ID - 4 Univ of Idaho Students Murdered - Bryan Kohberger Arrested - Moscow # 51

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Interesting thought piece on FBI plane tracking and how they use their equipment to gather evidence.

Yah, some are called "dirtbox" planes. They replace local cell towers and collect information. <modsnip - off topic>
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Oh for the love of Mike, the FBI did not tell ISP or County PD to stop him just to get a look at his hands.

Perp was speeding and following too close. End of story.

There was NO interstate BOLO and only a handful of LE knew who he was and that he was being tracked.
Yes. It seemed too risky to tell *anyone* anything until they had him in custody.
I posted a timeline a way back pointing to my theory that they had him by the end of week 1. Probably even earlier. Day 2.

Every single piece of inaccurate reporting has had pushback. The one that continues to stand the test of time is that the FBI followed him across the country. Even former FBI Director Andrew McCabe (likely has no inside info) agreed that it was plausible and described the methods that the agents would have used.

If we are to take the FBI were following him reports at face value. And it’s true that his dad arrived sometime around the 13th (on a plane and don’t have the reporting handy) and they are placed in Idaho on the morning of the 16th getting the car serviced. We have to assume they were on the road by the 14th if not the 13th.

So someone, anyone, who’s not buying into this ‘LE knew and was playing mind games’, please please explain the “22,000 Hyundai’s” statement released to the press at the same time they sunk time, resources, money into having the FBI tailing their white Hyundai across the country.

There’s only one conclusion to draw from this. And it wasn’t “they weren’t sure”. They were waiting for familial DNA to come back. And even though they were likely 99.99999999% convinced by all of the other evidence they have (I’d wager that they have license plate video, as clear as day, and had it by day 2). They needed to be prepared to address and ammend their theory in the 0.00000001%* chance the dna wasn’t his.

* I’m making these numbers up if that’s not enough obvious lol
Could you repost your timeline if it’s not too much trouble (can copy paste?)
If it’s a pain, I’ll go back and find it a few threads back. I thought i took screenshots but it seems i did not ‍
Does the Gag order just stay until/unless someone doesn't want it..or does the new judge also make a decision? I'm not sure I worded myself correctly, but I'm just curious how the Gag order goes. I'm guessing it's all encompassing but I really have no clue. Not a lawyer, clearly.
This is the last line of the order:

IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that this order, and all provisions thereof, shall remain in full force and effect throughout these proceedings, until such time as a verdict has been returned, unless modified by this court.

Nondissemination Order
Accused killer Bryan Kohberger’s defense team has hired a veteran Washington state crime scene reconstruction expert.

Forensic expert Matthew Noedel, owner and operator of Noedel Scientific, and his team spent five hours inside the home on 1122 King Street, Moscow, where four University of Idaho students were brutally stabbed on Nov. 13.

Text Book that Mathew Noedel contributed to …..

View attachment 392690

Apologies if already posted I can’t keep up ….
I don’t know why but this gives me anxiety. IMO BK may be thrilled by the game of now showing he is smart enough to get away with murder. Makes me think of OJ Simpson case. The trial may be the stage he has wanted all along …… with book to follow. Ugh
Info about the Latah jail where BK is now housed.

What is a pull up bar and a dip bar?
I recall her giving this interview or answering a similar question on one of the TV channels just after he'd been arrested. I thought she was quite defensive in her tone.
Makes sense considering his favorite quote to entertain thoughts but not act on them or whatever it was. Guess he couldn’t hold to that
Could you repost your timeline if it’s not too much trouble (can copy paste?)
If it’s a pain, I’ll go back and find it a few threads back. I thought i took screenshots but it seems i did not ‍
I’m on a flight right now posting from my phone. But when I break out the laptop or land I can!
So, if, and only if this was a planned pull over. Imo it seems more like the officer was fishing for info as to a destination. Could LE possibly been following him wonder where he was headed once he crossed state lines and just wanted an answer as to his destination? Not so much "hand photos". The tailing of the van took a backseat to the where and why of the destination.
I think most alleged murderers or convicted murderers look pretty normal- people have commented on his eyes, but if you did not know he was being accused of murder, I don't think his eyes would be considered "dead" or "weird". He looks normal to me: I really hate the thought he could be the monster that committed this horrible crime. It really shakes your faith (if we have any faith left) in humanity, when someone like this young man could have committed such a horrendous crime. I think a jury will initially have to get past how normal he looks, and his impressive educational background. He will be dressed in a suit- for all intents and purposes looking like co-counsel! His attorneys are going to play up all of his great qualities while victim-shaming the decedents-- you know how it goes- they are going to make those young women (especially the women), look like all they did was party- had all kinds of people in the house- blah blah blah. Get ready.
Yes I get that. Problem I have with the defense is that there is NO defense, regardless of what any victim did. This is about the monster before the jury. I hope he pleads guilty.
Agreed wholeheartedly. What is even the source for this from the Fox News story? Anonymous sources?
Probably the same anonymous sources Ashley Banfield is using. I just watched Bobby Chachon ret FBI on fox live talking about the stops, he felt they did do it on the behest of FBI. Also surprisingly had issue with the family moving the Elantra across the country. All MOO as no link as of yet. <modsnip - off topic>
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Yes I get that. Problem I have with the defense is that there is NO defense, regardless of what any victim did. This is about the monster before the jury. I hope he pleads guilty.

I understand that but you know these days, especially in high profile cases like this, for the defense it is no hold-barred. They will do anything which includes defiling and disgracing the victims- dragging them thru the mud. Sometimes that kind of "defense" works, most times not.

Fox News now reporting that the ISP traffic stops were directed by the FBI, in order to get pictures of BK's hands.

I am off to find the link.

FoxNews Reporter Michael Ruiz:

And another link:

If that's the case, then one LEO failed miserably. He mostly shot footage of the dirty car handle...
The push by some to include BK's parents in this and saying they just had to know are for the same reasons everyone was concocting these elaborate conspiracies to begin with blaming JD and/or "Adam", drug cartels and God knows who else. It's the same reason why - regardless of your personal thoughts - that the JFK assassination must be this elaborate conspiracy - because one angry man with a weapon just couldn't have possibly done all this.

It paints life in such a fragile light - that literally four happy, healthy and vibrant young adults could be brutally murdered in their own home by a seeming stranger. Some people's minds cannot reconcile that life can end that easily, quickly and randomly. There just has to be more to it - because that explanation would be easier to think that multiple entities conspired to kill these four and get away with it vs. a psychopath who became obsessed with murder did it all himself.

I get the fragility this paints human life and humanity in but the truth sadly is - there are evil and/or mentally disturbed people in this world who are capable of planning and executing something like this much easier than any of us would want to believe.

MOO of course.

unfortunately it's not just some of the public, or some SM sleuths.
Many media been setting the tone - platform for millions.

here's Fox, yesterday on BK's dad. Interviewee can't even get basic facts right

BTW - am not making this a Fox thing. They're all doing it.
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What is a pull up bar and a dip bar?
Hard metal bar that's bolted to the wall so inmates can exercise by doing pull ups - hang from the bar with your arms and pull yourself up or dips - start holding your body weight with your arms and chest above the bar and 'dip' down then push yourself back up. Pull ups are also called "chin ups" because you hang from the bar by your arms then pull yourself up until your chin clears the bar, then go back down and repeat 5, 10, etc. times for a set.

Pull ups and dips work the opposite sides of your arm muscles so many people do them in tandem.
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