Geraldo At Large Live From Orlando Sat., 12/13/08

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Geraldo is definitely not impartial in this matter and his coverage is slanted for the defense. Aren't him and JB friends? This Geraldo's M.O., always on the wrong side of things!

I personally think that GR has just taken up with the underdog in this case because..well...someone has too, and no one else's marbles are missing enough but him.
Also, JB will need a job after this, and who better to have on his panel than the guy who thought it was his right to witness a crime scene investigation as a defense attorney?:confused:
freaking Lee ...Baden...whose wife is at the scene ...I mean I have never ever seen anything like this you guys!!!! wtf???? what do they want to see???

are they setting this up to claim planting of evidence or some other such nonsense.


I bet G and C and L feel important
Geraldo should have brought Kimberly Guilfoyle down there to keep this 'fair and balanced'.

Fox should replace Geraldo on Geraldo at Large with Kimberly!!!
I also feel this is going to be a promblem, not allowing the defense in to watch the autopsy. I have to agree with Michael Boden- this for sure is going to be brought up at the trial- not that she still cant be convicted but I think they should of been allowed, this way the defense cant creat any doubt of contamination, etc
freaking Lee ...Baden...whose wife is at the scene ...I mean I have never ever seen anything like this you guys!!!! wtf???? what do they want to see???

are they setting this up to claim planting of evidence or some other such nonsense.


I've never seen anything like it either. Its infuriating, actually....absolutely! LOL
They've got a lot of nerve. I was thinking the next thing out of their mouths any minute will be exactly that, someone plated evidence at the scene. I will not have a TV in the living room anymore if I hear that from JB!
I really, really, really need Geraldo to go on NG Monday night. Please, please, please let her go at him over this "stuff".
Baden - bag could have fingerprints inside. Edges can be matched to other bags. Duct tape could have fingerprints in spite of rain or water. Tape around skull doesn't make sense.
It must have made sense to someone, because there it was.
Of course the forscenic expert is Ms. B's husband..... SURPRISE, SURPRISE, SURPRISE!
I guess GR wants to make sure he gets invited back on JB's boat again!!

GR invited JB on his boat, is how it went down as I recall. GR is the rich one, JB is the one that takes broke clients.
This reeks, I have never seen anything like this. What on God's green earth is going on with this circling of the wagons by the defense team, is this typical?

This is a quick excerpt from Wendy Murphy's EXCELLENT book: "And Justice For Some"

"Prosecuters don't try to manipulate public opinion or even speak publicly about the truth because they don't want a judge to toss out their evidence or dismiss the charges, but the DEFENSE CAN SPEAK PUBLICLY--AND EVEN LIE-- because there's virtually nothing the judge can do to punish them or otherwise put a stop to the nonsense."

So they can wail and gnash their teeth, accuse everyone...cast aspersions....

Its a gamble...get out there and splatter Crapola far and wide...hope it lands on a potential juror...sickening...
If I remember was the Medical Ex....that said NO to the defense being there
man, this "Dream Team" really mean to tell me they are workin for free? If publicity is now a retainer fee...this is a sad day :confused:
Maybe it has to do with Dr (and I use the term lightly) Lee's flapping his gums about his inspection of the car. Usually when crime scene is processed, a perp hasn't even been arrested or hired counsel, so this can't happen that often where the defense is present, yet they still manage to pull off doing their job in the courtroom based on LE's findings. How can they cry foul for not being able to witness the investigation?

Excellent, excellent point!!
And I have a feeling the vault is going to be empty on this one (also). lol

haha yeah! remember during the early part of the Iraq war when GR drew the US Army's location in the sand on camera? some "reporter"
Geraldo should have brought Kimberly Guilfoyle down there to keep this 'fair and balanced'.

Excellent thought Diane, I saw her not long ago and sure missed her while she was gone. Wonder where she was?
Cindy to Casey: Are you blaming me because you're sitting in jail?

Parents offered to be fingerprinted. Why did the do that? Coming up next, after news break. :furious:
are they setting this up to claim planting of evidence or some other such nonsense.

I think that's exactly what they're going to do. I'd bet the farm that there's going to be fingerprints and/ or other evidence inside the trash bag that belongs to Casey. The defense can't explain that away, so the next best thing is to insinuate that the "evidence" was planted by LE.
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