Dreams/Visions? - #1

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Costal thanks for that link, I'm not able to understand this as much as others and would like to here others understanding so maybe we can move another step forward. When I saw the word combust I'm thinking, incenerator. I'v got a feeling it isn't related to fire. Help, for those who need to turtoring as I hate to always bother Tuba for an explanation in lay terms. As far as the close, they aren't going out close. This is a looke of a man who calls on clients for ex; A man carrying a clip board, knocking on your door to sell windows. Casual but professional to the trade he is in. Some I have listed are Pk employees not dressed in full uniform attire., sales rep for whatever trade he is in,. I didn't see this but he had a look of being a key holder , lots of keys on a ring. Yes he looked good but he also had the look of someone who wanted folks to see him more important than the actual job. Because the green color was so vivid, major point of reference, I'm thinking on a spiritual level "green is key" From the ground up in his matching olive clothes he looked like a tree. If I were to make a psychic guess ( and I never would) I would say this perp's job has him knowing the lay of the land. He appears to have (Ah Ha! moment just now) of an Eddie Bower Look but not polished like an ad model or a Cabella look. There was a collar. These shoes I saw are good for walking shoes to support someone on their feet all day.
Thank you, I think I 'get' him now! Sounds like a 'middle-man'.
I'v got to start using that spell check! Yep middleman!
This a.m. I was thinking about a moraine, as in a psychic perception?

I've been relegated to a DSi to post by my 11 year old who needs the regular computer. That's why I 'm so slow in posting.
I had three short dreams, not sure they even pertain or understand them. The first was of a Map not sure where this map is of but in Bright Yellow letters Was Franklin at the pinpoint. Then heard in mind go south down just a little ways. There is a cave we are staying in. I woke up and wrote it down then layed back down and went back to sleep. Then started dreaming and this woman was apologizing to this fella because she made him fill out this form. She said he seemed very impatient, rushed and ansy. I again woke up.. Then the next dream was a whole page of MISC toothbrush from the top of page to bottom. Have no idea what this means, if anything, or it could be bunch of things I heard in the last few days and in my unconscience mind was trying to figure out things. The MISC Toothbrush kind of reminded me of being in school and when you did something wrong you had to stay after and write it several pages.. Geesh, I am dating myself.
Along with the word moraine, I got Drummond or something and I thought that's Irish or Scottish and didn't make sense. So I researched moraines and there is such a thing as a Drumlin Moraine which is a ridged-type rock formation left by a glacier. Could the frozen matter I was thinking of have been a glacier?
Tuba was saying something about an isolated and lonely place.
I had three short dreams, not sure they even pertain or understand them. The first was of a Map not sure where this map is of but in Bright Yellow letters Was Franklin at the pinpoint. Then heard in mind go south down just a little ways. There is a cave we are staying in. I woke up and wrote it down then layed back down and went back to sleep. Then started dreaming and this woman was apologizing to this fella because she made him fill out this form. She said he seemed very impatient, rushed and ansy. I again woke up.. Then the next dream was a whole page of MISC toothbrush from the top of page to bottom
Seems like we are all "getting" words and images of the location and/or the perp prepping to go camping in a wilderness area?
You are right Cencentric, we're starting to see some common denominators in the dreams. When there are specific WORDS that show up in a dream, I tend to give them a bit more attention. It's sort of like the old saying "a picture is worth a thousand words" in that a specific word can provide quite a bit of information in a small bundle.

I just awoke from a dream about Lindsey that contained something like a "moraine" as it was an odd drop-off of soil at a small parking lot. It was as if the earth's crust had fractured all around the edges and this parking lot had sunk down anywhere from 2 to 4 feet. I could see the rough edges of the rock-encrusted soil - and made an effort to remember it. (I had not seen Concentric's post about the word moraine, and did not know what the word meant until now.)

My feeling is that this dream is about some of the events leading up
to her disappearance, at this point making a plan, she is a run-away -
not an abductee or victim.

It begins with L at a wholesome party at a friend's house.
Laughter, singing and testimonials like those of a church group.
She has a crush on an older boy, and says something to him
out loud which embarrasses her in front of everyone, esp. because
he has a girlfriend (who doesn't attend these functions).

Someone in the kitchen explains to L how to use stale bread to
make bread crumbs for bake-frying fish. She is instructed to
make sure the large salmon stays perfectly flat at all times,
as the crushing of the bones & cartilage will affect its flavor.
(My note: Is this really true about cooking salmon, I wonder?)
The salmon had been hand delivered to the house, in a brown
paper bag, and placed just inside the door before the party.

Dream word is JUICE.

Next is a new scene, different people around. She is looking out the
2nd story window of an apartment building or hotel, overlooking
a parking lot. She can see 2 sky blue shuttle vans below.
She is alone in the room, looking out this window to see if the
car she arrived in is still there - sees it, ok, some relief.

Next, she gets into one of the blue shuttle vans which will take
her into the neighboring mid-sized city/town. "Thanks for the
ride. I just moved here, so I don't know my way around yet."

As they go along the main road, she can look down on the city,
sees lots of buildings and houses. Prominent feature is a factory
on the north or east side with billows of steam coming out of
its chimney. City surrounded by forest of course, in a small

This is a place she has never been to before. Slightly
nervous, but does not feel terrified. She wants to be
the last passenger dropped off, so she can "get a feel
for the town".

The driver drops off the 2nd-to-the-last passenger,
makes a wrong turn and has to turn about in this sunken
parking lot mentioned above. Difficult, not enough
space around parked cars to turn around easily. (This
feels contrived, this driver knows the town well, how
could he make a wrong turn?)

Driver and other remaining passenger (male, dark hair,
20-something) begin to joke about the caved-in parking
lot. "What if we disappear into this hole and no one ever
finds us?"
she says half-jokingly. The driver explains
how this parking lot sinks every year after the winter

The conversation then revolves around "getting lost"
(driver and passenger are in cahoots?). As the van
heads back out of town along a road surrounded by forest,
the other passenger jokes that he is wearing enough after-
shave and deodorant, "we can get lost for a week", no

The words TWO to FOUR MILES.

Ok, that was the dream. Thanks to Karen, Tamgmit, and Concentric for sharing their dreams and giving me the courage to post mine. I've had a few short dreams about Lindsey prior to last night, have kept notes on those as well.

(in this dream, I am just an observer, I seem to be hovering above and to her right at all times)
Have any of you read the forensic astroslogist on the internet who describes Lindsey's disappearence from the moment she may have been lured? I'll try to locate her blog again. I found this account when I googled "Forensic astrologers Lindsey Baum" to see what others in the field were saying. It is an awful account of events Lindsey may have been a part of. I'm going to find the link unless someone else knows about it and has the reading ready to link.
Thanks everyone for posting your dreams. The words and images I receive at this time are not in sleeping dreams. They are in the form of being silently spoken to me and in a vision of sorts internally when I am thinking about Lindsey and asking where she is.

I had to look up the definition of moraine because I didn't know what it was--perhaps I knew vaguely that it was some kind of geological feature. And while researching moraines in Washington, the word Drumlin was in the text and I had to look that up as well.

All of our perceptions may integrate into a full picture, but perhaps not the way we would generally interpret them individually.

By the way, did you notice that TamgMit has a "cave" in the dream and Corallorac has a disappearing into a hole?
I had three short dreams, not sure they even pertain or understand them. The first was of a Map not sure where this map is of but in Bright Yellow letters Was Franklin at the pinpoint. Then heard in mind go south down just a little ways. There is a cave we are staying in. I woke up and wrote it down then layed back down and went back to sleep. Then started dreaming and this woman was apologizing to this fella because she made him fill out this form. She said he seemed very impatient, rushed and ansy. I again woke up.. Then the next dream was a whole page of MISC toothbrush from the top of page to bottom. Have no idea what this means, if anything, or it could be bunch of things I heard in the last few days and in my unconscience mind was trying to figure out things. The MISC Toothbrush kind of reminded me of being in school and when you did something wrong you had to stay after and write it several pages.. Geesh, I am dating myself.

Hi TamgMit ~ Well, Franklin is in WA, and the strange thing about it is that it is a ghost town. An abandoned mine and mining town. The wierd part about it is that if you look it up on Google maps and get the close up satellite image, there is actually some sort of structure down south (of the pinpoint on the map) just a little ways".

here's a description I picked up about Franklin (which really isn't that far from McCleary):

Franklin was a significant mining town in the 1800s, but no more. All that remains are foundations, a cemetery, some artifacts, and bits of coal everywhere. The primary mine opening is over 1000 feet deep, and it has a rebar covering to keep people from falling in. You can toss rocks in it and listen for a long time before you hear them hit the bottom. As the Washington coal mining industry declined in the 20th century, so did Franklin. It is a town of ghosts now.

Anyway, I just thought that was very, very interesting. Glad you shared ~
I would like to thank you all for the support and for telling your dreamsand visions also. That really takes a lot to open yourself up. I was kind of nervous telling my dreams out in public because seems like its kind of personal thing within your self.

I am kind of interested that a lot of you are dreaming sort of similar stuff. Had wondered if some of what I was dreaming was incorporated in some of what I might of read or heard. Have been trying to justify things. I am no psychic, but I do believe that dreams mean something whether it is the reality aspect or the subconscience mind trying to rationalize the input that is coming in and going out. I also believe in synchronicity and being drawn to different things. I believed that nothing is of coincidence and that there is usally explanation of why. Sometimes it just takes a while to figure it out and to understand it.
Hi TamgMit ~ Well, Franklin is in WA, and the strange thing about it is that it is a ghost town. An abandoned mine and mining town. The wierd part about it is that if you look it up on Google maps and get the close up satellite image, there is actually some sort of structure down south (of the pinpoint on the map) just a little ways".

here's a description I picked up about Franklin (which really isn't that far from McCleary):

Franklin was a significant mining town in the 1800s, but no more. All that remains are foundations, a cemetery, some artifacts, and bits of coal everywhere. The primary mine opening is over 1000 feet deep, and it has a rebar covering to keep people from falling in. You can toss rocks in it and listen for a long time before you hear them hit the bottom. As the Washington coal mining industry declined in the 20th century, so did Franklin. It is a town of ghosts now.

Anyway, I just thought that was very, very interesting. Glad you shared ~

Thank you Haddi. I was suprise to find there was both a Franklin and a Franklin County. The cave in the dream was on like a wall just a little bit taller then a person standing upright and could see the rocks on the side of it. I also tried googling caves in Washington. The one that looks the closest was the ice caves near Mt Rainer. Except those caves don't exist anymore cause they filled in full of ice. They are in a glacial field. Have also thought of the part of the fella registering for the park that was very upset. So wondered if they where in some sort of park. Was wondering if they wheren't prior in the ORV park. I know some probably think that isn't a probability but I do wonder. As for the toothbrush had wondered if one had been found or something or forgot to take it. But yet it reminded me being in school for a long time.. so wondering whether she might have been with a school friend..
I had three short dreams, not sure they even pertain or understand them. The first was of a Map not sure where this map is of but in Bright Yellow letters Was Franklin at the pinpoint. Then heard in mind go south down just a little ways. There is a cave we are staying in. I woke up and wrote it down then layed back down and went back to sleep. Then started dreaming and this woman was apologizing to this fella because she made him fill out this form. She said he seemed very impatient, rushed and ansy. I again woke up.. Then the next dream was a whole page of MISC toothbrush from the top of page to bottom
Seems like we are all "getting" words and images of the location and/or the perp prepping to go camping in a wilderness area?

actually getting more interesting with thoughts going through head of some parts of pieces of some the dreams/visions/whispers

Lajolla, ___ ton truck, frozen, food, moraine, Drummond, Juice, 2-4 miles, woods Country road, railroad bridge, blackwater, Shuttle bus, A person hearing a voice echoing like a distance, Beaver creek, Jewelry for cash. Park, a toothbrush, A parking lot. Older man in green likes his appearance. Physcially built. field, that looked v shaped with green grass trees at top of v and Netting. Stuffed Salmon, party with friends. Bus ride. Older bus driver with younger man.
This a.m. I was thinking about a moraine, as in a psychic perception?

I've been relegated to a DSi to post by my 11 year old who needs the regular computer. That's why I 'm so slow in posting.

Moiraine is also a woman's name. She is a character in a series of wonderful books by Robert Jordan, the first of which is The Wheel of Time.

I couldn't remember the name of the book ^, so I googled "Moraine", (What follows is convoluted, I know, and isn't technically a dream, but...)and saw a Moraine Lake in the Banff National Forest, in Alberta, Canada (Moraine Lake Improvement District No. 9, AB, Canada). There are others, but Alberta seemed closer to McCleary than the rest. So.

Google's map for Moraine Lake links to a "trails map", which shows a "Moraine Lake Lodge"; that link led to a series of photos taken along the "Moraine Lake Trailhead for the Larch Valley—Sentinel Pass and Eiffel Lake—Wenkchemna Pass trails", taken by a Jonathan Crowe:

...(mcwetboy.net hosts the non-personal projects of Jonathan Crowe, a blogger, editor and writer based in Shawville, Quebec, as well as a few by his friends...
Age: 37
Gender: Male
Industry: Communications or Media
Occupation: Blogger, editor, writer
Location: Shawville : Quebec : Canada

astronomy blogging cartography camping cooking cycling garter snakes herpetology hiking history journalism Macintosh maps music photography railroads reptiles science fiction snakes trains travel wildlife writing

...The McWetlog is the personal weblog of Jonathan Crowe. A writer, editor, snake breeder and smartass, he lives in Shawville, Quebec.
(coastal says)...he also contributes to a group blog called "Living with Ankylosing Spondylitis", which is a form of arthritis:

Clicking through his eight (beautiful!) photos, the second one is labeled "#4 Peak, Mounts Perren, Allen and Tuzo".

There's "Allen" again. A National Park. Ice(glaciers). Moraine Lake (water). Definitely echo-able, and probable cave country. Hmmm. The photographer is: a hiker who likes railroads, maps, telescopes, trains, camping (with his dad), writing, and wildlife. And, with his "new glasses", he looks looks a bit like WW:


Just saying.
I'm sure he has nothing to do with anything, and this was all just a lesson in why not to google until 3am with crossed eyes and high hopes...

...but it sure did seem like something wanted me to re-read this thread.
Lots of "looking up" around Lake Moraine (and Mount Allen), too, KK.
OT kind of: Moraine is my step grandsons (and his fathers) last name.
When I got the word "moraine" in my mind, I immediately looked it up to determine exactly what it is. A moraine could be some place very general, in other words: common in Washington. Or it could be some place specific. So, yes, I did look up moraines in WA and there is a Moraine Lake in Skagit Co., WA. It's in the mountains. Once again, it may not be that at all, but something very common.

Now this a.m. I get the word "building"--now that's very specific...not.
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