GUILTY CA - Tori Vienneau, 22, & Dean Springstube, 10 mos, murdered, Bonita, 26 July 2006 #2

This is terrible! Horrible...I am just sick with shock at this case!
I too am confused by all the different last names...why did her son have a completely different name than her or the 2 possible fathers? Was she involved with more than 2 men at the time? Police looking into that? Has DNA testing been done to determine the bio-father of the precious baby?

Very confusing.
I pray LE breaks this case.
For those of you who are new to this case, here is a snipet from Steve Huff's site where he summarizes the case:

"On the night of July 26, 2006, someone brutally attacked Tori Vienneau inside her own apartment, in San Diego, California. Tori was beaten and strangled.

Tori was dressed up to go out that night. She was supposed to have a talk with her son's father. The topic: child support.

Though Dean had the last name of Tori's most steady man, Neal Springstube, the meeting that night wasn't with Neal. It was with Dean's biological father, Dennis Potts. Potts and Tori had known each other for years, Dennis had been kind of a "fall-back guy" for her. An ill-advised "fall-back" moment in 2005 had brought about Dean's conception.

Dennis tried to deny his paternity. He may have even tried to fake the results of a DNA test he'd agreed to take. Recently, though, it seemed like he was stepping up, taking responsibility. He'd already visited the apartment to get acquainted with Dean on other occasions.

Dennis Potts's biological son also died from asphyxiation that night.

Little Dean was found hanging from a noose in his crib."

So, there you have it. Tori and Dennis fathered a child together, beautiful little Dean. Dennis wasn't very interested in trading his lifestyle of the club scene in for a lifestyle of parenthood. Tori and Dean were not dating at the time of the murders. The identity of Dennis Potts became known to the public a few months after the murders....perhaps in December of 2006??? I remember that his name was publically discussed a short time before the DNA results returned. I am fairly confident the DNA results that proved DP was Dean's biological father became public close to Christmas of 2006. I remember thinking it was a great Christmas present to have some solid evidence in this case. It would be an even greater Christmas present to see true justice in this case. I do believe there is at least one detective who is actively working on this case. LE hasn't forgotten either. Time moves terribly slow sometimes.
I think the whole thing with Dennis Potts was that he didn't want his parents to find out about Dean. His parents are wealthy and are friends with many well to do people including people in high places. I believe he thought they would cut him off he...God forbid he father a child outside of marriage. What would their friends in high places think if word got out!! As Dayna has stated, the Potts parents still do not recognize baby Dean as their grandchild even though they are aware of the DNA results. I can't even imagine behaving that way. Dennis Pott's parents have lied about where he was the night that Tori and Dean were murdered...they told two different storys by way of protecting their killer son. They should be ashamed to even hold their heads up in society. Not because of baby Dean but because of their own behavior. It is just hard for me to believe that anyone worries that much about what others think of them. The truth is out though. I wonder what their high class friends think now?

I wish that we knew what DNA was found but LE is keeping mum about that. I do agree that there is at least one detective that is trying his best to get justice for Tori and Dean. I would think that getting justice for Tori and Dean would be a high priority for every dective in that department. I can't imagine walking into that apartment and seeing Tori and then finding that little baby hanging in his crib. I'm sure it had to have a great affect on anyone there that had children. It is unbelievable that ANYONE could do such a thing to a little baby much less his own baby. You look at the pictures of baby Dean and see that twinkle in his eyes and that grin on his little face and it makes you wonder what kind of an animal Dennis Potts is.

I believe that this case will go to trial. I just hope that it is sooner rather than later. Potts should be locked up like the animal that he is for the rest of his worthless life. Those old cons will love seeing a young guy coming in and I'm sure they will get to know him real well if you know what I mean. Prisoners hate baby killers and so it is hopful that Potts won't last to long.
Well, it is Christmas Eve, and we are in our second Christmas since Tori and Dean were murdered. Bobbie, you did a nice job of summarizing the political issues around why this case hasn't been solved, IMHO. There are many, many people out here who are dedicated to seeing justice served, no matter how long it takes. Sometimes, it really does take a long time. Sometimes, we get lucky - remember that Chester Styles from the Las Vegas case were he was found on a VCR tape molesting a toddler is behind bars; and Amanda Regan Smith, the mother who murdered her little boy, Devon, in Greenville, SC is behind bars. And don't forget the two that murdered little Riley Ann Sawyers - Kim Trenor and Royce Zeigler - they are behind bars also. Stay strong, Dayna and everyone else. There is always tomorrow and I truly believe justice will be served in Tori and Dean's case. Merry Christmas everyone. When I hear the Christmas carol, Hark the Herald Angels sing, I always imagine Tori, Dean, Devon, Riley, and SO many others that I have grown to love and care about from forums like WS, and Steve's site as being strong, clear voices in that Heavenly choir. Peace to everyone. :blowkiss:
Thanks Reanann for posting the summary for newcomers.

Christmas Eve, thinking of Dayna and all involved.
I don't understand why something isn't happening in this case. LE either has evidence or they don't. If they sent that rope to a lab there had to have been skin cells on it. Every program that I have watched where a rope was involved they found skin cells...not CSI but the real storys like Forensic Evidence on CTV. If the DNA on the rope matches Dennis Potts DNA then they have him. He isn't smart enough not to have left something behind. Are they waiting for Dennis Potts to admit that he murdered Tori and Dean? It will never happen. His parents aren't going to buckle and say that they lied and that he wasn't home watching TV with them like a good little mama's boy.

While Roy and Dayna try to make it through each day this murderer goes about his life like nothing ever happened. So do his parents. It is just so frustrating. One day I would like to come on here and read that the creep has been arrested. Is it ever going to happen?
From your lips to Gods ears Bobbie, wouldn't that be something to post!?

However since I can't say that our prayers have been answered on that front, I can say that many prayers we never said were answered in so many ways it would be hard not to feel blessed by the outpouring of support, care, love, from everyone here at Websleuths. How does a mother thank complete strangers for their continued fight for justice for 2 beautiful angels watching over all of us?
Your voices have been an awesome gift for the past 17 months, and we feel incredibly blessed that you all still care.
May the new year bring peace, joy, and happiness to all who come here hoping to hear the same words we all are waiting for....The Arrests have been made! It is coming, we can feel it, and we know above all else it will happen in God's time, not ours.

Until than we want to wish you all A Happy New Year,
and thank you for being some of the most beautiful voices for Tori and Dean.
With gratitude,
I have received word via e-mail from a reliable source that Dennis Potts has been arrested. Still trying to verify.

I have received word via e-mail from a reliable source that Dennis Potts has been arrested. Still trying to verify.


Thanks for the heads up Steve. i hope it's true and i hope he's going to get what's coming to him!

it's certainly about bloody time! :furious: :furious: :furious:
I have received word via e-mail from a reliable source that Dennis Potts has been arrested. Still trying to verify.


For Tori and Dean or for something unrelated?

Please be for Tori and Dean!!! Justice is LONG past due!
For Tori and Dean or for something unrelated?

Please be for Tori and Dean!!! Justice is LONG past due!

Oh how I pray he has been arrested, that animal needs to be taken off the streets. RIP Tori and Dean, you mattered!
"Breaking News: Dennis Potts Arrested in San Diego."

I've spoken with Dayna. Her voice was quavering with emotion. She's meeting with authorities later today, so yes, I do believe Dennis was arrested in connection with murders of Tori & Dean.


Thanks Steve! I've been googling since I read your post but haven't located anything yet! Thanks for the link!

My prayers go out to Dayna today just as much as before! May you finally get some semblance of peace!
"Breaking News: Dennis Potts Arrested in San Diego."

I've spoken with Dayna. Her voice was quavering with emotion. She's meeting with authorities later today, so yes, I do believe Dennis was arrested in connection with murders of Tori & Dean.


Thank you for the wonderful update Steve. Dayna I am so glad you will start to get some justice for your babies, it is long overdue.
"Breaking News: Dennis Potts Arrested in San Diego."

I've spoken with Dayna. Her voice was quavering with emotion. She's meeting with authorities later today, so yes, I do believe Dennis was arrested in connection with murders of Tori & Dean.


Okay, I'm glad to read that (bolded). I just read this at your blog Steve, and posted there that I was too scared to believe it could be true... Oh dear God please let it be true! Finally some kind of justice for Tori and Dean!
I'm thrilled to hear of this news! I haven't followed the case too closely (it's difficult to handle), but I've been hoping/praying Tori and Dean get justice.

I also want to thank all of you who had the strength and determination to not let this go. You are all so amazing...God bless every one of you!:clap:
Hats off to LE who never let this case fade into history. Great job!!! :clap: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:
Oh praise God that we have finally got this loser in jail. Dayna stay strong we are nearing the end of the road and you are about to get the justice Tori and Dean deserve. Hugs and peace to you Dayna, strength for the coming trial.
A coddled little golden boy like Potts will suffer a lot in lock-up. Especially if it becomes known that he's accused of killing a young woman and her infant son.

It is confirmed that Dennis Potts HAS been arrested. I spoke with Tori's dad. YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! May he rot in hell. That is after BUBBA has his way with him!!!!:behindbar

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