Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *mom, arrested* #23

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MOO I grew up in the LDS Church. One thing that I haven't seen brought up (and of course I may have missed it, so please correct me if so) is Pioneer Day Pioneer Day - Wikipedia

It's celebrated July 24th, the day that Brigham Young crossed into the Salt Lake Valley. The thing is though, Young was ill, and the majority of his group went ahead and entered the valley on July 22* which is a date that I've seen mentioned quite a bit around here ;) MOO

MOO Here's my super speculation: Young entered the valley with 148** pioneers. I wonder how many went on ahead? If Young and 4 others waited, then 144 would have been the advance group. 144 people can't repopulate the earth, but maybe 144,000 could. It seems interesting to me that these numbers have a possible link to some of the Daybells' current beliefs MOOOOOO



edit: grammar
:eek::eek: -!! You could be seriously onto something really significant with that! Something that is hard to fathom for a lot of ppls who have no personal experience within the fringier branches of the church, is HOW MUCH EMPHASIS is placed on Signs & Portents... like, a ton of emphasis guys, just a ton! so, IMO and MOO and all that, this right here from WWB could potentially carry a lot of weight within Chad+Lori+co's weird ideology.

we keep looking at potential motives for the disappearance of the kids from pecuniary standpoints, things like Profiteering (ie if she sold JJ) and Self-Protection (eliminating them for knowing too much) or Convenience (eliminating them for being a problem to manage) but there are also possible alternative motivations that would mesh seamlessly into this End-Times Warrior GodHero ideology we heard all about today on that *Time To Warrior Up* podcast Lori was a guest on. She and Chad surely view themselves as Saviour figures-- whatever she has done with her children, i think it is clear she has worked around to absolve herself of any moral wrongdoing, it is going to come out that It Was All For Their Good. Dont misunderstand what i'm saying, clearly NOTHING since she went off the deep end has been for their good. MOO MOOO BUT SHE BELIEVES IT IS
- and so do all their followers! which as bizarre as it seems, includes many in both the Cox and the Daybell families:eek:
Not sure if I can post the link (I think it's okay since it's East Idaho News page on facebook), and a ways down in the comments of the article about CD being back, someone posted a screenshot saying Chad had arrived in Rexburg last night and it was confirmed. The screenshot was of a comment that Kay had posted somewhere. Hmmm, if this was the case, perhaps he stayed with someone (a friend) and then returned rental car this morning and was picked up by whoever owns the little blue car. MOO
Your point about him (Charles) not having his phone to call 911 is brilliant! Sometimes it's the simple things that get lost. Thank you for that. At least I hope I have this right.

Edited to add the larger episode when Lori took Charles phone when Alex shot him in Chandler.

I have been thinking about Lori taking Charles's phone on the day he was shot. In her police statement the text says (this is in the officer's words about what was said)

" He told Lori to give him his phone and she told him "why don't you show me your text that you've been texting?" Lori said he's been acting really "weird" like he's been "plotting something". Lori questions as to why he was in town and then brought up that he's been talking to her other brother, who came into town at the same time. Lori advised she hasn't talked to her other brother Adam in a long time and her husband was texting him and she was questioning as to why they talk and if they talk. "

I wonder if CV was seeking help from other brother and together they were attempting to intervene with Lori. Maybe aware she had gone off the deep end into the cult. I really hope police followed up on what other brother knew. I just cannot fathom how anyone could look at the situation and call it self defence with all the history.
I noticed in the Arizona house these things:

We kind of agree the death scene was a home dance studio (maybe)
Lori's bedroom was furnished
Mattresses in the other rooms
I noticed the den off the kitchen was furnished


Lori had a bed
JJ had a mattress
There was some other furniture mentioned during JJ's meltdown

See a trend?

From what I've seen :
There was a large mirror on a wall in the main room of a rental house (so no indication of a dance studio)

Lori's bedroom was furnished, yes.

One mattress on the floor in one other room.
yep. Could be... "the new family" so screwing up on a first attempt to off Charles would make sense as a disgrace.
or... who knows what the meltdown was about, for all we know their fight had nothing to do with Charles, but both Lori and Alex were immersed by this point in all the culty stuff, right?
I noticed in the Arizona house these things:

We kind of agree the death scene was a home dance studio (maybe)
Lori's bedroom was furnished
Mattresses in the other rooms
I noticed the den off the kitchen was furnished


Lori had a bed
JJ had a mattress
There was some other furniture mentioned during JJ's meltdown

See a trend?

What else would you expect from the "god" herself? Moo.
From what I've seen :
There was a large mirror on a wall in the main room of a rental house (so no indication of a dance studio)

Lori's bedroom was furnished, yes.

One mattress on the floor in one other room.

I saw mirrors on 3 walls. No barre. And the mirrors mounted so low theres no way they were there for accent pieces. Jmo
Lori was happy that JR was dead. She told Joe's sister Annie "the world is a better place without Joe Ryan" Aunt of Idaho teen missing with brother says their mother is 'unhinged'
She had fought Joe in a bitter custody battle over Tylee for many years. I think Lori hated Joe with a passion and would not have been angry at all if AC confessed to her that he killed Joe. Lori also supposedly got money from Joe's death somehow-- either money he left to Tylee or maybe by selling Joe's things after he passed. None of Joe's family was informed of his death until 5 weeks after his body was found. There was never any funeral and it sounds like Annie doesn't know what happened to Joe's possessions or personal papers-- if there was a will or life insurance or a safe deposit box key only Lori would know because she had ample opportunity to go through his apt when he died. MOO.
Something that occurred to me today. We have been assuming the the family Lori referred to was the Cox family. What if "family" is how they refer to their cult. Maybe the disgrace he brought was failing to kill Charles when Lori was in Hawaii and that caused some kind of plans to be delayed.
Something that occurred to me today. We have been assuming the the family Lori referred to was the Cox family. What if "family" is how they refer to their cult. Maybe the disgrace he brought was failing to kill Charles when Lori was in Hawaii and that caused some kind of plans to be delayed.

Like the Manson Family?

I totally agree with you about Charles being JJs anchor and protector. Once Charles was gone, I think Lori thought of JJ as some kind of bargaining chip, not as a kid who just wanted a stable, secure, loving home. In her eyes, he was flawed, demanding and sometimes a PIA. She very well may have given him back to the Woodcocks, but once she found out that Charles had changed his will and the Woodcocks got everything, she kept JJ, not because she cared about him, but to spite the Woodcocks. Eventually she got rid of him because he was an obstacle to her new child free life with Chad. He was collateral damage, unlike Tylee.

I think she killed Tylee because she was a witness to the murder of Charles and lied to the police about the death. Tylee's testimony could have put Lori in jail for a long time. I am convinced that Tammy and Alex were killed by the same method--something that would kill them quickly overnight, but is obscure enough that an ME wouldn't pick up on it. She killed Alex because he had done tons of dirty work for her, but now she was done with him. She got rid of both people who could connect her to Charles' murder. And we know why Tammy died.
All of this is totally my opinion.

Wow, this is so close to what I believe it's almost as if I'm reading my own words, lol. I absolutely agree that it pissed the He!l out of Lori that she did not receive a dime from Charles Death, and certainly she could have taken that rage out on JJ, whom she had started to resent.

My feelings around all of the non violent deaths were that they came from Lori, that medicine/poison is her MO. JR, Tammy, and Alex all feel like her. And, I believe she may well have given both JJ and Tylee a "dose" of something before cutting off their airway (or letting someone else finish the job, so to speak).

Alex and his strange sisterly obsession made for an excellent gofer, she well knew how to manipulate him to do her bidding. CV, was prob. supposed to die while LV and Tylee were gone (scary when you think that JJ was staying with him at that time also...) but Alex intentionally or unintentionally blew it... the same way he 'missed' shooting Tammy and BB. I do wonder what the final straw was with Alex though... was it just that he knew to much? Notice it was timed so that Lori was yet again away in Hawaii...JMO.

But really, the only true mystery in this whole sorted story is where did they put the kids (remains)?!

What I cannot fathom is that however it actually went down with her kids, Lori def. played a role, and that's some serious mental illness. Narcissist believe they are smarter then everyone else, even when they are so obviously not and Sociopaths have zero empathy/ sympathy therefore once a person stops being useful to them, they drop them like yesterdays news and take off. Crazy and very Dangerous!!! MOO!
I agree, it would be interesting if someone does a deep dive into how people get pulled into cults. My gut feeling is that this would be one of the factors that play a huge role in this. MOO
oh i so agree!! there is just so much undertow that goes unnoticed when you only swim on the surface. a myriad of motivations and complicated factors behind how+why some ppl end up in the deep water
Apparently, the "Voldemort" group, is in the process of removing their web presence and scrubbing all electronic data. From what I read, they are claiming that this is to keep them out of trouble with the LDS church, and avoid individuals from being excommunicated, or so they claim.

My Opinion only - I think that they are doing this for an entirely different reason. I think that you only do this if you are hiding something from LEO that land you behind bars. Wish we had a VI in there.

As far as LVD's parents go, that would be difficult to regulate, or to enforce. Given that in the USA, the balancing act between freedom and security is difficult.

i share your opinion, and find it super creepy if not downright scary.
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