied a lot on other things. I'm great with voices, body language, backgrounds, etc. I never know what actors are on a show but I can always comment a lot on the lampshades, hairstyles, and misplaced props. I can recognize voices better than most people I know.

Anyhow, while watching the BG videos again last night with my husband, we argued about what he was wearing and what we saw.

Husband thinks it's a camo ball cap with a flag design exactly where a design would be. I thought I saw a blip of a design on the corner of the bill. Like the file I've attached.

Is it known that he says something when walking on the bridge? I don't mean the audio we have. I mean the small clip of him taking a step. He turns his head and talks. It's so blurry but it looks like he says at least two syllables. "Over" or "Open" something with that type of mouth movement. Since he turns his head the way he does, it seems he would have to be talking to someone slightly in behind him or next to him, though that would put them fairly close to the edge. They could be in front of him, but close enough to hear what is obviously a message not meant to be shouted aloud. Or, he's talking into a phone or speaker or something attached to his jacket. Does everyone know this already? I'm guessing probably. Sorry if that's old news.

As far as the audio clip, I believe he would only be saying that phrase in that way if one of a few scenarios was going on:

1 - The girls are talking and he has to interrupt them to remind them where he told them to go.

2 - There's someone else on the trail with him and the girls. You wouldn't say "Guys" in the way that he does to two people who are already paying attention to only you.

I'm so sorry if this is out of place. I'll learn as I go hopefully.

Welcome Millshre :)

Interesting you brought up “guys” and “paying attention”..I had the same thought there other day, that he may have said this bc maybe there might not have been initial cooperation, something like that...
I agree with you--now. Looking at the clothing and posture made me think of someone older, but the close-ups of the frames that show the face make me think that he could not be much older than 30 and possibly as young as 16 or 17.

I agree 100%.

That and the audio released in April leads me to believe BG is much younger than many thought for two plus years.

Very well could be under the age of 25, JMO.
Link to notes by @Choochoobella on April 28, 2019 re: the Best Case Worst Case Podcast featuring Jim Clemente and Maureen O:

Listen to the Best Case Worst Case Episode - 122 | Worst Case Scenario: The Delphi Murders on iHeartRadio | iHeartRadio
April 26, 2019

Found Deceased - IN - Abigail (Abby) Williams, 13, & Liberty (Libby) German, 14, The Delphi Murders 13 Feb 2017 #95


Posts by @Choochoobella :

“As mentioned earlier, the podcast, "Best Case Worst Cast," discussed the murders of Abby and Libby.

122 | Worst Case Scenario: The Delphi Murders Best Case Worst Case podcast

The regulars on this podcast are former FBI profiler Jim Clemente and former state and federal prosecutor Francey Hakes. There were two guests on the Delphi murders podcast, both retired FBI special agents, Bobby Ciccone and Maureen O'Connell.

We’ve gone round and round speculating about so many topics. Since we have input on this podcast from 3 FBI agents, I thought it might be interesting to summarize what they said about various topics we’ve been discussing and hear your thoughts. I’m sorry it’s taken me so long to put this summary together.

I’ve broken the topics up into different posts that were covered so you can only read about whatever you are interested in.


What would motivate someone to kill these teenage girls?

Jim Clemente gave three possibilities:

The majority of perpetrators who would do something like this are sexually motivated. That's probably the most likely motivation in this case.

Another motivation in child abduction/homicides is greed, where someone is murdered because that person is in the way of a relationship. (They cited Chris Watts' murder of his family because he wanted to be with a new woman as an example of this.)

Finally, some people have a lust for murder, and these are murders without a motive other than the desire to kill.

Later in the podcast, Jim Clemente said that even if this crime was sexual in nature, there may not have been DNA found. Jim clarified that when he said he thought this assault was sexually motivated, he doesn’t mean that it was necessarily a traditional sexual assault that would have produced semen for a rape kit. He discussed that there are many things that are sexual in nature for the offender but may not involve semen. Even if this offender had the intent to rape, he may not have been able to consummate the rape.


What about the difficulty of controlling two teenage girls?

Jim thinks the girls were likely controlled by the perpetrator having a weapon. Jim noted that professionals see shapes and forms that could be a gun or some other kind of holstered weapon in analyses of the pictures of BG.

Further, Jim thinks the killer used the victims' own politeness and social graces to put the girls into a vulnerable position (the girls' natural deference to do what an adult tells a younger person to do). On the other hand, the fact that Libby took the pictures and recorded the audio says that Libby was fairly certain that something bad was happening.

Maureen O'Connell discussed the discrepancy between BG's seemingly thin legs and upper-body bulkiness. To her, it was clear he had a lot of stuff packed into his jacket in addition to the fanny pack he was wearing. She thought the bulk had an impact on his gait. Maureen thought he possibly had a kill kit or something similar in his jacket.

Jim thought BG was clearly trying to disguise himself, hide his identify and hide whatever he was going to use to threaten the girls. Bobby said that Libby's grandfather imagined Libby shot the photos/audio thinking there was something wrong with the guy and intended to show this to her family when she got home. They all believe Libby surreptitiously recorded the video/audio so the perp would not know she was doing so.

Jim commended Libby on her situational awareness, her instinctive recognition that something was wrong with this guy. They think it was obvious the perpetrator never realized Libby had a phone and had recorded him. As Jim said, thankfully, because of Libby's instincts, we have some leads on this case; otherwise, we'd have almost nothing.


Why hold information back from the public?

Reasons for holding back information: protecting the integrity of the investigation; holding back information to suss out false confessions; and not releasing anything that does not aid the investigation.

Maureen said LE must also be careful about what is released to the family. The family understands that some information is withheld from them in order to not hurt the prosecution down the road. Of course, families get frustrated if the investigation goes unsolved for years and years.

Maureen said the biggest leaks in investigations usually come from family members because family members are so emotional. For that reason, LE doesn't tell the family everything because they don't want them telling other people certain facts and compromising the prosecution down the road.


Why a press conference two years later with a new sketch?

In answer to why the new sketch was released now, Jim Clemente said "the arrest of that one guy who fit that description very well a couple of days ago, that may have been LE finally ruling him out as the killer and so now they have more confidence and it is the perfect time to release the other sketch of this other person that has now become the primary suspect in this case and from what the cops said, they probably have some other reasons to suspect him as well."

Jim said the guy that was arrested (the guy we’ve been referring to as Old Bridge Guy or Sketch #1) was sexually interested in children and has had multiple arrests for it.

^^We don’t yet have a mainstream media citation for what Jim Clemente said, but the FBI agents discussed it on the podcast like it is known information that the original BG sketch was of a sexual predator that was recently apprehended.

Bobby said releasing a sketch is a huge responsibility and that it would be irresponsible of LE to release a new sketch unless they have a high degree of confidence that this is the right suspect. Releasing a new sketch always leads to a whole host of people that look like the sketch getting harassed. Francey suggested LE might need to release the new sketch because they’ve run out of investigative avenues.


What makes investigations like this so challenging? How would you have overseen this crime scene investigation?

This would have been a difficult crime scene. Francey cited these facts: the crime was in an outdoor area, subject to environmental conditions; it was a ½ mile off the trail; and it was February and therefore cold and possibly wet in Indiana. Francey mentioned that although we don’t know the COD for Abby and Libby, she speculates there was a sexual element to the crime. She said “the girls were left in such a state that there is likely to have been some DNA left on them.” She then added the caveat that sometimes there isn’t even touch DNA left in violent crime scenes.

Francey asked Maureen to talk about what her goals would have been if she had overseen this crime scene investigation.

Maureen said she would cordon everything off and pay particular attention to the pathway taken down to where the perpetrator led the girls. They would be looking for boot prints, shoe prints, and would try to figure out the position the girls were in as he led them down the hill. They would also look for clues to the perpetrator’s egress route (his path out).

Maureen’s gut tells her the girls were left posed or staged based on the press conference. Bobby and Maureen worked on the L.A. case of Samantha Runyon whose body had been posed and that was another time she saw a hardened, seasoned homicide detective cry. “So it’s that type of thing, it’s the victimization on top of victimization, the piling on that these people do for their own personal gratification.” In a situation like that, there’s going to be a lot of evidence that must be carefully collected and maintained.

Maureen and Bobby also said the FBI has software that allows them to deal with the massive number of tips that come in. The software divvies up the tips to investigators and allows LE to track the leads property.


Discussion of Elements of the Crime Scene

Jim Clemente said that when an offender moves victims, he moves them to a place of greater privacy and control. The offender may have had a lair set up to which he directed Abby and Libby. Maybe he was waiting for a girl to walk by, but it just happened to be two girls that were there, and so he took them both. Jim doesn’t think the perpetrator could have known the girls were going to be there; they couldn’t have been targeted victims. The perpetrator set up his trap and Abby and Libby fell into it, but he needed to get them to a particular place so he could have privacy to do what he wanted to do.

Maureen said part of the perpetrator’s sexual gratification could have been building a lair and taking the girls to it. Moving the girls says a lot about this person. “Everything he did, every move he made, is another signature and these signatures add up.”

Francey noted that we don’t have the information to answer many questions we have: Did Delphi LE have the kind of crime scene unit they needed? Did they call in the FBI immediately? Were the state police immediately involved? She hopes it was as thorough a forensic crime scene investigation as is possible.


Additional Steps of the Crime Scene Investigation

Bobby was asked what additional steps would be taken by the crime scene investigator (in addition to those Maureen already cited).

Bobby said he would be looking for witnesses, looking at every car in the parking lot, finding out who was hiking there and who regularly hikes there. He would find out if there is a volunteer group that maintains the trails and ask them what they’ve seen. He’d find out who is posting on the park bulletin board and talk with as many people as possible to find out who is regularly seen there (go as far back in time as possible).


What does the location of this crime tell you about the offender?

Jim said the perpetrator is probably from around Delphi and spends a significant amount of time there. Whether he grew up there or landed there from somewhere else, we don’t know, but Jim said the offender knew that this was a place where little girls who fit his fantasy could be. Jim’s profile of the offender: He’s the kind of guy who fantasized a great deal about doing this. This was not impulsive. This is something that he had planned for. It didn’t go exactly as he planned, but he had thought about this, he was compulsive, he had played this fantasy out in his mind over and over. He took steps to carry it out: preparing a place to carry out the crime, figuring out how to threaten and control the victim, and preparing a place where he could be unseen until a victim arrived. He has some level of criminal sophistication that only comes from having committed precursive crimes. He might have exhibited peeping behavior, he might have broken into residences to go through underwear drawers, etc. He gets off on the excitement and thrill of being in a place you’re not supposed to be and looking at people’s intimate things. He almost certainly did these things, but we don’t know whether he was caught for these misdemeanor crimes. He seems to have some forensic sophistication because it doesn’t seem as though he left much forensic evidence behind.

Maureen thought it likely the perpetrator has been stalking the trail. She thought it was likely that in the 18,000 tips LE got in the first four months after the crime, some tips were probably from people who had seen this guy at some point in the past on the trail. She thought it was likely some people had called in tips on the perpetrator since LE is very sure that this guy has been living in the town or his family lives in the town or he works there or plays there.

Jim Clemente called this trail/bridge a “target-rich environment.” He likened it to the area in which Hannah Graham of UVA was abducted before being murdered. He talked about how Hannah was walking around, inebriated, and a guy who claimed to be a good Samaritan had started following her. While that guy was following her, Jesse Matthew (Hannah’s killer), showed up and put his arm around Hannah and walked off with her. Jim questions the motive of “the good Samaritan.” He thinks that guy might have wanted to sexually assault Hannah too. On video, we can see that “the good Samaritan” was lying in wait, stepping into the shadows as he followed Hannah, but Jim said that guy was following Hannah so slowly that the other guy was able to overtake her first. He gave that example to describe another target-rich environment. When there are vulnerable victims around, these guys are drawn to these target-rich environments. Jim said that in these environments, predators are looking for vulnerability, availability and desirability. Sometimes desirability may simply be a combination of vulnerability and availability. Abby and Libby were in a target-rich environment and happened to fall into this guy’s net. Jim also cited Israel Keyes as a predator who set traps and chose victims that were vulnerable and available; there was not a desirability factor in who he killed. Israel buried kill kits across the nation and set traps He killed the first vulnerable, available person or people to come by. Jim said there are offenders who get off on the kill itself.”

This is all great information, but shocking to hear them talk about the arrest of someone just before the April PC that was ruled out, and talk about it as if it was known information. You would think somehow that info would have leaked out. It explains the shift to the 2nd sketch, but if that is what prompted the PC and the “new direction”, LE sure did pull a lot together very quickly for that powerful, drama laden presser. Kinda curious.
I'm new here. I used to browse and read here a lot but I've never posted because the volume of posts has always overwhelmed me.

I've been following this case closely because ... I follow all cases closely, like most of us I guess.

So, I'm sorry if this is not where to post this or if it has already been posted a zillion times. I did try to look around and see but I also wanted to hurry and post before I lost the nerve. Anxiety, man. Geeze.

Ok, so, I'm face-blind (prosopagnosia). I can't recognize facial features, so I've always relied a lot on other things. I'm great with voices, body language, backgrounds, etc. I never know what actors are on a show but I can always comment a lot on the lampshades, hairstyles, and misplaced props. I can recognize voices better than most people I know.

Anyhow, while watching the BG videos again last night with my husband, we argued about what he was wearing and what we saw.

Husband thinks it's a camo ball cap with a flag design exactly where a design would be. I thought I saw a blip of a design on the corner of the bill. Like the file I've attached.

Is it known that he says something when walking on the bridge? I don't mean the audio we have. I mean the small clip of him taking a step. He turns his head and talks. It's so blurry but it looks like he says at least two syllables. "Over" or "Open" something with that type of mouth movement. Since he turns his head the way he does, it seems he would have to be talking to someone slightly in behind him or next to him, though that would put them fairly close to the edge. They could be in front of him, but close enough to hear what is obviously a message not meant to be shouted aloud. Or, he's talking into a phone or speaker or something attached to his jacket. Does everyone know this already? I'm guessing probably. Sorry if that's old news.

As far as the audio clip, I believe he would only be saying that phrase in that way if one of a few scenarios was going on:

1 - The girls are talking and he has to interrupt them to remind them where he told them to go.

2 - There's someone else on the trail with him and the girls. You wouldn't say "Guys" in the way that he does to two people who are already paying attention to only you.

I'm so sorry if this is out of place. I'll learn as I go hopefully.

I feel you on posting anxiety. It is challenging for me as well but WS is one of the few places with kind, understanding and helpful people. I mean I still second and third guess myself every time lol but everyone here is very nice!
I'm new here. I used to browse and read here a lot but I've never posted because the volume of posts has always overwhelmed me.

I've been following this case closely because ... I follow all cases closely, like most of us I guess.

So, I'm sorry if this is not where to post this or if it has already been posted a zillion times. I did try to look around and see but I also wanted to hurry and post before I lost the nerve. Anxiety, man. Geeze.

Ok, so, I'm face-blind (prosopagnosia). I can't recognize facial features, so I've always relied a lot on other things. I'm great with voices, body language, backgrounds, etc. I never know what actors are on a show but I can always comment a lot on the lampshades, hairstyles, and misplaced props. I can recognize voices better than most people I know.

Anyhow, while watching the BG videos again last night with my husband, we argued about what he was wearing and what we saw.

Husband thinks it's a camo ball cap with a flag design exactly where a design would be. I thought I saw a blip of a design on the corner of the bill. Like the file I've attached.

Is it known that he says something when walking on the bridge? I don't mean the audio we have. I mean the small clip of him taking a step. He turns his head and talks. It's so blurry but it looks like he says at least two syllables. "Over" or "Open" something with that type of mouth movement. Since he turns his head the way he does, it seems he would have to be talking to someone slightly in behind him or next to him, though that would put them fairly close to the edge. They could be in front of him, but close enough to hear what is obviously a message not meant to be shouted aloud. Or, he's talking into a phone or speaker or something attached to his jacket. Does everyone know this already? I'm guessing probably. Sorry if that's old news.

As far as the audio clip, I believe he would only be saying that phrase in that way if one of a few scenarios was going on:

1 - The girls are talking and he has to interrupt them to remind them where he told them to go.

2 - There's someone else on the trail with him and the girls. You wouldn't say "Guys" in the way that he does to two people who are already paying attention to only you.

I'm so sorry if this is out of place. I'll learn as I go hopefully.

Hi! Welcome! Prosopagnosia is an interesting, and not as uncommon, condition. In a way, you would have made a good witness, as you would have described the clothes well. I wonder if his odd clothes were meant to distract from the face.

(Statistically, most people look into the center of the face, few describe the ears, for example).

I think he does have a badge on his hat, although not sure what it is.

He seems to turn his head. Someone here believed he spat as he did it. MOO x 2 - I think much depends on what shoulder he turns to. I wonder if we are seeing a mirror image, and the shoulder is left?

If it is left - you know, how some religious people believe the devil stands behind left shoulder? He either spits on him, or does something similar, “for luck”, the tradition exists in many cultures, or it is just his tic. MOO.

Very interesting what you would say about the voice itself. Do you think he is upset?
Very interesting what you would say about the voice itself. Do you think he is upset?

I don't think he sounds upset. I think it's like if you're with two kids who are in trouble for something and someone else (other parent, perhaps) walks in the room and starts talking to them while you're walking them to time out. You give it a moment and then, somewhat annoyed or slightly impatient but in control, you remind them to keep going.

So I picture him giving them instructions. Or someone else is with them already, waiting on BG, and maybe there's a scuffle or #2 isn't so in control and tries to talk or something.

Then he's like, "Guys, down the hill..." to take back the control.

It's calm but it's interruptive.

To me, the way he holds his head and kind of talks into his shoulder is the way you would if you're near someone, talking to them about someone else that's not too far away.
Link to notes by @Choochoobella on April 28, 2019 re: the Best Case Worst Case Podcast featuring Jim Clemente and Maureen O:

Listen to the Best Case Worst Case Episode - 122 | Worst Case Scenario: The Delphi Murders on iHeartRadio | iHeartRadio
April 26, 2019

Found Deceased - IN - Abigail (Abby) Williams, 13, & Liberty (Libby) German, 14, The Delphi Murders 13 Feb 2017 #95


Posts by @Choochoobella :

“As mentioned earlier, the podcast, "Best Case Worst Cast," discussed the murders of Abby and Libby.

122 | Worst Case Scenario: The Delphi Murders Best Case Worst Case podcast

The regulars on this podcast are former FBI profiler Jim Clemente and former state and federal prosecutor Francey Hakes. There were two guests on the Delphi murders podcast, both retired FBI special agents, Bobby Ciccone and Maureen O'Connell.

We’ve gone round and round speculating about so many topics. Since we have input on this podcast from 3 FBI agents, I thought it might be interesting to summarize what they said about various topics we’ve been discussing and hear your thoughts. I’m sorry it’s taken me so long to put this summary together.

I’ve broken the topics up into different posts that were covered so you can only read about whatever you are interested in.


What would motivate someone to kill these teenage girls?

Jim Clemente gave three possibilities:

The majority of perpetrators who would do something like this are sexually motivated. That's probably the most likely motivation in this case.

Another motivation in child abduction/homicides is greed, where someone is murdered because that person is in the way of a relationship. (They cited Chris Watts' murder of his family because he wanted to be with a new woman as an example of this.)

Finally, some people have a lust for murder, and these are murders without a motive other than the desire to kill.

Later in the podcast, Jim Clemente said that even if this crime was sexual in nature, there may not have been DNA found. Jim clarified that when he said he thought this assault was sexually motivated, he doesn’t mean that it was necessarily a traditional sexual assault that would have produced semen for a rape kit. He discussed that there are many things that are sexual in nature for the offender but may not involve semen. Even if this offender had the intent to rape, he may not have been able to consummate the rape.


What about the difficulty of controlling two teenage girls?

Jim thinks the girls were likely controlled by the perpetrator having a weapon. Jim noted that professionals see shapes and forms that could be a gun or some other kind of holstered weapon in analyses of the pictures of BG.

Further, Jim thinks the killer used the victims' own politeness and social graces to put the girls into a vulnerable position (the girls' natural deference to do what an adult tells a younger person to do). On the other hand, the fact that Libby took the pictures and recorded the audio says that Libby was fairly certain that something bad was happening.

Maureen O'Connell discussed the discrepancy between BG's seemingly thin legs and upper-body bulkiness. To her, it was clear he had a lot of stuff packed into his jacket in addition to the fanny pack he was wearing. She thought the bulk had an impact on his gait. Maureen thought he possibly had a kill kit or something similar in his jacket.

Jim thought BG was clearly trying to disguise himself, hide his identify and hide whatever he was going to use to threaten the girls. Bobby said that Libby's grandfather imagined Libby shot the photos/audio thinking there was something wrong with the guy and intended to show this to her family when she got home. They all believe Libby surreptitiously recorded the video/audio so the perp would not know she was doing so.

Jim commended Libby on her situational awareness, her instinctive recognition that something was wrong with this guy. They think it was obvious the perpetrator never realized Libby had a phone and had recorded him. As Jim said, thankfully, because of Libby's instincts, we have some leads on this case; otherwise, we'd have almost nothing.


Why hold information back from the public?

Reasons for holding back information: protecting the integrity of the investigation; holding back information to suss out false confessions; and not releasing anything that does not aid the investigation.

Maureen said LE must also be careful about what is released to the family. The family understands that some information is withheld from them in order to not hurt the prosecution down the road. Of course, families get frustrated if the investigation goes unsolved for years and years.

Maureen said the biggest leaks in investigations usually come from family members because family members are so emotional. For that reason, LE doesn't tell the family everything because they don't want them telling other people certain facts and compromising the prosecution down the road.


Why a press conference two years later with a new sketch?

In answer to why the new sketch was released now, Jim Clemente said "the arrest of that one guy who fit that description very well a couple of days ago, that may have been LE finally ruling him out as the killer and so now they have more confidence and it is the perfect time to release the other sketch of this other person that has now become the primary suspect in this case and from what the cops said, they probably have some other reasons to suspect him as well."

Jim said the guy that was arrested (the guy we’ve been referring to as Old Bridge Guy or Sketch #1) was sexually interested in children and has had multiple arrests for it.

^^We don’t yet have a mainstream media citation for what Jim Clemente said, but the FBI agents discussed it on the podcast like it is known information that the original BG sketch was of a sexual predator that was recently apprehended.

Bobby said releasing a sketch is a huge responsibility and that it would be irresponsible of LE to release a new sketch unless they have a high degree of confidence that this is the right suspect. Releasing a new sketch always leads to a whole host of people that look like the sketch getting harassed. Francey suggested LE might need to release the new sketch because they’ve run out of investigative avenues.


What makes investigations like this so challenging? How would you have overseen this crime scene investigation?

This would have been a difficult crime scene. Francey cited these facts: the crime was in an outdoor area, subject to environmental conditions; it was a ½ mile off the trail; and it was February and therefore cold and possibly wet in Indiana. Francey mentioned that although we don’t know the COD for Abby and Libby, she speculates there was a sexual element to the crime. She said “the girls were left in such a state that there is likely to have been some DNA left on them.” She then added the caveat that sometimes there isn’t even touch DNA left in violent crime scenes.

Francey asked Maureen to talk about what her goals would have been if she had overseen this crime scene investigation.

Maureen said she would cordon everything off and pay particular attention to the pathway taken down to where the perpetrator led the girls. They would be looking for boot prints, shoe prints, and would try to figure out the position the girls were in as he led them down the hill. They would also look for clues to the perpetrator’s egress route (his path out).

Maureen’s gut tells her the girls were left posed or staged based on the press conference. Bobby and Maureen worked on the L.A. case of Samantha Runyon whose body had been posed and that was another time she saw a hardened, seasoned homicide detective cry. “So it’s that type of thing, it’s the victimization on top of victimization, the piling on that these people do for their own personal gratification.” In a situation like that, there’s going to be a lot of evidence that must be carefully collected and maintained.

Maureen and Bobby also said the FBI has software that allows them to deal with the massive number of tips that come in. The software divvies up the tips to investigators and allows LE to track the leads property.


Discussion of Elements of the Crime Scene

Jim Clemente said that when an offender moves victims, he moves them to a place of greater privacy and control. The offender may have had a lair set up to which he directed Abby and Libby. Maybe he was waiting for a girl to walk by, but it just happened to be two girls that were there, and so he took them both. Jim doesn’t think the perpetrator could have known the girls were going to be there; they couldn’t have been targeted victims. The perpetrator set up his trap and Abby and Libby fell into it, but he needed to get them to a particular place so he could have privacy to do what he wanted to do.

Maureen said part of the perpetrator’s sexual gratification could have been building a lair and taking the girls to it. Moving the girls says a lot about this person. “Everything he did, every move he made, is another signature and these signatures add up.”

Francey noted that we don’t have the information to answer many questions we have: Did Delphi LE have the kind of crime scene unit they needed? Did they call in the FBI immediately? Were the state police immediately involved? She hopes it was as thorough a forensic crime scene investigation as is possible.


Additional Steps of the Crime Scene Investigation

Bobby was asked what additional steps would be taken by the crime scene investigator (in addition to those Maureen already cited).

Bobby said he would be looking for witnesses, looking at every car in the parking lot, finding out who was hiking there and who regularly hikes there. He would find out if there is a volunteer group that maintains the trails and ask them what they’ve seen. He’d find out who is posting on the park bulletin board and talk with as many people as possible to find out who is regularly seen there (go as far back in time as possible).


What does the location of this crime tell you about the offender?

Jim said the perpetrator is probably from around Delphi and spends a significant amount of time there. Whether he grew up there or landed there from somewhere else, we don’t know, but Jim said the offender knew that this was a place where little girls who fit his fantasy could be. Jim’s profile of the offender: He’s the kind of guy who fantasized a great deal about doing this. This was not impulsive. This is something that he had planned for. It didn’t go exactly as he planned, but he had thought about this, he was compulsive, he had played this fantasy out in his mind over and over. He took steps to carry it out: preparing a place to carry out the crime, figuring out how to threaten and control the victim, and preparing a place where he could be unseen until a victim arrived. He has some level of criminal sophistication that only comes from having committed precursive crimes. He might have exhibited peeping behavior, he might have broken into residences to go through underwear drawers, etc. He gets off on the excitement and thrill of being in a place you’re not supposed to be and looking at people’s intimate things. He almost certainly did these things, but we don’t know whether he was caught for these misdemeanor crimes. He seems to have some forensic sophistication because it doesn’t seem as though he left much forensic evidence behind.

Maureen thought it likely the perpetrator has been stalking the trail. She thought it was likely that in the 18,000 tips LE got in the first four months after the crime, some tips were probably from people who had seen this guy at some point in the past on the trail. She thought it was likely some people had called in tips on the perpetrator since LE is very sure that this guy has been living in the town or his family lives in the town or he works there or plays there.

Jim Clemente called this trail/bridge a “target-rich environment.” He likened it to the area in which Hannah Graham of UVA was abducted before being murdered. He talked about how Hannah was walking around, inebriated, and a guy who claimed to be a good Samaritan had started following her. While that guy was following her, Jesse Matthew (Hannah’s killer), showed up and put his arm around Hannah and walked off with her. Jim questions the motive of “the good Samaritan.” He thinks that guy might have wanted to sexually assault Hannah too. On video, we can see that “the good Samaritan” was lying in wait, stepping into the shadows as he followed Hannah, but Jim said that guy was following Hannah so slowly that the other guy was able to overtake her first. He gave that example to describe another target-rich environment. When there are vulnerable victims around, these guys are drawn to these target-rich environments. Jim said that in these environments, predators are looking for vulnerability, availability and desirability. Sometimes desirability may simply be a combination of vulnerability and availability. Abby and Libby were in a target-rich environment and happened to fall into this guy’s net. Jim also cited Israel Keyes as a predator who set traps and chose victims that were vulnerable and available; there was not a desirability factor in who he killed. Israel buried kill kits across the nation and set traps He killed the first vulnerable, available person or people to come by. Jim said there are offenders who get off on the kill itself.”

Dear Margarita,

Thank you for such a wonderful transcription! Perfect! I missed one part there, and you brought it to my attention!

I missed the part about the RSO.

Having read it - I always assumed it was DN who was somehow cleared - I have one simple question.

DN or whomever they though was seen around/on the bridge was cleared.

How is it the reason to drop sketch of OBG? I mean, one OBG is cleared, who says there was not another one, as the OBG, honestly, looks super generic.

Something else must have happened to ensure them it was YBG.

Or, very likely, they have no clue who did it.

Less reason to rely on their sketches, more reason to rely on Libby’s video and audio.

Jumping off this, this would bring us back to here then as far as what features could be determined:

“What is Snapshot?
Snapshot is a forensic analysis service developed by Parabon that can help law enforcement generate new investigative leads, narrow suspect lists, and help solve human remains cases. Using modern SNP technology, Snapshot generates a composite sketch from a DNA sample — a process known as DNA Phenotyping. A Snapshot composite includes sex, ancestry, pigmentation (skin color, hair color, eye color, freckling), and even face morphology. A statistical confidence measure accompanies each phenotype prediction, and phenotype ranges that can be excluded with ≥90% confidence are also reported.

What type of analysis/reporting does Snapshot provide?
There are two Parabon Snapshot services:

The Parabon Snapshot DNA Phenotyping service reports sex, genetic ancestry — both on a global (e.g., European) and subcontinental (e.g., Scandinavian) scale — eye color, hair color, skin color, freckling, and face morphology. The data is presented in a report with a predicted composite sketch of the individual, along with detailed supporting information that goes into making the composite. A Snapshot sample report can be requested here.”

Snapshot Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) - Parabon® Snapshot® DNA Analysis Service
I'm sure that Parabon are not the only ones doing this research. It really is quite fascinating. Research in genetic disfigurement has also led to others developing simular techniques that can also then be used in forensics as well as health. I bet the FBI are striving to be on top of this field for LE.

"Many factors such as ancestry, sex, eye/hair color as well as distinctive facial features (such as, shape of the chin, cheeks, eyes, forehead, lips, and nose) can be identified or estimated using an individual’s genetic data, with potential applications in healthcare and forensics."

Facial Genetics: A Brief Overview

Jumping off this, this would bring us back to here then as far as what features could be determined:

“What is Snapshot?
Snapshot is a forensic analysis service developed by Parabon that can help law enforcement generate new investigative leads, narrow suspect lists, and help solve human remains cases. Using modern SNP technology, Snapshot generates a composite sketch from a DNA sample — a process known as DNA Phenotyping. A Snapshot composite includes sex, ancestry, pigmentation (skin color, hair color, eye color, freckling), and even face morphology. A statistical confidence measure accompanies each phenotype prediction, and phenotype ranges that can be excluded with ≥90% confidence are also reported.

What type of analysis/reporting does Snapshot provide?
There are two Parabon Snapshot services:

The Parabon Snapshot DNA Phenotyping service reports sex, genetic ancestry — both on a global (e.g., European) and subcontinental (e.g., Scandinavian) scale — eye color, hair color, skin color, freckling, and face morphology. The data is presented in a report with a predicted composite sketch of the individual, along with detailed supporting information that goes into making the composite. A Snapshot sample report can be requested here.”

Snapshot Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) - Parabon® Snapshot® DNA Analysis Service

Maybe they are not sure what of the DNAs is their perp’s one, and don’t want to spend $$ on the one that is not? I doubt they have seminal fluid.

if they do, or if they have scrapings from Libby’s nails, I don’t understand what is holding them.
I'm new here. I used to browse and read here a lot but I've never posted because the volume of posts has always overwhelmed me.

I've been following this case closely because ... I follow all cases closely, like most of us I guess.

So, I'm sorry if this is not where to post this or if it has already been posted a zillion times. I did try to look around and see but I also wanted to hurry and post before I lost the nerve. Anxiety, man. Geeze.

Ok, so, I'm face-blind (prosopagnosia). I can't recognize facial features, so I've always relied a lot on other things. I'm great with voices, body language, backgrounds, etc. I never know what actors are on a show but I can always comment a lot on the lampshades, hairstyles, and misplaced props. I can recognize voices better than most people I know.

Anyhow, while watching the BG videos again last night with my husband, we argued about what he was wearing and what we saw.

Husband thinks it's a camo ball cap with a flag design exactly where a design would be. I thought I saw a blip of a design on the corner of the bill. Like the file I've attached.

Is it known that he says something when walking on the bridge? I don't mean the audio we have. I mean the small clip of him taking a step. He turns his head and talks. It's so blurry but it looks like he says at least two syllables. "Over" or "Open" something with that type of mouth movement. Since he turns his head the way he does, it seems he would have to be talking to someone slightly in behind him or next to him, though that would put them fairly close to the edge. They could be in front of him, but close enough to hear what is obviously a message not meant to be shouted aloud. Or, he's talking into a phone or speaker or something attached to his jacket. Does everyone know this already? I'm guessing probably. Sorry if that's old news.

As far as the audio clip, I believe he would only be saying that phrase in that way if one of a few scenarios was going on:

1 - The girls are talking and he has to interrupt them to remind them where he told them to go.

2 - There's someone else on the trail with him and the girls. You wouldn't say "Guys" in the way that he does to two people who are already paying attention to only you.

I'm so sorry if this is out of place. I'll learn as I go hopefully.
I also see BG talking. I get a feeling it's to himself but it certainly could be into a mic.

The "Guys" to me sounds like he was trying to get them to focus on him and what he wanted to say to them, make them see. I think the space blocked out in between is the girls reacting to him. Then the no-nonsense and in my opinion chilling "Down the hill" is said.

I really wish LE would release more of BG's voice if they have it. I know it's got to be devastating to the families to hear him. I do think though, if there was more voice audio to go on, someone would ID him, probably an outer rim family member or even a neighbor or co-worker. AJMO
I did and to me he makes a quite credible impression. I think it's important to mention that he also talks about the second sketch. According to him it is based on the reports of a local living not far from the bridge. If I recall correctly, she tried to confront a trespasser on her property who fled. That apparently happened shortly before the murder, but according to bitterbeatpoet there is supposedly no other connection to the crime. He also claims to have talked to the woman and she said that the second sketch is pretty terrible.

Sketch No1 is based on the testimony of the girl, but apparently the hat is wrong and the face under his nose seems to be a guess, since he covered that part with scarf.

Anyway, for anyone interested, here is a summary of some of the details that particular reddit user provided. Take everything with as much grains of salt as you wish.

“a bill shorter than the baseball hat”

“a painter’s cap”

Good point, Boxer- maybe while on the bridge BG yelled down to an accomplice down the hill to his left (rather than spitting as I had prev thought) therefore LE KNOWS someone ELSE knows who BG is and they may be appealing to that "someone".
(had to back-delete a double post here... hope this reply will post alright... )
“a bill shorter than the baseball hat”

“a painter’s cap”


Just a note. Never saw a hat like this - this brown hat come up in search for painters hat, with ear flaps.

Carhartt Men's L/X Carhartt Brown Cotton/Spandex Ear Flap Cap-A199-BRN - The Home Depot
Just a note. Never saw a hat like this - this brown hat come up in search for painters hat, with ear flaps.

Carhartt Men's L/X Carhartt Brown Cotton/Spandex Ear Flap Cap-A199-BRN - The Home Depot

I mean supposedly the witnesses said the hat in the first sketch was wrong, so who knows if the ear flaps are correct. Especially since he supposedly had a hood up according to the first witness. The second witness who supposedly saw him after the crime has happened, saw him without a hood. Supposedly there is a sketch based on his description, but it was never released, probably because he couldn't provide much details, since he paid little attention and his girlfriend didn't even notice the guy. That's the fighting couple btw.

I’m not recalling where LE explained that they had been “misled”?

Also not recalling specifically “young guy” providing information for the sketch? Iirc it is implied in earlier threads who did provide the information for that sketch. (female? Couple?)

I do think they are caught between a couple different witnesses like you said.


I think what I quoted above Clemente possibly says a lot. How does he know this? I recall very clearly seeing the photo of that RSO he speaks of, and he had a very bulbous nose. So did they rule him out via DNA? Alibi?


There is a quote from LE that says there were quite a few people there that day. Looking for quote, I just saw it yesterday.


“Sgt. Holeman tells us several people have come forward and said they saw the killer walking on the trails the day Abby and Libby were killed. Those people helped develop a composite sketch that was released last month.”“

Lead detective in Delphi murders confirms police have more audio from phone, DNA evidence


Re: Sketch1:

“Five months into the investigation, Indiana State Police released a sketch and description of a suspect.

The composite sketch was created after police said they received new information from witnesses who were in the area at the time Libby and Abby went missing.”

Delphi Murders: The investigation two years later
Did LE state the July 2017 sketch was a RSO (Eldridge?) or is that assumption. My comment about misled is my interpretation of the April PC - Sorry, I did clarify further in a response when another poster asked about that I also thought the July 2017 sketch was a composite from several witnesses? The sketches are just confusing now IMO.
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