Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *mom arrested* #38

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Honestly, I don't think anyone "cracked" and spilled the beans. Why would they do that now? Why not when they were being questioned? I truly believe that a month ago the neighbor called LEO about the bonfires. LEO obtained aerial footage and compared/contrasted before & after pics (google maps for example or maybe even their own phots from early on). Got a search warrant (as they have been waiting for snow/covid)based upon changes in soil to bring in cadaver dogs and ground penetrating radar. Why would CD tell anyone the exact place he buried these children? Who would want to hear that from him? Everyone was dug so deep in "the children are fine because he is a nice guy so there neener neener" that he could not save face with anyone doing that after lying and betraying them to begin with.
LEO went straight to 2 spots on this property and laid out 2 blue tarps. They then proceeded to rake the whole area where I assume CD wanted to put the motor/mobilehome. We saw that live from copter footage.
We have the technology to do this, it is 2020 and cases can be solved through scientific forensic methods and not just gossip through the ward or community.

Definitely possible. I like your analysis. We don't know enough about what preliminary work was done (cadaver dog, ground penetrating radar, etc.). ... I do find it interesting that you can see officers investigating a second site near a pond where a popup later appears and some sort of forensic activity. The location suggests that they may have been tipped off as it is some distance from the primary dig. Of course, we don't know if a dog may have alerted over there too. Everything took place so quickly, though, that I wonder whether they had information they were acting on.
I highly recommend everyone listen to Trisha's Websleuths podcast last night. I forgot the guest's name but a topic was brought up I have been wondering about for a very long time. I know there is at least 1 case (probably lots more) where someone poisoned someone (I think many people) with Visine. The Dr. on Trisha's show discussed it at length with her and the audience. Very likely that the symptoms would look similar IMO
hey thanks! I keep hearing about Visine as a/the poison to be considered...but have not heard any discussions... thanks for reference to the podcast...
Ive also been trying to think of any possible poisons or drugs that could have been used on TD or Alex that would cause what we have learned about how they died.

That has been on my mind for days so I committed to my own curiosities and spent a few hours on it this morning.

I was able to draw some conclusions. Please note, I am not a professional on this website, I just pay one at home.

I was able to came up with a pretty comprehensive, well-researched with professional sources, post on this topic earlier today. I have no idea how to find my own previous post o_O or I would refer you directly to it. My apologies, I'm still learning my way around here as I have long been a follower before a participant on this site.

This particular thread has taught me a lot about just blindly
Missing Idaho Kids: a Closer Look at Chad Daybell’s Yard

I purposely did NOT watch the news video of Kay and Larry going to the site where JJ and Tylee were found as I knew I could not bear it.
I did see in this clip, a little version of Kay and Larry there and could not stop the tears.
My heart breaks for them.
I am a grandma and if anything ever happened to one of my littles, well, I don't think I could handle it as well as these 2 amazing grandparents have handled it.
God Bless them and continue to give them the strength to get through this horrific tragedy and evil that was brought into their lives.
Oh no @Michael0808 I'm sorry to hear you're not well. I hope it's a mild case and you'll be feeling better soon! It's great to have you spending time here with us!

Thank you so much! Thanks for ALL of the well wishes! I’m ok and this will pass eventually. Getting a little better every day and that’s the most important thing. All of you stay safe!

Still so glad I found this site though. I have Websleuths to keep me company, stimulating conversations to participate in and watch, and a heck of a lot of timeline and media notes to keep me occupied. And I’ve realized I’m not the only crime buff obsessed with this case lol! Thank you for your kindness.
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Honestly, I don't think anyone "cracked" and spilled the beans. Why would they do that now? Why not when they were being questioned? I truly believe that a month ago the neighbor called LEO about the bonfires. LEO obtained aerial footage and compared/contrasted before & after pics (google maps for example or maybe even their own phots from early on). Got a search warrant (as they have been waiting for snow/covid)based upon changes in soil to bring in cadaver dogs and ground penetrating radar. Why would CD tell anyone the exact place he buried these children? Who would want to hear that from him? Everyone was dug so deep in "the children are fine because he is a nice guy so there neener neener" that he could not save face with anyone doing that after lying and betraying them to begin with.
LEO went straight to 2 spots on this property and laid out 2 blue tarps. They then proceeded to rake the whole area where I assume CD wanted to put the motor/mobilehome. We saw that live from copter footage.
We have the technology to do this, it is 2020 and cases can be solved through scientific forensic methods and not just gossip through the ward or community.

I find it hard to believe that they hadn't looked at aerial imagery from last year and on or even with a drone well before someone would even have to report it. Seems like a very inexpensive and easy research method.

I am in the corner that the neighbor's report helped but was not the main contributor.

Disturbed ground in rural areas could be buried animals or all sorts of things. Now, obviously timeframes and stuff like that come into play but the comments made to Nate Eaton imply the were 1000% sure on this which leads me to believe they had more substance.

However, I'd be floored if they hadn't used aerial imagery before that but maybe not. It's not the FBIs first rodeo and I would just assume those are "go to" methods
I guess what I am saying is that he didn't want to go wherever the family that left the house went or to family across the street because if they were indeed blindsided, can you imagine the interrogation? He may be able to fool a couple of kids by himself but several putting their clues together would force him to tell them something and he had lied to them enough already. While he does have family, who does he trust that he knows believes him still? He ruined it all for one woman and she is in jail.
All missing persons cases are mysteries, but this one was unique. It was a mystery inside a mystery. There was the mystery not just of the children's whereabouts but also of their mother's silence.

If Lori had ever spoken up, that second mystery would have disappeared, and the case would have turned into a much more ordinary single-mystery missing person's case. To be clear, I am not assuming Lori would have told the truth. But even a lie would have dissolved the mystery of her silence.

For example, if she had said "My kids were eaten by a bear in Yellowstone," few of us would have believed her. But the case would have immediately transformed itself from the double enigma that engrossed so many us for months to a sordid but, sadly, not unfamiliar case of a parent who tires of their children, disposes of them in some way, and lies to cover up their crime. Again, we would still have had the mystery of what exactly had happened to the kids and where their bodies were, but we would no longer have the mystery of a mother's silence.

Now that Tylee's and JJ's bodies have been identified, part of that mystery is cleared up. But not all of it. While we can reasonably presume that Lori didn't tell anyone what happened to the kids because what happened to the kids was illegal and would have landed her in jail, we are now left with a slightly different mystery: why and how she thought she would get away with her crime. As one mystery has receded, another has come into view.

But perhaps we have the tools we need to unravel this new mystery. If you watch Melanie Gibb's long interview, Nate Eaton asks her for her thoughts on why Chad would be willing to risk creating such a bad impression by marrying Lori just days after Tammy's sudden death. Melanie's answer is interesting. She says that Chad believed we were approaching the end of times and, therefore, that earthquakes and many other forms of massive disruption would so capture the world's attention that Chad's and Lori's little lives would go unnoticed.

One of the most infuriating things about this case was the sense that the key players kept acting like they could get away with everything. Chad and Lori both appeared to believe that they could simply not account for two missing children in any way. There were times, I think, when many of us wanted to jump inside our TV screens, shake them, and scream "WHAT ARE YOU THINKING?!"

Well, we may now have an answer. Chad and Lori said nothing because they were waiting for the apocalypse. They continued to think they could get away with not providing a convincing cover story for the disappearance of two children because they believed the end of the world would make their (and all) domestic dramas irrelevant.

One of the questions I have had about Chad from day one is whether or not he was a true believer. When I read his blog posts and comments he's made in interviews, I always get the impression that he is a master manipulator. He uses language in a way that simultaneously advances self-serving narratives and denies that he's doing anything other than describing the world as he sees it. He has, as I've written before, a "tell." While conveying the most fantastical things, he invariably professes bewilderment at other things that really aren't all that improbable.

So while Chad's writing would suggest he's the most cynical of manipulators, we now have some evidence that he believed his own lies. We have somehow reached a point where sincere belief in earthquakes, zombies, and a summer apocalypse is the most plausible answer to the question of why Chad believed he could get away with a series of brazen crimes that included burying his former adulterous lover's dead children in his own back yard.

What a case . . .

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Interesting. It's always so interesting to try to figure out the why for the "sins". We never find out most of the time because so few of the perps just break down and start at the beginning. I always have so many questions even after the final gavel.


So, it's maybe kind of both. Lust AND Beliefs. And Greed. I wonder what came first. The doomsday light that switched for LV (remember, a/t lots of people she was a great person and mom) was when she heard/met? CD talking? I know I read somewhere credible they may have known each other since 2016. So CD charmed LV? Or convinced--or whatever it is they do to followers--and then a romance blossomed? Like what made LV choose that dooms path all of a sudden? Maybe LV was an easily influenced personality. Maybe the sex was good. Who KNOWS. We are to presume LV accusations about who CV "really" was (a demon named "Nick") came straight outta CDs mouth--if the Annie timeline is accurate.

So, if the 2016 date (when they met) is accurate, LV and CD had 3 years to become the reason for the January 2019 craziness to start.

Ok. I can go with something like you described.

I have not delved into the ex's situation with LV but I still wonder why Joe Ryan is also deceased. Maybe that was another coincidence...and not a black widow thing.

I've been looking for Suzanne Morphrew here in Colorado (well, not LITERALLY), but I've been away from this mostly quiet case for a bit and have only checked in occas. So excuse if this is an exhausted subject: Do any of us suspect what the Hawaii plan was? We had assumed they would end their days in Hawaii (cuz, why not?) but were the entire 144K people left supposed to meet them there or were LV and CD going to make it back to wherever Ground 144K was located? I get easily lost cuz I can't bear to listen to the Chad podcasts.

OR were they just retiring to Kauai thinking no one would notice the kids being gone and Tammie's untimely death and they'd live happily ever after. Whatever THAT was...option open whether to July 22 or forever.

I still say LV misheard and it wasn't ". . . going to be down TO 144,000 people" but " . . . going to be down BY 144,000 people. . . ". It IS kind of gobsmacking that little coincidence.

Anyway. Thanks for the back and forth.

I think someone like CD could be easily swept up in the charm, sexuality, and hero worship/admiration of LV. It happens pretty routinely to men in their 50s, to fall for a sexpot and discard their hard working wives of decades. I know personally men who have done this (without killing anyone).

I'm afraid the problem might have been JJ, he was very high maintenance.

As long as JJ was around, LV and CD couldn't be romantic newlyweds, or go off together to live in Hawaii. If they truly believed Doomsday would be in July, they didn't have much time to be together.

There have been cases of women who have killed or abandoned their small children in order to go off with a man, who they know isn't interested in their children. Like Susan Smith, but others I know of.

Possibly TR was eliminated because she cared so much for JJ and would know if something happened to him. Also, TR may have come into conflict her mother (and uncle), because of the many bizarre things happpening/deaths in the family. And she may have inherited money from her father, that LV wanted to use.

IMO, LV planned with her brother to eliminate her husband, CV, and get the million dollars. Then she could get someone else to look after JJ, possibly his grandmother.

But LV did not receive the life insurance, the grandmother did. LW, the grandmother, has said it herself: out of pure spite, LV didn't want to send JJ to LW, because then LW would have everything, and LV would have nothing, she would lose the financial support for JJ.

Again, possible with the obsession about Doomsday, LV thought this was all short-term anyway, that whether people were alive or dead now, or whether she might be arrested and go to jail, didn't matter because the end of the world was coming.
Yes! This is the same disturbing image that ran through my mind yesterday. Lori smugly bouncing out of the courtroom, swinging her hair with that smirk on her face all while knowing exactly what happened to and exactly where Tylee and JJ were; gone forever. Heart wrenching.
I bet she could raise bail just by auctioning off the chance to smack that smug face of hers. Raffle tickets would work too.
That has been on my mind for days so I committed to my own curiosities and spent a few hours on it this morning.

I was able to draw some conclusions. Please note, I am not a professional on this website, I just pay one at home.

I was able to came up with a pretty comprehensive, well-researched with professional sources, post on this topic earlier today. I have no idea how to find my own previous post o_O or I would refer you directly to it. My apologies, I'm still learning my way around here as I have long been a follower before a participant on this site.

This particular thread has taught me a lot about just blindly

Thanks. I may try to hunt for that later this evening. I can never get the search feature to find what I need either, so dont feel bad. :)
There was supposed to be a quote here about the history of Joe Ryan. I've completely missed that and need to catch up.......

Well. Obviously I have some other reading to catch up on.
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@Reluctant anthropologist - I think CD believed in his own visions about as much as Jim Jones with the koolaid
I do think that the whole Heaven's Gate leader (etal) did believe they would fly off on a comet to another dimension where they could live in paradise
That has been on my mind for days so I committed to my own curiosities and spent a few hours on it this morning.

I was able to draw some conclusions. Please note, I am not a professional on this website, I just pay one at home.

I was able to came up with a pretty comprehensive, well-researched with professional sources, post on this topic earlier today. I have no idea how to find my own previous post o_O or I would refer you directly to it. My apologies, I'm still learning my way around here as I have long been a follower before a participant on this site.

This particular thread has taught me a lot about just blindly

I think this is your previous post

Found Deceased - ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *mom arrested* #38 | Page 21
Found Deceased - ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *mom arrested* #38
This is cool. Thank you!!!!!!!!

All missing persons cases are mysteries, but this one was unique. It was a mystery inside a mystery. There was the mystery not just of the children's whereabouts but also of their mother's silence.

If Lori had ever spoken up, that second mystery would have disappeared, and the case would have turned into a much more ordinary single-mystery missing person's case. To be clear, I am not assuming Lori would have told the truth. But even a lie would have dissolved the mystery of her silence.

For example, if she had said "My kids were eaten by a bear in Yellowstone," few of us would have believed her. But the case would have immediately transformed itself from the double enigma that engrossed so many us for months to a sordid but, sadly, not unfamiliar case of a parent who tires of their children, disposes of them in some way, and lies to cover up their crime. Again, we would still have had the mystery of what exactly had happened to the kids and where their bodies were, but we would no longer have the mystery of a mother's silence.

Now that Tylee's and JJ's bodies have been identified, part of that mystery is cleared up. But not all of it. While we can reasonably presume that Lori didn't tell anyone what happened to the kids because what happened to the kids was illegal and would have landed her in jail, we are now left with a slightly different mystery: why and how she thought she would get away with her crime. As one mystery has receded, another has come into view.

But perhaps we have the tools we need to unravel this new mystery. If you watch Melanie Gibb's long interview, Nate Eaton asks her for her thoughts on why Chad would be willing to risk creating such a bad impression by marrying Lori just days after Tammy's sudden death. Melanie's answer is interesting. She says that Chad believed we were approaching the end of times and, therefore, that earthquakes and many other forms of massive disruption would so capture the world's attention that Chad's and Lori's little lives would go unnoticed.

One of the most infuriating things about this case was the sense that the key players kept acting like they could get away with everything. Chad and Lori both appeared to believe that they could simply not account for two missing children in any way. There were times, I think, when many of us wanted to jump inside our TV screens, shake them, and scream "WHAT ARE YOU THINKING?!"

Well, we may now have an answer. Chad and Lori said nothing because they were waiting for the apocalypse. They continued to think they could get away with not providing a convincing cover story for the disappearance of two children because they believed the end of the world would make their (and all) domestic dramas irrelevant.

One of the questions I have had about Chad from day one is whether or not he was a true believer. When I read his blog posts and comments he's made in interviews, I always get the impression that he is a master manipulator. He uses language in a way that simultaneously advances self-serving narratives and denies that he's doing anything other than describing the world as he sees it. He has, as I've written before, a "tell." While conveying the most fantastical things, he invariably professes bewilderment at other things that really aren't all that improbable.

So while Chad's writing would suggest he's the most cynical of manipulators, we now have some evidence that he believed his own lies. We have somehow reached a point where sincere belief in earthquakes, zombies, and a summer apocalypse is the most plausible answer to the question of why Chad believed he could get away with a series of brazen crimes that included burying his former adulterous lover's dead children in his own back yard.

What a case . . .

Honestly, I don't think anyone "cracked" and spilled the beans. Why would they do that now? Why not when they were being questioned? I truly believe that a month ago the neighbor called LEO about the bonfires. LEO obtained aerial footage and compared/contrasted before & after pics (google maps for example or maybe even their own phots from early on). Got a search warrant (as they have been waiting for snow/covid)based upon changes in soil to bring in cadaver dogs and ground penetrating radar. Why would CD tell anyone the exact place he buried these children? Who would want to hear that from him? Everyone was dug so deep in "the children are fine because he is a nice guy so there neener neener" that he could not save face with anyone doing that after lying and betraying them to begin with.
LEO went straight to 2 spots on this property and laid out 2 blue tarps. They then proceeded to rake the whole area where I assume CD wanted to put the motor/mobilehome. We saw that live from copter footage.
We have the technology to do this, it is 2020 and cases can be solved through scientific forensic methods and not just gossip through the ward or community.
The main reason I suspect it was a person who came forward is because of the need for a sealed affidavit/warrant. I do think you are right they can def see topographical changes and satilie imagery is amazing but I think also a person came forward. It could be both jmo
Thank you so much! Thanks for ALL of the well wishes! I’m ok and this will pass eventually. Getting a little better every day and that’s the most important thing. All of you stay safe!

Still so glad I found this site though. I have Websleuths to keep me company, stimulating conversations to participate in and watch, and a heck of a lot of timeline and media notes to keep me occupied. And I’ve realized I’m not the only crime buff obsessed with this case lol! Thank you for your kindness.

Take care of YOU !!!!

(Yes, WS is a great place to be, especially while recovering and can't do much of anything else.)***
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