Found Deceased WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #46

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I do have one explanation for the shoulder blade bruises, based on classes in self-defense. It is not uncommon for a man to throw his arms around a woman (as if in a big hug, but with her arms pinned to her side), and then hold them as tightly as possible, in order to move them to a place where the assailant is more confident in what he's about to do next.

His right hand would have therefore been on her left shoulder blade, and it's likely his left hand would have been lower, on her right side rib cage, which we can't see.

Here's a review of self-defense techniques that shows a frontal hug/control position:

To me it looks like the way her bone structure is in her back and the shading

ETA: When I went through my ordeal there is no way in he!! I would have let my bruises be exposed. Out of fear of someone seeing them and asking about them and just plain out of humiliation.
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Right, it's a door opener. I'm curious about something and maybe you can offer some input.

Let's assume there's enough evidence to upgrade Brain to a suspect, but they're not ready to make an announcement. If Brian is found deceased, how do things proceed?
SOURCE: close family friend is a survivor of a similar crime where the suspect ended up deceased. This is just what I know from that experience.
Here is what I know about when definitive suspects are found deceased:
  • The investigation will likely be completed as thoroughly as it possibly can, including autopsies of both the victim and the suspect. LE will try to piece together the timeline as best as they can to get a gauge on what happened from both witnesses and evidence.
  • There could be a lawsuit against the suspect's estate - usually this is wrongful death - and the victim(s)' families would collect monetary compensation as justice for the crime
  • Usually posthumous charges are not something that is done, but there is usually a legal process with some sort of settlement.
Thank you so much.

I agree there are bruises in both places. The ones on her shoulder are not as concerning (she is engaging in a sport that definitely produces bruises - although those are finger sized).

It's the one on the side of her neck that's really concerning. I just don't see how one could get a finger shaped bruise right there through any sport or simply bumping into something.

Great sleuthing, Shelbycat. I assume FBI are aware, but one wonders...

I have the video downloaded and zoomed in.
On the upper shoulder blades seems to be dirt, also on the knee. The color of the neck in area in question seems to match the same other dirt areas I mentioned. This is just my observation obviously. Considering the activity being done seems to be dirt to me on the neck also.
Still a good observation and hopefully like you mentioned the FBI is aware.
I have been in similar situations where former clients were in trouble in states where I don't practice in areas where I don't practice and I was happy to take a call or two to literally tell attorneys from that state's AG's office that my client is working on getting local counsel, and as soon as they have counsel they will come in to discuss the issue but since I am not admitted to practice law in that state we really do not think it is appropriate to discuss anything substantive to avoid wasting everyone's time. Every single time that happened the State AG or the local DA attorneys completely understood even if they stressed that this was time sensitive and they were really interested in speaking to my client soon.

No prosecutor is going to "force" you to accept inappropriate representation. They understand the rules around unauthorized versus competent counsel.
This is exactly how it works for you, me, and every attorney I have ever worked with. This guy.
Could Brian Laundrie have escaped on Cruise Ship? Ex-FBI speculates

According to this source, former FBI agent John MacVeigh has now come forward to share his theory: Brian Laundrie could have escaped via a cruise ship or plane. MacVeigh suspected that Laundrie could have gone international.

In talks with ABC affiliate WPBF, the retired FBI agent said: “I assume those agents have been around everywhere, looking from the house to that park, to see was there any video, did they stop to get gas?

“Since the warrant’s been issued, then the FBI can issue a red notice, which goes to Interpol and it’s sent out to all the countries.”

But that's just some guy speculating. That doesn't say there's any truth to it, just that it's something they could do.
The USA has all sorts of diplomatic and financial ties with Tuvalu, maybe Palau too, I'm not going to look it up. No little countries dependent on foreign aid will thumb their nose at a benefactor. Just because they aren't part of interpol, I'm pretty sure the USGOV could call them for help if need be. U.S. Relations With Tuvalu - United States Department of State
Besides that, do you really think the Laundries thought yo Google "country not part of Interpol". Really? I don't. Moo
I am not a handwriting specialist, but the cards imo, seem to all be in the same type of "speak" and the signed "Gabby" appears to be the same in each one as does the handwriting. In this particular SUN article it states "sleuthers say"..... What sleuthers? Where are they reading or getting their info from? Is it what people are saying on Websleuths? Facebook? TikTok? Reddit Twitter? The fact that some cards do not have postage could just be that they were placed in a package with things that were found on trails that the nephews might like. Also, the article says she was a better artist than this....I have young nephews and when I write to them, I do not go all Michelangelo when drawing a pic for them. I understand this could be a clue as to what he was doing after GP's death. But I am just not seeing that is the case with these post cards. But, of course I could be wrong.

Brian Laundrie 'wrote postcards pretending to be Gabby Petito after she died'
I have to admit, I posted the link first, then read the article. Upon reading, I’ve got the same reaction and questions that you do.
I am not a handwriting specialist, but the cards imo, seem to all be in the same type of "speak" and the signed "Gabby" appears to be the same in each one as does the handwriting. In this particular SUN article it states "sleuthers say"..... What sleuthers? Where are they reading or getting their info from? Is it what people are saying on Websleuths? Facebook? TikTok? Reddit Twitter? The fact that some cards do not have postage could just be that they were placed in a package with things that were found on trails that the nephews might like. Also, the article says she was a better artist than this....I have young nephews and when I write to them, I do not go all Michelangelo when drawing a pic for them. I understand this could be a clue as to what he was doing after GP's death. But I am just not seeing that is the case with these post cards. But, of course I could be wrong.

Brian Laundrie 'wrote postcards pretending to be Gabby Petito after she died'
They kind of dismiss that BL was a talented artist too. Not endorsing his subject matter at all, just that he was good at drawing things, especially cartoons. Those postcard pics seem unlikely to have been drawn by BL, JMO
If they try to use anxiety as a defense in this case, that will be a travesty. Anxiety issues are so common and easily controlled with medication. Plus most people with anxiety are not abusive partners or killers!!! No jury is going to buy that as a defense.
Agreed. I notice that every few years the key words get switched out then overused. This case, 2 words are OCD and Anxiety being thrown around so easily. When I was young someone had a "nervous breakdown".
I know. I'm not saying she didn't. As I posted upthread, I think when she was interviewed on GMA she meant she hadn't seen him since the 6th of September, not that she hadn't seen him since he was back in Florida. The interview wasn't until the 18th.
ok - imo she comes across as a bit jumpy and self conscious in the interview, i think she jumps in and answers the questions before they're completed and it all adds to the confusion!
Thank you so much.

I agree there are bruises in both places. The ones on her shoulder are not as concerning (she is engaging in a sport that definitely produces bruises - although those are finger sized).

It's the one on the side of her neck that's really concerning. I just don't see how one could get a finger shaped bruise right there through any sport or simply bumping into something.

Great sleuthing, Shelbycat. I assume FBI are aware, but one wonders...

Well, we already know that he has grabbed her by the face and squeezed it "to calm her down," (riiiiight), so it's not a stretch to consider whether using force in her head/neck was done more than once.

Question: So you didn't know that he camQuestion: So you didn't know that he came back without the...?

Cassie Laundrie: I assumed he flew back, because that's what he did when he is - actually I don't want to say that.back

BBM - Was Cassie going to say “I assumed he flew back, because that’s what he did when he is having an episode”

Rose also mentioned Gabby telling her about Brian’s “episodes”. I’d definitely like to know what exactly “episodes” mean. Going into rages? Psychotic breaks?

Do we know if Brian was ever treated for those "episodes?"

Has anyone in his family or inner circle ever mention he was diagnosed with some sort of disorder?
"Cassie Laundrie: I assumed he flew back, because that's what he did when he IS"

1) having one of his anxiety breakdowns
2) needing to be around Mommy
3) tired of staying in a tent

I think she was going to say "out of control."

Pretty much #2 on the list - but add Daddy, who obviously would have to intervene if BL was okay with grabbing and striking women when he was "frustrated."
More from Laundrie attorney Mr. Bertolino:
“Cassie saw her brother Brian on September 01 when he stopped by her home and again on September 6 at Fort De Soto Park. Law enforcement agencies are well aware of these dates…


…Any prior communication by Cassie that does not reflect these dates is simply a difference of relating an answer to a question misinterpreted by Cassie or poorly posed by the inquirer.”

Apparently, the Laundrie attorney doesn't have very much going on with his regular practice if he's spending all his time texting back and forth with reporters. How does the billing work for that anyway? o_O
His behavior regarding the keys/controlling the vehicle is one more way of trivializing and disempowering her. Who is he to decide what is best for her, forcing it on her, taking her belongings to tell her that her emotions are wrong, she's crazy, she's out of control, she needs him to get her in control of herself.

People: that is emotional abuse. A person may come to you weak or strong, but if you belittle, diminish, gaslight, control their physical movement, threaten to leave them alone and unsafe, imperial their safety, or undermine their mental state, you are abusing that person.

BBM. Well said. Thanks for the reminder. I think Gabby was fed-up with the emotional abuse and wanted out. Trying to get out of an abusive relationship is said to be the most dangerous time.

NCADV | National Coalition Against Domestic Violence
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