Coronavirus COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #41

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I know they use sonar and are accurate flyers but they have gotten way too close for my comfort. Had a couple close calls where they turn at the last second right in front of you. Probably just chasing a bug but still. :)

I change out the outdoor porch lights every summer to those yellow colored anti-bug lights so that I help can keep the bugs and bats away from the doors at night as I have to go outside to let the dog out. Im always looking and ducking when needed if I see a bat. :)
I hear you. I have never had one come close to the house. Thankfully. Bat house is way at the back end of the yard where are cedars are, cedars are loved by mosquitoes.
I don't think any of us ever imagined there would be a day where a simple errand had to be broken down step by step with precautions in place. Seems so long ago when Amonet started this thread. So many, too many to thank educated us and kept grinding out the information. Day after day. Opinions and tips and support when needed. It was all here. I thank each and every one of you.
Thank you for being here Bravo.
A cytokine storm is something I still have not fully understood how it goes out of control in the body. I know there are many articles on it so I just need to read about it some more to fully understand it.

I think it has something to do with the way our bodies attack the virus but then it somehow overloads our system with too much mucous and other things trying to kill off the bad things in our lungs. Sort of like a double edged sword. Our bodies trying to frantically fight the germ but its so out of control our body produces too much of a good thing (like Phlegm and mucous which serves an important purpose to carry out the germs from deep within our lungs so we can hack it out).

At least that is my basic understanding of it, so all JMO of course. I need to read up on it much more than i have.

It's exceedingly hard to understand. I am betting there are probably only like 1000 people on the planet who vaguely understand it, and they are in different nations. Thankfully, they're not all old. But I'm into day 2 of trying to figure out which paragraphs I can understand from research articles on cytokine storms. All I know is it seems obviously that some (very few) people are prone to a cytokine storm from this virus. (They're the ones who are dying rapidly, IMO). Is there a genetic basis to this? No one knows. Is this virus doing something unique? Probably. Are there therapies that have worked in the past? I have no idea.

Into the Eye of the Cytokine Storm

That's the best article I can find and even though I can't understand it, the diagrams show (in red) where the virus interrupts your ordinary (very very complex) immune responses. I marvel that I'm alive at all after looking at it.
I don't think any of us ever imagined there would be a day where a simple errand had to be broken down step by step with precautions in place. Seems so long ago when Amonet started this thread. So many, too many to thank educated us and kept grinding out the information. Day after day. Opinions and tips and support when needed. It was all here. I thank each and every one of you.

I posted something somewhere about a month ago, describing China as a place where people could not swing by a favourite coffee shop, pull sugar and a stir stick from the open shelf and enjoy a coffee with a friend surrounded by strangers. Here we are. We cannot do that today.

Instead we are trying to remember what our parents taught us about preserving, conserving, and planning carefully.
I know they use sonar and are accurate flyers but they have gotten way too close for my comfort. Had a couple close calls where they turn at the last second right in front of you. Probably just chasing a bug but still. :)

I change out the outdoor porch lights every summer to those yellow colored anti-bug lights so that I help can keep the bugs and bats away from the doors at night as I have to go outside to let the dog out. Im always looking and ducking when needed if I see a bat. :)

They think we're bollards.
I just want to tell this story. Today I had to go out for much needed items. I have not been out in 4 weeks!!! First thing I saw was this lady pushing her buggy to her vehicle with gloves on... That's great! People are using precaution..... But then... She grabbed her keys from her purse, tapped the keyfob, and opened her doors....all with the gloves on!!!! That made me want to scream, STOP!
People are trying, but are they thinking?? This lady just infected her keys, purse and doorhandles. Which in turn, infects her ungloved hands and brings it in the house....
Personally I would not be so critical. This a lot for people to adjust to. Being angry does no good. JMO
It's exceedingly hard to understand. I am betting there are probably only like 1000 people on the planet who vaguely understand it, and they are in different nations. Thankfully, they're not all old. But I'm into day 2 of trying to figure out which paragraphs I can understand from research articles on cytokine storms. All I know is it seems obviously that some (very few) people are prone to a cytokine storm from this virus. (They're the ones who are dying rapidly, IMO). Is there a genetic basis to this? No one knows. Is this virus doing something unique? Probably. Are there therapies that have worked in the past? I have no idea.

Into the Eye of the Cytokine Storm

That's the best article I can find and even though I can't understand it, the diagrams show (in red) where the virus interrupts your ordinary (very very complex) immune responses. I marvel that I'm alive at all after looking at it.

Thanks so much for this article. I've saved the link and Im going to save it for tomorrow when I am more rested and have a better chance of digesting it. I appreciate you sharing it because I know there are different articles out there and I did want to find one that was decent, which it sounds like this is a good one to try to learn about it.
I think folks are just having a moment of anger when we see people putting themselves at risk and others. And perhaps us. This is a time when we rely on others to keep us safe.

A Canadian province, possibly New Brunswick (CBC News), started early isolations and closures, and is turning people away if they don't live in the province. Their position is that although the roads and weather are good, now is not a time to vacation in other people's back yards. People are turned away on the road entering the province. Anyone who enters is isolated for 2 weeks with licence plate and address follow-up checks.
Personally I would not be so critical. This a lot for people to adjust to. Being angry does no good. JMO

It really is. So many layers to it, including our own mortality. Anyone sensible who is over 40 is thinking about it way more than usual, and no one wants to get a virus like this, even if they survive it. As SM shares all the stories of how bad this is, even if no hospitalization is required, younger people are scared.

Then, we're told we have to look at every other human as a suspect who could, effectively, kill us.

Lawyers are closed, courts are closed, people with ordinary health problems can't get care, people are unemployed, people are quarantined.

It's VERY hard. People with kids are having a very difficult time, for all kinds of reasons.

It's okay to get angry (although like you, I find that since I can do absolutely nothing about this virus except type on my computer, I feel helpless which makes me angry). I cried today for the first time (watched just the right movie) and that felt good.

I truly am not looking forward to getting this and even my very well educated children do not want to hear that it is almost certain that I will, in fact, get it one day. They will too. It's not going to be eradicated any time soon.

So many people's livelihood has been affected, the whole structure of society may change - a little or a lot.
I’ve never heard of eating something to make you look rich. The government in China should permanently ban wildlife trade.

Otto and 10ofRods thank you for explaining how both the bat and the pangolins can mutate this virus and pass it on to humans.

10ofRods your right pangolins should be kept by zookeepers only.

really? you never heard of fois gras? caviar? black truffle? gold-plated sundae?
the government everywhere should permanently ban wildlife trade IMO
I don't have any gloves so I wait till I get home and use a Clorox wipe on my keys/fob, steering wheel, seat belt/buckle, radio controls, and door handles before I go in the house.

Does your grocery store have rolls of filmy plastic bags for produce? If so, after you clean your hands and the cart put a bag over each hand. Added bonus: you will be less likely to touch your face if you have bags on your hands.
Thank you.

I need my daily dose of Cuomo. He makes me feel better, even if it's just for a little while.
I’m not in NY, or anywhere close to NY but I look forward to his press conferences the most. I didn’t even know what he looked like a month ago. <modsnip> He seems to be good for the nation’s collective blood pressure.

This is not a political statement nor do I mean to cast aspersions on any member of gov’t. Just saying Cuomo to me is a calming voice in the midst of this madness.
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Thank goodness I have this place to visit! Earlier on a walk my 23 yr old daughter told me that there is a helpline that I can call, lol! The new norm of life seems popular on here! I never thought I would fear a plastic bag, geez
CNN just posted that he will be live soon in his daily briefing.

Wow, the man amazes me. He spoke this morning at the ship and I thought that was enough.

Credit due to President Trump for quickly delivering on his promise to make all arrangements and send the hospital ship Comfort to New York!

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo told reporters on Wednesday morning that Trump had pledged to send the 1,000-bed Navy hospital ship to New York City Harbor.

“The president, I spoke to this morning, he’s going to be making arrangements to send up this hospital ship, which is called [USNS] Comfort. It has about 1,000 rooms on it, it has operating rooms, and the president is going to dispatch the Comfort to us,” he said. “It will be in New York City Harbor. This will be, it’s an extraordinary step obviously, it’s literally a floating hospital which will add capacity, and the president said he would dispatch that immediately.”

Trump: Hospital Ship Comfort to go to New York City, Mercy Set for West Coast Support - USNI News
A Canadian province, possibly New Brunswick (CBC News), started early isolations and closures, and is turning people away if they don't live in the province. Their position is that although the roads and weather are good, now is not a time to vacation in other people's back yards. People are turned away on the road entering the province. Anyone who enters is isolated for 2 weeks with licence plate and address follow-up checks.

I didn't know that. Good for them!
I just want to tell this story. Today I had to go out for much needed items. I have not been out in 4 weeks!!! First thing I saw was this lady pushing her buggy to her vehicle with gloves on... That's great! People are using precaution..... But then... She grabbed her keys from her purse, tapped the keyfob, and opened her doors....all with the gloves on!!!! That made me want to scream, STOP!
People are trying, but are they thinking?? This lady just infected her keys, purse and doorhandles. Which in turn, infects her ungloved hands and brings it in the house....
Personally I would not be so critical. This a lot for people to adjust to. Being angry does no good. JMO
I think folks are just having a moment of anger when we see people putting themselves at risk and others. And perhaps us. This is a time when we rely on others to keep us safe.
You cannot rely on others to keep you safe 100% of the time. If you want to get angry, get angry at people who gather in crowds and ignore stay at home orders. It is just an added stress to be observing what other people do or don't do. Personally I don't need the additional stress and anxiety.
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