GUILTY CA - Tori Vienneau, 22, & Dean Springstube, 10 mos, murdered, Bonita, 26 July 2006 #2

Well, from the MySpace profile I found for "Max Corn from Bonita", it looks like he was a good ol' country boy who liked to hunt. All of his pictures are of dead animals. I somehow don't think Max is going to fare too well in 'da big house either.
The best news I've heard ever!! Dennis and his sicko friend arrested!!! For those of you that wonder who Max is.... He is Dennis' best friend from way back. Max is Dennis' puppet. Max was on Dennis' myspace dressed in a klu klux klan outfit, go figure. He was arrested concurrent to Dennis' arrest. Maxs' myspace shows him and a friend holding an animals heart up to their mouths, like they were gonna bite it. What a sick mother! Dennis and Max have gone on many hunting trips annd enjoyed cutting the heads off of animal and watching them run around in circles. So there is a shared sense of pleasure in watching people & things suffer. I hope they rot in hell. But, after the inmates torture them!!!!!!!!
:woohoo: :woohoo:
I am really not at all surprised about Dennis, but I must admit I didn't expect a second person to be arrested at the same time. Excellent job to LE; especially Detective Rooney. :clap: :clap:
Some extra info about Max Corn...

Tori had asked Dennis to take a DNA test to prove his paternity of Dean. It came back negative, and Tori felt sure Dennis had faked the test.

Long story short, court papers indicate Dennis did fake the sample he sent. The DNA Dennis supposedly sent to Gene Tree DNA testing service was actually Max Corn's.

My dearest Steve,:blowkiss:
Thank-you for all of your help.

I asked on another thread if there is a video link to your show since I do not have cable. Is there anything online?

Thank-you so much.

So much Love and Respect for you,
Let's hope we get news like this about other cases one day. The name Raven Abaroa comes to mind.

Thank God arrests have finally been made. My thoughts are with all of you. I don't know how you've held up so long but justice is finally coming.
I wish I could buy Detective Kevin Rooney a drink! He has stuck with this case and has been determined to see justice from day one. Good job!:clap: :clap: :clap:
I am really not at all surprised about Dennis, but I must admit I didn't expect a second person to be arrested at the same time. Excellent job to LE; especially Detective Rooney. :clap: :clap:
Yes Reann, especially to Det. Rooney.

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Thanks Tom's Girl! I have sent a Thank You already, and it is ENORMOUSLY heart-felt! It is a day of miracles. Dennis Potts is arrested, and we have snow in Augusta, Georgia!!! My kids are on a two-hour delay for school tomorrow!!! I am just giddy about DP being arrested!!! :woohoo: :woohoo:
This is absolutely the BEST news I have heard in a long time. Finally !!!:woohoo: :woohoo:
I'm in shock and in tears too. We have waited a long time to read those words! I'm having a hard time grasping the fact that this is really real and Potts is finally in jail along with his good buddy. Potts and there is a pair.

How I would love to hear the noise in the Pott's home tonight. I wonder if they are hiding out or denying it all to their high society friends. I can just hear them.."it's all a big mistake."

I would love to hear how this all came down...why it took so long...what evidence LE has...the look on Pott's face when they arrested him, etc, etc.

I bet that Dayna and Roy will sleep tonight just knowing that the arrest has taken place...that part is behind them now. Next comes justice for Tori and Dean and I know that Potts will be convicted along with his stupid buddy. That is one trial that I would love to attend. I would love to hear the jury say GUILTY and see the look on Pott's face.

What a wonderful evening. I honestly couldn't believe my eyes when I started reading. I still can't believe it. Prayers do get answered...just not always as fast as we would like them to. Thank you Lord for answering this prayer.
It's finally starting to sink in a little that he's really locked up now... let's hope it stays that way until his dying day!

I cannot put into words how grateful I am for everybody's work that helped in getting Dennis and his buddy arrested. The people that never gave up, including the ones in LE. And Dayna of course... We read on here so much about moms who couldn't care less about their babies, but you fought all the way through for justice for your precious daughter and precious grandson! You did a great job, Dayna, and I'm wishing you a lot of strength for the coming time. Even though he's in, it isn't 'over' all the way yet... continued prayers for you and Roy... and thank God for answered prayers!
Big hugs (((((Dayna and Roy))))))) as well as to ((((((((Tori and Dean)))))))
"Breaking News: Dennis Potts Arrested in San Diego."

I've spoken with Dayna. Her voice was quavering with emotion. She's meeting with authorities later today, so yes, I do believe Dennis was arrested in connection with murders of Tori & Dean.


Oh, thank you God. Hopefully now, justice will be served for Tori and Dean. My prayers are still with their family and friends.
JanetElaine-Thanks for the link to the charge on the warrant info. For some reason my computer would not open that link yesterday.

Question: Wasn't Max Corn the guy we saw on DP's myspace page with the real dark hair? Kind of a good looking pretty boy?

Steve- Thanks for the heads up and extra info. I too am surprised two arrests were made. Will be looking forward to more info and updates from you Steve.
I think Max may have been the guy in the KKK outfit. He still has a MySpace account, but I think it is very different from the original one. He has three friends, and all of the pictures are of dead animals he has killed. I am hesitant to post a link, but anyone can find "Max Corn From Bonita" on Myspace.

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