Found Deceased IL - Jelani 'JJ' Day, 25, ISU grad student, missed class, Bloomington, 23 Aug 2021 #2

Did someone mention upthread, that Jelani may not have realized the TB test took more than a day to complete? So Jelani gets to the medical center that morning and realizes it is impossible for him to take the test and get results by clinicals that day? That would totally make me feel defeated before I even began as a student.

The second stage of diagnosis must take place between 48-72 hours after the tuberculin injection.
At this appointment, the doctor will check to see what has happened to the wheal on the skin. If a person does not attend this appointment, they will have to start the process over again.
Apologize in advance, I might be echoing someone else's thought but the search button didn't help me.
IMHO I feel Jelani's experience as a grad student was much different than he expected.

I can only speak from my own experience, but grad students generally:
- Do not party, or have much of a social life at all. Most are paying their own way through school, and do not take chances like skipping class because they were hungover.
- Do not travel extensively on school breaks. They sleep. They have no energy to do anything else. Sleep to recuperate from classes before break and more sleep to prepare for the hell to come when school starts again. (Again, if you are paying for your own tuition you are usually too poor to pay for a vacation anyway.)

I know we had some grad student suicides at my school, and I think they were mostly students from foreign countries in a highly competitive course track. I think grad school is much lonelier than some young people expect. Feeling estranged from friends and family and struggling with your course load can be very stressful and isolating.
Did someone mention upthread, that Jelani may not have realized the TB test took more than a day to complete? So Jelani gets to the medical center that morning and realizes it is impossible for him to take the test and get results by clinicals that day? That would totally make me feel defeated before I even began as a student.

The second stage of diagnosis must take place between 48-72 hours after the tuberculin injection.
At this appointment, the doctor will check to see what has happened to the wheal on the skin. If a person does not attend this appointment, they will have to start the process over again.
Apologize in advance, I might be echoing someone else's thought but the search button didn't help me.

I'm not recalling said post but IMO, I can't imagine this would be JD's first TB test if he'd ever worked or volunteered in a lab or clinical setting before. A grad student with patient clinic hours would have to know this!

I can only speak for my own experience where parents here know that volunteering at school requires the scratch test (TB test).

I have minors in and out of our home that know they need a $10 "Food Worker's Permit" within 14 days of taking a shift at the movie house! Students talk... MOO
I don't think the TB test screens for MJ.

We know that JD was scheduled to see a patient in clinic the day he disappeared. In my state, a TB test is required by law for healthcare and daycare -- including volunteers. It's likely that JD had a TB test when he was an undergrad in AL but it was probably expired since he'd graduated four or five years earlier. I'm recalling JD enjoyed international vacations before applying for grad school and that alone could prompt the need for a TB test.

ETA: Also recall that JD previously worked at a counseling/rehab center which might put him at high risk for exposure-- per IL DOH.

I agree the TB test wouldn't screen for MJ specifically but I was thinking somehow an indication that MJ was in his system. Like sometimes a medical test is for something else but shows the presence of cancer. IMO Jelani may not have wanted his family to know he was taking MJ. Just a thought. MOO.
IMHO I feel Jelani's experience as a grad student was much different than he expected.

I can only speak from my own experience, but grad students generally:
- Do not party, or have much of a social life at all. Most are paying their own way through school, and do not take chances like skipping class because they were hungover.
- Do not travel extensively on school breaks. They sleep. They have no energy to do anything else. Sleep to recuperate from classes before break and more sleep to prepare for the hell to come when school starts again. (Again, if you are paying for your own tuition you are usually too poor to pay for a vacation anyway.)

I know we had some grad student suicides at my school, and I think they were mostly students from foreign countries in a highly competitive course track. I think grad school is much lonelier than some young people expect. Feeling estranged from friends and family and struggling with your course load can be very stressful and isolating.
International students have the added burden of higher tuition and fees so it has to be even more stressful than local students.


Sorry, @5W's, the linked facts don't support your recollection above.

As @NoSpoonFeeding previously provided, JD was not wearing the shorts as seen in surveillance at the dispensary when presented for autopsy but wearing his underwear, tank T-shirt, and black sweatshirt (and presumably when his body recovered per the 7 pg autopsy report cited in MSM).

I'm really not familiar with any credible news citing JD's shorts, as seen in the dispensary surveillance, were confirmed recovered whereas we do know that JD's concert T-shirt was located by searchers.

Found Deceased - IL - Jelani 'JJ' Day, 25, ISU grad student, missed class, Bloomington, 23 Aug 2021 #2

The thing is, I don't think there's any such thing as a tank top T-shirt. It has to be one or the other. A tank top has no sleeves and a scoop neck; a T-shirt got its name because when laid flat the sleeves created an outline like the letter 'T'. The T-shirt JL wore in the cannabis store is a classic T-shirt with sleeves, nothing tank about it. Even if you google 'tank top t-shirt', images of sleeveless tank tops show up. So without seeing any images of the clothing JL was wearing when his body was discovered, I'd say he wasn't wearing the t-shirt seen in the dispensary. It would be nice for clarification from the CO's office regarding the term tank top T-shirt. Could it be a colloquial term?
I'm confused about the TB test. Following this link it looks like TB testing is only required for international students. I'm also not clear what the source for the missed TB test is. The professor? Maybe a video and comment by CBD?

Maybe it wasn't the TB test he was worried about. Do we know if he provided Covid 19 vaccination status?
I agree the TB test wouldn't screen for MJ specifically but I was thinking somehow an indication that MJ was in his system. Like sometimes a medical test is for something else but shows the presence of cancer. IMO Jelani may not have wanted his family to know he was taking MJ. Just a thought. MOO.

They inject something into your skin, not remove blood.
The thing is, I don't think there's any such thing as a tank top T-shirt. It has to be one or the other. A tank top has no sleeves and a scoop neck; a T-shirt got its name because when laid flat the sleeves created an outline like the letter 'T'. The T-shirt JL wore in the cannabis store is a classic T-shirt with sleeves, nothing tank about it. Even if you google 'tank top t-shirt', images of sleeveless tank tops show up. So without seeing any images of the clothing JL was wearing when his body was discovered, I'd say he wasn't wearing the t-shirt seen in the dispensary. It would be nice for clarification from the CO's office regarding the term tank top T-shirt. Could it be a colloquial term?
Good observation.
They inject something into your skin, not remove blood.
Some scraping which I believe is part of a TB test (can indicate cancer). Then again I know nothing about TB tests. But I enjoy learning so if I can learn something new that's great. I thought for a TB test the injection is first then the scrape? Or am I completely off. I will have to look. I was assuming if he missed his test why he may have done so. Although scraping wouldn't tell if someone took MJ. But how do they test for what was injected wouldn't it be through blood work. That's where my assumption lies. However if blood work is not tested then I'm totally off in my assumption.
Some scraping which I believe is part of a TB test (can indicate cancer). Then again I know nothing about TB tests. But I enjoy learning so if I can learn something new that's great. I thought for a TB test the injection is first then the scrape? Or am I completely off. I will have to look. I was assuming if he missed his test why he may have done so. Although scraping wouldn't tell if someone took MJ. But how do they test for what was injected wouldn't it be through blood work. That's where my assumption lies. However if blood work is not tested then I'm totally off in my assumption.
They inject a tiny bit of tuberculin under the skin, you come back and they look to see how much it is swollen by measuring.
Testing for TB Infection | Testing & Diagnosis | TB | CDC
Cannabis tests require some body fluid; blood, urine, or saliva. Or hair.
No one can drug test you without your consent unless you are arrested or under a court order like probation.
And if an adult consents to drug testing for work or whatever, they cannot go tell your mama if it comes back positive.
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Some scraping which I believe is part of a TB test (can indicate cancer). Then again I know nothing about TB tests. But I enjoy learning so if I can learn something new that's great. I thought for a TB test the injection is first then the scrape? Or am I completely off. I will have to look. I was assuming if he missed his test why he may have done so. Although scraping wouldn't tell if someone took MJ. But how do they test for what was injected wouldn't it be through blood work. That's where my assumption lies. However if blood work is not tested then I'm totally off in my assumption.
Legalized Marijuana in Illinois: 5 Things Employers Need to Know
Illinois law says employers cannot discriminate against an employee for marijuana use outside the workplace. The state added weed to protected substances such as alcohol and nicotine.
The thing is, I don't think there's any such thing as a tank top T-shirt. It has to be one or the other. A tank top has no sleeves and a scoop neck; a T-shirt got its name because when laid flat the sleeves created an outline like the letter 'T'. The T-shirt JL wore in the cannabis store is a classic T-shirt with sleeves, nothing tank about it. Even if you google 'tank top t-shirt', images of sleeveless tank tops show up. So without seeing any images of the clothing JL was wearing when his body was discovered, I'd say he wasn't wearing the t-shirt seen in the dispensary. It would be nice for clarification from the CO's office regarding the term tank top T-shirt. Could it be a colloquial term?

OK, we know that JD wasn't wearing the T-Shirt he was seen wearing in the surveillance video because that T-Shirt was recovered earlier and identified by CBD. According to CBD, "bored white girls" found the Jimi Hendrix T-Shirt.

The autopsy report citing JD was wearing a tank top T-shirt and underwear, with a black sweatshirt tied around his waist at the time of his autopsy and presumably when he was discovered, was drafted by forensic pathology Scott Denton, one of select few in the United States.

Reportedly, there are only 360 Board Certified Forensic Pathologists in the United States, 11 in Illinois. Given that where I come from, we call these underwear tank tops "vests," I say we give the doctor a break!

The autopsy report was obtained by MSM pursuant to the FOIA so a copy must be circulating-- probably with photos of the clothing.

Jelani Day autopsy report found 'no evidence' of assault on 'severely decomposed' body
They inject a tiny bit of tuberculin under the skin, you come back and they look to see if it is swollen.
Cannabis tests requires some body fluid; blood, urine, or saliva. Or hair.
No one can drug test you without your consent unless you are arrested or under a court order like probation.
And if an adult consents to drug testing for work or whatever, they cannot tell your mama if it comes back positive.
End point is TB test is nothing like a blood test. Got it. Of course that's obvious that a privacy breach is unethical so of course none of his family would know unless he told his family. If for example a medical test that he may have had to take for this semester would be able to detect MJ maybe he wouldn't want to take it because he would feel he has to tell his family because otherwise he would feel guilty. Just speculating as to if it was an intentional miss of the TB test or any other medical tests he may need as to why missed. Somewhere uphread someone posted I believe that his mother said that Jelani missed his TB test. If that is so then I was speculating as to why. Otherwise perhaps for all we know he may have been getting an exemption from the class (like not attend it that day if it is a 24 hour to 72 hour wait for results) which required the TB test so that he could do the TB test the next day or the day after. At this point it looks like since it was the beginning of the second week of this semester the school may have some leniency. I don't know why the school wouldn't require it in the first week of the semester if the result can take up to 72 hours. Who knows maybe Jelani was rushed for time so he couldn't do it earlier. So as result he was going to do it that day but found the health clinic wasn't open when got there and decided to go do what he was going to do that day including the dispensary but something happened after he left the dispensary that changed the course of his life forever and is the big question.
That's why I said at the beginning of all of these posts that the school doesn't care but his family may not be thrilled about it. That's the difference between family and officially.
I’ve read several interviews with his mom but maybe I haven’t read everything so I have to ask, is there any evidence that she is against marijuana usage or is it only an assumption?

Jelani Day toxicology results released

Caffeine and evidence of nicotine and cannabis use were found during toxicology testing in the investigation of Jelani Day’s death.
In response to the release of Day's toxicology results, the family's attorney, Hallie Bezner, said, "The toxicology report was exactly what we expected it to be and unfortunately provides no answers as to what happened to Jelani."
OK, we know that JD wasn't wearing the T-Shirt he was seen wearing in the surveillance video because that T-Shirt was recovered earlier and identified by CBD. According to CBD, "bored white girls" found the Jimi Hendrix T-Shirt.

The autopsy report citing JD was wearing a tank top T-shirt and underwear, with a black sweatshirt tied around his waist at the time of his autopsy and presumably when he was discovered, was drafted by forensic pathology Scott Denton, one of select few in the United States.

Reportedly, there are only 360 Board Certified Forensic Pathologists in the United States, 11 in Illinois. Given that where I come from, we call these underwear tank tops "vests," I say we give the doctor a break!

The autopsy report was obtained by MSM pursuant to the FOIA so a copy must be circulating-- probably with photos of the clothing.

Jelani Day autopsy report found 'no evidence' of assault on 'severely decomposed' body

Vest, huh? That's what we called them in England, too. I'm not casting aspersions on the doctor. It's just that when we're going through the reports terminology can be a bit perplexing so you're looking for confirmation.
I’ve read several interviews with his mom but maybe I haven’t read everything so I have to ask, is there any evidence that she is against marijuana usage or is it only an assumption?

Jelani Day toxicology results released

Caffeine and evidence of nicotine and cannabis use were found during toxicology testing in the investigation of Jelani Day’s death.
In response to the release of Day's toxicology results, the family's attorney, Hallie Bezner, said, "The toxicology report was exactly what we expected it to be and unfortunately provides no answers as to what happened to Jelani."

I think she would be worried that evidence of cannabis use would somehow diminish JL in the eyes of the public or give LE a preconceived notion as to the character of her son and make them less likely to pursue an investigation. LE will follow the evidence regardless of the tox report but just reading those three comments below the article in the Pantagraph, shows there are some people who would write him off for that fact alone.
I’ve read several interviews with his mom but maybe I haven’t read everything so I have to ask, is there any evidence that she is against marijuana usage or is it only an assumption?

Jelani Day toxicology results released

Caffeine and evidence of nicotine and cannabis use were found during toxicology testing in the investigation of Jelani Day’s death.
In response to the release of Day's toxicology results, the family's attorney, Hallie Bezner, said, "The toxicology report was exactly what we expected it to be and unfortunately provides no answers as to what happened to Jelani."
It seems that they are a religious family and are focused on acheivement so I believe the assumption has been that they want the kids to follow a Christian lifestyle. There has been talk on the threads about Jelani that his family doesn't want to have him appear anything other than a proper young man. Although if taken in context I can see how the lawyer Hallie Bezner would say that about the toxicology report. Specifically about no new answers I think the lawyer was referring to nothing new has come up in regards to what actually happened to him. All MOO.
The TB test is described as a skin scratch test so I don't know which of the two types they do and don't think it's of any importance. Often paranoid people think any kind of a medical test, even if very noninvasive, is an attempt to collect "information" or something worse. Look how many people that don't have straight-up paranoia, think that we have miniaturized electronics that can be injected with a needle. This is a long-existing idea, not just recent or political, that conspiracy theorists entertain themselves with. Please don't respond with anything political or anything to do with vaccines. We are staying away from that.
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