Searching for Anna

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I cannot see a way to reply to the overall thread, and cannot find a more current thread but I wanted to add something to this young girls disappearance.

I'll keep it brief for now: I was 5 and had a similar experience not far from there in 1972. Two people (a man and a woman), tried to lure me into a car (in late 1972 for me). I'm not sure if this will be seen, but if her family is still looking for her, it is possible that these same people went up the coast a bit and took Anna. I am not sure why I even thought of this again but in the past I've looked for ways to reach out and share the story, but know it's not all that helpful too. I can only describe them a bit as I was 5. I hope they find her.
Welcome to WS, @Dcliff! Stranger things have happened- perhaps the situation is related. If you have a nagging feeling about it, I’d call it in. With hypnosis, you might remember more than you know. Worst case scenario, the tip won’t help and that’s the end of it. Either way, I’m glad your instincts steered you away from that car. If they were right when you were 5, perhaps they are correct now.
I cannot see a way to reply to the overall thread, and cannot find a more current thread but I wanted to add something to this young girls disappearance.

I'll keep it brief for now: I was 5 and had a similar experience not far from there in 1972. Two people (a man and a woman), tried to lure me into a car (in late 1972 for me). I'm not sure if this will be seen, but if her family is still looking for her, it is possible that these same people went up the coast a bit and took Anna. I am not sure why I even thought of this again but in the past I've looked for ways to reach out and share the story, but know it's not all that helpful too. I can only describe them a bit as I was 5. I hope they find her.

@Dr. Doogie , do you have suggestions for @Dcliff?

Contact information for the appropriate LEO?

Thanks for all your work for Anna & her family, Dr. Doogie!

Edited spelling :eek:
@Dr. Doogie , do you have suggestions for @Dcliff?

Contact information for the appropriate LEO?

Thanks for all your work for Anna & her family, Dr. Doogie!

Edited spelling :eek:

Thank you so much! My daughter posted my entire story to a FB group as I like to remain anonymous (on there in particular) so didn’t want all my friends and colleagues to know my story. I can send the entire story over to all of you - if you can figure out a good place to assure it makes it to where it needs to be. Thank you again for checking into this. I’m back to work for about an hour but then will check back in.
Welcome to WS, @Dcliff! Stranger things have happened- perhaps the situation is related. If you have a nagging feeling about it, I’d call it in. With hypnosis, you might remember more than you know. Worst case scenario, the tip won’t help and that’s the end of it. Either way, I’m glad your instincts steered you away from that car. If they were right when you were 5, perhaps they are correct now.

I’m not sure who to call. Calls feel urgent and I’ve not found her but my situation was only 50 miles south on highway 1 a month or two prior to her abduction, with the man and the woman. I feel if I call they will wonder what help it would be all these years later. Mostly just want them to keep looking as the events are too similar, and I don’t want them to think it was her dad. If I can find a number of someone I’ll call though. I just hope it doesn’t make matters worse by bringing it up for anyone. Thank you so much for replying by the way:).
Dr. Doogie has shouldered the burden of the case, and will know which LE office is best for your contact.

BTW, the child's mother does read & post here!
I’m not sure who to call. Calls feel urgent and I’ve not found her but my situation was only 50 miles south on highway 1 a month or two prior to her abduction, with the man and the woman. I feel if I call they will wonder what help it would be all these years later. Mostly just want them to keep looking as the events are too similar, and I don’t want them to think it was her dad. If I can find a number of someone I’ll call though. I just hope it doesn’t make matters worse by bringing it up for anyone. Thank you so much for replying by the way:).
I think @Laughing & @Dr. Doogie are working on contact info for you. One thing about WS, we’re a pretty helpful crew. Just check back & I’m sure someone will find the LE contact for this case. ;)
Thanks, Cubby! Should thought of that.

Was that a Blonde Moment or a Senior Moment? I can't remember....
Dr. Doogie has shouldered the burden of the case, and will know which LE office is best for your contact.

BTW, the child's mother does read & post here!

ok then I am going to log on with my computer and share the whole story now. I live in Montana now but have gone back to this old house I speak of in the story. I still have family in the Santa Cruz area. I’ll be back and share it. I’ll then have faith if she is meant to read it she will. If it will help her.
Hope you will put this where they can see it since I'm new here. Thank you:-)

Re: Anna Christian Waters

In late 1972, off highway 9 in Felton California, (about 50 miles south of Half Moon Bay), I had a man and a woman try to lure me into their car. I was 5 years old. I would wait by this highway in the redwoods alone, until the bus came to take me to Kindergarten. I cannot know if they had spotted me there before, and planned this, or if they just happened to see me that day.

This is long but it’s due to me typing exactly what is in my memory as a 5-year old, in addition to adding some adult thoughts.

What I recall: A car pulled up across the two-lane highway, and the man, who was driving (and closest to me), asked if I wanted a ride to school. I remember saying “no thank you I’m waiting for the school bus.” There was not much traffic on this road usually (from my perspective when waiting for the bus), so this may be why I remember being so uncomfortable initially at them stopping and talking to me. I was also a very shy child). They told me I had missed my bus. I recall being very startled/afraid since I’d be in big trouble if I missed the bus.

A lady with dark longer hair said to come along and they would get me to school. I don’t recall if I said anything back as she continued to be persistent, but one of my most vivid memories of that morning was when the lady leaned into the man, he looked toward her - and they began talking to each other. I couldn’t hear them, but my instinct was kicking in that it wasn’t a good thing. They weren’t leaving.

They tried to coax me again. I remember the lady said, “Come on hon.” I recall the man seeming mad that I wasn’t coming across the road to get in the car (my perspective). I don’t remember all of their words. Then the driver side door clicked (as if it was opening up). It’s very quiet in the redwoods unless a dog is barking or a car drives by. I recall the sound.

I don’t know if anyone said anything more before I turned and ran home. The door made the opening sound and my next memory was running. I remember feeling as if my stomach had dropped out of me, and feeling that way on the entire run back to my house – which seemed quite far away from my bus stop (up a hill a good ways and then down another road to the left). For a 5-year old it was too far. It was the 70’s though. I remember running as if someone was chasing me. I believe that was just because I was afraid, since I’d not turned to run away until I heard that click and thought he had gotten all the way out to come and get me. I feel queasy in my stomach at the memory of that long run.

This was never reported (that I’m aware of). I got home and my mom was mad that I’d missed my bus. She told me there was still time and to get back down there and to do so promptly (not put so nicely). I was crying and saying what happened but don’t remember much after that.

They were maybe a bit older than my parents, so perhaps in their late 20’s or 30’s. Again, I was 5 so I’m trying to compare with my younger parents back then. The man may have had glasses on. The woman’s hair seemed kind of oily/disheveled maybe, but I cannot be 100% certain since I was so young. Just how I have always interpreted her. I remember her better for some reason, but with the man he sits on the edge of my memory. I will say darker hair too though since that’s how I’ve always envisioned him.

I guess I’ll share how I’ve held the color of the car in my memory, but for some reason it’s not seared into my mind like some of the other parts of this. I want to say it was a blue car but that’s just what comes to mind as I’m typing, so the color I’m describing isn’t a visual memory. The next memory is certain. It was not a brand new car, but a bit older. It was square shaped. Or rectangle, not rounded. Just one of the older cars from back then, but a little older because it seemed kind of faded. It’s difficult to explain. Not faded but not as bright as a newer car. I can draw the shape. I just can’t describe it too well. I want to say it was a 4 door. The 4-door comment comes to me while writing this down. Meaning, if I think about it, it’s also on the edge of my memory. I knew this detail once but can’t retrieve it at the moment. I remember looking at where they were motioning me to get in but can’t get past that at the moment to see the doors. I know to not try to fill in gaps or unclear things since it can mess up true memories, so don’t want to try too hard. I just wish to add as much as I can, even if it’s just a gut feeling of a memory I once held clearly. I think the car memory is important though so I’ll pray on that – that it comes back as clear as a bell spontaneously.

I cannot know the month. I remember part of what I was wearing (due to running), but just can’t say what the temperatures were even. It was usually chilly in the mornings so I’m sure I had my sweater on.

In retrospect: Where they stopped their car was on a blind turn, and there was only a tiny pull out, so they should not have stopped there. This is a thin highway – not a regular highway. I fully believe that had I not turned and ran they would have come to take me as there is zero reason for a stranger to be so determined on getting a child in a car. Why was that man getting out?

I also think they were watching for a while, or had studied the area because where I waited for the bus was a single abandoned house, right up against the highway. Unless someone had watched for a while they would not have known that house was abandoned. Maybe the abandoned house was evident but it took me awhile as a 5-year old to discover that. I suppose it could have been evident to an adult though. It was a spooky looking house with broken windows.

In the end, I’m reporting this because I hope people keep looking for Anna. I believe these people did not stop with me. They were after a child, at minimum. I’m a female by the way, so perhaps it was specifically a little girl they were after.

I pray this does not hurt the family should they see it. It is my intention to provide hope. Hope that she might still be out there. If this same man and woman took her it is very bad but they may not have killed her. At 5, we do have solid memories. If she is out there she may just need some help to trigger them, and to know she is still loved and still missed.

I’m glad I joined this forum. Thank you all for caring and for finding a way to help me share this.

One last thing: I just now one more thing came to me, but it is not important. It only goes to show that in the retelling these events it can help to pull up old memories. I think I was carrying a lunch pail while running. It’s funny because I can’t see it in my mind, but can sense it with hearing and the sensation of it clunking and how that felt while running. It’s a little disconcerting to have had that pop up since it made me feel fearful even in my own home for a moment, but I hope something like that happens with a crystal clear view of that car. It was right in front of me the whole time, and I know parts about it in order to describe it, but the rest sits just out of reach presently. Hopefully by telling this story that will change.
Thank you so much! My daughter posted my entire story to a FB group as I like to remain anonymous (on there in particular) so didn’t want all my friends and colleagues to know my story. I can send the entire story over to all of you - if you can figure out a good place to assure it makes it to where it needs to be. Thank you again for checking into this. I’m back to work for about an hour but then will check back in.

‘Hi Dcliff,
Thank you for coming forward and sorry about your scary experience. The more people post the better for you to talk about and for Anna.
Thank You DCliff for taking the time and making the effort to share your story.

It certainly could be related.

And I am so sorry that your mother reacted the way that she did. That broke my heart. You ran home for comfort and protection and got yelled at and told to go back to the danger? Sorry.

I hope that was just a bad day and your Mom was kinder than that, usually.
I have always looked to see if another abduction was carried out as an adult when this would pop into my mind, so finding Anna’s story all these years later has been a bit surreal.

2-5 year olds who are both white living 50 miles apart had experiences with a man and a woman trying to lure them into a vehicle. All within a couple of months of each other. I sense a connection but that’s because I have always known they weren’t going to stop with me.

I said the fall of 1972 but it could have been winter for all I know. I was born in April so would have been 5 1/2 with this scenario. Regardless, it’s sad no one reported my incident. Or if they did, I’m not aware of it and/or the police did nothing. It was the 70’s, so I don’t think anyone took such things as seriously back then.
Ok I can’t draw this car any better today than I did 20 years ago. I looked up old cars and within minutes found a couple that look similar. The 1962 Impala. From a front/side view ....since some of the images of this year make and model look too long in the back. But from the front/side view it’s very close to the car that day.

I also feel the 61 Pontiac tempest is close (never even heard of this make until now). The 4 door 62 impala (front/side angle view) is the closest though. It’s a dead ringer but only if looking from the angle I speak of.

I’ll continue looking later today. It may have been a different one entirely but hope that gives you a sense of the general shape.

edit - scratch the Pontiac. Its too rounded. Their car was more squared off. It was just the view I saw of the one I found online that reminded me of their car, that looked to have more pointed features (Squared off and not rounded). Sorry for the wordy posts. I would like to nail this car down.
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I have always looked to see if another abduction was carried out as an adult when this would pop into my mind, so finding Anna’s story all these years later has been a bit surreal.

2-5 year olds who are both white living 50 miles apart had experiences with a man and a woman trying to lure them into a vehicle. All within a couple of months of each other. I sense a connection but that’s because I have always known they weren’t going to stop with me.

I said the fall of 1972 but it could have been winter for all I know. I was born in April so would have been 5 1/2 with this scenario. Regardless, it’s sad no one reported my incident. Or if they did, I’m not aware of it and/or the police did nothing. It was the 70’s, so I don’t think anyone took such things as seriously back then.
I hope you do report your story to LE. As far as the car, and the look of the driver, I wouldn’t worry too much about bits you don’t remember. LE has trained people who can expertly pull those things from the brain using a variety of methods. You might know more than you know.

I can relate to always looking to see if another abduction was carried out. I had a similar experience and do the same darn thing. These predators never stop with one victim & I have no idea how many failed attempts lead to each crime. Or lead to the first success, after which they are pros. These days there are so many TV shows, movies, internet sites, video games, etc., it’s practically a how-to guidebook for these creeps. But back in the 70’s there might have been more trial & error. A learning curve so to speak. Jmo
I hope you do report your story to LE. As far as the car, and the look of the driver, I wouldn’t worry too much about bits you don’t remember. LE has trained people who can expertly pull those things from the brain using a variety of methods. You might know more than you know.

I can relate to always looking to see if another abduction was carried out. I had a similar experience and do the same darn thing. These predators never stop with one victim & I have no idea how many failed attempts lead to each crime. Or lead to the first success, after which they are pros. These days there are so many TV shows, movies, internet sites, video games, etc., it’s practically a how-to guidebook for these creeps. But back in the 70’s there might have been more trial & error. A learning curve so to speak. Jmo

I”m in Montana but will see if I can find a number to the LE person who would listen. I know these people would be in their 70’s now.

I cannot believe there are video games that aid in this undertaking. There are so many materials that fuel this sort of thing in the world that I am dumbfounded as to why society permits it.

Did you ever find out if another was abducted in your experience? I had looked years ago when this memory emerged, and found nothing. It took some digging the other day to discover Anna. I’m not even sure why I was so persistent and didn’t give up again when I found no children had disappeared between 1970-75 of a similar age in Cali, Oregon, Washington. Cali doesn’t list these children under any cold case database. So if googling keywords, only media saturated cases come up (Steven Stayner, etc).

It took scrolling through the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. She was on my 5th page I believe. I am confident I tried this years ago too but this time, for whatever reason, I found someone whose timeline and age was similar enough. The National Center is the best thing out there to keep people looking; assure the person won’t be forgotten imo.
I hope you do report your story to LE. As far as the car, and the look of the driver, I wouldn’t worry too much about bits you don’t remember. LE has trained people who can expertly pull those things from the brain using a variety of methods. You might know more than you know.

I can relate to always looking to see if another abduction was carried out. I had a similar experience and do the same darn thing. These predators never stop with one victim & I have no idea how many failed attempts lead to each crime. Or lead to the first success, after which they are pros. These days there are so many TV shows, movies, internet sites, video games, etc., it’s practically a how-to guidebook for these creeps. But back in the 70’s there might have been more trial & error. A learning curve so to speak. Jmo

I”m in Montana but will see if I can find a number to the LE person who would listen. I know these people would be in their 70’s now.

I cannot believe there are video games that aid in this undertaking. There are so many materials that fuel this sort of thing in the world that I am dumbfounded as to why society permits it.

Did you ever find out if another was abducted in your experience? I had looked years ago when this memory emerged, and found nothing. It took some digging the other day to discover Anna. I’m not even sure why I was so persistent and didn’t give up again when I found no children had disappeared between 1970-75 of a similar age in Cali, Oregon, Washington. Cali doesn’t list these children under any cold case database. So if googling keywords, only media saturated cases come up (Steven Stayner, etc).

It took scrolling through the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. She was on my 5th page I believe. I am confident I tried this years ago too but this time, for whatever reason, I found someone whose timeline and age was similar enough. The National Center is the best thing out there to keep people looking; assure the person won’t be forgotten imo.
Disclaimer: I have not read the threads. I have only read the Charley Project Page to get a quick summary of the case. I noted this: "Anna's mother and stepfather believe she is still alive and may not know she is a missing child."

Has Anna's mom submitted DNA to the all the major commercial genealogical DNA websites? (Ancestry DNA, 23 & Me, Heritage DNA, Family Tree DNA, Etc)
I would start by doing that to look for any DNA relative matches. Then upload the zipfiles from the tests to GED Match as well (GED Match is another place to find genetic matches and is used by LE-- be sure to "opt in" to allow LE to compare your DNA profile to Doe cases).

Anna may not know she is a missing child but if she is alive she may have been told she was adopted. Or even if she was not told she was adopted, she could have had children and grandchildren of her own by now. Chances are that someone closely related to her may eventually be curious about their origins and upload their DNA to one of the commercial DNA websites. Anna's children or grandchildren would show up as close relatives of her mom.

If she is alive I’m confident she will remember. Trauma memories may get tucked away brilliantly by the mind but they pop up once and awhile. And when they do, they are set to the side for a very long time (an unconscious process).

I was told long ago that some trauma won’t emerge and stay in consciousness long enough to recognize it until people get older. They won’t connect with it. It’s almost on a shelf. It’s a good survival mechanism but also a flawed one. Flawed because it stays hidden just long enough to let the trauma eat up ones life. Healing sooner is better.

So for severe trauma, in ones late 40’s-50’s they will begin to finally remember (or rather process the memory ...bring it to the priorities list so to speak, since the memory is always there...just in the shadows). Why the victim does not reach out even then, is the question. Stockholm would be one reason.

This is why it’s critical to saturate media with missing children, and to make it super easy for them to reach out should a mere moment of courage creep in. I have experienced what it’s like to just give up when things seem to hard, since one can’t sit in that state of trauma consciousness for too long. It’s simply not how we are designed.

We only need to look at Shawn Hornbeck, Elizabeth Smart, and Jaycee Dugard for evidence of how easy it is to make someone else succumb to a new identity. Especially if they are very young, due to the developmental stages around identity formation. Two are fused in cases like this, and only one can exist. Which one has that person become more familiar with? Make them remember who they really are before they were imprinted with the stamp of the predator. Ideally, in later life this begins to happen.

In Anna’s case, should she be alive, her core self was established. She will remember safety and love. She would just need to dare to let herself feel those things again. Not just appearing to feel them....but really to “feel” them at the deepest level, and then to do what is necessary to see it through.

It would be nice to see some advertising on Stockholm and how to overcome it. For those who are living it. They watch tv and may be able to use the internet so why aren’t instructions/education for them embedded in messages they may be able to see? Maybe one day.

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